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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Leah was about to yell back down when Echo walked back out of the building. She scowled at him, then returned to her little best of snow. She muttered under her breath,
'Not the most convincing of acts...' Before she returned to her hobby; doing absolutely nothing.
Cain exhaled, his breath coming out in a cloud of fog. He forced himself onto his feet. "I'll do what I can..." He muttered. "We'll attack once everyone is strong enough."

Leah flinched at the maniacal laughing she heard from below.

Well, he seemed fine.

She freed herself from her warm hideout and continued inside. At least the building was more soundproofed. She retraced her steps from earlier, trying to find the room she had presumed to be hers. She was wandering for the sake of wandering, at this point. At least wandering was something to do, besides sleeping.
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Pride was breathing heavily outside he laid on the ground covered in dirt." Dear god this is the hardest work out I've had in a while, I think I've lost all feeling in my legs. Oh wait no its just all I can feel is pain now." Pride attempted to stand up only to fall back down." Oh that didn't work, I wonder I've been training for a while wonder what the others have been up to?" (Hey sorry my notifications are just messed up its alot to read can you guys summarize what's happened while I was gone for me)
(Weave was hacked by a -cough- person... Just a person. No spoilers here. Also, Cain plans to attack Weave soon)

Revnoir shut the lid of his laptop and picked it up. "Alright, well, I'll get you a temporary AI for now so don't use Rogue no matter what." He said as he left the room without another word. He looked angry to say the least.
"HEY CAN SOMEONE COME GET ME!!?? IVE LOST ALL FEELING IN MY EVERYWHERE... ANYONE?" Deus called from outside his entire body aching still unable to move.

Just a person, eh?


(Also, it snowed.)

Leah jumped, due to a sudden shouting that even the walls of the base couldn't keep at bay. Aggravated, she leaned out of one of the lesser entrances to see Pride, motionless in the snow. Leah let out a small puff of vapory breath in annoyance before returning inside.
"Hey I saw you there come get me damn you woman! I'm gonna get frost bite out here...wait can we get froze bite?" Deus asked still waiting for assistance.
Zero peeked outside from the door and saw Pride. He frowned. "Seriously..? Why not just train inside..?" He noticed Leah and left Pride to her. He just watched, an eyebrow raised.

Leah heard Pride calling after her, so she constructed a pair of thick earmuffs from her threads.

Damn, threads are useful!
"Damn her I have to train as hard as possible so with this weather I shall train with all my might! Hey Zero come get me will ya!" Deus called from outside his entire body now numb.
Zero laughed, and looked behind him to a Reaper that came walking through the door. Perfect timing! He signaled for it to go help Deus, watching with an innocent smile. "Sorry~!" He said, as he retired into the building and left Deus with the Reaper. He has just wanted to see the man pitifully unable to do anything.
"Damn you guys!" Deus said in a half hearted attempt to wave his fist at them."Ok reaper now if you'd be ever so kind please take me inside. Preferably by a fire place." He ordered the reaper who had just came to him.
After the feeling returned to him Deus sat up a crazy wide eyed look in his eyes. "Ok now lets go get revenge!" Deus snuck around the house with a bucket of water until he found Leah. He slowly crept behind her then quickly poured the water on her and ran away laughing like a mad man.(lol this would be a ova in anime xD lets have some fun lol) @Spazzycat101

Still wearing the earmuffs, Leah didn't notice the stupidly conspicuous footsteps behind her until she was soaked with water. Her eyes widened with a murderous glare and she whipped around, just catching a glance of Deus running. Soon, he'd be running for his life. She flung off her earmuffs before chasing after him, screaming bloody murder and sending dart-like threads after him.
Deus laughed like a maniac as he evaded the threads. He moved through the base passing through just about every room." Haha can't catch me I'm the fastest there is!" Deus said as he kept running he then passed zero as a dart came flying towards him.

Leah would have been faster than Deus, were she not slipping with every other step. The water was starting to stream into her eyes, causing her to rub them dry every few seconds, making it difficult to see properly. Finally, she just stopped, deciding that she would kill him later. And she meant no less than that, she intended to tear him limb from limb and crush his core. He had made becoming a sin so painful, and now he intended to make being a sin as insufferable as possible.
zen hopped back over the main gate looking a bit ragged, as if he had been on a trip all over the world"phew that was a strange journey...but i got what i needed !" he spoke aloud looking in to the duffel bag he was carrying. it was filled with the black metal he had used to forge katana

(im back guys!!!!)
"That's what you get for leaving me out there newbie!" Pride said laughing and laying back in his room." Geez I kind of wish we could have fun without us trying to kill each other all the time. Although I have to admit the constant battles to the death are exciting. "

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