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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"What happened Leah? You seemed stressed..." Yato took a shower and changed clothes while they were out. However he didn't completely finished so he was shirtless and his jeans were loose. Yato was drying his hair with a towel while he walked around the barracks. Though he didn't mind the slight cold on his bare skin while walking around.
Her face buried in the collar of her pajama shirt, she muttered, 'Everything happened. Everything.'

A moment later, she clarified. 'Revnoir attempted suicide. The second suicide since Aura's back. The Weave is falling apart. Cain will overrun this place and we're all going to die.'

Okay, maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but the first two sentences were accurate enough.
"Die? If we will die why don't we die with a fight and at least try to take out most of them while we are at it right?" Yato came closer to Leah and patted then stroked her head once to try and make her look up at him. He smiled a bit to put a positive mood. Anyways he didn't know who Aura, Cain or Revnoir were anyways.
Leah looked up with an expression that spoke for her, 'Really? People here are going insane left and right.'

As soon as she noticed what he was wearing, or wasn't, really, she began blushing slightly.
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"So? I would fight like a man than run like a wimp. It isn't insane, it's what I call, making the most of it." Yato read the expression quite easily. He knew when and how people lied and he definitely knew how to read expression. And still with a smile Yato lended a hand to Leah for her to get up off the floor.
Leah took his hand and stood.

'You make a good point, but I highly doubt that the minds of those who've been tortured would be coherent enough to actually fight an organized battle. Otherwise, I'd be making ugly Christmas sweaters from their hides. --The sins''

She quickly clarified.
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"Hah! That's funny," Yato chuckled a bit. He moved his hand from Leah's and put it back on the towel on his head. He examined Leah's clothes and started to seem worried. "How come you haven't changed out of your Pajamas? Need knew clothes?"
'The one disadvantage to being a fire weaver is the fact that most clothes are flammable... Yes. Pajamas are much more comfortable, though.'

She shrugged her shoulders to straighten the sleeves of her shirt, trying to stubbornly ignore the blush that was slowly appearing across her face.

(Argh! I'm confusing all of the dialogue colors for all of my characters. I almost made it blue at first, but then made the speech red instead of orange...
xD )
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"I think that red effect is happening again to you... Your face is reddish pink..." Yato spotted the growing color on her face. He put his right hand on her left cheek gently. Somewhat caressing it seeing if it would hade.
"You know Leah.... I was tourtured to insanity.... Do you not see me fit to lead?" Aura said, moving like a ghost up behind them. For such a tall man, he shure walked quietly.
Parrying Aura's words, Leah retaliated, readier than she expected even herself to be.

'Whether someone is unfit to lead depends on their current mental state. The influence that torture plays upon that varies from individual to the next.'

Dang, it was much easier to fight with speech than it was with blades.
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"An interesting way to put it. However...... You are mistaken of you think my state of mind is sound....... I just have to keep myself together for you people..... And my family pride." Aura said. He had dark circles under his eye, and he seemed much older than he was. He seemed tired and looked it too. He obviously hadnt been getting enough sleep.
Leah raised her eyebrows. That was more than a little concerning, coming straight from the director himself.

'Then, with all due respect sir, I'd suggest you see Eve or another of the medbay staff...'

Her face no longer felt like it was boiling... Ah, minimal awkwardness..... Maybe? She was still in her pajamas....
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Oh. 'Kay then.....

'And what might that be?'

(Y'know? I'm just expecting him to say 'Yulier' so I can ship it just that much more.)
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(That's what I had planned to say! xD ) "Yulier..... She is always checking on me..... Making shure I'm okay...... If I lost her..... It would be quite..... Maddening" Aura said.
(Ship :3)

Certainly not the answer she'd been expecting...

Leah wasn't sure, but it sounded as if the director of (SHIELD!!!! :D ) Weave had a girlfriend.....

She nodded as if to say 'alright then!'.

And now she was out of things to say. A-hem, would the conductor please cue the awkward silence?
Leah shrugged slightly.

'It's not so different from the time before I was promoted, but I've not gotten note of any potential missions yet. I'm hoping there might be one soon, there's only so much one can do inside a base...'


Wow, typos. That was a low blow.)
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Raidou suddenly enter the barrack with his pale face,carrying his backpack and his sword.he cannot find anybody other than a guy named vayne yesterday...so he just wandering on the weaver base and enter every room he saw,and ended up at the barrack room.when he open the door and see the inside,he saw a girl and two man in the room,having some conversation that seems a little compicated to him.he just stood in front of the door for a sec just to read the situation he currently in."uh............."he belive that he coming at the wrong moment,so he just stand still,watching.

((mind if i join?))
Aura turned his head to look at the person in the doorway. "Oh.... Come on in. Is there something you need?" Aura said with a smile.

But I might have to go and actually sleep soon...


Leah made a mental note to do what she could to retain her sanity. She didn't want to end up in a mental ward, but at the same time she had learned to try and keep herself from becoming attached to people or things.

At Aura greeting someone, Leah turned and noted Raidou. She nodded to acknowledge his presence silently.
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"oh...uh....thank's" Raidou walk in with his eyes still observing the situation around him. "i was looking for....uh..."he take a paper from his pocket and read it for a sec,then put it again to his pocket."i was looking for the leader of squad leader 8, i believe her name was leah..do you know where can i meet her?i need to report my arrival" he look at the guy who ask him,although he not sure if the guy he talk to even know about it.

((thank you))((ouch...typo Dx))
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'Oh. Well, hello. I'm Leah.'

She held her hand out to shake, if this new squad member was comfortable with it. He seemed a bit shaky.

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