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Fandom Puella Magi: Universe - closed rp no longer active

I can write the ending now you guys. In fact post it. Timeskip

4 girls fight for the final wish to fill the quota. Yui dies not after telling katja she loves her and wants her to protect her family. The finaly defeat the final boss. They gove it to kyubey filling the quota for 1000 years.


Dies a year later

Again timeskip

1000 years later rinse repeat
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We cant without throwimg out max wish. Because she the the best character ever. She must know every loop hole
[QUOTE="Lil Shirou]I can right the ending now you huys. In fact post it. Timeskip
4 girls fight for the final wish to fill the quota. Yui dies not after telling katja she loves her and wants her to protect her family. The finaly defeat the final boss. They gove it to kyubey filling the quota for 1000 years.


Dies a year later

Again timeskip

1000 years later rinse repeat

Fine. Fine. You know what? There's no winning with you guys. Ugh. Fine. Ruin a good story we were working on. You know what? I was planning certain things. Things I thought would be nice for everyone. But fine. If you are all so dead set on ruining the good mood I worked so hard for today, then fine. I don't give a crap anymore. I'll make my own ending, and consider it canon.
You two are the ones looking to go the Madoka route.

Besides, given Max's unreliable info recollection, what's stopping her from being wrong in that we wouldn't be released from our contracts?
i don't really want to go the madoka route i would rather we all live all get freed but with the knowledge kyubey is still around doing things but hey we are free
well now i see by our resident rules lawyer such and ending wouldn't work because kyubey wouldn't stay on earth because once you get your minimum of anything you just stop
Karcen said:
well now i see by our resident rules lawyer such and ending wouldn't work because kyubey wouldn't stay on earth because once you get your minimum of anything you just stop
There. See?
so yeah i can't just free us and having the bitterness being that other girls are still fighting elsewhere because that just would be so out of character and so wrong no we have to fill the quota and die that is the most logical solution
There's really no need to be getting hostile about this . . .

So he hits his minimum, great, now earth doesn't require their full attention, awesome, so Yoma become such a rare instance that new magical girls aren't really needed.

What's wrong with something like that? You both get your endings in a way
because we have differing opioins of how things would go with kuybey because the person playing this version of kuybey doesn't know how he would act

this version would milk earth for everything it is worth
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@Assailant @KageYuuki

Since i cant do shit with this rp i quit you both can figure it out. I am tried of being bullied into writing a stupid ending so you two can consider it gold. This went from writing something i was proud of to the thing i am ashamed of. If this was an anime i cancel it. It has so many faults in it i was hoping to fix in a revamp, but since you guys are dead set on writing crap just so you have an ending that goes against the source and what made it good. I choosing to stop.
Lil Shirou] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10555-assailant/ said:
@Assailant[/URL] @KageYuuki
Since i cant do shit with this rp i quit you both can figure it out. I am tried of being bullied into writing a stupid ending so you two can consider it gold. This went from writing something i was proud of to the thing i am ashamed of. If this was an anime i cancel it. It has so many faults in it i was hoping to fix in a revamp, but since you guys are dead set on writing crap just so you have an ending that goes against the source and what made it good. I choosing to stop.
For crying out loud Shirou I'm not trying to bully you... I can't force you to write or participate in an ending and I can't force you to leave. Want to find a compromise? Then let's actually hold a discussion. If you want to leave, that's your choice. You want to just quit this and reboot? Then I wish you the best of luck. Though I'd ask that you don't do and delete the thread because that just screws up everyone's accounts and no one wants that. I've seen users have their accounts basically broken because of a GM deleting the thread, so that's not the best idea.
Dont get me wrong in join roleplaying with both of you but i am not going to do something that goes against my writing believe
Lil Shirou] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10555-assailant/ said:
@Assailant[/URL] @KageYuuki
Since i cant do shit with this rp i quit you both can figure it out. I am tried of being bullied into writing a stupid ending so you two can consider it gold. This went from writing something i was proud of to the thing i am ashamed of. If this was an anime i cancel it. It has so many faults in it i was hoping to fix in a revamp, but since you guys are dead set on writing crap just so you have an ending that goes against the source and what made it good. I choosing to stop.
Heh. You're one to talk. This thread has been miserable with you. You feel like we're bullying you? You're canceling something with SO MUCH POTENTIAL. You don't need to do jack shit, but no need to ruin everyone else's day because you don't really like what's happening.

You know what? Screw it. I'm done. For good. I... I can't do this anymore. I quit.

While I'm at it, I quit Pokemon Origins too.

Everything I've done has been an invitation for arguement. If I'm so cancerous for you, than I'll get out of your hair. At least that makes me better than cancer in your eye, right? I know when to fucking take a hint.
Alright, but what on earth is the ending you want? You say you don't want the characters to die but you also say you don't want a happy ending.

So talk to us instead trying to turn this into circles. What are you trying to accomplish here? What is this writing belief?
Assailant said:
Heh. You're one to talk. This thread has been miserable with you. You feel like we're bullying you? You're canceling something with SO MUCH POTENTIAL. You don't need to do jack shit, but no need to ruin everyone else's day because you don't really like what's happening.
You know what? Screw it. I'm done. For good. I... I can't do this anymore. I quit.

While I'm at it, I quit Pokemon Origins too.

Everything I've done has been an invitation for arguement. If I'm so cancerous for you, than I'll get out of your hair. At least that makes me better than cancer in your eye, right? I know when to fucking take a hint.
No what i trying to be honest with you no wonder you been ban before. Your not the only roleplayer in the fucking world. It not just your character asshole it the story direction. A revamp isnt the end of the world but hey we lointed it out to you. You done have to do the tevamp i was being noce to invite you both to it. Instead you want me to support writing garbage just so you have a ending. I wasnt ending the thread i was pulling out to perhaps make something better. But hey as long as you can act like a gm to everything your right i am an idiot.
[QUOTE="Lil Shirou]No what i trying to be honest with you no wonder you been ban before. Your not the only roleplayer in the fucking world. It not just your character asshole it the story direction. A revamp isnt the end of the world but hey we lointed it out to you. You done have to do the tevamp i was being noce to invite you both to it. Instead you want me to support writing garbage just so you have a ending. I wasnt ending the thread i was pulling out to perhaps make something better. But hey as long as you can act like a gm to everything your right i am an idiot.

Glad you're being honest.

You know, you remind me of the person that GOT me banned. A real asshole. All my friends hate him. You know where he is now? I'll tell you what...

His account can't even be FOUND on this site anymore. It's been that deleted.

So go ahead. Call me an asshole if you want. Because I have more friends than haters, and the latter don't tend to last long. Good luck.
Besides. I was being nice.

I could be a whole lot meaner. I censored myself a whole lot.

But out of respect for your earlier statement, I held back. That restraint can always be taken away.
I was going to keep it open so you guys could finish but since assailant thinks it all about him then i delete. We cant make a different ending cause of whats been written and max wish. Me and karcen trying to be respectful and pull out cause of creative differences.
I'm only going to ask once again not to delete because it just messes up everyone's accounts. Really, it's not a good idea.
[QUOTE="Lil Shirou]I was going to keep it open so you guys could finish but since assailant thinks it all about him then i delete. We cant make a different ending cause of whats been written and max wish. Me and karcen trying to be respectful and pull out cause of creative differences.

Sure, sure. Of course it's all about me.

Because I can't have differing opinions and NOT be an asshole, right?

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