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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Leah woke from her dream suddenly, her head jerking up and hands braced against the roof. The images of her dream were solidly seared into her memory. She quickly pulled her wits together, noticing that Aura was standing before her.

'Argh.... Yessir?'
Günther took a deep breath and opened the door. He looked inside and saw Arya on the bed. A smile grew on his face as he walked to sit on the edge of the said bed. He gently stroked Arya's hair.
"Damn it all... HELP!" Zestria mumbled then shouted. She almost finished the bandaging but not quite. She was breathing heavily trying to counter the pain. She covered her face slowly.

Aura set the box down for Leah and returned to the first floor, looking for something to do when he heard a cryvl for help. Aura rushed towards it. "You okay?"
Günther chuckled, not wanting to wake up Arya. He looked at her and thought about the discussion with Aura.
"D-Does exposed raw flesh okay?" Zestria said still covering her face. She didn't want to show her weakness. Sh didn't want to show fear. She didn't want to show pain. Zestria kept holding her tears in.
Aura looked down at Zestria. "Tell me what happend... And where it hurts at... I will see to it that you get the medical attention you need." Aura said in a kind voice.
Günther looked at Arya and wondered if she was holding something. Maybe she sleeps with a gun under her pillow. He thought and chuckled again.
"For some damn reason a building collapsed and nearly consumed me... However some rubble flung itself at me and took me out, waist down... Though it happened almost a year from now so most of it healed" Zestria said slowly. She was shaking and quivering in pain. She needed help fast before she bleeds out.
"A year from now....?!..... Questions for later." Aura said, shaking his head. He then scooped her up and rushed to the medbay. "We have wounded!"

Somehow, I feel like there's on ship here that's more like the Titanic than anything.)

Leah took the box, thanking Aura. She then stood and started to the door.

'Aw, I was afraid I'd have to go into the next battle wearing pajamas.'

Suddenly, she heard a furious cry for help, but Aura had already dashed past her.
"Can't say. She is bleeding out though..... Says she got the wound a year from now.... May be confused from lack of blood.
"Does exposed flesh, almost to the waist , sound bad? " Zestria said slowly. She slowly started to fade out, becoming unconscious. Zestria sighed and then she became unconscious.

(Robotic Legs?
:D )
"Anything visible?" Eve asked, pulling the curtain to the side at a bed. She gestured Aura to get Zestria to the bed.

(Also @Spazzycat101 I hope Arya won't kill Günther, herself or the child.)
Yulier stood just outside, shivering in the cold. Her dress wouldn't keep her warm, it was really only for looks. She stood just outside the entrance, staring at the gray sky. She took in every detail of the colorless sky as white dots started to fall from above. She watched as the first snow of the year fell, slowly yet steadily covering the paved ground with cold clouds of snowflakes. She smiled a bit, but it was more of a sad smile than anything.

She was thinking of Xillia. She may not have been her boyfriend like Revnoir had, and she may not have been there when she needed her most, but she was her sister. "I remember... You always loved the snow. You were always asking Revnoir and I to play in the snow with you even when danger was right around every corner..." She said quietly to no-one in particular. "You..." Tears started forming in her brown eyes, as she tried to wipe them away. "You were amazing. Right up until the very last moment. I want to be like you, Xil..." She said as she forced herself not to burst into a sobbing mess.

(No, Kiritsu, no robot legs. Just feels)
Shinohara said:
"Anything visible?" Eve asked, pulling the curtain to the side at a bed. She gestured Aura to get Zestria to the bed.
(Also @Spazzycat101 I hope Arya won't kill Günther, herself or the child.)
(why u talk to spazzy bout that?).
Aura shook his head as he handed the girl over. "I need to go find someone. Haven't seen her all day." Aura said, ghosting out again. Sometimes it was eirie how quiet and swift he moved.
(omg it's tru, Aura never actually spends time with Yulier..! Well, not in the rp he doesn't. Maybe at other times that remained unmentioned... Anyhow continue on)

Yulier wiped the remnants of her tears away, forcing a smile onto her face. I'll be strong for you, Xil. Im going to become like you, then I can help others like you did. She thought to herself as she caught a few snowflakes in her cold hands. She could barely feel the bite of the winter anymore, as she smiled as the snow fell.
Aura was behind Yulier now. His arms wraped around her and his threads formed a cocoon of warmth around her, leaving only her head exposed. "Why the tears? They will freeze in this weather." Aura said softly.
(Just imagining her with a black snowball as a body)

She smiled even wider, then looker over her shoulder at Aura. "It's not too cold, I'm fine." She pushed away his mention of tears. "Where were you all this time? You suddenly got super busy."
"Had a recruit yell at me because she was in a squad full of humans..... Then I got Leah some clothes.... She was having a nightmare I think.... My half sister is pregnant with the good docters child and I had to scare the wits outta him..... So that's a think... Then there is a woman from the future apparently cause she got hurt about a year from now she thinks..... So just a little bussy methinks." Aura said with a laugh.

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