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Fantasy Protectors

Hey guys I'm back early! Lol fall break was fun! 


Hunter nodded in agreement. "What are you thinking?" he recognized the look on her face that showed when she was in thought. 

Tig tried to keep from asking Alex any questions. It seemed he wanted to keep to himself about his history and that was fine with her. As they entered the city she smiled and looked around for the best route to the bowling alley. 

@SecretRock @NathanPanache @Camelot @Blacknife

(Sorry guys I should've written more, but for some reason I just can't! Lol must be because its a monday morning)
Selene shrugged, sending a final smile in Henry's direction before leaving. She turned and faced Hunter once she was outside.

"To be honest, I have no idea." She shrugged, and looked around the camp. There were quite a few people in sight, and Selene knew there were more about, but it didn't feel like enough. "It's just that the Decimators seem to be upping their game. They've never done anything as big as the bridge before, and it's worrying."


Azure looked around the city as they entered it. It felt a little weird to be back on non-official business or training. He hadn't really been back for years, not with the free reign he had now. He looked to Tig.

"So where is this bowling alley you were talking about?" He asked, hoping it wasn't in the city centre or anything. In his experiences, most good place were, and it was a long walk for them if it was.

@NathanPanache @Camelot @Blacknife
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Henry waved goodbie to them then went back to his desk. Hunter couldn't agree more with Kydlin. "Maybe we just need to cut the head off the snake," he suggested in a grim tone. Though there was always the possiblity that if you cut off one head two would grow back in its place. 

@NathanPanache @Camelot @Blacknife

Tig looked around the city with a slow sigh. It was always good to be out of camp and free of the mentors. She appretiated them but could always use some time to herself. "Its near the city center if I remember righ, " she answered. The further away from camp the better. 

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Harlow declared. He had somehow found a trench coat and a bowler hat, accompanied by a shifty looking pair of sunglasses. He put it all on as he walked out the door into the arcade. At the last moment he turned back to his friends and new colleague to see if they were following him. He was so excited for a new mission, he couldn't wait to go and see and feel the atmosphere again.


Issy strolled along the back alleys of streets around the designated area for the mission. The decimator guys would be there soon, all she had to do was keep the protector people and the police away. Or as much as she could, which was a darn lot. Issy sighed out of boredom and carried on walking around the dark alleys, keeping her eye out for anything that looked suspicious.
"Good luck," Crowne told the kids as Mina followed Harlow out the door. He turned back to the counter top, pulling the three boxes towards him as a tight feeling settled into his stomach. He felt bad about giving this job to a bunch of kids, but he reminded himself why they were doing it and pushed the thought from his mind. Mina fell into step beside Harlow, pulling out her phone and starting her music up again as she took in his coat and hat. It seemed to be a bit overboard to her, but hey, it couldn't hurt to be in disguise. Shame there was nothing she could use.

"So this debate thing's at City Hall, right?" She asked the others as she slid her phone back into her pocket, leaving her hand with it. She wished they could have stayed in the arcade for a little longer, played some games, but a mission would be fun on in it's own right, so she couldn't complain that much. And anything was better than doing homework.

@TyTydaDog @Camelot

Selene nodded slowly as she rubbed the back of her neck. This whole thing was confusing and too complicated. Sure they knew where one or two of the Decimator bases were, but it was spread around like a cancer beneath the city, tendril reaching in every direction. 

"That lead us back to square one, though: who is the head?" She asked. From what she could tell, she'd never personally run into anyone with any authority besides that man at the train station, and she doubted that the official leader of a group like that would concern himself with a couple of intruders like them. Well, maybe they would if they knew that Hunter was one of said intruders, but they didn't know that.


(I'm gonna wait for @NathanPanache or @Blacknife before continuing with Azure. Don't want to leave them behind.)

Yawning a little to herself as she walked through the kitchen behind him to the door, she'd glance over and notice the dishes, and that strange picture again, but wouldn't comment on either of them. she'd do them tonight while he was asleep... even if he didn't need her help. the clothes on the other hand... it was practical. And also the first thing she saw on the top of the clothes pile, so she just her grabbed it. However she did notice the clothes under it... and it made her wonder if little, not enough to ask at the moment, but enough to be curious at whose they were before. Maybe the girl in the picture... regardless, she looked down at the array of shoes before her, frowning a little before seemingly randomly picking the simplest and least expensive pair she could, slipping them on before standing to face him and door both, waiting on him... curious and their destination.

(apologies for the extreme absence... business and a stream if being lazy hit me. I'll try and be more active.)
Alex kicked his shoe against the pavement a couple times as he stopped walking. The group got a little in front of him as he looked around quietly. The streets aren't completely full nor where they dead empty. He kept getting the feeling that there in the calm before the storm.

He jogged a little to catch up with the group "Please tell me im not the only one who thinks we made a mistake.."


"Maybe," Tig shrugged. "But if we go back now I wont get a chance to beat you all at bowling!" she smiled carelessly but behind the smile she felt unease. Outside she put up a proud carefree front but inside she knew if was a bad idea one that probably should be aborted. 


"Who was the man at the train station? Was I imaging things or did you recognize him?" He asked giving her an even look.


(sorry gtg)

Li Zhao

Li pushed open the door, stepping out into the hallway, remembering his work bag at the last minute. It was just a worn messenger bag but it contained his tools and it came in handy sometimes. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, Li held the door open, waiting for Annabeth to come through before closing it, hearing it lock automatically, and leading the way. The building was still quiet, most of the tenants leaving early for work or sleeping in until long past midday. It made it rare for Li to see his neighbours, but occasionally he could hear them through the thin walls in the building. Now was not one of those times. If he was honest, Li didn't really know many of his neighbours. There was the old lady who lived downstairs and occasionally bought his groceries for him, he always paid her back, and the man who lived on his left and usually came in at three am on Saturdays sounding incredibly drunk. Other than that he didn't really talk to anyone, preferring to keep to himself and his job.

He waited for Annabeth at the top of the stairs, tucking his apartment keys into his bag. He wondered if she'd struggle going down the same way she did coming up them, but it was something that was just going to happen if it did. The lift wasn't going to be fixed any time soon, even though the landlord had been promising that for some years. He didn't know if there was any way he could help her if that was the case.

"Can you get down the stairs alright?" He asked her, rummaging through his bag to make sure he had his PI licence.

Nonie jogged to catch up with the rest of the group, being the last out of the arcade.

"I think so, shouldn't you know though?" She answered Mina.

"We're pretty close to the city centre now, right?" Rene asked.

He hadn't been this far into the city for a while so he wasn't really sure.
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"Yes I should, and I do, and it is at City Hall," Mina told Nonie, smiling at her friend. If she was honest, there wasn't really anywhere else for a political campaign to be held in this city. It was a good place for protection as well. There was only meant to be two ways in and out, but Mina knew that she and the others could create a way fro Nonie to get to the roof if necessary. It was almost midday by now and soon there would be the rush for lunch, the perfect crowd to get lost in after the assassination.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog

Selene laughed, though there wasn't anything funny about what Hunter had said.

"If only, then out lives would be a lot easier," She said wistfully, "We could probably find someone who knows and is willing to tell us, but that could take a long time." And Selene didn't know how long they had. If they could destroy a bridge in only a few minutes, then destroying even more wouldn't take them long.


"You're just being paranoid," Azure said cheerfully, dismissing Alex's worry, then added under his breath, "Probably." He laughed at Tig's competitive jab before literally jabbing Rene with his elbow.

"If you're getting tired I can carry you," He joked. He probably could, for a little while at least, but Azure doubted he actually had the strength to carry Rene all the way to the bowling alley.

@Blacknife @NathanPanache
Hunter felt as if they had hit a wall. They couldn't come up with any ways to defeat the Decimators. Weariness was heavy in his heart. How would they ever win? Part of him cotemplated walking into the Decimator base and just giving up. "We should just turn ourselves over to the Decimators at this point," he said bitterly. He regreted the words as soon as he had said them. "I'm sorry...Its just hard to stay optimistic," he offered a weak smile. 


"We're almost their. It should be right around the block," Tohoak said. She turned the corner and was shocked by the rush of people walking around. They pushed past her rudely. This was the city after all. This was also a perfect place to get lost at.  She turned around hopeful she hadn't already lost the others. 

@Blacknife @NathanPanache

Anna followed Li out of the door, letting him close it and lock it behind her before following him down the hall. It was both a strange and pleasant surprise when she failed to feel the icy touch of the concrete floor on her bare feet... it had been a long time since she had worn shoes, so long she'd almost forgotten how they felt. She decided she very much liked them. Pausing at the stairs, she glanced up at Li and shook her head slightly. He likely would not be able to tell at first if she was lying or not, at least until she began making her way down the stairs. Although she did have to utilize the railing rather heavily, it seemed a lot easier to go down the stairs than up them for her, a relief as small as it was. For the most part she concentrated on the stairs, but half way down or so she would pipe up in a curious voice as if she'd been thinking about it for awhile. "What are you trying to get out of your friend?"
Harlow skipped along with his friends and this Lance guy, not really paying attention to their conversation. As they entered deeper into the city he started to walk normally so he fit his 'clever' disguise. Soon they were near city hall where the assassination would take place. He stopped and turned to Mina, who was the undubbed leader of their little trio, or that's how he saw it anyway. She had the most common sense so therefore she was leader.

"What now? Like, how are we gonna do this?" he asked her, it only just occurred to him that maybe Nonie had already asked, but he decided that he didn't care. Both of them probably had to listen to the plan twice before getting it anyway.

@SecretRock @Camelot @TheOne
Mina stopped short when Harlow stopped and asked her how they were going to 'do this'. She paused for a second, pursing her lips then looked at him, her eyes darting between Nonie and Harlow.

"So, I think first we should find that Gates person, let them know we're here and tell them which building Nonie would be on. She's key in this, so they can protect that area mainly. Then you and I go to the crowd. Nonie takes the shot," The hope of ironic timing was implied with the glance she sent to her friend, "And we cause a panic so she can get down without being seen. Does that sound good?" She asked the two of them, trying to find any flaws in it. It was pretty vague and she basically just repeated what Crowne had told them, but if there were any problems, it would be best to see them now, not after they'd happened.

@TyTydaDog @Camelot

"It is, but it's just one obstacle. We just need to find someone who knows and get them to tell us." Selene reasoned. There was obviously some kind of chain of command, but people should know who's leading them. He wasn't exactly trying to hide his identity on the train platform. "You don't remember a name do you? It was all kind an action-y blur to me." She admitted, moving to lean against a tree.


Azure couldn't help but laugh at Tig's shock about the amount of people. He patted her on the shoulder, stifling himself.

"Welcome to the city centre," he joked, not having actually been there himself for a few weeks, not since he and Selene had done a memorisation exercise. He glanced around the buildings around him and raised an eyebrow. "I think I know which bowling alley you're talking about, actually. It's this way right?" He pointed to the left, where most of the crowds were heading. 

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Out Of Character:

I'd love to join in this RP, my character Maelle would be a perfect Decimator. 

If it's too late to join, I understand. If it's alright if I do join, though, just let me know where to post character info and all that good stuff!


@VoodooXOXO sure you can join!! Just post your Character stuff on this thread 

"It started with a C. He bowed his head in thought closing his eyes as he tried to remember what the Decimatirs had been saying, "Crown.....crow....Crowne." He looked up satisfied. "It was Crowne," he said nodding.


Tig tried to hide her shock and she nodded. "Yeah its over there. Where all the people are," she tried not to look discouraged crowds were not her fortay


Li Zhao

Li glanced back as Annabeth spoke. He was used to being the one asking the questions, so it was a bit of a change. 

"She's a lieutenant and she owed me a favour, so I got her to run some forensics for the case I'm on." He explained as he reached the bottom of the stairs. "I just need to collect the results."

He opened the door of the apartment and stepped out, noticing the crowds of people further down looking like they were heading to city hall. He grimaced, the police station was that way too, but he didn't really feel like pushing his way through a crowd today. He looked back at Annabeth.

"Know of any ways that might be less crowded than down there?" He asked her.


Lance Tenebris

Lance watched the three kids interact, feeling a little weird that their 'leader' was a teenage girl. He knew that he wouldn't be a good leader, no he would not, so it was understandable that they weren't asking him. Given that he wouldn't really trust the other girl if she was put in charge, Lance listened to Mina talk.

"Speaking of the mercenary, if seen her work with some other people before, and isn't that here there?" He was pointing over to a tall woman with pale hair 

@TyTydaDog @SecretRock @Camelot

"Ah ok." he replied to Mina. He turned towards Nonie so she could confirm the plan, it had been a while since he'd used his emotion powers, he wondered if he could still use them to their full effect. His mind then started to wander off on whether to cause a little bit of panic or mass hysteria and finally decided to put it somewhere in between. He looked at Lance while he spoke and followed his gaze to see the other woman standing in the little street they were in. She looked cool, but he ultimately wasn't interested, so he turned away and began to watch the crowds.


Issy walked down the street, looking at a group of people who were standing around suspiciously. They didn't look like Protectors, but you could never be sure what freaky shape-shifting or illusion powers some people had. She herself, didn't really care much for all the powers debates and stuff that was going on, all she cared about was... Two of the people from the group looked at her, as they shifted she saw the little girl, what was her name? Mina? Yeah, her. She was the one she was meant to meet with and relay orders to her from Crowne, essentially, that made her money. This is was her money, heck yeah. 

Issy walked up to the group, they were a weird bunch to be honest, but money over rules everything.

"I'm Gates, You're the Decimator guys right?" she asked them.

@SecretRock @Camelot @TheOne 
Alex sighed. Walking in large crowds always rang warning bells in his head but they didnt have much of a choice. He hated crowds.

He gave Azura a sideways glance while watching Tig silently freak out. Poor girl.

"I don't really want to walk into all those people either but we gotta so we gonna start pushing through or can one of you fly us over there?"


Seeing the person they were waiting for, Nonie tapped Mina on the shoulder.

"I'm gonna head up now," She said, "The gun's just on the roof right?"

(sorry for short posts, I have no idea what to write recently ;-;)
Tohoak took a moment to adjust to the loud noises and groups of people then she charged forward

 "We're pushing through!" she called back to the others while manuvering through the hosrds of people. 

(Same. Maybe we should talk about what we want to happen? Its just a suggestion.)

@SecretRock @Blacknife @TyTydaDog @Camelot @TheOne
(I think one of the fun things about RPs are you don't know what the other people are going to do. We can discuss it if you want, but I think that takes away one of the fun elements you can only get in RP. @Tohoak)

"Uh, it depends on who you are?" Mina replied, not at all sure of herself. She knew that she'd probably get laughed at, but what did it matter. She looked at Nonie as she said she was going and nodded. "Good luck," She told her friend, then turned back to Gates. "Harlow and I are going to take out positions in the crowd, you need to hold up anyone who seems like they're going to stop us, got it?" She asked Gates, glancing back at the debate. It was starting to really get going now.

@TyTydaDog @Camelot @TheOne

"I wish I could fly," Azure told Alex before following Tig into the crowd. He was perfectly fine with it. He stood out less in crowds, though it was hard to hide his bright hair anywhere. He paused as he saw where most of the crowd was going and craned his neck to try and get a better view. "Do any of you know what's going on over there?" He asked the others around him.

(K I understand completely) 

Tig stopped and followed Azure's gaze. She suddenly was curious to as what they were actually going. "No idea. Theres only one way to find out though." She charged forward now joining the flow of the crowd. 

@SecretRock @Blacknife

He turned back from looking at the crowds, just a bunch of people, nothing out of the ordinary. Mina was giving the game plan and Harlow nodded in acknowledgement.

"When Nonie does the deed we cause mass panic right?" he asked her with a wild look in his eyes, he was super excited for this. He was still wearing his 'disguise' and to be honest, it was quite a hot day and he was beginning to feel the heat, he hoped they would start soon. "Can we go now?" he whined to Mina, he really didn't care how he looked are sounded at that moment, he just wanted to do this thing and then get out of these clothes, granted he didn't have to wear them, but Harlow saw these as a sort of uniform.


Issy nodded to Mina.

"I'll go look around for anyone suspicious then." The mercenary then proceeded to walk off, annoyed that she couldn't do something more interesting, but hey, money was money and money was life. Besides, if she did find someone, they could fight, but if she didn't find someone, then this job was just easy money. In Issy's mind, it was a win/win situation. As she walked around more alleys she came out into the main square and started analysing the people walking around there, so far nothing had come up yet.

 @SecretRock @Camelot @TheOne

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