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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]"Weak are they? Interesting..... My sister had killed almost as many reapers as I have.... And she is a human. In fact.... She is in fact one of the top people here. She keeps up with any Weaver." Aura said. "In fact.... How about I pair you two off as partners?"


At seeing the slice on Zen's back, Leah was, and looked, even more completely puzzled. So much so that she simply tossed her hands in the air as if to surrender. Whatever this mystery was, it was far beyond her. She began to make her way to the roof of the building.
zen rushed off to the med bay with his bloodied shirt hanging over his shoulder and the cut on hi back dripping blood. he was now feeling faint"um...anyone here? eve? Gunther?" he called into the med bay.

"How nice... Ignoring me are you?" Zestria said coldly. Suddenly she winced in pain. She walked off annoyed. She walked towards the inner walls away from everyone. Zestria took off her cloak which covered her body. She had bandages all over her legs up to her chest. She was almost consumed when a building collapsed almost destroying her. Though it was a long while back which helped it heal back. Almost a year. She replaced the blood soaked bandages, wincing every other second. The pain was nearly unbearable for most people.
Leah stopped by the barracks to check for Zen's sword that she had borrowed. Sure enough, it was lying in the barracks. Becoming curious, she unsheathed it, the sword beginning to glow angrily. She quickly sheathed it again. She was just done with weird and/or stupid things for right now. She was just done. She lugged the blade down to the Zen's office, then returned to her roof-bound route, noticing Yato on the way. She said nothing.
Alessia grunted with disapproval as she replied, "And if either of us is struck by a Reaper, who is more likely to survive?"

Turning back, she continued, "In the end, you make the decisions, but I will not follow a human into battle. A Reaper's death is the only one I want to see."

Returning to the 2nd squad barracks, Alessia had only one thing in mind and that was gearing up for a solo mission.

If her absence prevented the humans in her squad from being sent on any missions, then all the better and damn whoever would get in the way of that.
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Leah found her way up onto the roof... a place where nothing surreal happened. She stepped out into the gentle breeze that drifted across, and walked about a small bit before lying down in the unobstructed sunlight. She smiled. So nice, so peaceful.
Aura didn't like the look in her eyes so he followed her, using his threads to bend shadows around him, making him invisible.
"Leah?" Yato said worrily. She went straight past him. It was somewhat hurt him emotionally. He wanted to chase after to see what was wrong. But something made him step back and keep walking. And he went with the feeling wearily. Yato sighed and put his hands in his pockets looking for anything.

"Help would be nice about now..."

Zestria's pain kicked in hard. She couldn't complete the wrapping and she had no pain killers or such to nullify the wound. She kept shaking in pain. It was more than she can handle. She can handle most wounds but this one was unbelievable. Raw flesh exposed and blood slowly flowing out. She didn't know where the med-bay was or how to get there. So Zestria sat there, back against the inside of the wall, in agony and suffering.
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zenreaper said:
zen rushed off to the med bay with his bloodied shirt hanging over his shoulder and the cut on hi back dripping blood. he was now feeling faint"um...anyone here? eve? Gunther?" he called into the med bay.
Eve looked out of the office and quickly got out to check on Zen. "What happened?" She asked, sounding a bit surprised.

(Sorry. I was sleeping.)
Shinohara said:
(Sorry had to leave for a while)
Eve chuckled and backed away from Vayne. "Does it still hurt?" She asked.
"ahh..not anymore...thanks" Vayne said and covers his blushing face "That was so sudden doc".
"So your headache wasn't that bad." Eve said, looking at Vayne. She chuckled and took Zen to a bed, calling for a nurse to give him first aid. She walked to Vayne and laughed a bit.
"I don't know. He came here with the injury on his back." Eve said and looked at the nurse. "He will be fine. He's a weaver and gets treatment that from the nurses and I guess Günther could take a look when he comes back."
Vayne was worried what happened "I hope he will be okay" he said and looks at Eve "about the kiss what's you true intention behind it?" he asked her.
"yeah thanks but...the..kiss" Vayne said still remembering it unable to forget it and blushed "this is your fault" he said with a pouting face.
Eve laughed. "I didn't give you anything strong. And the medicine hasn't even yet take effect. I guess it wasn't really pain. It was something else." She said and continued laughing.
zen watched the display put on by the other two in the med bay and thought to himself 'ah.. youth...wait a sec...I'M ONLY 19'. "why am talking like and old world war 2 veteran?" he mumbled to himself.
The nurse that was tending to Zen came and tapped on Eve's shoulder. Eve looked at the nurse and then at Zen. "So you're alive. How are you feeling?" She asked, walking to Zen.
"so-so" said zen tilting his hand back and forth"my back doesn't really hurt but it was bleeding a ton so i thought best to come here" he said holding up his blood soaked shirt.
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"i felt faint when i walked in and now i am a little tired but other than that im fine"

(i have to go to school now see you guys later)
(If I might interject.) Aura came into the medbay at this point. He had a sinister feeling around him. "Oh Gunther........."

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