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Fantasy Protectors

Nonie yelped and jumped back as the flames reached the railing. She looked over at Mina before erupting into a fit of giggles.

"I don't know dude, what do you think?" She answered, still smiling.

"Oh, ok! Yeah-- This is fine!" Rene shouted, watching Tig be lifted into the air.

And then everything went dark? Man, if anybody knew what was going on, it definitely wasn't him.
"Well, there are two headed your way, and on can breath fire," Mina reasoned, pulling her legs out of the sudden darkness and onto the roof, "So I figured yes." She smiled at her friend and dared to look over the edge, into the darkness down there now. She couldn't see anything below them, but she knew that they were probably still down there. She stepped back and looked over at Nonie, a small smile on her face.

"Well, it looks like were going to have to kick some butt now," She joked, stretching out her arms. 


Trusting at Alex had a plan, Azure started the climb the ladder, pulling himself up onto the first level on the escape. As he turned he heard Alex's taunt. Not the best he'd heard, but that really wasn't too important. He rushed forward as he saw the stream of fire going up the side of the building, the brightness hurting his eyes.

"No!" He yelled at Alex, leaning so far forward he almost tipped over the edge. "We don't want to hurt them too badly, remember?" He added quickly, the end sounding cut off as the darkness came in. He inhaled sharply, involuntarily taking a step back. "Are you okay?" He called to Alex.


"It's about Rene," Selene explained. "As much as I love teaching him, putting him and Azure together is a danger hazard, and I figured that since your powers are similar to his..." Selene trailed off, leaving the rest to be implied. If she was honest, just the thought of those two being together stressed her. With Tig added into the mix, it was enough to make her hair go grey, and she was barely into her mid-twenties.

Alex stopped as his body pulled back. He looked over at Azure with a very confused face but before he could make his counter argument everything went black. He blinked once or twice thinking he simply closed his eyes before he finally realised that someone's used there powers.

"Yeah..yeah I'm good" he called back as he looked around trying to see something.

No dice.

He raised his fist in the air as his hand was engulfed in a white flame. This darkness was so thick that he could only see a meter around him but hey, it was something.

"The heck is this?"



Lance Tenebris

Lance had to hold in a laugh. Sure, his sight was gone now, but that wasn't exactly going to stop him. It's not as if there were many places in the square for her to move to without being able to touch the ground. There weren't even many things in the square to trip over. A few people had run into him, but now he could tell that everyone who was going to leave had left. Partially because he could feel that there was nothing around him, but also because he had checked with his telepathy and no one was immediately around them. He felt his hand close around the handle of his knife and pulled it out of its sheath.

That's a good trick, kid, shame it won't do anything, he projected into her mind. That was also partially a lie. He didn't knew exactly where she was, but stabbing didn't have to be an exact art. Several tries could do the same work as one, and it wasn't his fault if it was messy. Besides, that Crowne guy hadn't forbidden murder. After all, that was one of the things they were there to do. Assassination was murder, but just planned.

Tig felt a sense of dread as the man spoke in her head. He was right, but it would at least give her some time. A small stream of blood was coming out of her nose and she knew she wouldn't be able to keep the area covered in shadows for long. Desperatly she struggled to find the ground, but was unable. How could she run when she was suspended in air? A wave of despair ran through her and she fought the urge to call for help. Speaking would only alert him of where she was.   She bit her tounge to keep from cursing. Forcing herself to the limit she reached out in front of her and her hands closed on a solid object. A shadow dagger. It was all she could make with such little energy. At least now she had something to defend herself with. "Guys I need a little help!" she tried to keep the panic out of her voice. Now the man would know where she was, but she would be ready for him.

@SecretRock @Blacknife  @Camelot


"I understand," Kydlin nodded sympathatically. "I can train him. Who knows? Maybe he and Alec will get along. Don't worry about it," she said with a smile. It was all she could do. Selene was a good mentor, but it was more than understandable that Azure and Rene needed to train seperately.

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Nonie laughed and took a few steps back so that she was a little behind Mina. Sure, throwing knives would still work up close but there was a reason they were called 'throwing knives'. It seemed the sudden sea of shadows below the roof had slowed the protectors down a bit though, since nobody appeared as fast as she expected them to.

Now that's not something you wanted to hear when you're surrounded by darkness (and probably Decimators). Rene looked around in a panic, trying to light up the area a bit with sparks of electricity from his hand. It didn't help much but it was something at least, so he stepped away from the wall and back into the square.

"What the happ is fuckening?" He shouted into the shadows - not exactly what he was going for, but it got his point across well enough. 
Alex wips his head around as he heard Tig call out. He wasn't to far from her and he could hear others calling out as well.

"Shit.. Ah Azure! You go a head and deal with the little girl with cutlery. I'm gonna go bail Tig out. Sounds like she's in trouble. I'll try to get back soon" 

He held his little light up and sprinted of into the darkness to about where he heard her call out. He cpuld only see about a meter around him so he ran into a couple people before ariving about where he heard the yelling.

"Yo Tig!! You okay?!"



Azure nodded, it was good to hear that it was just harmless darkness. Then he heard Tig's shout. It explained the darkness and caused a tight squeeze of worry in his chest. He moved to try and find his way down again, but Alex told him to go ahead and deal with Nonie himself. He froze at that. It would be easier to get up there, sure, but that was assuming that he could 'deal' with Nonie. He didn't know if he could. Selene had always told him to jump into the deep end, and that probably applied here too, so he felt his way to the staircase he'd seen and started to cautiously climb up it. He glanced back to where Alex had been even though he couldn't see him.

"You'd better be back soon," He mumbled, though he felt more anxious than annoyed.


"They seem like they would," Selene agreed. "Besides, both of your powers seem to be meta-physical. You might be able to help him improve where I haven't," She joked. With a sigh, her shoulders slumped a bit. "I'm meant to worry about them, right?" She asked, looking up at Kydlin.

Tohoak heard Rene, but before she could respond Alex was there. "I'm floating in air!" She chided. "Watch out I can't keep this shadow up forever and theres some guy trying to kill me," she warned. Her headache subsided as the darkness relented and light filled the square. Her eyes flashed around trying to find the man. "You have to knock him out or somthing, but I need to get gravity back!" she said 

@Blacknife @TheOne

"Selene, you are an amazing mentor and its only natural you worry for them. You've done a great job training them, but sometimes you can only do so much," Kydlin said. She felt sympathy for Selene, but there was no argueing that Selene was a great mentor. The sooner she realized that the better.


Issy was at first confused by the sudden darkness, but she wasn't going to let that stop her from getting to her new target which was a young man who had landed beside her against the wall. It seemed he knew the girl floating in air, so that made him money. Money was good. She gripped the dagger in her hand tighter, she was going to make this as worthwhile as possible and it was going to be fun. Quickly she moved towards the boy who was trying to create sparks of light to find his way in darkness (which by now was starting to fade away) and grabbed him from behind. Her non-knife arm locked around his neck and her hand covered his mouth so that any sound he made would be muffled. Gates pointed the knife at his throat and then held him close to her side. By now the other kids were making a loud noise and the darkness covering the square was now gone. Wow, Lance had been busy. There was a young girl in the air and another young boy was going towards her. This was her opportunity. 

"You say a word and it's lights out for you," she whispered harshly into the captives ear. She paused a little for effect. "Permanently" Was the finishing word to make sure this kid really did keep his mouth closed...

 @Tohoak @Camelot @Blacknife @SecretRock @TheOne

Lance Tenebris

Lance became aware of the boy approaching as he shouted and changed the direction of his knife to point in his general direction. Two on one wouldn't be fair, not for the ones fighting him anyway. The darkness suddenly went away and Lance cringed at the sudden light blinding his eyes, but he blinked it away in a few seconds, correcting his knife's aim towards the boy. He'd been off by a few metres, but he couldn't see him so it was excusable for now. He was looking forward to seeing what this boy could do after the disappointment the girl had been. Blinding him had been good enough, but it wasn't exactly going to help her much when she couldn't move. He'd actually expected something being thrown at him. He considered trying to steal the girls power, pitching shadows against shadows, but that power was exhausting and he had to figure out how to use that girl's power too. It really wasn't worth it for two measly, teenage Protectors.

"So," He started, a smirk slowly spreading across his face as he glanced at the girl out of the corner of his eyes, still facing the new boy, "Are you gonna do something more impressive?" He challenged him, then because he'd been waiting a long time for a good fight, he dropped the knife. It hit the ground with a clatter, bouncing a few times before finally laying flat. "I'll even give you an advantage," He gave the boy a wink, then gestured for him to 'come at him'.


Li Zhao

As he was turning to go a different way, Li heard the gunshot and the screaming of the crowd. He looked back, and saw the panic, and immediately started running towards it. His meeting could wait for this.

"Annabeth, follow me!" He called to Annabeth. He didn't want to drag her into danger, but leaving her on the street like this might be just as bad with the state the crowd was in. The crowd tried to slow him down as he pushed his way through it, but eventually he got to the square just after the darkness disappeared. There were a few people huddled in corners to try and avoid the rampage, but mainly it was just the people fighting, everyone else having escaped the square. He stood in one of the main entrance ways, looking around and trying to decipher what was going on.

Tig wiggled around in the air infuriated. She needed to help Alex! The man clearly thought he would win. She couldn't let that happen. Behind the man the shadows of the building starting to take shape forming a solid object. If she could suprise him and maybe hit the back of the head she could knock him out! She focused on the object trying to make it solid and dangerous enough to knock the man out.

Alex was making his way through the darkness before Tig called out to him. He stopped dead because he could have sworn that the voice was coming from above him. but the the darkness disappeared and, low and behold, Tig was floating in the air above him.

"Hey! I thought you said you couldn't fly?" he was looking up at her with a very confused look before the gentleman who he assumed was the one who had her pinned in the air approached him.

After his little speech Alex just shook his head.

"What are you? A Saturday morning cartoon villain?"

The man made a gesture at him. Alex shook his head again.

He charged the boy but just before he got to him he dropped and scooped up the knife. He then swung the blade straight up him.


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Lance Tenebris 

Pretending to be hurt, Lance covered his mouth in pretend shock. He was very obviously not either if those emotions as his face underneath the hand just looked incredibly bored, the eyes half closed and the mouth set in a straight line. He stared at Alex as he charged, seeming a little surprised when he picked up the knife, but he still didn't do anything as Alex swung it towards him, though he knew the blade was extremely sharp, having sharpened it himself.

"Disappointing," Lance muttered as the knife hit but didn't do any damage. He shook his head, mirroring the motion Alex had done before. "So is it my turn now? Yes? Okay."  Reaching out with one hand, Lance used his superstrength and pushes Alex back, using his other hand to relinquish his hold on Tig's gravity and throw her up into the air.

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Tig lost her focus as she was tossed high into the air. A string of cursewords came out of her mouth and the shadows melted back onto the ground. She clentched her fist infuriatedly. Her stupid powers that she couldn't control. Then a light bulbe came on over her head. Her emotions were the key to her powers and she was full of rage. Concentrating her anger on the shadows they formed a bat. Anger seemed to be the best fuel for her power.

@TheOne @Blacknife
Alex was thrown backwards at very high speeds. He hit the pavement and bounced once or twice before he manged to get his grip back. He made a long slide stopping his movement before he noticed Tig was air born. He swore as he started charging to the spot where she was going to hit the floor. He had no other choice he had to try and catch her.

He started closing in on her but she was moving to fast.

In a last ditch attempt he flipped his body and dived.


Her shoulders had pushed against his chest. Sandwiching him against the hard concrete. Shattering three of his ribs. His collar bone flexed and he could feel that. He did manage to keep his head up of the ground tho so he was still conscious. 

But he caught her.

"This is the worst bowling trip ive ever been on" He wheezed as he pushed her of him.

He stood up clutching one side of his chest before he took a deep long breath before he let a barrel of fire erupt out of his mouth again and charged its way towards the guy who had just sent them flying.


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Anna nodded slightly at his response. military... she always tried to stay as far away from them as she could. And not just because they roamed her streets rounding up folk, more so because of their lack of action. They were never there the one time they were needed, and always present every other time. "Yes, I think I could lead you down to the back streets..." before she could even point the way, she heard the sound like a grating against her spine. Anna jerked up with widened eyes and her eyes darted to the direction of he gunshot. No matter how many times she heard it, it still hurt her every time hearing the sound. Even as Li called out to her to follow him, she was already running, following close behind to slip through the opening in the crowd. She burst out just behind him, looking around fervently to gauge what was going on. "What... what happened?"
Reaching the top of fire escape, Azure hauled himself up onto the roof, trying to keep his face unreadable. He didn't think it was working. Somehow there was another girl on the roof now, the one Nonie had said was her friend back at the bridge. The other girl waved, a relaxed smile on her face as Azure looked between them. He was going to try to just talk to them but then he saw a gun lying on the rooftop. He felt his heart do a flip as he realised that the others were right. For whatever reason, Nonie had become a Decimator. He raised his fists, trying to look like he was ready to fight. It was hard to want to but he knew it was necessary. 

"So are you going to tell me who planned this?" He asked, still half hoping for a peaceful resolution to this. Even if it wasn't two against one, they weren't exactly people that he wanted to fight. They were teenagers for gods sake.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog

"It's the 'so much' I can't do that's worrying me," Selene told her with a shrug. "They can both be smart, separately, but while together, well... they're two halves of the same whole idiot," Selene told her. She shook her head. "Anyway, this won't help my nerves, I'm just imagining all they ways they can mess up. Do you have any plans for today?" She asked Kydlin.

Nonie swayed side to side, looking between Mina and Azure.

"How should we know? Somebody told another person to tell us to shoot somebody," She shrugged.

Rene nodded slightly (not really sure what else he could do), but then he got what was probably the only good idea he'd had in a very long time. Metal conducts electricity, he thought after he stopped his internal screaming. Zapping the knife with his already charged up hand, he scrambled to get away from The Stabby Lady, as his panicked mind called her.

ooc: guess who has no idea what to write again, i'm sorry ;-;

Lance Tenebris

Lance just stepped out of the way as the boy breathed fire at him. That was a stupid tactic. The attack could only go in a straight line, and he opened himself up for an attack by blinding himself and leaving most of his body exposed for an attack from any other direction. Lance did have to admire the boy's tenacity though. Catching the girl couldn't have been painless, and here he was still attacking as if he had any chance. Well, Lance would have admired it if it wasn't completely stupid. Did this guy really have no idea how to fight strategically? Lance knew that he didn't himself, but he still knew how to use his powers effectively. Besides, strategy didn't matter too much with his powers. Once the fire ran out he started slow clapping.

"That was pretty," He told the boy, "Only a five out of ten for the landing though, it looked bumpy." He told them, spreading his hands in mock regret. There was still a grin on his face though, as if the joking manner in which he spoke wasn't enough to show he was being insincere. 


Li Zhao

"I don't see anyone with a gun..." Li told Annabeth, looking around again. Thankfully all the civilians were out of the way, probably scared out of their minds. Li couldn't blame them. After taking a moment to figure out what was going on, Li charged forward. He placed himself between a woman a few years older than himself and a teenager scrambling away from her. It looked like some others could use help too, but these two were the closest and he had no idea how well the boy could handle himself against a woman with a knife. Not just any woman either. Li recognised her from a few cases as Imogen Gates, a mercenary. He'd never met her in person before, but he knew that she was a person of interest to the city's police force. He hadn't expected to see her out in the open like this before. Taking a fighting stance, his eyes locked on Gates, he called back to the teen.

"Are you okay?" He asked the boy.

Mina( @SecretRock said this was ok)

Mina looked at Nonie as she swayed then took in their new part-crasher. It was that blue guy, she didn't really know him that well. 

"We're here on business, you got issues, then fight me." she stated clearly over the rooftop. Even though she wouldn't admit it, she had been itching for fight, curse Harlow and Nonie, they had been rubbing off on her too much.


At first Issy was slightly surprised by the electric shock, but she was determined, she had the taste of money on the tip of her tongue. It was her's. She took action and dropped her useless knife, grabbing another, longer one and holding it at her side. A new person had arrived on the scene, one she didn't know about, but he was protecting the Protector boy so it didn't matter. He was now money. 

"Stand down and I'll go easy on you." she told them both with a small smirk on her face. "Just call off your friends and we'll be done here."

@Tohoak @TheOne @Camelot @Blacknife
Azure looked between the two girls, feeling his heart sinking. It looked like a fight was inevitable. And given what he was hearing from the square, he wasn't going to get any help. Trying to steel his nerves, he nodded and stared at both of them. Separating his feelings from whatever he was planning to do didn't seem to be working, so he just got on with it.

"Well, if that's how you want it to go, then I'll have to force answers out of you," He threatened, though the words were stronger than his resolve. He raised his fists, widening his stance to balance himself and trying to think of something, anything, that might help him here.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog
"I wasn't planning on anything," Kydlin said shrugging. "Did you have something in mind?" She asked.


Tig fell onto Alex and rolled off. She felt bad for him but didn't waste timein adressing the threat. While the man was talking her eyes turned slightly darking and she made the shadows rise around him. Her nose started to bleed again as she constructed a cage of shadows.

@Blacknife @TheOne

sorry been sick and very bussy! Will be gone till monday! Happy Thanksgiving!
Nonie hopped back a little, raising her hand and putting up a force field for Mina. She didn't really have to move at all to do it, but showmanship is key.

"Looks like the new guy abandoned you, huh?" She said, scanning the roof behind him for the second person.

"You know, something tells me I should maybe not do that?" Rene answered the older woman.

It seemed like they might die - They probably will die, now that he thinks about it - but he definitely wasn't smart enough to know when to back down from a fight. Rene shot a bolt of lightning towards the mercenary, though he wasn't confident it'd actually land a hit.
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"As if I need him," Azure tried to tough it out. He didn't know if he would be okay without backup but they didn't need to know that. "So I'll give you one last chance to tell me what you know if you want to get off lightly." He tried to sound intimidating. He doubted he did. Still, he was older than them, and maybe a better fighter. He could also use that shield he had this morning if he was in trouble.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog

"No..." Selene sighed. "I just need a distraction really." 

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