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Fantasy Protectors

"I don't know either," Rene added with a shrug, "Maybe it's-- Woah-- Okay, so that's what we're doing--"

He watched Tig disappear into the crowd in front of them for a second, then quickly followed before they could get completely separated. 

Nonie sat on the railing of the roof, swinging her feet back and forth. She didn't really want to lay on the bricks until she really had to (because apparently she had to stay low to stay as hidden as possible - way too cold, not a good time) so for now she was looking at the crowd below. She couldn't see too much interesting stuff going on other than a few picket signs but she did see some awfully familiar blue hair.
"Spot on, so let's go," She told Harlow, watching Gates walk off. She gave a quick smile to Harlow then pushed her way towards the front of the crowd, pulling her headphones down so she could concentrate. Her power over emotions wasn't as good as Harlow's, which was why he was positioned to affect more people, since she had a only a small range of vague emotions she could project. Luckily panic was one of the ones she could do, so she should be fine. She just needed to concentrate. That would be easier said than done in a crowd like this, constantly shouting and jostling her about. It was terrible really, but she'd have to suffer through.

Pretending to stretch her neck, Mina moved her head around, trying to see if Nonie was prepared as the people on stage started on another topic. She recognised their target as one of two, the other being a man who, judging by his receding and greying hair, was in his early sixties. She caught sight of Nonie on the selected building's rails and sighed, moving her eyes back to the debate, waiting to hear the gunshot.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog @TheOne

Not wanting to be left behind, Azure followed Tig and Rene into the crowd. As they emerged into the square and the stiller crowds at least part of the thing became obvious. Two people were on the front of City Hall, stood at podiums and talking to the crowd. There was a woman on the left and an old man on the right, both dressed in suits and well groomed. Azure didn't trust politicians, people who promised to help others to get back into power and hardly ever delivered. He was still kind of curious though. There was a big turnout, and usually crowds meant a good show.

"Want to stay and watch?" He asked the other two, his eyes glued to the woman. She looked familiar...

@Tohoak @Blacknife

"Well, we have a name now. That's a start, at least..." Selene smiled weakly. She pushed herself off the tree she was leaning on and stretched. "We can plan later, I was up late on a patrol, I need rest. And, uh, do you know where Kydlin's gone? I have some questions for her." She asked Hunter.
Alex finally caught up to the others and burst through the mass of people. He was giving a larger man a greasy look before he turned his attention to the stadium. The people up there seemed to be politicians. Famous ones too.

Something hit him right away.

"Hey. If this is a public event that means theres gonna be a couple Protectors around too. So maybe we shouldnt hang around here to long" He kept looking around hoping not to spot one of the officials that where back at the base. Least of all Hunter.

@SecretRock @Tohoak
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Hunter nodded understandly. "Kydlin should be in her cabin," he answered speaking her name with fondess that only a good friend could. His eyes widened as he came to a realization. He cursed. "The elections today isn't it?" His anger toward his stupidity was imense but he took a calming breath. "I guess I could still try and make it there on time," he said.

Tig stared at the politicians with a scrutinizing gaze for a long moment, she knew that lieing was common for them and they were usualy very sneaky. "Maybe we should leave. Alex has a good point," she said starting to turn away.

@SecretRock @Blacknife
Nonie pulled out an old phone to text Mina - The Decimators were pretty lucky, having rich people in charge meant that you could still have access to tech that a lot of people couldn't anymore. Telling her that there were probably protectors around (and to have fun with that), she got off of the railing and into position.

(I'm still not 100% sure about the technology in this, sorry ;-; )
"Hmm? Oh, I think it's just some debate or something," Selene said, trying to remember dates from the papers she'd been reading. She couldn't remember much, but she knew that the actual elections weren't for a few months. She wasn't sure if the people in the city would actually appreciate Hunter going to vote, given how infamous he was, but she didn't say anything. She waved as she went to Kydlin's cabin, lightly knocking on the door.


Mina glanced down as her phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out and read Nonie's text, pursing her lips as she thought. She didn't have a way to contact Gates and tell her, but she was pretty sure that Lance had a phone too. She quickly scrolled through her contacts, and relaxed a little when she saw his name on the list. Pulling up a chat she relayed the information to him, hoping that he could handle it. She also quickly sent it to Harlow too, just as a warning.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog

Azure tore his eyes from the two on the stage to look at his friends. He scanned the crowd and didn't see anyone that he recognised. There were a lot of people there.

"Are you sure? They might not be able to spot us." He said, "Besides, we're just four trainees, how are they gonna recognise us?" Sure he might stand out a little bit, but the other three were as normal as can be on the outside. There were even some there other people with brightly coloured hair in the crowd.


He hummed slightly as he stood in the crowd. He felt sneaky and loved the adrenaline rush he was getting. The anticipation almost too much... Almost. He watched the people on stage, not really interested in what was going on, he was just waiting for Nonie's signal of gunfire so he could cause a panic. It was so exciting, so exciting, so exciting... The mantra kept going in his head that he almost didn't feel the brick in his pocket shudder. He took it out of his pocket and read the message from Mina inside his coat, trying not to look to suspicious, but failing miserably. Some people around him were giving him weird looks, so he used a little bit of his power to ward them off by making them feel more curious about their precious politics. He really didn't care. The message warned him about possible Protectors in the area. Well, he would like to say that scared him, but really it just added to the overall exhilarating  experience he was going through. In his mind, Protectors just made everything more fun. He put his little brick away, making a mental note to ask Crowne if he could get something better later, and carried on watching the people talk about stuff they would do to the city. "Yeah right," he muttered bitterly, surprising himself with the negative emotion, quickly putting back his smile and diminishing those thoughts.


Issy could see in the crowd some people walking around in the standard security uniform, those weren't Protectors, so she didn't give them much attention. However, she saw a kid with some blue hair for a second, before they were blocked from her view by some people. The kid had been with some others around his own age, maybe younger. They didn't look like protectors so she carried on her scans, looking out for Mina and that other guy in the crowds, as well as the guy that was also meant to be patrolling for Protectors. She honestly had no idea where he had gone, but she was getting bored of standing here and she couldn't really see much as there were too many people moving around all the time. She decided it was time to go higher and get a better look at how things were going on. She glanced around checking no-one was paying attention to her, before she slipped away and found a fire escape on the side of a building. It wasn't tall, per say, but it was enough. She scaled up the ladder with ease and was soon on the roof. She sat down in a way that allowed her to relax a little, but she would be able to get up easily if there appeared to be trouble. She saw the little girl in the Bunny hood across the way, she wasn't doing much, but she had the gun. Now she could the crowds below more clearly. There still wasn't anyone looking suspicious, apart from the Trench coat kid, but that wasn't her problem. She also saw the blue haired person with his friends near the middle. They seemed to be deciding whether to stay and watch or go. Again, Issy quickly glanced over them looking for more interesting and real threats.

 @SecretRock @Camelot @Tohoak @Blacknife
Tig paused for a moment in decision. Then she nodded, "We're staying," she decieded to curious to resist. She looked around trying not to be too noticeable. Azure had a point. They were just kids and no one would notice them. She smiled to herself. Sometimes being young could have its benefits.

@Blacknife @Camelot @TyTydaDog

Hunter watched her go. He shook his head trying to clear it. Selene was right. What was wrong with him? He rubbed his eyes. Maybe he just needed some sleep. 

Kydlin had been trying to take a nap and failing. Then she heard the light knock on the door. "Come in!" she called sitting up with a sigh. She stretched and decieded to give up on falling asleep. 


Lance Tenebris

He didn't know where the mercenary woman had gone, so Lance decided to take his own route to look out for Protectors. He pushed through the back of the crowd, getting some complaints but most people were used to be shoved about in large gatherings like this. At the back of the square was another building with a similar design to City Hall: bricks, Grecian style front, all that jazz. He climbed up the steps, sitting on the base of one of the pillars. He couldn't hear the politicians from all the way back here but he could see over the heads of most of the crowds. A problem with the plan Mina had given was that he knew no Protectors and definitely couldn't recognise any on sight. Even if there weren't any there, he could still start a fight when they had caused a panic in the crowd.

He pulled the phone he'd been given out of his pocket as he got a text notification. It was an annoying high pitched chirp. He had no idea how to change it, but he barely used the phone so it's not like it mattered. Once read, he looked out over the crowd, trying and failing to identify the mentioned Protectors. He was still having the same problem as earlier, not have a goddamn clue what they looked like. He quickly sent a reply asking what they looked like 'or something'. Once that was done he instead started to look for the mercenary, hoping that maybe she found the Protectors.

Alex's gut was telling him to bolt. He was visibly getting more and more jittery as the speech got more and more energized. There was too many people moving around. He noticed a couple individuals that where at the very outskirts of the crowd, too far back to hear the politicians but close enough to interact with the crowd. 

((This is at everyone. I can feel the tension!))
Tig glanced at Alex noticeing he was getting nervous. She couldn't help but love the excitment though. The feeling of unknowing and tenseness. She knew the smart thing would be to leave, but she didn't want to. She like the danger even though she knew she shouldn't

@SecretRock @Blacknife @TyTydaDog @Camelot @TheOne
Nonie pulled the trigger as the woman was being asked to give a statement on the Decimators - Pretty good timing if she did say so herself. Not really sure what to do now, she waited for Mina and Harlow to start the panic.
Mina heard the shot and immediately closed her eyes, ignoring the panic around her and instead focusing on her power and trying to get people stirring into a frenzy. Nonie had excellent timing there. She peeked one eye open and glanced around, her powers did seem to be working with the already amassing panic around her, so she looked out for the few people with cameras. Any who weren't taking pictures of the stage she tripped with rocks, making sure that their cameras were smashed in the forming stampede. Trying to keep her power working, Mina tried to shove her way to the edge of the crowd, not wanting to get caught in anything that would happen next. Knowing that Nonie was probably safely getting down from the roof, she started to scan the crowd for Harlow as the woman was carried off stage. She hoped he'd be easy to spot due to the disguise he decided to wear.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog @TheOne

Azure jumped at the sound of the gunshot. It definitely wasn't something he expected to happen but he was in motion in a flash. Trying to hold still against some of the crowd rushing away, he scanned the rooftops for anyone. No one would be stupid enough to shoot from the crowd, right? As he scanned the roofs of the surrounding buildings he saw a woman stood on one of them and a figure he couldn't quite make out on another. The second one seemed small.

"I see two on the roofs, either of them could have a gun," He told the other three on instinct, pointing them both out. This was actually what he and Selene did half the time they were in the city. It could be fun sometimes, but it wasn't this time. "Split into pairs and take them?"

@Tohoak @Blacknife

As soon as the shot was fired, Harlow focused on the crowds around him, willing them to feel the terror of the current situation. By the looks of it, it seemed to be working quite well and he smiled a little to himself. He had done something good for a change, what a nice feeling that was. Since Harlow was relatively close to the side of the crowds, he started to make his way, more like be swept along by the crowds, to the side alleys. In the process he got tired of his little disguise and decided to be rid of it so if anyone though he was suspicious, they would be thrown off by his thrown off clothes. The teen smiled to himself at his little, awful joke. He proceeded to take off his hat and coat, leaving him with his everyday hoodie and faded, ripped jeans, but he still wore the sunglasses because, damn, was it bright out today. Once in a sort of god position where he could stop himself from being pulled back, he saw that Lance guy on a pillar, the opposite side of the building to himself. That was good, he had eyes on at least one person from their group. Harlow started looking for Mina in the crowd, but he couldn't see her anywhere, he began to worry about her and felt it clench up his stomach. He didn't like this feeling very much, he wanted that other feeling of accomplishment from before...


Issy sprang into a crouching position at the sound all too familiar to her ears. Gunfire. Just as planned the people who had been peacefully spectating only moments before were now in a frenzy of fear, trying to escape as fast as they could from all possible exits. From this angle, they all looked a bit like sheep. Issy smiled to herself, small but still there. Suddenly, she saw those kids from earlier, one was looking at her and started running in the direction of the building. 

Well Well, looks like I underestimated you. She thought to herself as she leaped into action. Issy slid down the roof tiles and again down the drain pipe at the corner of the building she was on. She took out a small dagger and held it behind her back, pressing against the wall slightly so people could run past her without herself being dragged along with the momentum. She waited patiently for the Protector child to come towards her. After all, she was her money.

@SecretRock @Tohoak @Camelot @Blacknife @TheOne
Azure nodded, then looked to the other two.

"Rene, you go with Tig. Alex, come with me," He said, before starting to push his way through the crowd towards the building where he was the smaller figure. He tried to get close to the wall of the building so he'd have to push through less people to get there. While he didn't mind crowds by themselves, he wasn't too fond of moving against them. He'd almost been trampled once or twice when he was younger and it was not an experience he wanted to repeat.

@Tohoak @Blacknife @Camelot

Lance Tenebris

The gunshot was like more like a firework to Lance. He'd never actually heard a gun before and it was loud and exactly like a firework. He still knew what it meant and watched as the crowd started to go wild, the work of Mina and Harlow, and their natural panic, no doubt. Sometimes people were surprisingly easy to manipulate. He watched the woman being dragged inside, unable to see many details but he was sure that the front of her shirt wasn't red before. Not many people came towards him, most of them heading away from the scene, but he saw a few making their way towards the building Nonie was on. One of the girls they were with was heading past him, to who knows where, but he knew who would act like that: Protectors. As the girl passed him, heading to wherever she was heading, he jumped down off his little seat and started following her. It was time to fight.

Azure nodded, then looked to the other two.

"Rene, you go with Tig. Alex, come with me," He said, before starting to push his way through the crowd towards the building where he was the smaller figure. He tried to get close to the wall of the building so he'd have to push through less people to get there. While he didn't mind crowds by themselves, he wasn't too fond of moving against them. He'd almost been trampled once or twice when he was younger and it was not an experience he wanted to repeat.

@Tohoak @Blacknife @Camelot

Alex told them both 'good luck' before charging off with Azure. He noticed Azure was having problems trying to push through the crowd so he pushed upfront grabbing his arm and leading them both towards the buildings. Alex shoved and pushed people out of the way trying to get to the building. After several dirty looks they made it to the base of the building.

"Well, what now?"

(There's a door oh the side of the building, I wanna get this moving)
Tohoak looked back to see if Rene was following her, but spotted someone else;a man. And he didn't look friendly. She looked forward once more where the woman had been. Then, knowing the man would catch up with her soon and she couldn't fight both adults, she left the edge of the crowd and went straight into them. People shoved her roughly in their panic and it was the best she could do not to get trampled. She had to find Rene befor the man got to her. After all two would be better than one. She couldn't see Rene anywhere but knew he would be heading toward the lady they were after so she started that way keeping low and moving carefully through the panicing crowd.

@TheOne @Camelot
Nonie spotted the two people at the base of the building - definitely protectors. She smiled, unlike last time she actually had her throwing knives with her and could actually stand a chance against them. Leaning on the railing, she flung a knife in their general direction and waved with a smirk still on her face. She wasn't actually trying to hit them, just trying to get the attention (and maybe get someone already on the ground to notice).

Rene nodded at Azure's instructions and went to follow Tig, only to get swept along by the crowd. He scowled as he was pushed towards a wall next to someone hiding something behind her back. If that wasn't suspicious (and slightly scary), he wasn't sure what was. It seemed like the panic of the crowd was getting to him too.
Tig spotted Rene as she struggled through the crowd. Her eyes went wide as she realized he was next to the woman they were after and it didn't seemed he knew. "Rene!" she shouted urgently. She was drawing attention to herself, but she couldn't let that lady hurt him. She hoped she hadn't drawn too much attention or else that man would easily find her. She pushed through the crowd trying to get to Rene, but they pulled her away in their haste shoving her and bolting past her.

@TheOne @Camelot
Cursing as she couldn't see Harlow among the emptying crowd, Mina stepped away from the wall a little, trying to get a better view. The sound of something hitting the ground distracted her. It sounded metallic. She glanced up and saw Nonie on the roof, leaning over the edge and waving, but not at her. That meant the sound must have been one of her knives. Looking around the corner, Mina saw a Protector she recognised and one she didn't. Not fancying taking them on by herself, even with Nonie having knives above her, Mina started to climb the side of the building, using her power to make handhold in the brick like she did at the bridge since the fire escape was past the Protectors. 

"Need any help?" She asked as she reached the top and struggled to pull herself up.


Selene pushed Kydlin's door open, smiling at her in greeting before shutting it behind her. She took a few steps into the room then stopped, looking around a little. She'd never been in Kydlin's room before.

"Hey, I just wanted to ask a favour. Are you feeling okay?" She asked, noticing that Kydlin was on her bed.


"We get up there, and quickly," Azure told him. With a glance around, he spotted a fire escape on the side of the building. He ran and jumped onto a bin next to it, then jumped again, catching the bottom rung with his hands and using his weight to pull it down. "Outside's always faster," He explained, only to be interrupted by a metallic sound as something hit the floor next to them. Looking up, he had to stifle his shock. It was Nonie again. Why did he have to keep running into her?

Alex looked up onto the roof of the building. He could make out a small girl looking down at them from the top of the building. He was gonna say something when she made a movement that looked like she threw something before there was a loud metallic 'Ping!' as something dug itself into the ground by Azure. He snapped awake and looked over to see the little throwing knife had hit the concert and embedded itself near them.

"Head up the ladder, Ill follow shortly" he said to Azure as he walked a little to the left of the fire escape.

"Little girls shouldn't play with knives!" he shouted before taking in a deep.

He judged the distance up the side of the building before he let a solid stream of fire erupt out of his mouth and climb the side of the building towards the little figure. 



Lance Tenebris 

Lance didn't follow the girl into the crowd, knowing that he would almost definitely lose her that way. Instead he hung back and waited as the crowd started to thin, scanning the it to try and spot the girl. If she was a protector, she wouldn't want to leave until she knew that she and her friends were safe. That meant that she would be one of the last ones left, if he didn't find her before that. Much to Lance's delight, he did find her before that. She blended into the corwd well until she shouted and started trying to push her way back towards whoever 'Rene' was. Focusing on her, a smile spread over Lance's face.

He activated his power, knowing that gravity would bend to his will. He focused on the girl, changing gravity so she was lifted above the crowd. A few people screamed or shouted in surprise or fear, but most were already running away. He walked towards her slowly, feeling around on his back for his knife while watching the girl for any signs that she was going to attack. It wouldn't do to lose his concentration.

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Kydlin nodded standing up. "I'm fine," she said quickly. "Whats the favor?" she asked. She couldn't help but wonder where Hunter was but she didn't ask. 


Tig let out a gasp as she floated upward. People screamed around her, but she could break free of the gravity loss. Her eyes widened as she saw the man from early walking toward her. He was reaching for somthing behind him. She didn't have long. Her heart beat faster than a train, but she took a deep breath to calm herself. Stay calm. She thought closing her eyes for a brief moment. She wouldn't let fear overwhelm her. Opening her eyes she looked around quickly. There. She focus with all her might on the shadows of the buildings. Her eyes were almost black and a thundering headache pounded in her head, but she forced the shadows to move upward coating the square in pitch black.  Above it may look like a fog off blackness but in it no one could see. 


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