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Dice Rifts Adventure - OOC

Sorry, things got bad in my life pretty quickly. I will try to catch back up on this and splicer in a few days, just a lot of little things all at once, and am dealing with some panic attacks and other issues.
Mirgris Mirgris Yikes! Panic attacks are not fun. It's one thing for your survival instinct to work in your favor - it's quite another for it to go into sudden overdrive (I don't have them but I know folks who do; now I know one more!).

Mirgris, I've a dear friend who suffers from clinical anxiety and this author's work comes highly recommended. In the spirit of making a friend out of fear (one of many lessons in the martial arts I've treasured over the years), maybe this will help you? I am told it is something about both the author's advice being very valuable and the way it's presented - a combination that... replaces raw fear and confusion with peace and understanding?

Give Me Space but Don't Go Far: My Unlikely Friendship with Anxiety by Haley Weaver.

I'm just a guy looking from the outside in here, but I really like the idea of our Mirgris having peace and understanding! Good luck, man! =)

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
I can only imagine how you must feel. I hope that you get to feeling better soon.
I'm nearing done, I do need help with some of the skill distribution, I know I get half the skills of the RCC, but I'm not sure if that applies to secondary skills and if I'm leveling things right. could one of yall take a glance at my skills, please? (I'm pulling the RCC from Dark Conversions page 100 and the Heros of the Megaverse charictar creation rules. )
ah, thank you very much! also, I know it's on here and it was in the character creation pages of one of the many Palidium games across this site, but do you know where I can find the stats on Krav Maga as an advanced martial art? I've allocated the needed skills, and I think the ruthlessness of that fighting style fits the werewolf thing a little better than a martial art that feels more graceful.
Krav Maga

Developed recently in Israel as a self defense form, this is one brutal martial art. Before its slow release to public use in America, Krav Maga can trace its roots to the commando training of the elite MOSSAD special forces units.

Krav Maga's philosophy is simple: If it hurts your opponent, it can't be all that bad. Biting, gouging, elbowing, kneeing to the groin - it's all there. If it works, chuck it in for good measure. Yet Krav Maga is not at all complicated or underdeveloped. Quite the opposite. It is coldly efficient and altogether brutal.

Character Bonuses:

Add 1 to M.A.
Add 2 to P.S.
Add 2 to P.E.
Add 1 to P.P.
Add 10 to S.D.C.
Attacks per Melee: 3

Escape Moves: Roll, Breakfall.
Basic Defenses: Parry, Dodge, Automatic Parry.
Advanced Defenses: Combination Parry/Attack, Power Parry (does damage), Multiple Dodge.
Hand Attacks: Strike, Power Punch, Backhand, Double Knuckle Fist, Fingertip Attack, Claw Hand, Elbow, Forearm.
Foot Attacks: Kick, Roundhouse Kick, Trip/Hook, Snap Kicks, Knee, Drop Kick (Combination Dodge/Kick).
Special Attacks: Body Flip/Throw.
Holds/Locks: Wrist Lock, Elbow Lock, Head Lock.
Weapon Skills: W.P. Knife.

Level Advancement Bonuses
1st - Critical Strike on a natural roll of 19 or 20 or from behind. +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage.
2nd - +2 to Parry, +2 to Dodge.
3rd - +1 Attack per round, K.O. on a natural roll of 19 or 20.
4th - Circular Parry, +1 to Initiative, +1 Body Flip/Throw
5th - +2 to Pull Punch, +2 to Roll with Impact/Breakfall.
6th - +1 to Initiative, +2 to Strike, and +1 to Damage
7th - Critical Body Flip/Throw. Death Blow on a Natural 19 or 20.
8th - +1 Attack per round, K.O. on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
9th - Critical Strike on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
10th - +1 to Parry, +1 to Dodge, +2 to Damage, +1 to Roll/Breakfall
11th - Critical Strike on a natural roll of 17 or higher.
12th - Death Blow on a natural roll of 18 or higher.
13th - Automatic Body Flip/Throw. +1 to Strike
14th - Critical Strike on a natural roll of 16 or higher.
15th - K.O. on a natural roll of 17 or higher. Critical Strike on a natural roll of 15 or higher.
My Bud with a capital B beat me to it. =)

EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 But here are two brief videos that'll give you an idea of what Krav Maga can looksl like in real life. =)

"KRAV MAGA TRAINING - End a fight in 3 seconds!"

"KRAV MAGA TRAINING - Cornered! What do you do now?"
Thank you, Sherwood and Dann!! Actually, I'm quite familiar with Krav Maga, I took some lessons before covid hit, and I've got pals who served in the IDF (Israelis, you know? Everyone gets drafted)and it's wild, brutal enough to end a fight practically before it begins while keeping damage taken to a minimum. Honestly, I ought to pick it back up. some of my area of study was on Jewish self-defense leagues pre-ww2, so I've done the research, I should return to putting it into practice.
Thank you, Sherwood and Dann!! Actually, I'm quite familiar with Krav Maga, I took some lessons before covid hit, and I've got pals who served in the IDF (Israelis, you know? Everyone gets drafted)and it's wild, brutal enough to end a fight practically before it begins while keeping damage taken to a minimum. Honestly, I ought to pick it back up. some of my area of study was on Jewish self-defense leagues pre-ww2, so I've done the research, I should return to putting it into practice.
No way! You too? I took a little Krav Maga from a neighborhood teacher years ago (he ended up being too expensive for my tastes - 100 USD for 1 2-hour class/month? Nah). But I liked what I saw. I really like what I see from that channel I posted there - those folks are serious in a good way. =)

Krav Maga! No spirituality - just plain brutal get-the-job-done skill-based ferocity! You can have my car keys because I'm taking your nuts! And then I'm getting my car keys back and driving home safely. Have a good night! That's Krav Maga! Tell your friends! Ha ha ha! =)
That is an interesting way to describe it…..
Psychie, the few Krav Maga guys and gals I've run into were friendly... and they were all business. They had hard smiles - military smiles. I liked that about them. They were the opposite of the McDojos in the same area. But boy, do they want your money (or at least they wanted mine). =)
No way! You too? I took a little Krav Maga from a neighborhood teacher years ago (he ended up being too expensive for my tastes - 100 USD for 1 2-hour class/month? Nah). But I liked what I saw. I really like what I see from that channel I posted there - those folks are serious in a good way. =)

Krav Maga! No spirituality - just plain brutal get-the-job-done skill-based ferocity! You can have my car keys because I'm taking your nuts! And then I'm getting my car keys back and driving home safely. Have a good night! That's Krav Maga! Tell your friends! Ha ha ha! =)
Hah, nice that you took a crack at it! I've done Tai Kwon Do, and self-defence courses, but Krav Maga is my preferred way to go! yeah, it is crazy expensive, and contrary to the stereotype, I do not control the world's banks, so that's part of the reason why I've been unable to pick it back up again. but the seriousness, the ferocity, the doing-what-must-be-done-to-get-out-alive... i mean, what do you expect from a people who's been through Too Damn Much historically speaking. eventually, it becomes impossible to just hope for things to magically get better. so you do what you can to at least defend yourself.

Dann, the "no spirituality" line cuts deeper to the historical origin than perhaps you know. I'll refrain from a whole rant on history, since I could type a whole thesis (Evidence: that's what I'm doing lol), but you dont have all day, I dont have all day (I have a character sheet to finish!) still, you've hit the nail really on the head with your description. good people, friendly people, but there's a line that you dont want to cross, lest they cast testicular tortion at ninth level.
but there's a line that you dont want to cross, lest they cast testicular tortion at ninth level.
That is an interesting way to describe it…..

Wait. That line sounds familiar. Where could I have heard it before? =)
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EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 regarding your skills, it looks like you get the one half of the OCC Related skills listed, and I’ll go ahead and say you get the full amount of Secondary skills for your character. As for the level increase, you start at fourth level so you get to add one new skill at each level up for a total of +3.

If you can, get your combat bonuses calculated soon. I plan on having you and Eonivar Eonivar in a fight as a part of your intro.

Edit: let me clarify that it is not a fight with one another, but some other bad guys.
/silly on

No Chiang-ku vs. Werewolf?! Whew! I was about ta saaay!

lord have mercy GIF

/silly off
Psychie Psychie are we any closer to having Xinyi cause some chaos in this world? I have been playing Rifts since it came out way back when, but I have never gotten to play a dragon before...and I am excited to play Xinyi here... ;-)
Forgive me, I am in an airport right now. Once I’m through security, I’ll put the last combat related skills in and a face claim. (I do nooot want to write a backstory on my phone)

Also, dragon vs werewolf? I don’t think either of our characters would want to fight, eon, your character seems like a rather cool dude! (But my money is on the dragon lol)
No Worries EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 , I hope you have a safe flight, I am just a little excited to write ;-)

To be completely fair, Xinyi is not much of a combat focused character, they would not want to fight Thea, particularly if they are friends, or really anyone else unless they are pressed to do so.
Perfect! I’m so excited to get in on this, though once I’m up in the air, I won’t be able to respond. I just put in the last of my combat bonuses! I just need a few rolls for PPE (I have spells! Cool!) and for HP/SDC/MDC. (It all kinda blurs together) they’re on the first page of my cs. I also have a face for the girlie!!

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