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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Yulier grabbed Aura by the arm and turns him to face her. She slaps him across the face, obviously angry. She looks at Lucius, then walked closer. She did the same that she did to Aura. It had left a red mark on both of their faces.
"Threatening to kill a private, what a way to make a point." Lucius climbed back into his bed, and was suddenly slapped. "Alright, that's fair. But before you leave, Aura; Are you sure that none of your psychic buddies did this to me?" Lucius really hoped it could be fixed with the snap of Aura's finger.

(GTG to bed in a minute)
Aura's face took on a look of shock for a split second, before turning into a look of understanding. "I.... I'm sorry I frightend you Yulier.... This was not my intention......"
"No. We only have a few mind weavers here and they have all been out on various missions for some time." Aura said. "Besides, a mind Weaver only influences your thoughts, not your physical atrabutes."
"Well, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, princess. Calling all humans not nice is also, just so you know, not nice. Now, I need to find out why my leg don't work. Would you be so kind to leave? Unless you have medical knoweledge?" Lucius turned to the nurse and started to discuss a few reasons why his leg wouldn't move. "It can't be emotional trauma, I've had worse. Could it be some metal from the bullet got in my veins?"

(Off to sleep, school tomorrow. Bye!)
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Aura left. He knew he hurt Yulier, and though he would not show it, it tore atvhis verry being. He slowly drifted out of the bace and to the old ruins of the city. He turned his earpiece off and walked among the ruined buildings untill he was neck deep in snow. He then lay down in the snow where he would stay for a good long while. He didn't want to upset Yulier bany further than he had. He watched as fresh falling snow slowly burried him in the 6ft of snow.
James had been out collecting snow while sitting on top of a old building, he started to play his harmonica. The harmonica's tunes sounded like the old world jazz and blues.
Deus woke up and decided to continue his training so he went it the training room and began. He decided to train as hard as possible until he dropped. First he began to work on his strength and speed. He lifted weights and ran on a treadmill with weights on him. He breathed heavily as he reapted the same phrase over and over. "Must get stronger, must be the best, must surpass my limits!" (Ok so Deus is going to be training can you guys just tag me whenever my characters needed or when the next big fight comes up) @Umbra Regalia
The weelchair was something new, but Lucius had to get used to it. He rolled into Aura's room, prepared to ask his question. "Sir, may I have a word?"
The door to Aura's office was open, and there was a button on his desk flashing. It was labeled. "If I am needed." But he was not in the office. (Still in the snow.)
Lucius looked up when no words came from behind the desk, only to find Aura wasn't there. maybe he had left after their fight? He left a note: 'Sir, I need to ask you something. I'll be in my quarters if you have time.'
(Simply put Aura isn't comming back untill someone makes him. Or calls for him by pushing the button.) Aura was now compleatly submerged in 6 ft of snow. He had formed a small picked of air with his threads and he simply lay there, his skin cold as the snow and his mind all but blank.
Lucius had just written the note, when he realized there was a button on the desk. "Damn, these nerves are wrecking me. Stay sharp!" Lucius muttered to himself while pressing the button.
Aura's earpiece beeped as it was turned on from the button in his office. He clicked the button to talk from the speaker in his office. "Yes?"
"Aura, uhm, Sir, it's me. Lucius. I was wondering if I could speak to you in person, I have quite a big question."

xD )

Still silently fuming, Leah turned on her heel and retreated to what seemed to be her room. There, she was able to find dry clothes, but nothing to dry her hair with. She settled with tearing the bedding from its place and drying her hair with the sheets.
While it seemed a little weird that this scary man, if you could call him a man, was burying himself in snow, Lucius just sat there and waited. There was no point in pissing off Aura again, Lucius needed him right now.
"James, would you mind giving me and Aura some privacy? I need to speak to him. Alone"

Lucius turned to Aura

"Sir, first: My apologies for what happened, I'm grumpy and I overreact. Guess it's the age, huh? Secondly: This might be a strange question, but how does weaver surgery work? Like, how did you become what- who you are?"

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