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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

Heya Alex! =)
Howdy Dann! I've been pulled from combat, but I'll put this time to good use. it's fun going through the lists of powers and seeing how many of them are borrowed from the supers we know and love. in Hero's Unlimited, there's Gambit's and Wolverine's powers literally next to each other. hah! but I'm not trying for an X man, so I'm just trying to decide if I want to take the healing others powers or the animal summoning and befriending powers. penny for your thoughts?
EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 Good times, Alex! =)

Disclaimer: Pardon me if I "sound" rough around the edges? The summer pressure changes in the weather have been rocking my head for weeks now and it's not letting up. As always, I mean no wrong. =)

Ultimately, I recommend meditating on it. Or at least thinking deeply about the kind of character you want to play. i feel roleplaying is the most personal of team-oriented hobbies and I like to give what I create a great deal of thought. Here's what I recommend keeping in mind:

1. Play what you want. This is what I think Psychie wants within reason. So ask yourself - what are you hot for right now? Heroic superheroes? Mysteriosu magic-users? Daring combat pilots? Whatever it is, nail that down first.

2. Know the system. I think the word "master" is in the term Game Master for excellent reason. As Players, we too have a responsibility not only to the GM but to each other. This doesn't mean you have to start memorizing entire books - but we are playing Rifts and being familiar with Rifts Ultimate Edition is necesssary.

Having a good handle on this very game we're playing is also, I feel, is also a necessity. The more of these things a Player knows, the more confident that Player will be.

Most importantly, work with the GM at all times and respect their world and their rules. Don't try and bend this and twist that in order to get your way - instead, ask what the GM is comfortable with. Psychie knows what she's doing and we're lucky to be here! I choose to respect that and her. =)

3. Make a character with a past, present, and future. It doesn't have to be deep, but I recommend it be there. Make more than a bunch of big numbers and tough powers. Anyone can munchkin. Only you can make your characters true.

So type out a couple of paragraphs on who they were before this moment, what their goals are (short-term and long-term), and before you write your first in-game post, you'll be a stronger Player for it! Good times! =)

Take Dreamy, for example. I know where she is from, where she'd like to go, and who she is now. She's taught me a lot since I created this version of her back in September of 2023. Knowing these things has deepened my fun. So yeah.

Write a solid background - even if no one else takes the time to read it (which I feel happens all too often), you'll know. And that's always a good thing in character-driven RP like ours.

That's probably enough thought for now. So, really Alex... who and what do you really want to play in Psychie's Rifts game? I'll help if I can. =)

Honor and fun,
Purr a.k.a. Dann =)
Howdy Dann! I've been pulled from combat, but I'll put this time to good use. it's fun going through the lists of powers and seeing how many of them are borrowed from the supers we know and love. in Hero's Unlimited, there's Gambit's and Wolverine's powers literally next to each other. hah! but I'm not trying for an X man, so I'm just trying to decide if I want to take the healing others powers or the animal summoning and befriending powers. penny for your thoughts?
Purr has it right when he says you should play what appeals to you. If you need help getting the mechanics of your character done, I can assist. I just need to know what you'd like to do and how much help you'd like to have me provide. I can make up a character for you, I just need to know what OCC and RCC you'd like to request and get it typed up all nice and neat for you. I have several books of the Heroes Unlimited series, so I can pull that in if that's what you want.
Quite fair, Psychie!

RP Nation thinks ol' GunMan2 was "Last seen Tuesday at 10:09 AM." I guess he's been busy!

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