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Fantasy Pump those pistons, you steam powered sonofab****


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kinghaggis10 submitted a new role play:

Pump those pistons, you steam powered sonofab**** - Steampunk apocalypse, for all your steampunk apocalyptican needs.

The year is 1934. Hundreds of years ago something changed with our reality. No-one is sure how or why, all we know is that the world is ending.

A killer has arisen across Britain, they are known as the child of Jack the Ripper, or, more commonly, Springheeled Jack. Seven have already fallen to their blade, though more are destined to do so.

Demons and corrupted creatures roam the lands, most of the world is a barren wasteland, with walled off cities to keep the few sane people safe. The change that affected the world has changed the people too, wolfkin, vamps, mutants, and husks, walking the earth with humanity.

Then there are those who were not as fortunate. The reavers. Un-killable, winged beasts. They fly with wings of brass and copper, tearing apart all that stands in their path. Few have ever encountered one and lived.

The year is 1934, and the world is beyond saving.

Valentina and Darren, two freelance prostitutes, have teamed up with Jason, a wasteland ranger, as they undergo a series of events which will lead them away from their lives in Edinburgh.
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Darren adjusted his coat and walked out of the hotel. The night had been busy so far, but he had other things to do. He rounded the corner and spotted the horned woman at the end of the street, their usual spot. He walked up to her and stopped by the corner, lighting a cigarette.

"So, Valentina, any news or just the same old grind?" he asked, watching a valkrie fly overhead.
Valentina turned her head in one swift movement, yet it seemed elegant. "Same old." she said, gesturing to the run down, grimy streets airily. She flickered her tail in a circular motion before she pushed herself off of the wall she was leaning on with one foot, her swinging herself around a lamp-post before she halted, hanging off of it with one arm extended to hold the pole, one leg wrapped over the lower section. "What about you?" Her voice had an air of cold to it which went with her vague russian accent, which was one of the reasons many of her clients came to her. She stood well in her tall heels, as it would appear, and the way she held herself was regal, as if her parents were not as low bred as the citizens she bunked with at the brothel.
Darren blew a smoke ring before responding. "Been busier than normal to night, but nothing strange.Been hearing tales of Gangers out past the city walls, though I don't think anyone's seriously stupid enough to go there." He coughed in the strange way husks did, the way that suggested there throat was falling into their lungs, and adjusted the straps on his boots. Unlike Valentina, he had no rich or regal descent, or if he did they were long dead, and he had no recollection of what he had been before being a whore.
Valentina suddenly looked very interested in the male standing before her, dark eyes narrowing into slits of pure mischief. "What side of the city?" she asked, her tail sweeping the ground left to right swiftly. She clearly intended to break their curfew the boss had set upon them, and was indeed very interested in the prospect of Gangers. She was vaguely animal like in this state, her ears giving a light twitch as she grinned in her bright, snarling way to her companion.
"North side, though I would recommend taking the sewers under the wall, as opposed to sneaking out the main gate." Darren drew his rifle and fired up his steam turbine, causing the gun's barrel to glow. "You got a weapon?"
Valentina gave a smirk and flicked half of her skirt back to reveal two revolvers strapped to her upper and lower thigh, and then pulled a larger weapon which resembled a two-pointed sword with a chainsaw blade inside from her other leg. "Duh." she said, swinging the blade-like weapon so the chain spun and whirred menacingly.
"Fancy, parents get that for you?" Darren chuckled, "You should come round to mine and see what I've got stored up, you can buy a lot when you don't need food or drink for three hundred years. Come on, let's move before the peelers spot us." He pulled the cover off a drain and climbed down, dropping his cigarette into the filthy water.
Valentina followed and landed on all fours, getting up and leaning her weight on her left leg, right hip slightly raised as she swung the sword's padded side over her shoulder. "Let's see what you have stashed then, Darling." She had a habit of calling people said name, and clearly didn't care all that much if they disliked it. She decided now would be a good time to light a cigar one of her clients had spared for her, letting the pale lilac smoke drift lazily around her as she blew it from her soft black lips.

(lets say she still has her whole face at this point.)
"I'll show you what I've got after we've checked out the rumors. The talk at the pub is that they're in the old castle ruins, well defended, but a lot of secret entrances. Besides, the place is crawling with reavers this time of year." he said as they walked down the tunnel northwards. Soon they began to hear a soft, steady beat, similar to a marching band drum. "We're under the center of the old city now. Strange. You've heard the old tales of the drummer boy, the one they sent from the castle?"
"Cannot say I have." she replied, dipping her head to avoid her horns catching on some stray wiring. "Would you elaborate for me?" she flicked away a large rat into the water with a snarl of disgust lighting up her features.
"Years ago, when I was still in my 200's they found a secret tunnel leading out of the old castle. The tunnel was too narrow for any man or woman to fit down, so they sent this little drummer bow down. He rattled his drum all the time, and the guards followed the sound till they reached the old Tron Church. At that point the drumming stopped, so they waited. They waited for a full day, sending people into the church catacombs to search for him, but the drumming never started, and the boy was never found. If you've ever been on The high street at night, they say you can still hear his drumming, as he wanders forever. And guess what we're hearing now?" He raised his rifle and looked around the split in the tunnels ahead of them.
"The drummer boy." she mused, taking her blade from her shoulder and pointing it towards the tunnels. "Where now?" she asked, having forgotten the way to her friend's house.
"My house is straight ahead, but we want to go left and head out to the castle first. I haven't been home in a while, I think it's being watched."
"Ah." She turned to the left and headed down the dark passageway, her steps clicking gently as she headed the indicated direction. "Soo, any plans for when we actually get to the castle?" she asked, turning her head slightly to look back at him.
Darren scratched his head and flicked hair out of his eyes. "Keep and eye out for reavers, see if the rumors are true. If they are, either kill the gangers of get the f*ck out of there, depends on how many there are."
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She gave a gentle laugh, very unusual for her, and headed towards the light space towards the end of the passageway. "What exactly are Gangers again, Darren?" she entered the dull night light and leaned against a tree to wait for her friend, resting a heeled foot upon the bark.
"The scum of the empire, or what's left of it anyway. In older times they would have been called bandits, but hey times change. They're usually harmless but if they get hold of any good weaponry or mech suits... I've dealt with a few of the let's just say, and it ain't easy." The tunnel stopped abruptly, the roof of it having caved in, leaving a small opening at the top. "Think you can get your horns through there?"
She shrugged gently and made an attempt. "Hmm, yeah, if i tilt them." She gently turned her horns so one was through, then maneuvered the other so she could get out. "Yeahh, I'm good." She blinked around in the dullness and snorted lightly.
"Right, the castle's straight ahead, up the mountain." Darren said, pointing at the top of the volcanic rock, "Normally it would be a half hour climb but I found a passage, about fifty years back, that leads straight into the old armory and from there we can get onto the battlements." He began to walk through the streets, staying close to the ruined buildings and watching for Valkries and Reavers.
"Lead the way, Darling." she drawled, tail brushing the floor gently before they set off. The horned female shuffled past the buildings after the other, her appealing form masterfully edging around. 
(I did brah)
The tunnels leading into the castle were narrow and damp, with many side passages. The armory itself was filled with rusted weapons and armour. "Up those stairs and we'll be on the battlements. We'll have a good view of the castle, but very little cover, so be prepared to run if anything attacks."
Darren watched the gangers for a moment. "What are they doing?" he muttered to himself, as he counted them. "Looks like there's only seven of them," he whispered to Valentina, "Be careful though, there may be more in the buildings." He raised his rifle and aimed at the head of the nearest ganger. He pulled the trigger and the heated bullet smashed through the skull of the ganger, killing him instantly. Two of the gangers jumped onto steambikes and sped off out of the main gates. "Valentina, get after them!"
Something switched in the Daemon mutant and her movements became quite animal like, and she sped off after the two with the intensity of a lion on a hunt. She slid down some pipes and quickly grabbed the first by the neck, drawing her blade and slicing his throat, the chain whirring and mangling the male in seconds, severing his head. She turned to see the other still getting away and sprinted after him, a vicious howl-like cry resounding from her chest as she cleared the wall and leaped down behind him, landing on the spare seat. "Heya darling." she purred, grabbing his throat with her clawed hands and tearing his throat out, leaping off the bike and running back towards Darren.

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