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Fandom Puella Magi: Universe - closed rp no longer active

Also, should we discuss my magic? I already have an idea, but I presume I need to run it by you guys.
Okay, so this is my thought:

Magic: Mimicry

Description: She can make or turn herself into anything. Anything at all. The stipulation is that she must have seen it before IN THE REAL WORLD. This means no pictures, TV shows, cartoons, et cetera, unless it's a picture that hasn't been edited (any form of editing at all makes it no longer a part of the real world, and instead a work of fiction). This does include Yoma and Magical Girls, which she can turn herself into or create as familiars. Her most common attack will be simply using the weapons of other magical girls, or if she’s feeling it she may simply turn into one of them. She will also commonly create magical girl familiars: copies of other magical girls (or herself) that will fight alongside her. If things get nasty, she could create a Yoma to fight for her. However, the grief gained from doing this is pretty bad, so it isn’t something she’ll typically do. This, however, has nothing on turning herself into a Yoma. The power of having full control over a Yoma is immense, and she could crush almost any enemy with ease through doing this. However, this is the absolute last ditch measure, as it practically fills her soul gem with grief just to do it once.

My thought is that, since her wish was for knowledge, it makes sense that her magic has to do with the world around her. She takes what she learns (sees) and turns it to her side. However, she can't learn from something that's fake or has false data, which is why animation or edited pictures won't work.
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Assailant said:
Okay, so this is my thought:
Magic: Mimicry

Description: She can make or turn herself into anything. Anything at all. The stipulation is that she must have seen it before IN THE REAL WORLD. This means no pictures, TV shows, cartoons, et cetera, unless it's a picture that hasn't been edited (any form of editing at all makes it no longer a part of the real world, and instead a work of fiction). This does include Yoma and Magical Girls, which she can turn herself into or create as familiars. Her most common attack will be simply using the weapons of other magical girls, or if she’s feeling it she may simply turn into one of them. She will also commonly create magical girl familiars: copies of other magical girls (or herself) that will fight alongside her. If things get nasty, she could create a Yoma to fight for her. However, the grief gained from doing this is pretty bad, so it isn’t something she’ll typically do. This, however, has nothing on turning herself into a Yoma. The power of having full control over a Yoma is immense, and she could crush almost any enemy with ease through doing this. However, this is the absolute last ditch measure, as it practically fills her soul gem with grief just to do it once.

My thought is that, since her wish was for knowledge, it makes sense that her magic has to do with the world around her. She takes what she learns (sees) and turns it to her side. However, she can't learn from something that's fake or has false data, which is why animation or edited pictures won't work.

I like it (though I don't really have a say here) but like, should you have some sort of limitation on that? Like maybe she just gets the powers or the appearance, but can't do both at the same time or something? Tbh this as it is seems like an OP magic for this kind of rp as it is
Kazehana said:
I like it (though I don't really have a say here) but like, should you have some sort of limitation on that? Like maybe she just gets the powers or the appearance, but can't do both at the same time or something? Tbh this as it is seems like an OP magic for this kind of rp as it is
The limitation (sorry, I forgot to mention this) is the increase in grief. Using magic brings grief into the soul gem. However, she gains grief for turning into/summoning things, and (if she's a magical girl) she ALSO gains grief for using the magic.
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Assailant said:
The limitation (sorry, I forgot to mention this) is the increase in grief. Using magic brings grief into the soul gem. However, she gains grief for turning into/summoning things, and (if she's a magical girl) she ALSO gains grief for using the magic.
Ahh okay so you're limiting the amount of time she can use it? I was thinking that most mimics are limited either on time or power, so I wasn't sure whoch one you were going for
Kazehana said:
Ahh okay so you're limiting the amount of time she can use it? I was thinking that most mimics are limited either on time or power, so I wasn't sure whoch one you were going for
Nah, nah. Not so much time. She can do it as long as she wants. The problem is that the grief compounds. Given an infinite number of grief seeds, she could mimic all she wanted until the day she dies. Problem is that she DOESN'T have infinite grief seeds. Turning into a magical girl takes grief, staying one takes grief, using magic as one takes grief, creating familiars takes grief, etc.

It's not so much that it'll only be a few minutes or anything, but it adds up over time. Creating things doesn't take a lot, but changing herself takes a good deal. Basically, the two main limitations to her power is that

A.) She can only make what she has seen authentically, and

B.) The grief compounds.
I said this, but I guess it didn't post or something? So let's say she turns into Yui and uses an ice attack. She gains grief for turning into Yui. Staying as Yui also slowly adds grief overtime (not a ton, but it adds up if she stays too long.) Then she uses an ice attack, which of course costs grief.

This is all to say that her power isn't super cost efficient.
I'm just concerned that that specific power may make every other character obsolete if it isn't limited the right way. Like, why have more magical girls if she can do the same things, but better since she knows how to kill the yoma immediately? I want the other girls to be just as important. But I don't know for sure since Karcen mentioned that Max didn't have that kind of karmic destiny. I don't know where she wants to go with this
It was late last night niether me or karcen discuss this in full. My problem is you having minnions also is to simuliar to karcen character. I like the mimicking others powers but give it a limit time at first to how long you can stay. Most of us are using the principle that the longer you stay a magical girl the more greif you build in your soul gem
My issue is such she is now the smartest human ever in existence because of the wish

Her power basically let's her have one else's power she wants or rather multiple people's powers at once

She will know how to one shot any and all yoma and how to make a weapon for others that cam do so

Now why should anyone else be involved in the plot anymore you have the smartest and strongest character right here. I have no idea what she should get because it doesn't matter the Yoma are already beaten she can solve all the earth's problems by herself with the knowledge why should we try at all especially when she can just copy anyone and have their abilities as well as a pet this is power gaming
[QUOTE="Lil Shirou]Most of us are using the principle that the longer you stay a magical girl the more greif you build in your soul gem

[/QUOTE] That's what I've been saying.
Karcen said:
My issue is such she is now the smartest human ever in existence because of the wish
Her power basically let's her have one else's power she wants or rather multiple people's powers at once

She will know how to one shot any and all yoma and how to make a weapon for others that cam do so

Now why should anyone else be involved in the plot anymore you have the smartest and strongest character right here. I have no idea what she should get because it doesn't matter the Yoma are already beaten she can solve all the earth's problems by herself with the knowledge why should we try at all especially when she can just copy anyone and have their abilities as well as a pet this is power gaming
Ah, I see. Okay. Sorry. I had a lot of plans ahead of time, but I didn't anticipate just how powerful the knowledge she gained would make her. My problem is now I have no clue what her magic should be.
Personally given her now inhuman knowledge I wouldn't give her a power or i will destroy a continent in debt because she has the knowledge of the tech to fix everything for everyone just imagine how much good she could do with 2 prices of tech she is a one girl expert in every last field of science now who could create super warp tomorrow or make magical girls of her own as she also now knows the process to that
And she may not have the means to build stuff today but she could easily in the Nobel prize in every category for several years and get the money to build all of this
I feel like she needs SOME sort of power (after all, part of the bargain is that they become a magical girl,) but I see what you mean now. I just have no clue what kind of power would fit that WOULDN'T be horribly OP.
Why cant we limit the knowledge to magical girls only. Like not how they are made but stats, powers, weaknesses just by touching them and her power be to mimic the powers of that magical girl she touches temporary. I am still looking for the wish backlash
How about telepathic communications with other magical girls? It's not combat oriented, but it has to do with her wish and allows her to still help while not being OP
Well, as karmic debt, the wish could create a new type of enemy. One that would be more deadly, but not yoma. In that way, sure she can deal with the yoma. But she lacks the knowledge to defeat other types o enemies. It wounds like what would happen in the story anyway. Consder what happenes when Madoka eliminated witches as a threat. New enemies appeared in their place, rendering her wish sort of pointless. At the same time, it was mt because se saved magical girls from their gloomy fate. This could work the same way
Yeah I was planning that as well it is just getting there also mental stuff Kyubey allows them that already
Umm but yoma in this was suppose to be a scapegoat it an enemy but not the main purpose
If she has knowledge of yoma, she could have the power to become one herself, using its abilities for her own. That could be cool, and it wouldn't intrude on the importance of other magical girls

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