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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Günther was startled by Aura and he jumped around, raising his fists. "Oh it's you." He said, lowering his fists.
"Hello Gunther. You and I must talk latter..... About my dear half sister Arya." Aura said before turning his attention back to the woman.
"Okay." Günther said with a slight frown forming on his face. Hope I won't be killed... He thought to himself, turning his attention too back to the woman.
Leah clenched her jaw as Yato patted her head like a kitten, then left. She muttered something about still having to retrieve her pillow, but doing it later. She decided that, once Aura had faded away somewhere else, to go and train. First, she quickly spoke.

'Well... these are obviously the Squad Eight Barracks. The other aspects of the base... Squads are arranged by floors, things that apply to no particular squad are on the first floor... that's all I can think of right now. Everything else is better figured out.'

Leah started out, then continued to one of the training rooms. She practiced with solidifying her threads and keeping them so, striking simulated reapers. She also discovered how to separate them and shred something from several different directions. She wasn't as focused as she could have been, though.
zen became so bored that he decided to test his muscular endurance. he set himself up in his office in the pushup position and had placed a 250 lb weight on his back. he had been in this position for almost 3 hours now and was half asleep at this point. he had also mistakenly left his office door half open.
(At college atm, posts are gonna be sporadic at best)

"You take me out of one squad then put me in another, full of humans," Alessia said as she approached the director, then pointing at Gunther she continued, "And led by one of them too. Why?"
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zen was now completely asleep and still in the pushup position with 250 pounds on his back. he was snoring slightly and had now been int his position for 3 hours and 45 minutes. the floor under hims was soaked with sweat. it looked as if he was a giant protecting the ocean from a meteor.
"Hm Hm Hm..." Yato hummed joyfully. He wandered around for anyone to talk to. But probably mostly Leah since she is fun to mess with. Yato had all his weapons on him including the "stolen" Gunblade, Exile. He was bored and nothing else.
"Hello! Anybody here? Who is Squad Leader 2?!" Zestria yelled while wandering the first floor. She sighed with annoyance while walking. Zestria had 2 side arms, a DMR and a DMS, with 4 combat knives located around her body. She was always armed and ready. Or else someone might go insane and try to kill her again.
zen was startled by a sudden yelling and awoke with a jump, this caused his hand to move into the growing pool of sweat beneath him. he slipped causing him and the weigh on his back to come crashing down . as the weight crashed into his back he was jolted by a sudden pain and yelled "FUCK!" almost loud enough for everyone in the building to here"...oww.." he mumbled pushing the weight off him and slowly standing while rubbing his back..." the hell?"
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Revnoir kept wandering the halls of the first floor, his mind deep in his thoughts. He had been torn out of those thoughts by Zen's scream and hurried over to see what was going on. He peeked into Zen's office with a worried look.
"dammit...whomever that was who screamed earlier ill get them for sure...." mumbled zen as he checked his back doing various stretches "damn that hurts..guess ill go to the med bay to make sure its nothing major" said zen as he looked up to revoir peaking in" oh hey rev...sorry i kinda had a little slip up there..haha..."
After a particularly gory takedown of a simulated Reaper, Leah was seated on the floor, grinding the simulated core into the simulated ground. Until, at least, she was startled by an exceptionally loud yell, at which point she ended the simulation and sprung from the room and toward the noise. She on her way to the office from which it had come, she spotted Yato wandering, carefree. She stopped just a moment later to see Revnoir and Zen outside of an office. Her head darted to and fro, wondering which sin had hidden themselves in the base.
"I wonder if I was too loud... Hm... Oh! People! Oh... People..." Zestria said slowly which turned into a mumble. He walked over to the group of three, Zen Leah and Revnoit. She waved for a greeting:
"Alright... Well, make sure to be more careful, breaking your back isn't minor in any way." He said quietly, "Did you need help getting to the med bay..?" He asked before looking at Zestria with a raised eyebrow. He never saw her, and wondered if she was transferred recently or was a new Weaver. Or possibly even a human.
"nah ill be fine...but when i find the person who yelled so loudly.....man oh man.."mumbled zen"man and i was all peaceful too..." zen was struck with a sudden reminder"oh thats right leah do you still have my sword?"
"hmm...well just make sure to return it soon it is after all something i made myself..well i guess i'll head off to the med bay now.." said zen as he began to walk a a slow pace making sure to stay slightly bent in order to keep his back from hurting. he himself had not noticed but the back of his shirt was drenched in crimson liquid, his blood.
"Have you people seen the leader of Squad 2? Oh wait... My name is Zestria Xenos... Nice to meet you!" Zestria kind of ignored the man drenched in crimson liquid. She aimed her attention to the female and the other male.
Revnoir ignored Zestria now, hurring over to Zen. He slouched over a bit to be the same height as him and spoke quietly. "You've uh... Got blood on your back, Zen. You're absolutely positive you're ok?" He asked, but gave the man some space.
Leah was caught in two ways. Her head twitched back and forth from Zen to Zestria, more than a little confused at what to do. Zen didn't seem to feel any pain, at least not from wherever he was bleeding.
Alessia's eyes narrowed in disbelief that the director of Weave could not see the issue with humans as combatants.

"They die too easy, what else?" Alessia replied. "Now tell me why I must follow one. Are we that desperate now or is this some kind of punishment?"

Even as the words left her mouth, Alessia felt that it might be both. Other Weavers had always taken issue with her lack of help during combat, but the way she saw it, if someone was good enough to become a Weaver, they didn't need any looking after.

What her former squad mates had seen as blind disregard was actually faith in their strength and abilities, but a human... a human was weak and though she could understand the need for manpower, putting one of them in charge of a squad was sheer folly.

What is the meaning of this? Alessia thought as she glared at Aura, waiting to hear what he had to say.
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zen turned to revoir"blood?" he reached a hand around touching the back of his shirt and looked at it realizing it looked as if he had just dipped his hand in red paint"whou!" said zen immediately taking his shirt off revealing a large but shallow cut on his back somehow it was in the form of a cross"strange i cant feel it... should really get to the med bay fast"
"Weak are they? Interesting..... My sister had killed almost as many reapers as I have.... And she is a human. In fact.... She is in fact one of the top people here. She keeps up with any Weaver." Aura said. "In fact.... How about I pair you two off as partners?"

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