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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

(Everyone go to notes and vote on a song for Reaper 3: Final March. It's gonna launch soooon. Hope your all as exited as I am. It's going to be more towards horror and hopelessness in the beginning. -grinns evily- its gonna me fun!)

Arya wandered the halls and to her squad barracks. Her squad leader Zen had been out for a long while, so she had no orders comming in untill he decided to call her in. She whent and took a shower.

(Ahh! I dunno what any of those songs are! •~•

I don't have time to listen to them either because, oh, look! School again! Thank you for vacuuming all of my time up in a vortex of painful insanity!)

Envy was furious, standing in the hallway, panting heavily, and dripping with water. She was a bit tired too, from trying to keep her balance while sprinting with water tripping her up.
The nurse who had been tending to Lucius came pretty quickly and looked at him. "Tranquilize? We haven't given you any strong medicine while here." She said, looking slightly worried. She pulled the blanket to check on his legs.
Not being able to move his ears since he was born had always slightly annoyed Lucius, but not being able to move his leg almost made him slap the nurse. "Well I can't move it!"
The nurse frowned a bit and poked Lucius' legs on different spots. "Say if you feel anything." She said, moving around, poking his feet too.
zen went and sat in his office putting all the metal in one of his desk drawers"since i have so much maybe i'll give some to the people in my squad...and aura of course...though i doubt any of them know how to wok a forge"
Arya came out of the mess hall. She just got done eating and continued her routine. She knocked on the door to Zen's office to see if he was back yet.
"I can't feel anything up until about here" Lucius pointed towards the upper part of his left thigh. "There aren't any nerves around my wound that could injure my leg, it must be something else. I'll bet it's those psychic shits again. Damn weavers! War was a lot more fair without them!"
Aura was suddenly at the foot of the bed. "So, Lusius, who here at Weave would you accuse for your injuries?" He asked, one white eyebrow rased. "Because the only weavers around are at this bace. Beond that, you have the reapers." Aura said.
LuciusIII said:
"I can't feel anything up until about here" Lucius pointed towards the upper part of his left thigh. "There aren't any nerves around my wound that could injure my leg, it must be something else. I'll bet it's those psychic shits again. Damn weavers! War was a lot more fair without them!"
The nurse nodded and stood up as Aura apeared at the bed. She turned to bow to him slightly and looked at Lucius again.
Yulier had followed Aura in, smiling a bit. She said nothing, only smiled, as she joined Aura's side at the foot of Lucius' bed.
"Look, Aura, I'm not blaming anyone. I just don't trust anything that can make me see and feel things that don't exist. Including weavers." The fear gas tour had been the most scarring thing he had ever done, and it had left a mark. "You see this ear?" Lucius pointed towards his left ear "My best friend bit half of it off, thinking I was a terrorist. Fear gas, Weavers, it's all the same to me."
"So then you would see me as a monster. Perhaps I am......" Aura said, his face going dark. He forced the whites of his eyes to slowly turn black. "So you blame a Weav.... A Monster...... For your injuries...... Your legs are useless now right? Why don't I just rip them off for you?" Aura said his voice was calm, but menacing. "People are what you make them little pup."
Yulier was shocked at how Aura was acting, watching him. "Aura... You shouldn't do that..." She said quietly, as if scared of him. Even with just this, he frightened her.
"No.... He thinks me a monster.... Let him have a monster." Aura said calmy as his threads snaked acrost the walls and coated the room, causing it to go pitch black in the room.
Lucius rolled of the bed, grabbed the gun from his case of personal belongings and fired two shots into Aura's abdomen. "Leave me alone!" Even though it was dark, Lucius knew exactly where his head would be. He got ready to pull the trigger, the weapon already aimed to blow some brains out.
Yulier's irises glowed with bioluminescent light, and she quickly formed a wall between them. She wanted to keep anyone from getting hurt. "We shouldn't fight in the Med Bay..!" She growled, glaring at both Aura and Lucius through the dark.
The bullets where caught by Aura. He had coated his hand in threads and caught them both.he walked slowly towards Lucius, not making a sound. He parted Yulier's wall gently with his own threads. When he was behind him, aura whispered in his ear. "Don't ever fire a gun at the white wolf." And suddenly the gun was gon from his hand. Next aura grabbed the legs and made ready to rip them off. There was no way Lucius could escape.
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The nurse rushed to stand in between Aura and Lucius. She looked towards Aura, ignoring the gun and the wall. "Sir. You need to come with me." She said almost panicking.
"Look mates, I don't want to fight. You are not a monster, Aura, stop behaving like one!" The way Lucius was being beaten was so unfair an Al-Qaeda terrorist would have had more manners. "I need those legs, Aura! Think about what you're doing! You're still human, right?"
"No.... I'm not human...... I'm a Weaver. Even when I was humans I hated the human race. They are nothing but ignorat, selfish, backstabbing sinners. But you are right about one thing. I Am no Monster." Aura let him go and retracted his threads. "You are the monster. If I didn't have thready, you would have killed me. Now do you see my point? The next evolutionary step for humankind is to go from being human, to kind."
"No offense, but if you didn't have threads I wouldn't have shot you, because you would not have gone Horror movie on me. And who are you to talk about kindness? You tried to rip my legs off because i offended you. Not trying to start another eclipse here, but shooting someone who wants to rip off your legs doesn't seem that monstrous to me. ripping off someone's legs, however..." Lucius grinned. He knew Aura wasn't going to kill him, it would only prove he was a monster.

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