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Fantasy Protectors


In response to the blue guy's prolonged talking and fighting stance, Mina took this as a cue to start the fight. Nonie put up a shield around her and moved back slightly, Mina didn't pay too much attention to that though. Using here power she went straight into the action by taking some head sized chunks out of the roof and propelling them towards the Protector.

 @SecretRock @Camelot


Issy narrowed her eyes at the boy's words and jumped out of the way, only narrowly missing the bolt that came towards her. Luckily she was wearing her fire-proof gear or she would have probably suffered from a burn and she had enough of them already... Gates took out her guns and pointed them at the people in front of her.

"Now we're going to get serious," she said in a monotone voice, a deadly look upon her face. "Call off your friends now or one of loses a head."

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Rene took a deep breath and tried to focus. Guns would conduct electricity too, right? They were small targets though, and if he couldn't hit a full grown woman then there wasn't much chance of getting a bolt to hit them. His hands twitched a little as he charged up some sparks again, since he had to try something. Rene went for a spray and pray tactic, throwing a couple waves of little electric orbs towards the mercenary. He wasn't really sure how he could control voltage yet, but he guessed these would be weaker than usual - At least he'd hit something though.

Nonie frowned - Was he always this boring? Part of her was reluctant to fight before but at this point she was just a bit bored. With a smile returning to her face, she threw a knife towards Azure.
Azure jumped out of the way as the girl started throwing rocks at him. He'd remembered that that was her power from the night with the bridge. Hopefully they didn't know his. Then Nonie threw a knife too. He wouldn't stand a chance from a distance. He ducked under Nonie's knife, feeling it nick his back, and ran forward, dodging to the side to avoid anything they might send towards him.

@TyTydaDog @Camelot
He closed his mouth and swallowed the heat that had welled up. He breathed out a little puff of smoke before slouching backwards slightly. Alex could feel the heat in his ribs as they began to re-attach themselves now that his power wasn't being used.

'This isnt working' he thought to himself 'New plan'

"Tig. I cant give him a full blast because there is still civilians behind him. If i open up they'll get caught up in the fire." He pointed at the black dagger in her hand. 

"That nifty knife trick. Do you think you could put a wall up behind him. If we can trap him in something i can hit him hard and wide, He cant dodge that. What do you say?"

((Sorry for the long reply. Ive been having a not great week or so but im back))


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Tig nodded. "I'm on it," she let out a long breath then forced the shadows into a solid wall behind the man. Her head pounded but she held the wall there, "give him all you got," she said in a strained voice.

(your fine! I've been super busy as well!) 

@TheOne @Blacknife

"what do you have in mind? I'm up for anything," Kydlin said agreeing with Selene. They all needed a distraction.


Lance Tenebris

"Oh no, you're so obviously powerful!" Lance didn't even bother putting pretend emotions into it this time. It was almost like they weren't trying. He really wasn't either, but he was winning so it was fine. 'Winning' wasn't being used subjectively either, since while the boy seemed to be doing fine, Lance could see the girl's nosebleed form where he was. Suddenly the useless cage moved away and formed a wall behind him instead, making him the only possible target to the next attack. Maybe they were finally going to do something interesting. He decided to let them have it. Once they'd attacked, her might actually start trying. Boy, they would not be happy when he did that.

@SecretRock @TheOne @TyTydaDog @Camelot @Blacknife

I apoligize for the lack of activity, but I've been super busy! Seeing as no one else has posted in a while either I think we all need a nice long break! So enjoy christmas and just relax! I'll be sorting things out and taking care of classwork if you guys want to talk! I'll check in every once in a while.
(I know this thread has been really slow for the past few months but it'd be nice to keep it going for at least a month or two so we could get to a one year anniversary or something ^^)
Sorry it took me so long to respond! I'm up for it if everyone else is!!!
Tohoak kept the wall of shadows strong and felt proud of herself for doing so. She felt hope that they may beat these people after all.
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Alex rounded his hand around his mouth making a sort of cone before unleashing a Tsunami of flames. It stretched the length of the wall and spewed over the top. The wall of fire slammed into there opponent shoving him hard against the wall.

"Okay..that hurt" he said reaching out and grabbing Tigs shoulder for support. 

"Good work but" He managed to say through a cheeky smile.


The wall of shadows dropped once Alex was finished and Tohoak let Alex use her shoulder for support. "You ok?" she asked neglecting to see if they had taken care of the man. 



Lance Tenebris

Lance sighed as he saw the flames heading towards him. He took a step to the side to avoid the main brunt of the blast, but the over spill of it still blasted into him. He'd crossed his arms over his clothes to try and protect them (they were expensive after all) but he wasn't sure that would do it. As the flames died down he was somewhat grateful. He'd been starting to get uncomfortably warm, like when you sat next to a heater for too long. He patted at his scorched clothes to put out the flames that had latched onto them. Luckily his jacket was made of a mostly fire retardant material and it had protected his clothes from most of the blast too. Well, his top. His jeans seemed like they'd definitely need replacing and his shoes were just about gone. Shame. They'd been pretty stylish.

"Ouch, you hurt all three of my feelings," He told the two of them as he patted out a flame on his shoulder and part of his hair. He was pretty glad that he'd stopped using that flammable gel just over a year ago. He wiped sweat off his forehead and stretched his arms out, turning to face them. "So are you done playing or do you want to take a few more hits?" He asked, starting to walk casually towards them.

Alex was catching his breath trying not to notice the pain of his ribs snapping back into position.

"Ive been better..." he said though his still dumb grin before he watched the man walk out of the flames.

He took a moment.

Then another.

Before he finally grabbed Tohoak by the hand and started running back towards where he had left Azure.

"Nope..Where done here"


Tohoak stared at the man. She was frozen to the spot. The Alex was taking her hand and she was stumbling after him. "Agreed," she replied finally comming to her senses. 

@Blacknife @TheOne
Not wanting to give the girls an advantage over him, Azure.continued his assault. Yes he felt.bad about beating up some kids, but he let his mind go blank, focussing only on the fight. With a sidestep, he brought his elbow up into Mina's chin, wanting to immobilize her for a few seconds.

@TyTydaDog @Camelot
Nonie ran at Azure from the side, swinging a knife up to stab him in the shoulder. Throwing knives were still knives after all, perfectly stabby just not very slashy as she usually liked to explain it. The barrier stayed between the Protector and Mina as she couldn't have the main offensive force of their duo getting too hurt to fight.

Seeing Nonie coming at him, Azure's hand shot up, grabbing her wrist. He spun around, twisting her arm up behind her. It was a move designed to dislocate or break the arm and put it out of action,

Although that moment was a bit of a blur, Nonie knew one thing - She'd fucked up. She felt a horrible crunch in her arm, probably started crying, and now she had no idea what to do. Almost by instinct, she took a few shaky steps towards Mina. 

Azure did this, The thought baffled her. The closest thing she had to family for the longest time did this, and she couldn't understand why. Did the Protectors make him this way?

(whispers guess who can't write injuries lol)

@SecretRock (and @TyTydaDog if ur still playing Mina)
Harlow stood in the shadows of the shadows, regarding the whole event at a distance. He didn't know why, but something in his gut was telling him that he should hold back and not participate in this fight. Even if he wanted to though, strange instincts aside, the battle, it seemed, was drawing to a close. There was no point in joining now, he would just be wasting his energy, although to be fair, he was quite good at that.

Issy let the bolts hit her armor, they did nothing as predicted. She kept her gaze held on the people in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw their teammates retreating. She smirked towards them. "Looks like you're going to alone soon." she said, the smirk becoming a grin and she was beginning to notice an itch forming on her trigger finger....
Both Mina and Azure heard the crunch too, and Azure immediately released his grip on Nonie's arm, taking a few steps away from her as he tried to process what the sound was. Mina held her chin as she looked between the two if them, massaging where the guy hit her. She hadn't seen what happened, but she was quickly putting it together.

"Nonie?" She asked quietly, taking a few steps towards Nonie. Azure opened his mouth and reached out slightly, but Mina pulled her own hand towards her and the only sound he made was a shout as his footing was pulled out from under him. He fell back and groaned as his elbow was forced into his side. "Nonie, what did he do to you?" Mina asked again, her voice shaking slightly as she moved fasted towards her friend.

Nonie looked at Mina with a paler face than usual. She was still trying to process what happened, opening her mouth to answer only to close it again a few times.

"I-- He-- My arm..." She had trouble getting the words out.

Rene saw them running off too, uttering a quiet but harsh what the fuck. He looked back at the mercenary and realised she hadn't taken much damage, if any, at all. He shook his head and pulled a sour face, throwing a bolt to the floor as a flashbang. 

"Peace out, lady," Rene shouted, and darted after the other two retreating.
Mina turned her gaze to Azure, her face twisting into a scowl. She knew there was a risk of getting hurt while doing this, but that didn't mean she had to like it. She stood in front of Nonie, stance wide as she watched Azure push himself up to his knees. Just as he got his balance back, a chunk of the roof flew up and hit him in the chest, knocking him back down. Mina flung her arms upwards then back down, launching Azure into the air and then hiting him back to the ground.

"Don't you have anything to say for yourself!?" Mina shouted, taking a step closer to Azure. Why wasn't he fighting back?

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