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Fandom Puella Magi: Universe - closed rp no longer active

Just mark it closed and we'll all move on from this nonsense, okay? No sense in messing up players accounts over some argument
Assailant, i said i quit and your calling me names thats why. i never once said your the only reason . I am leaving on so you two can finish it. instead you pointed straight to yourself for that reason. I tried to work eith you but we have to many different ideas that all.

Kageyuuki i am sorry i cant make myself write something i dont believe in. I believe your a stronger roleplayer and writer. I learn alot from you. I hope we can do somwthing different later.
We are going ahead with a revamp though. I love tsubaki character and wish for you to join. @KageYuuki

All karcen and i wanted was to be able to direct the story instead of constantly being blocked from it. As max became more and more important it became less fun to create stories where we all fit in. It felt like it was max and the magical girls to stop kyubey but only for a thousand years. I believe in strong character development between all. The story was going no where. I couldn't bring in new people with we are constantly talking of a end game that so how max is the only one that knew about it. A revamp was needed if it falls oh well. If i knew you two would blow it over this i could said nothing and quit. We have diffetent goals in mind me and karcen wrote a great story that involve all of us. I gave you an option to finish this story out and was told how dare you quit what gives you the right to tell me how to roleplay in this rp. For all purposes me and karcen have that right to as gamemaster. The story was becoming stall and hard to write for. I couldnt add new players in or ask previous players back with a ending coming up.
Shirou . . .

I'm glad you enjoyed Tsubaki's character, I really am. But I have some reservations with starting over, or even just picking up where we left off. Ever since this thread started it's been an attractant for drama and that was before Max rolled around. I actually left the last site I was on because you couldn't do anything in any thread without starting a big fight. It was stressful and I mainly roleplay to relax.

The other issue . . . your characters have potential, your ideas have potential, they really do. But you have some growing to do as a writer. I know I speak for a lot of players across multiple threads, but a lot of your posts are extremely difficult to read, let alone understand. Karcen's as well. Grammar and spelling is really important in this kind of thing and honestly can make or break an entire scene. If anything I recommend studying the posts of other players and see if you can't pick up anything from their writing style. Or even have others proofread your posts, it can help to have another set of eyes looking for those kinds of errors.

This story really did have potential, but to be honest I've had a difficult time enjoying myself over these past several months. Maybe one day we can cross paths again, it's really hard to say.
As i dont see how my post a hard to read. II am not going to write like it a school paper because you write that way. Telling people they have mistake and it hard to read is laughable. Cause i have no idea what your saying sometimes and i have to wait till others pick it out to explain. People like to write like it a dictionary fine.

That funny alot of the problem were from people acting like a gm when are not. You wrongly assume things and attack me never once apologize for it. In the last two months i been trying to figure out why all of a sudden we need to talk about ending a rp that i like suddenly. When i voiced it i was told shirou role with it by you and assailant. As a gm of a roleplaty shouldnt i have that right to know. Anytime i say something in a nice way you pick it apart and make it a fight. Aka telling other they are angry or to relax when all someone said was dont do this that way. I work nearly 12 hrs a day the only way i can rp is do it by phone. Where errors happen. You also dont ask us what we mean. You automatically say it a mistake when we point it out it wasnt a mistake. You say who cares about what the character feels.

But since i was trying to be nice to you both and instead i get attacked. Told i didnt know what i was talking about. Fine you win you tsubaki is the winner she saved her sisters from bad yoma and died a year later. So much potential lost for a better story in a revamp.
Shirou if my writing wasn't clear in a spot you could have just pointed it out and asked me. Pointing out something and asking for clarification isn't looking for a fight, honest.

There was a lot of miscommunication involved in this from all sides. And it seems that's still the case as everyone continues to misinterpret everyone else's messages. I'm not sure what I can tell you other than I'm not trying to attack you, never have been. Because really, no matter how I look at it, it seems everyone is reading the other's messages as personal attacks or coming off as nasty when that likely wasn't the intention.

I'm sure with many of your messages you weren't trying to come off as hostile and yet it still did. I'm now sure that's the case for anything I've wrote as well.

I'm really not sure what I can tell you with you interpreting all of my messages as attacks when they really aren't. I doubt most of your messages are meant the be attacks either despite them coming off as such.
I could show you how many times i was attack today. This was fun for me and karcen till we had to pm each other daily on hiw we can write a post. We were constantly left in the black with max. Like i predict the boss will be here in 1 month or there 5 big yoma left. Believe it or not karcen and i talk this out daily.

I did ask you or someone about what your post in character. It you that never ask us. You just go english major on us.

Today we ask you to show us a potential story for a reason to keep this rp as is. There wasnt anything stated we explain why we couldnt do your ideas. As gms we have to lead the story where we see fit. Sorry ending a rp with everyone dies within the year and no one stop the yoma from coming is bad writing. So is saying everyone live without their contract. It didnt happen in madoka series
Shirou, I've gone through and read the past twenty pages of OoC. Have I seen other players appearing hostile, yes, but none of my messages were written with such an intention towards anyone. Chances are that's the same with many other instances.

And if you asked me for clarification on something and I didn't reply, I'm sorry I missed it.

Today . . . today was just an utter disaster and really everyone's to blame. I probably could have even worded things a little more clearly.

I'm really not sure what I can tell you since it seems no matter what I say I'm the hostile one attacking all the players. Perhaps all I can really say is I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I didn't seem to communicate clearly, I'm sorry I'm some horrible and useless player, I'm sorry that I seemed to always come off as some hostile bitch.
You were most likely the calmest one involved in all this. Also yes I know my grammar is bad but I can't recall anyone ever asking for what I meant, so I assumed it was good enough.

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