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Fantasy Protectors

Azure smiled back at Alec, loosening the shield hold even more. It was useful how it appeared there, but it was big and cumbersome and it didn't fit with his fighting style at all. Sure he was strong, but he could not take a hit at all. He mainly preferred to move fast and avoid being hit. Big heavy shields did not work for that.

"Ready, kid?" He whispered to Alec, moving his hand behind the shield and out of sight of Hunter and Kydlin. He counted down from three with his fingers for Alex, then, when he reached zero, rushed forward, slamming the shield into Hunter, then pulling his arm out of the holds, leaving it behind. 

@Tohoak @NathanPanache

( @Blacknife What did Alex do? Your post was a little confusing.)

(((I'm sorry. I wrote that at like 4 in the morning with no sleep. Should be fixed)))
Azure caught the shield. He hadn't expected Hunter to just drop it so he'd been ready to catch it. He quickly slipped his arm back through the grips and moved forwards, jumping in as Alec was shoved back and swinging the end of the shield around, aiming for Hunter's shoulder. He held back, knowing how hard these thing were, they'd have to be to be bullet proof, and he didn't really want to hurt the mentor too much. Maybe if he'd thought that the guy had more of a chance to block it, he would have used more force.

@Tohoak @NathanPanache

Selene Alex jumping towards her. Or, more specifically, she felt it as he tired to hit her. She easily shrugged off his grip, super strength will allow you to do that, dropping down and thrusting her elbow towards where she assumed his stomach was. Obviously her aim wouldn't be perfect, mainly going off memory of anatomy and Alex's height, but she didn't wait to see how accurate she had been. Once her elbow had gone as far as it could and whether or not it had hit, she jumped out of reach again, stumbling a little as her foot caught on something like a stick, but managing to right herself.


Anna stepped into the room, still moderately embarrassed of her outburst, much unlike her... even though he said it was fine, she still looked around with slightly hunched shoulders, giving a silent nod to his suggestion. Taking hesitant steps throughout his house, she did not even need to remove her shoes before walking in his house, considering she owned none. Padding on the threadbare carpet, she looked around, refusing to touch anything and contaminate it with her... filth. Walking like a silent cat throughout the house, she peeked into every room, taking some time at each to admire its holding, smiling a little at everything she saw before reaching the bathroom. Slipping in and quietly closing the door, she looked around... she didn't belong here, even in a place like this, being in his bathroom simply felt off. She quickly applied water onto her hands, rubbing the small stick of soap, simply enjoying the soft feeling, and then the wondrous cleanliness her hand possessed, seemingly softer after a day. 

Annabeth looked herself in the mirror, staring at her semi gaunt face and dirty clothes, the sunken, yet hopeful look to her eyes... She saw a blond haired, blue eyed poor freak, someone with powers... 'special'. She looked down at her hand, and just testing, could feel the warmth rise up to her finger tips, glowing weakly, feel the heat suffuse her, then... dissipate, leaving her colder than how she was before. Her powers were an abomination, according to her parents at least... while they had still been alive. She would not tell him... cleaning herself off the best she could, Anna eventually stepped out in her over sized shirt, approaching the table quietly, drawn by the warm smells of take out, watching as the plastic eating ware was set up, hardly able to wait. However, she still asked... "do you need any help? Putting things away or with food... I would like to help if possible."

Hunter had been distracted by Kydlin. He could sense the sheild comming toward him, but he didn't have enough time to react as it hit his shoulder. He winced and was knocked backwards but the blow didn't hurt to bad. He was quickly back on his feet and starting toward Azure. Twisting to the side he tried to hit Azure's knees as he went past the boy. 


Kydlin ducked down and rolled to the side to aviod Alec. She smiled at Alec and motioned for him to come at her again. This time she would push him toward Azure who Hunter had just tried to trip. If Alec came toward her and Azure fell Alec would go down with him.
Alec raised his hands above his head, attempting to lift her into the air. He wouldnt be fooled by someone motioning for him to come at them again. His eye gleamed with excitement as he lifted her into the air. Every muscle and vein in his body strained to focus on her blood
Azure felt the shield connect, sending a shock up his arm. He really hadn't been expecting it to connect. He was trying to get some more feeling back into his arm, the shield blocking his sight, when he felt Hunter's hit connect to his knees. They both gave out, and he fell back, the corner of the shield hitting his head as he landed. It was nothing serious, but it stung a little and he felt dazed.

"I'm out," He announced in a strained voice as he pressed his eyes shut and tried to stop the world from spinning. "Sorry Rene, didn't avenge you,"

@Tohoak @Camelot
Alec turned to see his partner on the ground, losing his focus on Kydlin, dropping her to the ground. "Are you ok?" He asked jogging over to Azure

@SecretRock @Tohoak
@SecretRock @NathanPanache

Hunter relaxed and nodded in agreemnt massaging his shoulder. "Its a good time to stop," he agreemed as Alec came over. Kydlin followed after him giving a small smile at Hunter. "You guys did well," she said taking her place next to Hunter.
"I'm just gonna stay down here," Azure told the others, rubbing his forehead where he hit himself, then spoke to Alec, "I'l be fine in a few minutes," 

He slowly pulled his arm out of the shield, not at all sure what to do with it. It would be a good weapon, shame they only had one, and that he technically stole it. He technically stole a lot of things. 

@NathanPanache @Tohoak

Li Zhao

As Annabeth washed her hands, Li moved around the kitchen, finding cutlery. He paused by a framed photograph of him and a girl a few years younger grinning at the camera. He sighed before moving on. He piled the forks he'd fetched onto the plates he had already taken out of the cupboard and picked up the pile, carrying it to the table. He put them down as he heard Annabeth's question.

"Move them to the table," he answered, picking up a few of the containers himself. He looked down at the empty glass on the table, considering it for a moment before picking that up too.

"What would you like to drink?" He asked her, taking the cup to the almost empty kitchen sink. Pros of takeout: no washing up. 

Alex missed his tackle and took a heavy elbow to the stomach. He recoiled at the elbow found its mark and made a move to snatch at the mentor which missed her.

"Ouch" He grumbled as he stood up nursing his saw belly.

He motioned towards Tig to give him a hand as he charged the teacher again but this time he jumped into the air a good couple of meters before her and tucked his knees and arms in. He was aiming to hit her legs with his body and just barrel her over.



Approaching the counter where Li was putting together the takeout, Anna took a quick look around the apartment again. She saw everything that she had when entering for the first time, but this time, she noticed some more fine details, one of them, being the picture of Li with a girl, a picture that made her tilt her head in curiosity a little. She snapped out of it with a start as she heard his response. 

Coming forwards, Anna pulled the boxes from the bag and carried them over to the table, setting them out neatly in the middle of the table as he set down the plates. Pulling out one of the chairs, she jumped up into it, her hands folding in her lap. "I'll um... take water please. If you have it..."
@SecretRock @Blacknife

Tig quickly moved in to action. She leapt upwards noticing what Alex was doing, she aimed for Selene's back. If Alec hit her legs and Tig hit her back they might just topple Selene over.

Hunter looked over to where Selene was still fighting Alex and Tig. "Should we tell them we stopped?" Kydlin asked beside him. Hunter shook his head. 

"Give them a ittle more time,"

Li Zhao

Li nodded, reaching for a clean glass for Annabeth. These were the only kind of kitchenware that he was actually running low on, cleaning wise anyway. There were nearly a dozen stacked up around the sink, all with remnants of some kind of drink or other in the bottom. He was actually a little shocked to see how far behind he was on his cleaning but he decided to put it off until later. As he decided that he realised why he might be behind on his cleaning. Brushing those thoughts out of his mind, he turned on the tap and filled the glass with water for Annabeth. It wasn't the healthiest water but it was drinkable. He took it over to the table, sliding into the empty seat next to Annabeth as he put the glass down for her.

"Help yourself," He told her, picking up his fork and reaching for the prawns to get some, he paused as he skewered a few, then continued as normal. "My name is Li, by the way, Li Zhao," He told her, realising that she didn't know. He'd asked her name, but not introduced himself. A little rude, but he was sure that it was forgivable given what else he'd done. Still, he should have remembered. After a mouthful of prawns, he looked up, taking in Annabeth. She didn't seem particularly extraordinary, but he knew never to judge a book by it's cover. 

OOC: Sorry for my inactivity, im in Show Choir, a play, a musical, and a lot of advanced classes rn

IC:  Alec sat down next to Azure, "You are really skilled! I have some problems using my powers, but hopefully i can get the hang of them soon! Would you wanna train together some time?" Alec asked Azure

Selene heard the pair coming too late and was only trying to move when Alex barrelled straight into her knees. She fell forward, feeling Tig's fist brush her back, but her world was too centred on the pain in her knees to acknowledge or try to counter it. Her elbow hit the floor first and she rolled onto her back, holding her hands up.

"Yeah, I think that's enough for today," She told the other two, moving to push herself to her feet. "You worked well as a team, but you need to remember what your advantages are. When Tig had me blinded, you should have moved silently. Speed doesn't matter if I don't know where you are." She reminded the two of them.

@Tohoak @Blacknife

Azure smiled at the compliment, moving to sit up though his head was still swimming a little. He could now understand why the police used those things.

"Don't rush yourself, or I'll end up the worst in camp again," Azure joked, his laugh coming through in the words, "But seriously, that might be fun," He moved his head to look down at the other guy, the overly dramatic one, "Wouldn't it be, Rene?" He asked.

@NathanPanache @Camelot
Tig nodded taking in every word Slene said. The mentor was right. She looked back over to where Hunter and Kydlin stood by the boys. "Selene," Hunter called for her attention and walked over to her. Tig watched with curiousity. What did Hunter want? 


(sorry wouldve writen more but have to go! Talk soon!)
(There are a bunch of replies broken, like it's site wide, so I'm gonna wait for it to be fixed to keep posting. Don't want people to get left behind. @Tohoak )
(I finally got replies back, idk about anyone else tho )

"Oh yeah, sounds fun." Rene answered from where he was still sprawled out on the ground.

He got up and brushed the dust off his clothes, wondering how he didn't end up tripping anyone over.
Selene glanced over at Hunter as she bent and stretched her knees to see how much damage there was. Once she was sure that they weren't broken, she walked over, limping slightly, smiling in greeting.

"Yeah?" She asked, then glanced down slightly, continuing slightly more quietly, "Mind if we talk on the way to Henry?" She asked, the smiling still not leaving her face.


Azure pushed himself up, wobbling slightly as he walked over to Tig, and threw an arm around Tig's shoulder, using it to stable himself and to guide her over to Rene and Alec, motioning for Alex to follow him as well. He glanced back at Hunter and Selene, making sure they were busy before speaking to the group.

"So we seem to be free for the rest of the day, huh?" He asked them, still using Tig to keep up straight. "Any ideas of what we should do?"

@Camelot @NathanPanache @Blacknife

Glancing impatiently at his watch, Crowne frowned. He pushed himself up to his feet and walked over to the door, passing some computer screens and equipment on his way out of the back room. The bright lights and loud music assaulted him immediately as he opened the door and he scanned the room, searching for the three kids. He spotted them by the DDR machine and walked over, crossing his arms as he glared at them all. 

"I thought I asked you to come and see me," he told them, causing Mina to jump. She smiled up at him, trying to charm her way out of his anger, but Crowne wasn't having it.

"And I thought you'd lose that grumpy attitude at some point but here we are." Nonie replied and she hopped back off of the DDR platform.

Rene watched the mentors not too far away from them and guessed they were going somewhere in the camp.

"Why don't we go into the city for a bit?" He suggested quietly, glancing over at the mentors. "There's not really much to do here, you know..."
Alex stood up and dusted himself of. The hem of hos shorts and tank top where slightly singed but werent about to fall apart so all in all it was a good day.

"Hi" Alex says as he held his hand out to the new comer "Names alex"

"That woukd be fun!" Alec said happily. He definitely wanted to go into the city. It would give him a chance to revisit where he came from. He grew up in New York City, and he wanted to see another city. Maybe it would remind him of home
Tig smiled devilishly and watched Hunter walked away with Selene toward Henry. "I second that idea!" she said still supporting Azure. She smiled at him. "After all Rene does have a point. There really is nothing to do...."

@SecretRock. @Blacknife  @Camelot  @NathanPanache

Hunter nodded "Of course," he said looking at her knees. It was always dangerous when it came to training. "Kydlin, head back to the cabin. I'll meet you there in a second." He said. Kydlin nodded then headed away to the cabin as he had asked.  "I was debating on wether or not its safe enough to send a patrol into the city. We can't leave the unabilitied defensless, but i dont know if is safe for us right now with the high Decimator activity," 

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