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Fantasy Protectors

((Well i was waiting for @TheOne to respond but okay))

Alex lead Tohoak back down the alley by her hand. As they approached the emergency stairs he realized that Rene had caught up.

"Hey. Where in trouble. Azure's up there on his own and we got mentally unstable Decimator down here"

He motioned for them both to follow him up the stairs to the top of the roof.

"Okay here's the plan. Grab Azure and book it across town. With any luck we can sneak out and back to base without-"

Alex had just reached the top of the stairs and was staring over the top of the roof as he watched Azure get slammed into the ground by a a young looking girl with her arms held out in front of her while another girl coward on the ground. This scene wasn't ideal but Alex didn't have time for pleasantry. He ran over to Azure while taking in a deep breath and letting another fire ball hurl itself at his enemies once again.  

"Dude you okay?!" He said grabbing him by the arm "We gotta go!"



((Sorry for the spelling very tired))
Tohoak stood beside Alex and Azure. She was ready to defend them if the girls attacked, but it looked like they were busy with dodging Alex's fireball. She grabbed Azure's other arm pulling him to his feet. 
( @Blacknife I get that, but they're usually pretty irregular. I don't want to leave them behind but I don't want this to die again either.)

Azure let Tig pull him up, trying not to lean on her, but his chest was hurting more than he thought it ever should. Grimacing, he looked up at the two in front of them, guilt joining pain when he saw Nonie again. The other girl seemed to just be angry still, but her eyes were flicking between the three of them. A slab of stone shot up to intercept the fireball and was flung over to the side by the force. Azure stopped paying attention to them and more on taking a breath without it feeling like an elephant was stomping on him. Welp, now he was useless.

Mina was preparing to throw this guy again when the other protectors came barrelling up to the roof. She was still trembling with anger, but Crowne had said not to draw attention to themselves if possible. This was really anything but. Throwing a chunk of stone up to the fireball, and ducking as if was flung back towards her, Mina tried to think of a way out. She could only really think of one. Taking a deep breath, she slammed her foot into the ground. Cracks shot out from where it made contact, and deepened when she did it again, spreading all the way to the edge of the roof. 

"Hope you're not in the way, Harlow," She muttered, as she pushed her hands forward. The other half of the roof started to tip over, gaining speed as it fell lower. With a Kind of scream she pulled her hands back, the building opposite them crumbling down too. Without waiting, she turned to Nonie, lifting her good arm over her shoulder and starting to drag her along. "Come on, hurry." She said, pulling her towards the opposite edge of the roof that had collapsed, away from the square.

@Tohoak @Camelot @TyTydaDog
Alex didn't have time to register what was happening. He slipped Azure's arm over his shoulder while grabbing Tohoak ruffly by the back of the collar. He used his other hand to grab Rene by the back of the shirt and began sprinting to crack in the roof. As the building started to break apart he forced the small rag tag group to leap from there half of the crumbling building. 

They didn't manage to make it to the other side but instead landed two floors down on someones rather expensive looking living room with very expensive looking couches on either side. Alex had the unfortunate luck to land on the solid wood mahogany coffee table breaking it in half.


Alex sat there for a couple seconds in the crumpled ruins of the table.

"Lets go into town they said" He shifted slightly "It will be fun they said....Tohoak...add another two broken ribs to the list"



Tohoak sat up brushing herself off with a slight indignity. "Let's just get back to camp," she muttered with a scowl. Her eyes were a dark color and the shadows seemed to be trying to break free around them. "Besides," she said her scowl momentaraly replaced by a sarcastic smile, "Hunter's going to love hearing that we got into a fight!" 



Rene slammed into one of the couches, knocking it over as he hit it. Although rolling off it and onto to the floor wasn't exactly pleasant, he'll admit that it was better than the table.

"In my defence," He said as he sat up, "We don't usually get into fights when we sneak out."

Nonie leaned against Mina and stepped backwards with her. Other than the fire escape that'd just fallen with the other half of the building, she wasn't seeing any other way of getting back on the ground, and climbing down rubble didn't exactly sound fun with a broken arm.

@SecretRock @Tohoak @Blacknife
Azure grunted as he landed on the floor, instinctively unwinding his arm from Tig's shoulder and putting his hands out to break his fall. They took the brunt of the force of the fall and he was thrown off Alex, rolling along the floor for a metre or two. It was lucky that the people in this apartment had gotten out. He wondered if everyone in this building and the crumbling one next door were as lucky. He took a few breaths before pushing himself up into a sitting position, the strain burning his chest. That girl couldn't have thrown smaller rocks, could she? He leaned against the still standing couch, looking around the room and listening to what they were saying.

"What's the point?" He asked, hanging his head. He felt guilty just for saying it, but he continued anyway. "I mean, we've only stumbled upon their last two attacks by accident, and haven't even managed to stop them, and now..." He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. The stupid city and the decimators and his power and Nonie. Why was eveything turning out this way?

@Tohoak @Blacknife @Camelot

"We'll find Harlow, okay?" Mina mumbled, glancing back. The others weren't following them, which was a relief, but she didn't want to slow down just yet, just in case. She looked down over the edge of the building. It wasn't too far, but it was too far to jump. The last thing they needed was broken ankles as well. "I might need to to help me with this," She told Nonie, trying to rearrange some of the bricks into stairs.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog
Alex pulled himself up out of the wreckage of the table before shifting around.

"Well. Could all ways use more natural light" he said looking out at the side of the building that wasn't there anymore.

He looked over to Azure and let out a deep sigh.

"Look. The idea is to not dwell on what you can't do. It's to work on what you can't do. I don't know what you did up there but you downed one of em. Me and Tohoak couldn't even take one on there own. You did good"

He got to his feet before looking around.

"Okay. We moving?"



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"That wasn't good!" Azure shouted, looking up. "...I'm... Sorry," He mumbled after, trembling slightly.

His eyes were glistening slightly before he shut them, leaning back and trying to take a few deep breaths. It wasn't working very well as his heart kept slowing down then racing back up again.He pushed himself to his feet and brushed past the others to the door of the apartment, limping slightly. He tried the handle since there was probably no way down on the other side of the room but it wouldn't move. He rattled it again, then punched the door with an angry shout. His shoulders were shaking again as he pressed one hand against the door to steady himself, using the other to wipe his cheeks.

@Blacknife @Tohoak @Camelot
(Sorry about not replying. I lost my phone.)

Lance Tenebris

As the other two ran, Lance just stuck his hands in his pockets and wandered over to lean on a wall. There was no point in chasing them, not for him. He figured that if they were running, it meant they had no fight left. And they didn't even pose a challenge. Sad, really. He was all wiled up for a good fight and he got that. Yeah there was one or two good hits in that, but nothing that would really do damage. He also knew that their mission was the assassination, not any kind of fighting. Now that he knew what those two could do, he might try someone else next time, see if anyone really posed a challenge.

He was scanning the ground for his knife (he'd be mad if that fire guy had destroyed it) when the building collapsed. He immediately recognised it as the one Nonie was supposed to be on and started running. It was easy to increase his speed and jump, but he over shot, landing on the other side of the building. Still, looking up he could see both Nonie and Mina on what was left of the roof. Stepping back a few paces, he raised his hands to his mouth and called out.

"You two need some help down?" he shouted. He could grab them, or slow their fall if they jumped, or just catch them. Man he was just too good.

Nonie stared blankly at Lance for a moment, not really processing what he was saying. Her mind was still whirring away trying to rationalise why Azure of all people would do this. He'd obviously changed since they were separated, he didn't even go by the same name anymore. She didn't think it'd end up like this though - Even if they were on opposite sides it never occurred to her that they'd end up hurting each other.

A burst of pain as she moved her arm brought her back to reality, and she felt tears streaming down her face again. Trying to speak like this would probably end up in a blubbering mess, so she just nodded and leaned into Mina a little more.

Rene's eyes welled up watching Azure. He got up and hugged his friend, not really sure what else he could do. Sure, he'd dealt with upset siblings and stuff before he joined the protectors, but there'd never been anything as serious as this.


(Sorry been busy with school and writing!)

Tohoak looked at Azure with sympathy. She wanted to hug him, but thought it would be akward, besides Rene was already doing so. She didn't know what to say so she stood off to the side her head slightly hung to keep the others from seeing her face. Azure was going through a hard time That he didn't deserve. He just needed a bit of time to get through it.



Alex walked over to where Azure and Rene where. Instead of joinging in on the very emotional moment he proceeded to grab em both by the collar and gently pull them out of the way.
"Cant believe this. Where in war!" He said examining the door "War isn't to make friends. Its to kill the other before they kill you"

He pulled his leg back and kicked in the door which reveled a rather average looking hallway with doors that lined either side.

"Azure. You've got a lot to learn man. Come on guys. We gotta go" he said as he made his way into hallway.


He appreciated what Rene was doing, but Azure knew that they needed to move or something. Hunter would need to know about the woman getting shot and if they heard about it before they got back, they would probably get very worried about the four of them. He was trying to calm himself down a little when Alex grabbed him and started shouting. The words probably didn't have their desired affect, just making Azure angry instead. He had been angry at himself, but now it was more at Alex. He was still crying as he made a swing at the back of Alex's head. He didn't care if it actually hurt him or not, he just wanted something to lash out at and Alex had given him a target.

"You think I don't know what's at stake!?" He yelled. "I've been on my own since before I can remember; I know what the Decimators can do! I had to protect myself, and I promised to protect her, and now look what I've done!" He glared at Alex, wiping his eyes so his vision wasn't as blurry.

@Tohoak @Camelot @Blacknife

"Promise you'll, like, catch us?" Mina called down, tightening her grip on Nonie slightly. She didn't want to hurt her, but jumping down to Lance would be a lot easier than trying to turn the wall into stairs, and a lot faster. "Like do that gravity shit or something." She called before looking over at Nonie. She didn't want her friend to be hurt, but there wasn't really much she could do about it right now. "You ready to jump?" She asked her, a lot more quietly than when she was talking to Lance.

@Camelot @TheOne
The world shock for a second as Alex made his way out of the room, a dull feeling of pain throbbed from the back of his head and he turned around to find Azure yelling at him. A full wave of anger dwelled up from the inside of him and he found himself grabbing by the shirt and slamming him against a wall.

His hands where getting extremely hot as little flames danced across them.

"You have no idea what they can do!" He yelled back "Youve got no idea about the pure amount of lives they will take just to make sure people still fear them!"

He was starting to loose his cool which he had been able to keep, ironically.

"Public assassination is the most mundane thing i have seen them do. Ever seen a mother clutching her still burning daughter as she screams in pain? i have"

He let go of Azures shirt slowly before taking a step back.

"Ever seen a kindergarten set ablaze? Simply because they could? They will use your freind against you. You will find her strung up somewhere with a ransom note attached. Then when  you ride in like the big hero, they will simply blow up the building. Maybe after they realize shes friends with you they will torture her for information. You have no idea what they can do"


((Usual i would wait for someone to respond but i feel like we can devolpe this conversation more))  
Azure grunted, pain flaring up in his chest again as Alex slammed him into the wall. Azure didn't know if it was only the injuries he had or if Alex's hands were starting to burn him too. He stared Alex down, let him say his piece, his whatever about the Decimators. Everyone knew what they could do, they weren't exactly secretive most of the time. Everyone had suffered at their hand and this guy thought he was special for it? What a way to be self centred. He didn't even bother commenting on that, instead just glaring down at Alex.

"That's been going on since before we were born, and it sucks and I'm sorry you've had to see that, but there's nothing we can do about it! What I can do is protect the people I care about. And I've failed at that time after time after time, then I let myself be the thing that hurts Nonie?" He took a deep breath, still staring Alex right in the eyes. "You can go and complain about the big picture, try to change it, I don't care, but you cannot make me feel bad about still caring for my sister. And if you think I'll kill her, or any of the kids we've encountered, not only are you wrong, but I'm not even sure you should be allowed on the streets."

This naive little kid thinks he's gonna save the world. He has no idea what they will do to him but he thinks he's gonna talk me down.

And really making an excuse for them.

Before we where born my ass.

"Your friend made her decision. If you really won't hurt any of them then your a liability. What if they where going to kill one of us? Would you stand idly by and watch? Because if so you may as well join up with them" Alex slammed his fist into his side allowing an audible crack ring out into the room as he set his ribs back into place "They just tried to kill us and you started crying right infront of them. I don't give a fuck if she's your sister. If her or any one of those kids tries to kill me ill cook em without mercy. Innocent people lives hang in the balance and you just wanna tip the scales and get us all killed. Look!!" He pointed to the other building that just collapsed "Your sisters friend has probably just killed a few dozen people. That man we met on the ground was going to take his time with Tohoak and you just expect me to sit here and feel sorry for you?! Because you wernt strong enough she will probably start taking lives left,right and center.

Boo hoo. Go work for them if you'd rather throw a punch at the man who just saved your life over the enemy"

This kid has no idea. He just doesn't know. He's going to die. One of them are going to kill him.

He'd have to talk to hunter when they get back.

(no its ok pls its been so long since the thread's moved fast)

Rene glared slightly as they were pulled apart, opening his mouth to say something only for Azure to throw a punch at Alex. He whipped his head around just to check if that really happened and if Tohoak saw that too, wincing as he heard one of them get slammed into a wall. Hearing them argue was getting him worked up too, although now probably wasn't the best time for a shouting match he couldn't care less. He didn't think he could get angry but that 'I would kill his sister' thing really got to him.

"Just because we're at war now or whatever doesn't mean we're just gonna forget what it was like before!" He yelled, "How dare you, do you not know what its like to have family or something?!"

Nonie nodded, still avoiding talking.

@SecretRock @Blacknife
Alex's voice dropped immediately into something that could better be described as a growl.

"Rene, family is a bit of a touchy subject. Back off and stay out"

He look him dead in the eyes as little flares protruded out of his nose.

(I feel like you think Azure is 12 or something, he and Alex are the same age. Just an FYI. Also, I gtg see ya.)

"You're almost as bad as they are." Azure growled. He glanced at Rene as he spoke up, glad his friend was supporting him, or at least supporting family, then scoffed at Alex. "Oh, is family a touchy subject?" He laughed. "You think you're the only person who's ever suffered? You lost people, 'boo hoo', as you said. We all have! And you just threatened to kill my sister. Hypocritical much?" He took a few steps down the hall, looking for the door to the stair well. "I know you think it's them or us, but it never is. You can't sink to their level."
As if that's an excuse, Rene scowled.

"Does it look like I give a shit? If it's so touchy then why are you threatening to kill his sister?" Rene's voice lowered too, and he took a step closer to Alex. 
Alex chuckled at there antics.

"Before you both start hating me for thinking rationally and you know, like where in a war. Maybe you should add a couple more notches in your belts"

He made a face at Rene like 'What are you gonna do?' Before walking out into the hall with Azure.

"The side of the building with the stairs collapsed. We gotta find another way down, preferably before the sniper catches site of us"



((Ciao Ciao))
"Oh, look at you avoiding the subject," Rene grumbled, glaring at the back of Alex's head as he left the room.

He let out an exasperated sigh and slumped onto the couch that wasn't tipped over. It's not worth it, he thought as he dragged his hand through his hair, frowning at the space where the other half of the building used to be.
Azure looked, and sure enough, Alex was right. How the hell did he know the layout of this building? He moved to go see what was in one of the open apartments but paused in the doorway. He turned to face Alex, crossing his arms and leaning on the door frame. He was aware how pathetic he probably looked. He wasn't crying anymore, but his eyes must have been red and there were probably tear streaks down his face, but he really didn't care.

"Actually, the sniper won't be able to see us in here." Azure said. "I want to know what happened to your family. You know, like who killed them?"  He felt a little bad for pressing this when it obviously upset Alex, but that was part of the reason he was doing it. He'd known Alex for less than a day, and already the guy was making assumptions about him, patronising him, and was one of the people he liked the least. Given how much had happened to him, that was a pretty good achievement.


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