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Fandom Puella Magi: Universe - closed rp no longer active

It is that wish that starts all this because suddenly someone has to know everything the gas know and to keep things going I answer as best I can which makes issues the wish itself violates the spirit of other wishes because it is meta and power gamed even in the form it is now it is hard to work around or get all three of us at the same place at the same time
It not just the wish i had pms from three members asking to join but it loke whats the point it ending in two weeks
What do you mean 'what's the point'? Isn't the Beltane supposed to be the hardest fight any of the girls have had yet? Why wouldn't they be finding girls from other cities to help with the battle?
Think of your character kageyuuki. My sister died to protect me but didnt stop anything i might as well join her and die. Kyubey grant my wish i get chocolate cake and die a year later
Seeing as how you two are so bent on making the characters' decision useless it may just play out that way.
Woah woah wait. No, what? Kyuubey has a quota. Yes, he'll be back. But not within ten minutes. This quota would've taken thousands of years to fulfill, meaning he'll be gone for AT LEAST that long. Kyubey isn't greedy.

They accomplish things. Besides, it won't be done in weeks. We still have, like, a month until the Beltane. The girls need to train, recruit, perhaps make amends and make peace should they die. There is much more to be done!
Explain how it not useless then. "I only held off on preventing new magical girls and i died a year later from it". Wait that right you cant no instead your telling me that it not because thats how life is
The character's kind of consigned themselves to an early death just through their contracts . . . Besides, like Assailant said you'd be staving it off for thousands of years. That's time that can be invested in looking for other options anyway.
[QUOTE="Lil Shirou]Explain how it not useless then. "I only held off on preventing new magical girls and i died a year later from it". Wait that right you cant no instead your telling me that it not because thats how life is

Don't tell me I can't explain, because I CAN! It's called a sacrifice. They die and end up saving thousands or millions of girls over thousands of years."
Assailant said:
Don't tell me I can't explain, because I CAN! It's called a sacrifice. They die and end up saving thousands or millions of girls over thousands of years."
Also, you know, kind of stopping armageddon either way.
kyubey is greedy in the movies instead of simply sticking with the slower system they found witches which give off more energy to be preferable because you need fewer so yeah they can want something faster that eventually
i mean this world is already profitable why leave it that isn't logical the quota is the minimum they want there is no upper limit and why wait to collect it
Karcen said:
kyubey is greedy in the movies instead of simply sticking with the slower system they found witches which give off more energy to be preferable because you need fewer so yeah they can want something faster that eventually
Perhaps, but he doesn't like work. That's why he doesn't like the slower system: it's inconvenient and it's more work. So why work more than he needs to? Besides, he wanted to CONTROL the law of cycles to their benefit. Not necessarily simply stop it.
Neither of you have given me or karcen a good reson not to revamp this story. Other than you dont want to. That what it comes to really.
he would work more because then he can push things back more simply if you can get more out of something do so if something can be more efficient make it so if something benefits you keep it going and now he has had the idea to just make mind controlled slaves to do most of the hard work of showing up
[QUOTE="Lil Shirou]Neither of you have given me or karcen a good reson not to revamp this story. Other than you dont want to. That what it comes to really.

Umm... because the story isn't over? Because I like what's happened so far? Because that's simply quitting? Because there's no reason to in the first place, and that's just more work?

Karcen said:
he would work more because then he can push things back more simply if you can get more out of something do so if something can be more efficient make it so if something benefits you keep it going and now he has had the idea to just make mind controlled slaves to do most of the hard work of showing up
Okay then. Hmm... then here's my question.

Why would we want to start over when we're in the endgame? Look at all the hours that have been put into writing this, why would any of us want to scrap this and start all over? Why couldn't we just bring this one to the conclusion and then you two start your new thread? Both of you have said it's only about a week's worth of writing anyway.

Though I'm curious, if you're both so against using the heart as a supercharged grief seed, why did you even give the players the option?
it is the minimum they think they can get from the planet basically keep this going until you reach this amount if you go over the amount the great more energy
Karcen said:
it is the minimum they think they can get from the planet basically keep this going until you reach this amount if you go over the amount the great more energy
But that makes no sense. The only reason that Kyubey would stop, according to you, is if the world ended. At that point, there's nothing he can do either way. So no, that doesn't make sense. Kyubey stops at the end of a quota, that's all that makes sense.
i don't really care i don't mind the everyone dies ending with the knowledge we changed nothing it is why i made it up i would honestly prefer a they are all free ending but i don't think that would be fair to the spirit of the series but then again most wishes aren't trying to be legally binding documents
Okay, so then it is just some minimum. They get that then don't need to focus so much on earth and magical girls. Seed planting would then slow down so we end up with far less Yoma and likely still an end to contracts with the current group being strong enough to keep things going awhile.
he would only stop if the world ended or humans caught up to them in tech the quota is the minimum if he can get more he will

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