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Fantasy Protectors

"Well ten, sounds like im gonna come out the winner today!" Alec said jokingly, "My trandfather and i used to bowl together every sunday before he passed. I never really got the hang of it"
Harlow looked at the cotton swabs. Huh, this was pretty simple. Cool, he picked one up and rubbed the inside of his cheek with it, so that his whole right cheek was stretched out to the side. He placed the swab in an empty box closing the lid like Mina had, giggling slightly. He turned to Crowne as the elder told them about the task. Like Nonie, Harlow's face lit up a an actual job to do. They hadn't done a proper assignment since forever. This was gonna be great and an assassination too. Count him in.

@SecretRock @Camelot
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Mina kept expressionless as Crowne said what they were doing. She preferred...destruction jobs to anything like this, but if it was necessary then she was willing. He looked across the three of them, nodding as he saw that at least two of them were happy. He spun the screen around, showing them a grainy, black and white photo of a woman. She was standing on some sort of platform, talking. Mina saw the picture and did a double take. She recognised the woman.

"This... election candidate is our target. I also need Doll and Lance for the plan, but they should be here shortly. I contacted them, as well as a mercenary, Gates, she'll meet you on the way," He explained to them.

@TyTydaDog @Camelot @Sofe @TheOne

Azure laughed, then nodded at Alex. Going out in burnt clothes would be a very weird sight for most people there.

"You might want to hurry though," He advised, "I doubt that Rene and Tig are going to wait very long," He joked, gesturing to the two over excited friends.


Selene sighed as she sat down. She knew exactly what Hunter was talking about. Azure and Rene were like brothers to her, she wouldn't be able to bare the thought of them being in danger with no one to help. She nodded.

"We do need to know their plans," she muttered, then smiled at Henry, "Thanks."


Henry looked over Selene's knee all the while listening to their conversation. Hunter stared at the ground in thought. "Who could we send that would seem convincing?" He asked more to himself than to Selene. "Whoever we send would be in danger constantly, but if they had good motive for leaving the Protectors they may be a little more safe," 

Tig bounced on her heels impaciently. "If we don't hurry up Hunter and Selene will catch us!" she said impaciently. She looked toward the city longingly. Bowling was going to be fun. 
"Yeah, we should probably hurry if we don't wanna get caught." Rene said as he started walking again.

He looked back in the direction of camp, quickly checking if anyone has spotted them yet.

"Why do we need a mercenary too?" Nonie asked, tilting her head slightly, "Don't they usually get hired for smaller missions?"

Li Zhao

Li chewed as he processed Annabeth's answer. It seemed that she sometimes did as well as she could given what he knew about her leg. Even though he'd never been in that situation himself, he knew how hard it was to get off the streets without help. She obviously didn't have any family to help her, and she'd even told him about her parents. She had nowhere to go, and with her leg there were plenty of jobs off limits to her too. He mixed the eggs and prawns on his plate together, not caring if the tastes mixed too. He didn't care about the taste. He was really just eating because it was something he hadn't done much over the past few days, and he had a feeling that it was about to get busy in his line of work.

"What about smarts?" He asked her, then paused for a second before adding, "And I don't mean school." Besides homeless people probably not having much time for school on top of surviving, Li also knew that school grades were no an indication of actual intelligence. He hadn't done very well as school himself, something about him not being able to concentrate well and always needing to be moving. That had died down a little bit recently, but it was still one of the reasons that the only things he'd eaten over the past three days were a bowl of cereal and a banana. If Annabeth was smart, he might be able to find something for her to do that wouldn't include that much physical work.


Lance Tenebris

The arcade was not something Lance was used to, all flashing lights and overlapping sounds. All the annoying kids didn't help his view of it either. He walked through the building, ignoring the catchy jingles until he got to the back of the room. Using the code that Crowne had given him, he opened the door to the back room, stepping in with a wave to the four already there. He hadn't expected the other three to be talking to Crowne as well, but he wasn't one to question what he was told to do. He closed the door behind him and leaned one it, crossing his arms.

"You wanted to talk to me?" He asked Crowne, not really addressing the other three kids there. Of course, he could have used his telepathy to find out what he was meant to do, but he found that people didn't really like it when he invaded their privacy so much, so instead he waited for slow, verbal instructions. he hoped it was something to do with the Protectors. He'd been wanting a good fight recently.

Patting Alex on the back, Azure turned to leave. He was at least fifty percent sure that Selene would be okay with them going, but they were right about Hunter stopping them. Going to the city wasn't something that they managed very often and he was eager to get going.

"So who knows the way to that bowling alley?" He asked the group, spinning around to face them.

@Tohoak @Blacknife @Camelot @NathanPanache

Selene ran her hand over her face. She had a few ideas, but none of them seemed to be very good ideas. Sending someone in alone was always a risk, and most of the people she could think of were trainees or hard to trust. How excellent. Starting to regret even bringing up the topic, Selene decided to avoid answering.

"How are my knees looking?" She asked Henry.

Crowne nodded in greeting to Lance, then looked to the other three. He gestured to the older boy.

"This is Lance," he told them, in case they hadn't met before. "We'll wait for Doll a little bit longer, but then you'll have to get going, alright?" He asked the four of them.

@TyTydaDog @Sofe @TheOne

Henry nodded and stood up. "Not too bad. If you want I can give you some cream to ease any bruising on them," he offered. Hunter looked over toward the door. "All that comes to my mind is one of the apprentices, but its just too dangerous to send one of them," he said.

@Blacknife @Camelot @NathanPanache 

Tig nodded, "Follow me," she said gladly leading the way. "I use to go there a lot. Hunter would get so angry," she laughed.
Hey guys! Its fall break so I won't be on until Halloween! Sorry for the late notice! Talk later guys! Bye!
"I'll be fine, thanks, though," Selene told Henry, standing up too and smiling at him. The smile disappeared as she turned to Hunter, knowing that he was right, or at least partially. "Some of them would even be doubtful; Tig and Alec for example, no one would believe that they joined the Decimators." Even hearing the words made her wonder what exactly she was planning. They couldn't send an apprentice to spy on the Decimators, they couldn't send anyone. Well, no one alive, anyway.


Azure fell into step behind Tig, staring up at the tops of the trees while he walked. The sky was barely visible, but a bright morning blue and it looked like it was sunny. It was warm enough outside to be sunny.

"I still don't get why they don't let us into the city, just send someone with us and we'll be fine," He said in reply to Tig's statement, though it wasn't aimed at Tig, or anyone in particular.

@Camelot @NathanPanache @Blacknife

(Have fun!)
"So... you're getting paid to be here?" Azure asked. He wasn't aware that the Protectors hired mercs, even though he'd met Sonter he wasn't aware that they'd paid him. Most of them were fickle, or so he'd been told, and from what he'd seen the Decimators had a hell of a lot more money than them. He hoped that Alex wasn't one of the types that he'd heard about.

@Blacknife @Camelot @NathanPanache @Tohoak

The question surprised her in its suddenness. She stumbled over a dozen things she could say in response, and meanwhile, her cheeks got a little heated perhaps out of embaressment. She finally settled on an answer. "I've survived this long on my own... and I'd like to think I'm smart. I got by for awhile managing numbers for a shop keeper... but uh... yeah." She managed to stumble over her words, hiding behind another a small dumpling once she answered, hoping she answered correctly. For as much as she didn't want to take up his food and time, she also didn't want him to throw her out... "I can help you. Whatever you need me to do, Ill do and I can do it well." For as much of a street rat as she was, she behaved herself well, and she certainly spoke well, far better than most others he'd come across in the lower levels. "And also..." she paused. It took a moment, but she shoved the thought out of her head... she wasn't that desperate to reveal her secret. Not yet. She bit her lip, "never mind, but if you need any help around here..."

Li Zhao

Li laughed as Annabeth offered her help. It was nice of her, of course, but it wasn't necessary. He'd been managing for a few months on his own, he didn't really need anymore help. Still, his current case did seem to be taking a lot longer than usual. He mentally shook himself. He couldn't let someone else get in evolved again.

"You don't have to help me," he told her, gathering up his now empty plate. "Its just, you can't stay here forever, so I need to be able to get you somewhere to go after. You can shower once you've finished, if you want. There are some apare clothes in the second bedroom if you want them."


For just a moment, Anna took on a brief look of hurt from the comment, flinching at the laugh, although gone a moment later; Li likely would not have noticed it. When he did look at her, leaning down to pick up his plate, she nodded. "Alright... I think i'm done." Standing slowly, she made her way sparingly to the sink, placing her empty plate delicately in with the rest of the dishes. She knew she couldn't stay forever... didn't mean that the news didn't hurt. "I'll just take a quick one..." Entering 'her' bedroom, she looked around and grabbed some of the first things she saw, an over sized white shirt and some used jeans, and shifted to the bathroom. She undressed quickly, ignoring the effects that malnutrition had on her form, and instead focusing on the shower. Initially, the hot water scalded her skin... but she'd have it no other way, the heat blissful. A short shower turned into a nearly twenty minute soak, and she climbed out clean, but embarrassed at the time she spent. She emerged from the bathroom, blond-white hair still somewhat wet and dressed in foreign clothes. From there... she didn't really know what to do. So she offered her help again. "Do you need help with the... dishes?"
Harlow stood and watched as the Lance guy was lounging around all cool like. He did look pretty cool to be honest, so he shrugged it off. Oh well, he thought to himself. He was still buzzing for the mission. He wondered who this doll person was and if the mercenary they would be working with would be nice. Probably not, nearly all mercenary people were meanies. Harlow started to think over the plan of the assassination, where would they all be stationed, what would their jobs be? Harlow hoped he would get to do something interesting. This was going to be great.

@SecretRock @Camelot

Li Zhao

While Annabeth had been in the shower, Li had been in his study, reading through some papers. The case he was working on was a missing child case, the family had come to him when the police had run out of leads. They had come to him because other PIs were much more expensive. He wasn't exactly in the right frame of mind to be working on this, but he needed the money. While he was reading the files, Li knew that the family were right to get someone to look at it, something didn't add up. Unfortunately he had no idea quite what that was. He pushed himself up from his desk and went into the kitchen to put away the leftovers from the takeaway. So much for not having that much left, the girl barely ate anything which, in itself, was something wrong.

"May, the dishes don't need doing for a few more days," he told Annabeth after spending a moment or two looking over at them. He leaned against the counter, pouring himself a glass of whatever kind of juice he had in the fridge, he hasn't bothered to check. "However, I do need to go out in a few minutes and, Bo offence, I don't trust someone I just met to stay in my house alone. Would you mind coming with me?" He asked her.

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Anna could tell that Li was troubled, both by the look on his face, and the way the emotion seemed to swirl around him almost like a tangible thing that she could touch. But for how easily she could tell something was on his mind, she could not tell what it was... she dropped it for the moment as he began speaking. She gave a quick nod, pacing over to the counter. "Thats fine, I don't blame you... where are we going?" If Li didn't know any better, the girl actually seemed rather excited to be doing something and going with him on whatever he was going to do. Perhaps it was even related to his own troubled thoughts... Anna had made sure to leave the bathroom pristine after using it, everything folded and put away nicely, the water cleaned off from anything it got on, leaving it better than before she used it. The same concept applied to her plate, and everything else; she never left a mess, even out in the slums, and especially in someone else's home, she seemed to be well mannered and considerate. Odd for someone who lived out on the streets her whole life. 
Crowne looked down at his watch and sighed. This mission was very time sensitive, so they needed to get going. He pushed himself out of his chair and took some plans off the tables, handing them to Harlow.

"So, the plan," He started, standing in a position where he could see all four kids. "Nonie, you will be the one with he gun. It's on a rooftop near the city hall. That's where you take the shot from too, and leave it there after. Shoot for her chest." Crowne watched to make sure that Nonie understood then continued. "Mina and Harlow, you two will be in the crowd. When they shot is fired, I want you to use your powers to create a panic, some cover for Nonie to get off the roof. Lance, you, Ms Gates, and Doll, if she gets here, will be making sure that there's no interference." He paused, allowing what he said to sink in before finishing. "Do you all understand your roles?" He checked. It would be better for him to explain anything misunderstood now than to have something go wrong in the mission.

@TyTydaDog @Camelot @Sofe @TheOne

Li Zhao

"The police station, I need to pick up some files," Li told Annabeth, finally noticing her choice of clothes. It didn't bother him, he was just expecting her to wear the girls clothes in the dresser or something, since she seemed like the type of person to like that stuff. His face was impassive though, not showing his shock. He rubbed his eyes as he put the last pot of takeaway in the fridge, then emptied his glass, wiping his mouth to get any of the juice left on his lips. He looked at the pile of dishes in the sink then decided that it would be best to put the glass on the side. Maybe the dishes couldn't wait for a few more days. He only had a few left, and he wasn't actually sure how long it had been since he first started the pile in the sink and he didn't want it to get mouldy. He ignored it for now, though, deciding that he'd do it once the case was over. Li pushed himself away from the counter, striding towards the door, catching his coat as he went past.

"You didn't have shoes did you?" He asked the girl, kneeling next to a rack and searching through them. He thought that he had some in what looked like her size, but he must have gotten rid of them a little while ago. "I guess choose a pair?" He offered, taking his own trainers and moving to a seat at the table to put them on. 


Lance Tenebris

Lance looked around the kids gathered in the room. Being a lookout? He could do that, and he was more likely to get in a fight doing that than any of those other jobs. Sniping and 'emotion management' just sounded like a drag. He stood up straight, so he was no longer leaning on the door, and took a few steps forward, still looking disinterested in whatever they were planning. In reality he was raring to go, he wanted to kick some ass today, and where better than an assassination in a city with the Protectors? Those do-gooders always made for a good fight.

"Let's go then. We don't want to miss her." He said to the group.

Nonie nodded and moved towards the door, pretty excited by the fact that she got to use a gun again.

"How long have we got to get there?" She asked, looking back at Crowne.
Harlow nodded, his emotion powers would be great for this job and he could finally make some chaos. He was super excited to start the mission. It would be great, finally an assassination. Cool. He bounced up and down on his feet slightly, eagerly awaiting for them to go to the designated place. Would he need a disguise? Would a trench coat be too obvious? Oh well, he was probably already known to the police force and the protectors in some way, maybe a disguise wouldn't matter. But it would still be fun.

"Can we go in disguise?" he asked Crowne hopefully.
"I...guess?" Crowne replied to Harlow, raising an eyebrow. They didn't need to since no one would know it was them, or if it went to plan no one would. He looked down at his watch to check the answer to Nonie's question. "The debate should end in just over an hour, so you have until then. I'll leave it up to you to decide the actual timing." He told her, then turned his attention to Mina, who was still frowning at the picture. He gently nudged her in the arm and she snapped back to reality with a few blinks. She nodded in response when he quietly asked her if she knew what she was doing, then she turned towards the door, noticing Lance for the first time. She'd met him before, but she didn't really know him that well.

"Hi," She said, raising a hand in greeting, then taking a deep breath. "We should go, get set up," Mina said, pulling her headphone back up and over her ears again.

@TyTydaDog @Camelot @TheOne

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