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Fantasy Reincarnated Gods

Haymich woke up at his home in the village in a cold sweat again. He had that same dream...one of thunder and lightning, scrams and golden blood. Buildings made of gold fell to the ground. Screams of people swarmed him. He looked behind him, and saw...Darkness. No matter how fast he ran, it seemed to match and surpass him... Then it started to swallow him. He always woke up quickly thereafter.

He stretched and let out a giant yawn, scratching his head, looking around to see what time it was. 8:30 am. Perfect... he thought to himself. Late again... He rushed to the closet and slowly put on his school clothes, not even bothering to see if his parents were around. They always seemed to be so busy at their jobs. He felt bad that he was late for school...that and his constant thefts.
"Artemisia!! Artemisia! Are you out here again?" she hears her best friend and roomate calling to her from the back of their small cottage. She has been watching the moon again and lost track of time. Always the moon calls to her, whispers to her of secrets long forgotten.....if only she could remember. She knows that she is different from the people around her. Just her touch marks her as different.

Sighing, she puts on her gloves and whistles to Quicksilver her small companion and walks back to her friend. "I am coming in, Helga."

"I swear, you are going to catch your death of cold one night." she says.
Zenith merrily danced around her classroom with a bounce in her step. She had gotten up really early as it was the first day of her new job. Zenith didn't know how she made it this far, it was a big accomplishment. From waking up in a forest to now be teaching at a school, she felt very proud in herself for getting this far. She swept around her classroom cleaning any places that didn't look appealing, she liked cleanliness and perfection.

"Ah~", she finally sat down at her new desk. Everything smelt fresh and clean. She carefully put down her cup of coffee on a coaster that she kept moving to align perfectly with the edges of her desk. Zenith was excited to meet her new class and finally interact with pupils.
Clair lay fast asleep in her lavishly decorated room.Clair woke quickly to the sound of her alarm , it was 8:30 Clair's competition didn't start until 10:00. Clair slowly made her way out of bed and got ready for school , she then made her way downstairs where she was met by her mother and father.They had already began breakfast without her , Clair took her seat and began eating the food that was prepared for her.The house bell rang out and Clair got up to answer , it was one of her many boyfriends and vice captain of the kendo club Josh , Clair smiled and took her sword from its stand by the door before calling out to her parents and departing for school.
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The smell of coffee danced in the air, intermingling with the faint scent of perfume and flowers. Yasmine inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as the familiar smells of her apartment calmed her. She sat at her dining room table, garbed in her dance clothes--grey tank top, black tights, white flats, and, as always, her charm bracelet. A simple wardrobe, but it did well to accent her curves.

"Don't you have work today?"

Yasmine's eyes snapped open at the familiar voice. Before her, sitting with it's tail around its paws, was her cat Sehkmet. The feline stared at the young woman, amusement clear in its amber eyes. Yasmine stuck out her tongue and rose, completely unfazed by the talking cat. After years of speaking to felines, it was an ability she had more than gotten used to. "Just thought I'd relax for a moment." She laughed and rubbed the cat's head, illicit a hiss from the Egyptian Mau. "I'll see later, Sehkmet!" With a cheerful hum, Yasmine grabbed her things and walked outside.
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Raikou was remembering the previous days training. One of the Raiju in their true canine form was instructing him what to do. "Now I can't teach you any of these new properties that are in your lightning, they must come from........ Well anyway so just focus on communicating through electrical telepathy." The Raiju said. Raikou sighed, he had noticed his lightning sometimes does things that weren't taught to him by the Raiju and no matter how often he asked them they seemed to all do the same thing which was not explain why. With such thoughts weighing on his mind he just couldn't focus enough for this.

Now looking back on that unless they followed him he has no way to contact them, he thought to himself as he looked out the bus window. He was getting ready for today's International kendo tournament hosted in Europe. Today were the preliminaries and for such a tournament he would have to be on his A-game. He looked down at his kendo sword resting on top of his bag with his equipment in it. What will today's prelims hold for him?
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Zenith still sat in her chair. Carelessly spinning around in it and kicking her legs up ever so often. She was quite bored. Class didn't start for another hour and she really didn't know what to do, she was very tired of waiting. After finishing her coffee, she decided to go get some more. A simple task yes, but it would keep her occupied for a few minutes or less. She sighed heavily as she strolled through the corridors, taking in her new atmosphere. Zenith loved being in new places and she was quite excited to explore the school when she could but not now. If she did, the other teachers could find her strange and Zenith didn't want to give off a bad impression on her first day.

The coffee was done quickly. She was able to make small conversation to some teachers but most of them were way past her age and they had nothing in common what-so-ever. Boredom still had a hold of Zenith. With coffee in hand and feeling a little lonely. Zenith went back to her classroom to wait for her students to arrive.
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Clair made it to Her school with more than enough time to spare , the bus to the Kendo competition wouldn't be leaving for another thirty minutes , so Both Clair and josh decided to wait in the canteen.Clair got a black coffee and sat down with josh , the two began talking about several different things as they waited.

The preliminary matches were today , Clair was the returning champion and was set on defending her title so there was no way she'd be going easy on anyone.The school had extremely high standards set for Clair as she was its trump card , not that it needed her, Clair's school was only for those gifted in sport so almost all of its representatives brought home titles.It just so happened that Clair brought home the most in many a sport.
Artemisia came into the house and to her room. She quickly showered and dressed, then walked out to say goodbye to Helga. "I will be home late today, I am expected to attend the Kendo tournament, just in case anyone gets hurt. Don't wait up for me." She turned and swept out of the room, her long skirts swirling around her legs trying to trip her.

Once at the school she went to the little closet they called her office and sat down, resting her head in her hands. She was feeling restless and like something in her life was out of place. The only peace she felt anymore was while sitting in the light of the moon.

After a few minutes she gathered up her basic first aid equipment and headed out for the bus. She always rode in with the students.

As she stepped onto the bus, she greeted one or two students that she knew by name. She smiled at the others.
Lucy was playing monopoly against herself in her room, since not only was she planning to play poker in the game club, but she is also going to play some video games with them, since she is the creator of that club after all.

"YES! I win again like always." said Lucy, as she beaten herself in monopoly like fifteen times. She then noticed that it was 9:10 right now, so she quickly ate her breakfast in the dinning room, since the maids already made her breakfast there.

As the bus was about to leave, Lucy was able to get on the bus, since her luck powers is still activated without her knowing about it.
'I am so glad that I was able to catch the bus, since both of my parents are at their jobs right now.' thought Lucy, as she took her seat near her best friend: Amy.
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Marcus Sterling Flurry

Marcus showed up to school on his motorcycle. He had to beg his parents for a whole year to be able to get this thing. And since his birthday was over summer break he could ride it to school and back since he was 16. When he got to school he took off his helmet and hung it on his bike. He then walked into the school towards the office to get his schedule.

The bus carrying his team arrived at the arranged stadium for the World Kendo Championship. This would be his first time participating in the World Championship though he has participated in the World Combat Games prior to his awakening. As the rest of his team piled out of the bus to have a look around he saw something out of one of the bus windows. He wondered what it could be. This was answered by a voice that appeared in his head. "Some of us followed you here my lord, we'll be keeping an eye out for you as it is our duty as your companions." said the voice.

With that Raikou got off the bus and went to go have a look around.
Astra crept around in the shadows. They always made her feel stronger in a way. Stalking behind her was Astra's black cat companion, whom went wherever she did. She didn't know why though - maybe it was the free meal.

She walked cautiously out from the shadows, and noticed she was in front of a school. Astra decided she would stick around and see if anyone stuck out, like she often did with her natural silver and blue hair. Or just by personality.

She sneaked into the school - in front of the office - and created something like a blanket and covered berself with the shadow - which is one if the strange abilities she has developed.
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As the secretary handed me my schedule I turned to walk away, but I felt some sort of presence. I just ignored it and continued to walk out of the office. I then opened my back pack and put my schedule in there becasue we ha a little time before class started.
"Oliver wake up!" A young girl said as she shakes oliver, who is fast asleep on his bed. "I don't want to be late," she continued until he started to move, "alright I'm awake," he grumbles Las he sits up. The young girl smiles at as she skips out of his bedroom. Oliver then gets out of his bed, and walks over to his closet. After changing into his new school clothes he leaves his bedroom, and goes downstairs for some breakfast. After having a quick bowl of cerial he say good bye to his family, and walks to school.

Olivers house was only a few blocks away, so the walk was short. He steppes through the main entrance to the school, and headed for the office so that he can get his schedule. This was his first time inside a school since he was diegnosed with amnesia, and it did feel familiar, but it wasn't stirring up any old memories. After he received his schedule Oliver walked into his first class, and sat down into an empty seat.
After Marcus got his schedule he walked into his first class, already seeing someone there. So I walked over and said, "Hey I'm Marcus whats your name." I say as I sit at the desk next to him.

AnarchyReins said:
After Marcus got his schedule he walked into his first class, already seeing someone there. So I walked over and said, "Hey I'm Marcus whats your name." I say as I sit at the desk next to him.
(please use at least 5 sentences.)
The sound of pattering feet was heard and Haymitch swung the door open. "SSorry I'm late teach!" He dived to he seat and started to pant from the lack of energy. Soon after his outburst, the school bell started ringing and the screeching sound of the intercom turning on echoed through the school. "Hello, Olympians!" the principle says. "Welcome to another beautiful day of learning! As you know, we will start with the news of today!" The sound of rustling papers followed. "Kendo tournament will commence after school, so come to show your school support! Also, let us not forget to check the offices Club Board, where you can find clubs and have fun with your fellow student's!"

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