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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

Forgive me, I am in an airport right now. Once I’m through security, I’ll put the last combat related skills in and a face claim. (I do nooot want to write a backstory on my phone)

Also, dragon vs werewolf? I don’t think either of our characters would want to fight, eon, your character seems like a rather cool dude! (But my money is on the dragon lol)

/silly on

No Chiang-ku vs. Werewolf?! Whew! I was about ta saaay!

lord have mercy GIF

/silly off
(bold mine)

For the record, I was praising (and trying to show relief) toward the idea that your characters were not going to fight. Ha ha! =)
Just a few quick rolls and then I am good to roll!

70 p.p.e.! Neato!

Cool! So a total SDC of 38

Oops, that big roll was meant to be for HP. So 73

And then, the moment of madness….. 6! So 711 MDC. Yowza! That plus my immunity… looks like someone is going to be front lining (or at least drawing fire.

Oh, Psychie Psychie , 2 things I want to run by you. Being a werewolf gives me immunity to all non-magical or silver damage. That’s kind of broken a little bit, at least while we’re in the coalition states. I could have that trait only activate when Thea is having a Wolf Moment, if it’s too unbalanced.

Secondly, this will be my first round of rifts combat! I’m not too sure how the turn order works, or is established, when we roll for initiative. Should we do that now, and then wait to post, or should the two of us in the thick of it leap into the fray! Thank you (:
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Just a few quick rolls and then I am good to roll!

70 p.p.e.! Neato!

Cool! So a total SDC of 38

Oops, that big roll was meant to be for HP. So 73

And then, the moment of madness….. 6! So 711 MDC. Yowza! That plus my immunity… looks like someone is going to be front lining (or at least drawing fire.

Oh, Psychie Psychie , 2 things I want to run by you. Being a werewolf gives me immunity to all non-magical or silver damage. That’s kind of broken a little bit, at least while we’re in the coalition states. I could have that trait only activate when Thea is having a Wolf Moment, if it’s too unbalanced.

Secondly, this will be my first round of rifts combat! I’m not too sure how the turn order works, or is established, when we roll for initiative. Should we do that now, and then wait to post, or should the two of us in the thick of it leap into the fray! Thank you (:
For the first issue, I like the idea of getting the immunities only when you are wolfed out.

Second, yes you will need a d20 for initiative soon. I'm just waiting on everyone to get a post in before calling for the initiative roll. You can add one on now if you wish.
Psychie Psychie Important Question, are we on or close to a Ley Line or a Ley Line Nexus?
Sure. You guys are on a Ley Line now.
So now I need to re-read the magic rules for being on a Ley line…the MDC on Xinyi’s ice wall may be bigger…

I also need to re-read about PPE Usage in a Ley Line….
I believe all you get is an extra 20 PPE per round to be able to tap into.
Psychie Psychie O.K., I think we're at the part where I start asking for details. =)

1. This is all taking place "very close" to the Mountaineer. What does that mean in meters, please?

The woman raises their hand and begins to whispers incantations to themself...their eyes glow blue and the air grows cold as a round ten foot tall and ten foot thick wall of ice forms around the two women with a notch where the concrete wall is (with a little space to move out of the circle)

2. Are the "Skellies" (Skelebots) armed only with their built-in weaponry or are they using extra hand-held weaponry too? (I feel the fewer surprises in this direction the better.)

3. What is the terrain, time of day, and weather like, please?

4. Dreamy is attempting to go all ninja here striking from cover and attacking from the outside of the circle going for their backs. She is trying for Criticals from Behind using her Ninjitsu archery.

Her Superhuman Strength spelling adds to the damage of her Blackwood Bow (+3D6 M.D; see Dreamy's Weapons & Gear tab for details?) unless you say otherwise. What is your call on that, please?

Eonivar Eonivar
5. I don't have my books in front of me. The Wall of Ice spell can be shaped into a giant roofless... "igloo?"
Psychie Psychie O.K., I think we're at the part where I start asking for details. =)

1. This is all taking place "very close" to the Mountaineer. What does that mean in meters, please?

2. Are the "Skellies" (Skelebots) armed only with their built-in weaponry or are they using extra hand-held weaponry too? (I feel the fewer surprises in this direction the better.)

3. What is the terrain, time of day, and weather like, please?

4. Dreamy is attempting to go all ninja here striking from cover and attacking from the outside of the circle going for their backs. She is trying for Criticals from Behind using her Ninjitsu archery.

Her Superhuman Strength spelling adds to the damage of her Blackwood Bow (+3D6 M.D; see Dreamy's Weapons & Gear tab for details?) unless you say otherwise. What is your call on that, please?

Eonivar Eonivar
5. I don't have my books in front of me. The Wall of Ice spell can be shaped into a giant roofless... "igloo?"
1. The shooting is taking place within 500 feet of your position.

2. From what you can learn from Sylvie, most are using their standard laser rifles, but three have rail guns in their off hand.

3. Outskirts of New York, with rubble and debris of fallen buildings all a round you that provides cover and concealment. It is early in the morning, at about 5 am, with no clouds in the sky. Sunlight is just starting to fill the sky, but it is not yet dawn.

4. Crits from Behind with your bow is fine. You can use your PS bonus to add to your damage.

5. I don't know either. I'll check.
5. I don't have my books in front of me. The Wall of Ice spell can be shaped into a giant roofless... "igloo?"
Its more of a "U" shaped wall. Can't I have any artistic and creative direction with a spell? Xinyi has no real offensive spells, they are all debuff/defensive spells.

Xinyi uses their pistols and hand to hand abilities to fight.

It's a sixth level spell...if we want to lower the MDC on it because of its shape I am fine with that...it is vague in its wording

Here is the wording:

"1. A wall of Mega-Damage ice, having 50 M.D.C. per level of the spell caster, and covering a lOx lOx 10 feet (3x3x3 m) area + 10 feet (3 m) in length per level of experience. The wall can be created anywhere within range and can be made small or big as the spell caster desires (i.e. a 3rd level mage can fill the opening of a small, six foot (1.8 m) wide corridor completely, like a door made of ice, or 30 feet (9 m) down the length of the corridor). Anybody in the area where the spell is cast is pushed out of the way. If the ice wall would crush or encase a living being (because the area is too small), the magic will not work! Likewise, as a "wall," the ice appears on the ground and can not be made to appear in the air above an opponent's head or inside a vehicle. There is no save against this ice wall."

I believe all you get is an extra 20 PPE per round to be able to tap into.
On a ley line it is 10 extra PPE per round, its 20 for a nexus.
2. From what you can learn from Sylvie, most are using their standard laser rifles, but three have rail guns in their off hand.
2. Dreamy requires Sylvie to tell her what the weapons sound like? I don't get it. I can tell the difference between weapons with my own ears (all except for lasers in Rifts because those are silent).

Its more of a "U" shaped wall. Can't I have any artistic and creative direction with a spell? Xinyi has no real offensive spells, they are all debuff/defensive spells.
Here is my opinion for whomever may be interested. This is a seriously good question that should be answered with certainty.

As both a long-time Player and a Game Master of Rifts (and I'm not running the game here, of course), I think it's one thing to have "any artistic and creative direction" with a spell. Say, changing the color of the ice? Making the ice reflective to see one's own reflection or not? Saying the ice gives off cascades of frost or not? That, to me, is definitely artistic and creative.

I feel it's quite another to change the way the spell works mechanically.

The Wall of Ice spell is called "Wall of Ice." Not "Shape of Ice at the Player's discretion." Now, seriously, why is that? Why did the creators of the game write these powers and spells and psionic abilities and give them these descriptions? Why make it that way? There are game-balance reasons and those reasons should at least be considered.

Plus, a ton of Players out there don't see things from a Game Master's perspective. You ask, "Can't I?" Well, if Psychie says, "You can," then isn't it fair for every other caster in her entire world (PC or NPC!) to have the same benefit? And really, which spell is changed next?

Game balance matters. So does wording.

Put another way, if Psychie says, "Yes" to changing the ways spells work, I might have to seriously consider retiring Dreamy and starting up a caster - because "magic-bending" is potentially game-changing and I have been down this road before. If you were running this game, good Eon, I would be delivering you the same warning (to heed or discard as you desire). =)

I don't mean this in a bad way; I mean to say that our Game Master just gave us a Ley Line out of nowhere. That's something that aids only our characters and does nothing at all for the Skelebots - talk about a one-sided Player-friendly gift! But changing magic altogether, in what on the surface seems harmless, but down the road, I will guarantee you, is potentially game-changing.

This, my friends, is a very slippery slope (no pun intended). I feel everyone involved should be aware of it. =)

What do you think is right, Psychie Psychie ?
The spell is called “Ice” and there is nothing saying that the wall has to be in a straight line. Castles have circular walls. Buildings have walls. I posted the text of the spell.
Dreamy can hear the sounds of the weapons going off, but Silvie actually saw the Skelebots and is able to describe what she sees. At this range, Dreamy can also hear the weapons and would know that they are Coalition railguns and blasters.

As for the mechanics of the spell, I will say that you can make it at most a semi-circle, and cannot make it encircle someone.
Psychie Psychie , I forgot about this:

• The Cyber-Knight knows what his opponent is doing the same instant his opponent does it, enabling the Knight to react a split second faster: +3 on initiative against attacks from modern guns and machines (bionics, robots, etc.), and +6 against artificial intelligences and computers like Skelebots and automated defense systems. Also, the Cyber-Knight is +3 to strike and parry.

That should give me the +6 initiative since we are dealing with Skelebots.
The spell is called “Ice” and there is nothing saying that the wall has to be in a straight line. Castles have circular walls. Buildings have walls. I posted the text of the spell.
Folks? I'm going to say one last thing on this matter and drop it. There's nothing wrong about having differences of opinions and we're otherwise doing great here. That's all! Game on! =)

I see a Mirgris! Heya Mirgris! Hope you're doing better, man! =)

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