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Fantasy Protectors

Harlow snickered but tried to hide it as Crowne frowned at them. Harlow decided to gloss over their littledetour and get straight to the point because unhappy Crowne meant no fun.

"So why are we here exactly?" he asked with a smile.

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Azure shot a friendly smile at Alex, glad that Tig was letting him lean on her. Luckily he was pretty light weight for his age, and his height. He knew that he really should eat more, but he always felt like he was wasting food or taking something that wasn't his if he ate too much.

"Yeah, I heard earlier. Sorry for not replying, I was getting my ass kicked" He told the guy, "I'm Azure, like the hair," He tossed his head slightly, trying to indicate his bright blue hair. It didn't work very well and he turned back to the group, pretending it didn't happen. "So, shall we go?" He suggested, gesturing with his arm to the trees between them and the edge of the forest.

@Tohoak @Camelot @NathanPanache @Blacknife

"Well, it's not going to get any safer if we do nothing," Selene reasoned, the pain in her legs fading. She was sure that she was going to be fine, but a check up wouldn't hurt anyway. It had been a while since she'd done anything health related. At all. "If you're worried, just send people you know can handle themselves." She advised.

Crowne sighed, pretending to be disappointed. He was really used to this by now, but somehow he always let himself think that they'd mature at any point. The chance of that happening was actually incredibly slim, at least it seemed so to him.

"Follow me," He told them, walking back to the back room he'd come from. "She wants me to test a new thesis someone or other came up with," He informed them as he put in a five digit code to unlock the door. The lock might look a little out of place in an arcade, but the staff just reasoned it away with jokes and telling customers that the safe was in that room.


Li Zhao

Li nodded, reaching for a clean glass for Annabeth. These were the only kind of kitchenware that he was actually running low on, cleaning wise anyway. There were nearly a dozen stacked up around the sink, all with remnants of some kind of drink or other in the bottom. He was actually a little shocked to see how far behind he was on his cleaning but he decided to put it off until later. As he decided that he realised why he might be behind on his cleaning. Brushing those thoughts out of his mind, he turned on the tap and filled the glass with water for Annabeth. It wasn't the healthiest water but it was drinkable. He took it over to the table, sliding into the empty seat next to Annabeth as he put the glass down for her.

"Help yourself," He told her, picking up his fork and reaching for the prawns to get some, he paused as he skewered a few, then continued as normal. "My name is Li, by the way, Li Zhao," He told her, realising that she didn't know. He'd asked her name, but not introduced himself. A little rude, but he was sure that it was forgivable given what else he'd done. Still, he should have remembered. After a mouthful of prawns, he looked up, taking in Annabeth. She didn't seem particularly extraordinary, but he knew never to judge a book by it's cover. 

"Sounds good," Rene answered and started walking ahead of the group, lookig over his shoulder at the others, "So where're we going first?"

Nonie nodded and followed Crowne.

"What's the thesis, then?" She asked, as if she knew what a thesis was.
Tig smiled and helpped Azure walk after Rene. She felt giddy and excited to head back into the city. Espicially when she knew how mad it would make Hunter.

@SecretRock @Camelot @NathanPanache @Blacknife

Hunter nodded . "I know. The thing I'm trying to decied on is whether or not to bring the apprentices on patrols. They seem to be able to handle themselves, but I know that if I dont let them go then they'll go anyway." He chewed on his bottom lip in indecision. He was suppost to be the leader. To make all the choice. But sometimes it was hard and Selene always had good advise.

Selene shrugged as the pushed the door to the medical cabin open.

"It sounds like you have your answer then," She said, "If they're going to go anyway, they might as well go with someone who can protect them if things get dicey." She reasoned as she looked around, "Henry?" She called out when she didn't see him. It was possible that he wasn't there, but she might as well check.


"Thanks," Azure said in response to Alec, unhooking his arm from Tig and following her and Rene, getting over a slight wobble. He felt fine now and he knew that he shouldn't be making Tig support him when he could walk on his own. He'd start worrying when he threw up or something. It wouldn't be too bad unless something serious happened.

"So any idea what we can do there? Without any money, I mean." Azure asked them. He knew some things that they could do without money, but none of them were very fun.

@NathanPanache @Camelot @Blacknife

Crowne glanced back at Nonie. It was unlikely that she would understand it, but he might as well. It's not as if anyone would actually overhear them with all the background noise going on around them.

"That there's a common gene in the DNA of all people with powers that, in combination with the rest of their genetic code, is responsible for their power. The different genes and alleles they have affects the outcome of the gene, thus the reason why different people have different powers," He glanced back again to see how much of it Nonie actually understood. Mina leaned over.

"It's like different toppings on pizza changing the taste," She whispered, simplifying it for Nonie.

@Camelot @TyTydaDog
Alex smiled at Azure "I like the hair" He followed Tig and Azura over to the others.

"Uh if its all the same to you then..." he smiled slightly as he addressed the group. He wasn't really a group kinda person so he was getting a little anxious.

"I have a decent sum of money tucked away...i dont mind sharing?"

@SecretRock @Camelot @NathanPanache
Harlow nodded along to the conversation. DNA, Genes and powers, yes, very interesting. He started to look around at his surroundings losing interest quickly, but still keeping an ear out, just in case they mentioned him.

@SecretRock @Camelot
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Mina walked past Crowne into the back room, letting out a low whistle as she saw all the sciency stuff. She knew what approximately none of it did. Turning and falling into the only available chair, she crossed her legs, pressed her hands together and looked around at the other three, smiling.

"So, are we getting on with this or what?" She asked, reaching over to pick up a cotton swab and twisting it between her fingers.

@TyTydaDog @Camelot

Anna could, in all reality, hardly complain at the quality and cleanliness of the dishes she received. The fact that she was eating off dishware at all was a pleasant surprise for her. She accepted the water with a silent nod, and held it in both hands, almost hugging it to her without touching the food. Glancing up in surprise, she only responded to the giving of his name with a quiet, "oh", and after a few moments pause, she continued a little on the awkward side of things, "that's a good name... thank you", she said on a side note, as if having forgot to do it for the water. 

And from all impressions, she wasn't anything special. Besides being exceptionally nervous, anxious and embarrassing, and besides her decent looks, she seemed very... normal. After a moment or two, she hesitantly reached down and grabbed her fork, lightly skewering a prawn on it, gently nibbling at it. She was hungry sure, but she still felt bad for everything he was doing for her, and likely would not eat much of his food. However, it was quite obvious what she thought of the food... it tasted exquisite to her, although anything might have tasted so good after her normal pallet.

((Sorry for the delay, and if its a little subpar. Been away for a bit, and rather busy.))
Tig smiled at Alex. "Only if you want to spend the money," she said. She didn't him to feel forced into useing it. "I heard about this cool bowling ally near the center of town," 

@SecretRock @Camelot @NathanPanache @Blacknife

Hunter felt reassured and he nodded his thanks to her. He looked around for Kydlin's father. At Selene's call Henry appeared from under his desk. He hit head and winced, "Sorry," he apologized standing up. "I was retrieving some fallen papers!" He pushed down his wild hair bashfully. "How can I help you?"  


Li Zhao

Li wished they had more to talk about. It would be a much less awkward, for both of them probably. He grabbed another container and pushed a quarter of it onto his plate. Normally he had a few more days worth of food left, but this time he hoped that there would be quite a bit less. If there wasn't he'd actually be worried about the girl, Annabeth, and how much she was eating. After swallowing the shovel of eggs and prawn in his mouth he looked up again, seeing how little she was eating. Again, it was worrying. Shouldn't someone who'd been digging through trash be a little more hungry?

"So how did you survive out there?" He asked her, putting his fork down. It felt wrong eating Chinese with a fork, but he forgot to pick up chopsticks at the restaurant so he had to make do. He was hungry, and eating with a fork was better than not eating. "Besides digging through some cafe's garbage, I mean." He knew it was probably a private question, but Li wanted to know who he was dealing with. Inviting someone to stay the night was something that he really shouldn't do without thinking, but he wasn't going to revoke the offer, even if she wasn't what he thought she was. Besides, if he knew enough about her, he may be able to find a way to help her.

"I have a bit of money, so I'll help pay too," Rene added. "It's this way right?"

He turned to Tig to ask, pointing down one of the paths that lead out of the forest.

Nonie followed Mina into the room full of- Uh-- Science things? Sure. She took one of the cotton things too.
@NathanPanache @Camelot

"Awesome! Yea thats the way!" Tig stode forward confidently smiling widely. She could help but feel mischvieous. Hunter was going to be mad. Though he wasn't around at the moment so he could yell at her. 
Harlow followed everyone else into the science room. It was full of weird technology, so much so that he couldn't even begin to imagine what they all did. He watched Nonie and Mina as they played around with some cotton things. 

"What exactly are we here for?" he asked Crowne, he was a little confused with what they were doing here. He understood the DNA stuff, that it was building blocks of life, blah blah blah and certain genes allowed certain things to happen in the body, he'd read a book on it once. But he didn't understand why they were here in this lab, he was curious.
"You are all infinitely richer than me," Azure joked, then added in more seriousness, "I will be terrible at bowling, just warning you," He told them. He had a reason for that though: he'd never been before. He never had much time for it, and while Selene did let him go into the city, off record of course, they never really did anything like bowling while there. It was mainly people watching or learning the streets or just hanging out together. 

"You shouldn't spend it unless you want to," He added, looking back at Alex as he started to follow the others again. 

@Blacknife @Tohoak @Camelot @NathanPanache

"No problem," Selene shrugged his excuse away. People had other things to do. "My knees got a little beat up during training, I just want to have them check," she explained to him, then glanced at Hunter, "By the way, Hunter, have you thought about that spy idea?" She asked.

"I need DNA samples, as I told you," Crowne told the trio, pulling Mina out of his chair, not quietly though, and spinning to start typing on a screen. "Some saliva should do, so rub a swab on your cheek then put it in one of those boxes," He told the three, gesturing to three small, separate boxes on the table. "And don't chew it," he added, quickly glancing from the screen to Nonie. He finished typing and spun on the chair to face them, a little disappointed to see Mina with half of the swab sticking out of her mouth like a cowboy.

"After that, I have a mission I think you might like," He told them.

Nonie glared between the cotton swab and Crowne, this seemed way too simple. She was expecting at least one of the weird sciencey machines to be involved but no, of course not, no fun allowed since Crowne was here. She grumbled something along those lines then swiped the inside of her cheek with the cotton swab and put it in one of the boxes.

"The mission's gonna be more fun than this, right...?" She asked, still glaring slightly.

"Well at least you won't be the only one bad at it," Rene replied, "I haven't been since before I joined the group, so like, seven years? Six? Azure, how old were we when I threw a box at you?"
Azure opened his mouth to reply, then paused. He didn't really remember properly, which worried him. he should be able to remember how old he was when he met Rene. After a second or two, it came to him.

"I was eleven, right? ...or was I twelve?" He frowned, then shrugged, instead focusing on where he was walking instead of that. "It was one of those two."


Crowne nodded, suppressing the small smile forming on his face. Any emotion would give Nonie the advantage, and with glitter still covering almost everything in his office, he couldn't give her that advantage right now. Mina pulled the swab out of her mouth and put it into one of the empty boxes and closed the lid, leaning back against a table, trying to look nonchalant while trying to make sure that she didn't accidentally push any buttons either.

"I'm sure that you'll enjoy it," Crowne told Nonie, then glanced at the other two. He wasn't actually sure how the three would take this, but it was necessary and he trusted them, as much as he hated to admit it. "It's an assassination."

"Right, right and that was like a year after I joined...? I think...?" Rene squinted as he thought. "So... Seven-ish I think - Whatever, point is I am probably bad at bowling."

Nonie's face lit up at the sound of 'assassination'. It may not be a demolition job, her personal favourite, but it was something. Something that might even let her use a gun again, which was pretty fun when they were practicing.
Alex started picking at the cinderd bits of his clothing.

"Not much point in making it if I don't spend it. Besides I usually only spend it on food and clothes. Speaking of which..." he made a motion towards his dorm "I'll change real quick and then we can head out"

@SecretRock @Camelot @NathanPanache

It was not as if she wasn't hungry, in fact, it was quite the opposite. She was famished. But despite her several years out on the streets alone, she had not given up her morals, the morals her parents had taught her before they had died and left her behind. She had never stole, even when on the brink... the one time she thought about it and tried, she had been caught by the kind old shop keeper, and had worked the food off. This felt in some regards, wrong to her. He had worked for his meals and home, and she was using it. It was clear he wasn't well off himself... once again, she resolved not to stay long. No matter how much she might want too, she couldn't.

It was not hard to sense his worry over her, both over her lack of eating, and her character. And not just from his words and expression, she could feel the emotions and occasionally, thoughts of those around her like a brush against her mind. And she did not like to see others in pain, even if it was just anxiety. It worked better with physical contact, but she extended her power with a soft exhale of her breath, and with the inhale, subtly took away some of his worry and any darker emotions he harbored. It was not permanent by any means, but he'd feel a strange calm and warmth brush against his conscious and after that he might find he felt... unburdened, without knowing why. For Annas part, she seemed only a little more pale than a moment before, but that could be attributed to alot of things. As if she had no idea that he felt any different, she took a few more prawns onto her plate, biting into one and nodding slightly, chewing slowly to enjoy the taste.

She seemed a little nervous at his question, but answered as well as she could, albeit a little quietly. "I usually scavenge like I was when you found me... I never have money for food. Sometimes... I worked for some people in exchange for sleep and some food, but I was never strong enough for them to keep on. When you found me I... I wasn't doing well." She didn't mention it, but alot if it had to do with her slight limp. It kept her from much hard labor, or being a runner. To Li, it might sound like she was rather... useless.
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Henry nodded "Of course! Here, "he pushed his desk chair toward her, "sit down and let me have a look," he said. Hunter  slowly nodded, "I have," he said consideringly. "I just don't like to think that one of our own is...." he trialed off shaking his head. "Your right though, we need to think about what to do," he ran his hands through his hair absent mindedly.

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