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Fantasy Protectors

Alex let out a sigh, He was really gonna push this wasn't he?

"Dude, im not here as a student like you or Rene. Okay? And im not saying these things to get you or him or anybody mad at me just for the fun of it. Im doing this to try and keep you alive. Seriously hate me if you want but to say that im dead wrong is to lie to yourself. You and Rene and Tohoak are all really nice and kind people...but there always the first ones to die"

He scratched the back of his head and as he kept eye contact with Azure.

"Im sorry but its true. And theres a large chunk of the building open and exposed, how could the sniper not see us?"

Azure rolled his eyes listening to Alex waffle on. This guy had superiority complex out the wazoo; could he seriously believe that they couldn't handle their own after being there for years? And the whole thing with the sniper, jeez. It probably wouldn't be the best to tell him that it was Nonie, though. He'd just use it as even more reason for her death.

"One," Azure gestured around at the fully intact hallway around them, "Walls. Two, if you stick around after a crime, you will get caught. They wouldn't be that stupid. And three, none of that was in any way an answer to my question." Azure pushed himself off the doorway, but kept his arms crossed. "I don't want to pick a fight. I want to know if this is personal, and if I can trust you." The first part was definitely a lie, but Azure did want to know if he could trust Alex. He had a feeling the answer was 'no', but he should give him a chance. A small chance.


"Okay, hold on then." Mina instructed Nonie, then stepped off the edge of the roof,pressing her eyes closed and hoping Lance could react in time.

Alex couldn't believe this. He couldn't.

"I..I just saved your life! And to be honest your the untrustworthy one! What if your just a spy for your sister? how exactly can I trust you?! I used to get paid big bucks to work for someone but I'm here for free. Hear that? free! I've even voulentered funds to hunter as a sort of donation!"

Alex placed his hand on the floor of the hallway and burnt a one meter by one meter hole for them to jump down through.

"My family bears no weight on anything related to the protectors or decimators. Yours does. End of conversation"

Alex turned back around to face the room they had just left.

"Tohoak ,Rene! Come on! Where leaving!" And with that he jumped down the hole to the floor bellow.



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Tohoak stood there slightly baffled. Everything had happened so fast that she hadn't had a chance to interrupt. "Alex!" she finally mananged to yell at him as he dropped through the hole. She turned to Azure feeling as if she had to apologize. "He had no right to say that! It's not your fault she chose to be a Decimator. That was her choice not yours! Alex is an idiot for yelling at you and he has no idea what any of us have been through," she said with a scowl. 




Lance Tenebris

As the two girls jumped, Lance raised one of his hands slightly, sapping their momentum. They fell slowly and as soon as they touched the ground, Lance ran forward and scooped Nonie up into his arms, careful not to touch her broken one. He looked over her and aside from that, and some shock, she seemed fine. He adjusted his grip on her until she was stable and could keep her arms to herself and in a good position.

"Let's get back to Crowne, and find Harlow." He said, turning away and walking down the street. He didn't go too fast, not wanting to leave Mina behind. "What happened?" He asked, meaning Nonie's arm, but the question could really be taken to mean any of this. 

"Thanks, but you don't need to apologise for him." Azure reassured Tig. He couldn't help but agree with her though, and he was still suspicious about Alex dodging his question. He got rid of the thoughts. He could be salty about it later, now he needed medical attention for his chest and his ankle. Alex's little burns hadn't help his aching ribs. They were probably bruised or fractured, and God knows what was wrong with his ankle. "He's right about going, though. You okay in there, Rene?" He called back to the apartment they landed in, walking over to the edge of the hole that Alex had created in the floor.

@Tohoak @Camelot @Blacknife

"There was a guy, he... the bastard, he broke Nonie's arm, and then more turned up so I panicked and collapsed the building, and..." Mina trailed off, not sure what else to really say.

@TheOne @Camelot
"Yeah, fine," Rene shouted back, although he sounded more salty than 'fine'.

He sighed again as he got back up. He really didn't want to do as Alex said, but he really didn't want to get left behind in a collapsing building either. Walking out into the hallway, he leaned against the hall and waited for Azure to jump down. Having to use a way down Alex made wasn't really helping his bad mood, but a petty part of him was delighted by the fact no one took Alex's side.

Nonie's mind wandered off again as she stared into space. It was a different blue haired guy, she told herself, ignoring the memory of him recognising her around the time they blew up the bridge. There were plenty of people with blue hair and she hadn't seen the real Azure in years, he could look completely different now. 

(sorry for late post ;^;)
Tig jumped down the hole and quickly moved out of the in case the others were comming down. She looked around for Alex, but spotted Rene instead. "Think our mentors are going to take this well?" she asked with a light hearted smile. She knew Hunter wouldn't, but she could always hope.


Azure followed Tig down, jumping once he was sure she was out of the way. He looked around once he was down, spotting Tig talking to Rene. He decided to ignore them, instead looking for a way out. They were still several stories up, though he didn't doubt that Alex could just make more holes for them to jump through. He walks over to the window, looking out through it into the square. People were starting to file into it again, being cautious in case the fighting hadn't actually stopped. Azure hoped they were right. He turned and leaned against the wall.

"It could have been worse." he replied to Tig.
"I'm grateful that it wasn't. I guess a mad Hunter isn't that bad," she smiled. She looked around, "maybe we can find some stairs to walk to rest of the way down. I don't think we should be making anymore holes than needed," she said her eyes turning back toward them.



Alex had forgot one crucial thing, all his ribs where broken.

His hand grasped his face as he spat blood out and leaned against the wall of the corridor for support.

"Look i can keep burning holes" He said to the group pulling himself up and turning to face them

"I've got plenty of juice and i dont think there is another stair well" He walked down the hall a little before testing one of the doors to no avail.

"You guys make the choice, do we look around or do i burn more holes?"



"Alex, are you okay? If your hurt you shouldn't be doing anything," Tig watched him with concern. "Maybe I can try and unlock the door from the other side," she offered. It was possible, but she didn't know if she would be able to with out seeing the lock. It didn't hurt to try though.



"Also, more holes could make the building unstable." Azure said. "We don't want the rest of it collapsing on us, so looking around might be the best bet for now." He reasoned. He was pointedly looking at anything but Alex, ignoring his pain as he examined the building around them. They couldn't see the break from where they were, probably in some apartments still, but the whole place looked pretty shaken up.As it was, he half expected their walking to make the rest of it collapse on them.

@Tohoak @Blacknife @Camelot
(Sorry for being inactive again aaaaa >^<)

"Yeah, let's try Tig's thing first," Rene nodded, agreeing with the other two. 

If he was honest, he had no idea why they were trying to open this door and was just being petty, not wanting to rely on Alex to get them out of the building. He leaned forward and away from his spot leaning against the wall, moving towards Tig and the

locked door.

"How are you planning to unlock it though?" He asked.

@Tohoak (do I tag anyone else aaa idk ><)
"I'm going to try anf use the shadows to fit the lock on the other side." Tig moved towards the door. She studied how high up the knob was to get a feel for it on the other side. Then she closed her eyes. Wips of shadows went from the current room and under the door. She clentched her fist and the shadows became stronger. Now all she had to do was make those shadows form to the lock on the other side. Without seeing it.



Azure stepped back, giving Tig space to work. He knew she was better at powers than he was, but he still liked to give people space and let them concentrate when they were trying to use their powers. Do unto others and all that. Instead he turned to Rene, giving his pal a small smile and going to stand next to him.

"Today's been eventful, huh?" He asked, puling that face that people pull when they've made a mistake that they don't understand.

@Tohoak @Camelot
Tig focused all her strength and will on the shadows as they went under the door. They became an extention of her. She could feel what they touched. Very slowly the shadows crept up the other side of the door. There was a jiggle as they brushed the door. Tig winced and keeping her eyes closed forced the last bit of strength she could muster into getting the lock off the door. It unlocked. The shadows rushed back into their place and Tig almost fell to the ground. She stumbled to the wall and leaned against it trying to catch her breath. "Ta Daa," she said between breaths.



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Wow the site has been upgraded!!
I think I might just make a new thread guys.

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