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Fantasy Reincarnated Gods

Oliver looked over to the boy who introduced himself as Marcus, "nice to meet you Marcus, I'm Oliver," he replied as Marcus took a seat. Another boy came running in, and apologized for being late. Altough the bell hadn't even rung yet, but right after the kid sat down the intercom sprang up. After the principles speach Oliver found it odd that the principal called them Olympians.

As Lucy's bus arrived towards the school, Lucy was doing some cool shuffling tricks with her card deck, since she always amazed her best friend: Amy when she does that. "How are you able to shuffle your card deck like that, Lucy, since that is very cool." said Amy, since she tried to do this once, but she wasn't able to do the shuffling card deck tricks like Lucy can. "Just keep practicing Amy, since you will get the hang of it sooner or later." said Lucy.

Lucy then entered the main entrance after she got off the bus, went to the office so she can get her schedule, and went to her first class after she knew her schedule.

She saw two boys talking to each other, but Lucy was more interested in messing with her card deck, since she enjoys doing that.
'Under Pressure, Sybil Cut, and Card Spring.' thought Lucy, as she did all three of them with her card deck.

( Amy is a npc btw. )
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When he boy introduced himself as Oliver I smiled and looked at the incoming students. I then sat my backpack down, and looked at the front of the classroom. I then chuckled to myself as the principle called us olympians. "Way to not make is obvious." As I mutter to myself I blow on my coffee to cool i down, but I ended up making it ice coffee.
Clair parted from josh and headed out to the waiting bus, it was large and fancy but then that's what you'd expect from such a school.Clair took her seat in the bus and eventually it departed.Clair simply but her ear plugs in and zoned out.

After reaching the site Clair and her team quickly found there room , the team changed into there outfits and began practicing off each other. Clair however got changed and sat watching the clock.This wasn't odd for her at all she needed no practice , it was as if she had been using weapons all her life.Strange.
Astra had moved from her original position to where the students were gathering, and again she made herself virtually invisible in the shadows. She had listened into the Principal's speech, and she had to try really hard not to laugh out loud - it was a little, prestigious to call the school's students Olympians. And hey, if those kids really were Gods and Godesses, who said they'd only be Olympians?

Astra shook her head. What a stupid thought... She told herself. She continued to listen and watch to see if anyone stuck out like a sore thumb - similar to how she herself did.
Jake was sleeping in, something he usually did. He didn't care much for school but there was always something he got out of it that made him go. "Jake! Your 2 hours late! Get up you lazy oaf!!" said his step brother. Jake ignored him for a moment but he yelled again, which made Jake shoot up out of bed. No dream, no nightmare, just constant though and seeing everything around him "I'm up" he muttured and got out of bed to put on his clothes for the day.

Not even eating breakfast, he rushed out the door and ran to the school, hoping to make it there in time before the next class.

@Anyone I guess
Lucy was pretty much bored right now, since she would rather go to her game club than to be here, because not only hasn't her class started yet, but she wants to do something fun.

But when the principle ended up saying Olympians in their speech. Lucy was laughing since it's rather ridiculous to say that over the intercom.
'I can't believe that our principle said Olympians over the intercom. Like the greek gods and goddesses doesn't even exist, so why even bother saying that in our school.' thought Lucy, since she doesn't know that she is the greek goddess: Tyche yet.


( Lucy is being a major sore thumb right now, Shady. @ShadyAce )
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Marcus couldn't help but make things fun in the classroom. He made snow fly through the window and made it snow in the classroom. Little did he know his hair was starting to change to white. "Whoa its snowing in the class. This is so cool." Marcus then started to make a snowball. He was trying to decide whom to throw it it so he picked the most bored person in the room which happened to be the girl shuffling cards.

Arriving at the school, Jake ran through the halls to get to class. He was yelled at by teachers but just ignored them, seeing how they obviously couldn't see he was in a rush. He accidently ran into people but it wasn't intentional, he rather keep his abilities secret from his families and as many people as he could for that matter.

Jake barged into a classroom, looking around at the students "What I miss?" he asked, with a bit of a grin on his face and walking over to a desk.

@Blackrose7 @AnarchyReins @Anyone
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Lucy immediately threw a card at the snowball, since she has no idea that her cards can cut through anything.

She then stared in awe when her card got stuck on the wall behind the boy who threw the snowball, since she didn't see that coming. "How on earth did snow appeared out of nowhere, and I didn't know that my cards can do that." said Lucy, since this started to excite her. "Throw another snowball at me, since this is kind of like that fruit ninja app on my phone." said Lucy.

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Okay. This should be fun." Marcuse said this and started to throw more snowballs. While he did this his black hair, turned completely white. Marcus's eyes also turned electric icy blue. Marcus didn't notice but he was having the best time of his reincarnated life. Marcus then had a vision of my previous life. "I was somewhere in eastern Canada and I was in a ice palace, and I was creating snow, but I was bitter, and cold about everything." but before the vision got any father I came back to reality.
Lucy easily cut all of the snowballs with her cards because of her luck. 'Oh my gosh, this is more fun than the game club.' thought Lucy, as she then had a vision of playing this game with someone that she doesn't know before.

'Uh... that was pretty weird.' thought Lucy, since she doesn't know that she used to play this game with another god or goddess.

After all of the snowballs was cut by her cards, she started to gather them back into her deck, since Lucy want to start round two of the snowball ninja game.
"Ready for round two?" said Lucy, since she was having fun.

Jake rapidly thought about what to do, his head hurt sometimes from his rapid thinking but he did it anyways. He glanced over at the two throwing things at each other and just looked away, wondering just when the hell the bell for next class would ring.

Yeah. Lets do this." As Marcus said this he started forming snowballs just thinking about it. He then made them into a pile so he could throw them at Lucy. "Hey cutie you ready for round two." Marcus, then gave a lopsided grin, and winked at Lucy.
"I am ready...and what!?" said Lucy, since she didn't except for him to say cutie and to wink at her. 'Was he trying to hit on me, since that isn't going to work, because I don't even know him.' thought Lucy. She was doing the Card Spring shuffle, since Lucy was ready to cut more snowballs with these amazing cards of hers. 'My turn to throw these snowballs is next, since it's going to be so much fun.' thought Lucy, since she was enjoying this a bit too much.

Marcus didn't even bother to go easy throwing the snowballs. He threw one then puked up two and threw them. Marcus then would throw a mixture two or one snowballs. Marcus's eyes were still glowing electric icy blue, and his hair was snow white. All the while throwing the snowballs he continued to make it snow in the classroom.

Oliver watched Marcus and a girl have a snowball fight. The cold didn't bother Oliver at all. He could feel the cold, but it didn't affect his body temperature at all, it always stayed at a good neutral temperature. Still he was confused as hell on why it was snowing, and why Marcus's hair had turned white.

@AnarchyReins @Blackrose7
Lucy easily cut all of the snowballs with her cards again, and finally noticed that his hair was white as snow. "Ok. Now it's my turn to throw these snowballs at you, and your hair is white by the way." said Lucy. 'Let the snowball machine gun begin, and is it just me or it's getting cold in here.' thought Lucy, since she was getting a bit cold in here.


( There is freaking snow in the classroom right now, and your character is saying nothing about it. xD @ShadyAce )
"Okay bring it on." Marcus said as he took off his shirt to reveal a muscle shirt. He then made the bring it on symbol with his hand at Lucy. Though Marcus also threw a snowball at Oliver because he looked a little lonely. Marcus then turned back to Lucy with ice shards ready to take out the snowballs.
When ice shards suddenly appeared in Marcus's hands, Lucy immediately knew that Marcus was causing this, since there is no way that random snow would appear in their classroom like this.

Lucy threw the snowballs like a mini version of a machine gun, and not one of them touched his ice shards thanks to her insane luck.
"Yay, I win the snowball ninja game." said Lucy cheerfully, since she still doesn't notice her amazing luck.

( Screw the teacher, Eagar. @Eagershadow3 )
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Oliver was suprised when Marcus threw a snowball at him. A wave of confusion and enthusiasm flushed through him. He scooped up a snowball, and threw it at Marcus. He looked over at the girl whow threw snowballs like a machine gun, "whoa," he said as she pelted Marcus.
"Aww come on you didn't even give me a chance to stop them." Marcus said this as he started to laugh at how much fun he was having. "Well do you guys think I should clean up the snow or let it keep snowing?" Marcus asked as he made a snowman. "I mean because what if we get in trouble for playing with the snow in the classroom." I say as I put my shirt back on, and sit on the desk.
Although it was quite clear that some of the kids in this class were most definitely not normal, Astra found that to her, somewhere inside their strangeness felt... right. She let a small laugh out, but hoped no one would notice.

But, Astra couldn't shake the feeling she knew the people she was watching from the darkness. She also weaved her hands through the snow, and for some reason she could tell it was different from normal snow. Maybe because it was really soft? Doubtfully.

(( Hey hey, I was AFK xDD @Blackrose7 ))
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