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Fantasy Protectors

Azure's face fell into a determined frown, and he clasped Rene's hand in both of his, not acknowledging Hunter's ultimatum. He looked into Rene's eyes.

"I will avenge you." He nodded grimly and stood up, brushing his hands off on his trousers as he looked up at Hunter, adjusting his position. He looked up at Hunter, making a note of where Rene was so he didn't step on him. "Come at me," He said, with a lot more confidence than he felt.

@Camelot @Tohoak

Selene watched the two converse, trying not to listen in on their plan. She was trying to help them get better, not beat them to a pulp. As Alex charged at her, she dropped, letting his fist fly over her. The density of her bones and muscles helped with punches, but not so much with fire. One of her hands hit the floor, and she stuck out her other leg at Alex's own feet, aiming for his ankles to trip him up while trying to keep an eye on Tig.

Alex new the punch wasn't going to connect but he didn't relies how quick the mentor was. She must have waited till the last second just to trip him up. The fist missed its mark and was now punching into air. before he could re-compose himself there was a jarring feeling on his feet as something heavy gave his ankles a solid kick. The next second he was airborne. On reflex he put his hands out to brace for the fall but he over extended too early and ended up doing a handstand in front of the mentor.

The was a second before he made a noise. 


Alex gave his foot a little kick before his right leg burst into flames. He angled a  bit more force at the back of his calf from three large jets of fire, forcing his momentem forward and back at the mentor. He brought his foot down hard at the woman who had just sent him flying.


((Can u link me selenes character sheet?))
10 seconds? Rene thought and looked up at Hunter. 

"That actually really hurt my back so uh-- I'm done for now." He said, sprawling out more and reaching out to Azure again. "Go, my guy. Avenge me, bro."

Tig ducked down and drew the shadows to her so that she blended into them then as Alex distracted Selene. She moved slilently and when she had sucsesful made it behind Selene she had to refrian herself from giving a shout of joy. 


Hunter rolled his eyes at Rene then looked over at Azure. In one fast movement he swung his fist toward Azure's side. He had to keep himself incheck and not hurt the apprentice.
( @Blacknife She's on Azure form, only a name, but I might be able to tell you what you want to know.)

Selene rolled away as Alex fell, feeling the heat of his flames on her shoulder and the side of her face. He was fast, and agile. He had a lot of skill, and potential. Now wasn't the time to be considering his future though, she needed to watch for what he was doing wrong, for what he could improve. That was the point of training after all. One she'd picked out already was his hesitation, pausing before attacking again, though she was glad of that in this case since it stopped her from being burnt. 

She lifted one leg to she was kneeling, the top of both fists pressed into the ground and watched Alex, though her focus was on scanning behind him for Tig. She was not where Selene had last thought her to be, though if that was true, she had to commend the trainee. Silent movement was hard to do.


A shield was on his arm before he even had time to react. Not a medieval type shield, but one of those police riot ones with the bulletproof window. He felt the weight of it tug on his arm as he started to leap back. He didn't remember having ever used one of those before, but he wasn't going to complain now. He grinned down at Rene, poor guy getting slammed like that by Selene, before quickly turning his attention back to Hunter. He couldn't get distracted if he wanted to even stand a chance at beating Hunter.

Mina shouted in surprise as Nonie pulled her into the arcade, straight up to the machine blaring terrible early two thousands music. Even above the din of the other arcade machines she could hear the catchy tune of Cotton Eye Joe. Despite her natural disposition towards music, understanding, writing and playing, she could never get the hang of DDR. She just couldn't get her head around the fact that the arrows on screen connected to anything properly. Nonie, on the other hand, was the champion. There were only two people on Earth who could beat her at this, and they'd yet to meet either of them.

"I'll pass," She told Nonie, silencing the music from her own headphones. Too much clash wouldn't be nice.

Tig brought her hands in front of her and to her luck the shadows obeyed and flickered in front of Selene's eyes blacking out her vision. Tig held in a giggle of happyness and decied to attack from the side before Selene could orientate her self. She shoved the mentor toward the ground from the side careful to aviod hitting Alex. @SecretRock @Blacknife

Hunter almost smiled. Azure had done well. Hunter darted to the side, suprisingly agile for his size. He shot his hand forward now standing beside Azure and shoved his hand at the sheild forcing it forward. His other hand connect with Azure'/ back shoving him forward with his shield. Hopefully Azure could catch himself, but if not He wouldn't be hurt by falling. @SecretRock

Li Zhao

Li allowed his mind to wander as they climbed the stairs, planning out his week. After the police station, he needed to go fro groceries since surviving on takeaway alone, even if a variation of takeaway, was not healthy. Then he needed to do some actual work on his case. He had enough red string for that, and with the information from the police, he should be able to fill in the blanks he had. It was only a missing persons case, not that it was minor or unimportant but Li had worked bigger, and he was annoyed at himself for taking so long to solve it. He knew that logically, there weren't many leads, but he felt like he should be faster, even without the help he was used to.

"We're almost there, only one more flight," He told Anna, pretending he didn't see Annabeth struggling. If she wanted to pretend that she was fine that wasn't his problem, but as a detective he did notice it. Finally reaching the next landing he pushed open the wooden door with a large three painted on it and held it for Annabeth, spying his own apartment door down the hall. It was good to see his house, and it would be even better to finally get home, though he would have to sort a bed and food for Annabeth. He knew that it wouldn't take too long though.

"It's apartment three-oh-three," He told her, with a jerk of his head in the direction of the door he was talking about. It was as worn as everything else in the hall, the paint peeling and the numbers looking like they were about to fall off. The hall itself wasn't much better. The wooden floors were scratched and scuffed and the walls looked like they were more grime than wall. At least there was no mold, otherwise the place might have to be shut down.

Selene would have fallen had she not already been knelt, all of her limbs pressed into the floor. As it was, she only wobbled a little bit, having to move one hand to steady herself, before grabbing the hands that pushed her. She could tell that it was Tig from the shadows around her eyes, she doubted that Alex would be as...passive with a power like his. That meant she knew that she was safe from burns engaging with this one. She pulled the arm, aiming to pull the person in front of her as she got focused on her hearing since sight seemed to be out of play for now.

@Tohoak @Blacknife

Azure yelled as Hunter pushed him, flailing with his arms to try and stop the fall, but the shield just got caught on the floor and he kept falling, twisting as he did so. He landed on his back with a thud and a quiet groan of pain as he felt the breath be forced from his lungs and something on the forest floor dig into his spine. It definitely wasn't broken, but it was painful. He grit his teeth as he pushed himself up, loosening his arm from the straps of the shield; he had no idea how to use one of those things properly, so he tried to com up with an alternate plan.

Anna wouldn't know if he was simply ignoring her struggle up the stairs, or if he actually did not notice, but either way, she was appreciative. Even when she perhaps needed it, she hated accepting charity... her parents never did, and she wouldn't either. And in this situation... she tried to convince herself it wasn't charity, and that she'd pay him back later. It was the only thing that would let her accept it, whether she would be able too or not.

"I'm fine..." came the words, a little harsher than she intended, contending with the stairs and his reassuring words that both were nice to hear, and also humiliating at the same time. She gave a slight nod, stepping through the open door and looking down the hall... it wasn't a palace by any means, hell, it was barely decent and par standard... but to Anna, it was a genuine treasure. As she stepped further into the hall, she turned a little and murmured an apology. "Didn't mean to snap... I... have some issues with stairs", she finished awkwardly, only sharing part of the story. 

She followed the hallway, glancing at each of the numbers until she reached the proper one, stopping and glancing down the hallway at him, waiting to open or unlock the apartment to her. It wouldn't be hard to see how nervous she was... she was in someone else's apartment, in all essence accepting charity for the evening. She knew nothing about him, or his situation... she was very cognizant of the fact that he didn't live the best either. She made a resolution not to stay any longer than she had too, lest she become a burden on him.
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Alexe's foot hit the ground with a heavy thud as the flames licked the dirt. He gave his other foot a quick kick of the floor pushing him back onto his feet. He spun around to see that Tig had started her assault. He let the flames on his leg die down but left the ones on his arms. He was going to wait for another opening.


@SecretRock  @Blacknife

Tig let out a yelp of suprise as Selene grabbed her arm. Knowing Selene still couldn't see she nodded to Alex to help. There was no way she was going to get out of this alone. Now was the perfect time for Alex to strike seeing as Selene was distracted with Tig.

Hunter gave Azure a moment to recover. "You okay?" He asked with raised eyebrows. He didn't want to keep up the fight if Azure was hurt. 
Alex dashed to the side of the two. His arms where still alight so he simply reached out towards the mentor. Hoping to grab her. He aimed for the small of her back so as to keep the flames as far from Tig as possible.



Li Zhao

"It's fine," the key's jingled as Li replied, shuffling them about to get the right one before opening the door. The apartment wasn't too small, with a TV, coffee table and couch on a threadbare carpet in the living room and a door leading to what looked like the kitchen. The table was behind the couch, next to a window looking over the street. There was a hallway leading off to the left, four doors coming off it: two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a study. He left the door open for Annabeth and walked to the kitchen, placing the bag of takeaway down on the counter top. He moved back to the kitchen doorway and leaned against the frame.

"The bathroom is the second on the right, if you want to clean up a bit before we eat," He offered. He knew that after living on the streets for a while she'd probably need a wash, but a short one would do for now. The main problem would be the germs on her, she didn't have a choice on the street, but eating those probably aren't good for her. He gave her a small smile then turned back to the kitchen, reaching for two plates and taking the containers out of the bag.

Harlow watch Nonie and Mina talk about DDR, now he thought about it, he had never seen Mina play before. It had only been him and Nonie. When Mina said she'll pass, Harlow felt like he needed to make it up to Nonie because she wanted to play.

"Hey Nons, I'll give you a go again, you never know, you might just beat me this time." He said playfully with a grin. Rocking back on the soles of his feet he waited for her answer felling pumped for a dance battle.
Luckily for Selene, Alex was not focusing on stealth like Tig had been. In one movement, she pushed up to her feet and spun round, letting go of Tig and jumping backwards, away from Alex. She could still feel the heat of his flames though, and she felt pretty concerned. She held herself low, still straining her ears for any sign of movement, but angled her head towards where she thought Alex was anyway.

"Remember, we're training, not trying to kill me," She told him.

@Blacknife @Tohoak

Azure nodded, straightening up and slowly slipping his arm out of the shield.

"I'm good to go, unless that's you asking me to stop kicking your ass?" He joked, taking a few steps back.
Alex paused. Well she was right. This was only a training exercise so he decided to stop using his powers for now.He let the flames that engulfed his arms to die down before pouncing at the mentor again. This time he tried to spear her in the hopes of putting her in a submission hold.


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@Blacknife @SecretRock 

As soon as Selene let her go Tig took a couple steps back to be sure she was out of the Mentors reach. She nodded her thanks to Alex, but kept queit to focus on keeping Selene's eyes covered. Right now they had the slight advantage of sight when Selene didn't. Tig was suddenly grateful they weren't battle Hunter instead. Blinding him would have been useless because of his power.

@SecretRock (lol I love your post! I couldn't help but laugh!)

Hunter shook his head and smiled unable to hold back at laugh. "Fine then, if your so confident then you come at me," he said his eyes glinting. 
Alec looked over at Kydlin, having an idea, "Why dont we fight with Hunter and Azure?"
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@SecretRock @NathanPanache

Kydlin smiled and looked over at Hunter. He was laughing at a comment Azure had made. The smile brightened his face and lightened his unique eyes. Kydlin nodded suddenly realizing Alec was waiting for an answer. "Sure, come on, before they get back to fighting lets jump in," she said leading the way. Hunter looked over at her as she walked over and he held a hand up at Azure to tell the apprentice to wait. "Kydlin!" He said his smile widening.

She returned his smile. "Mind if we join?" She asked him motioning back to Alec. 

"Of course! You and me against Azure and Alec," he said. 
Alec smiled over at Azure, he thought he was pretty cute but he hoped he was powerful. He didnt need Kydlin bragging if she beat the two boys
Kydlin looked at the two boys and noticed Alec smile over at Azure. They might make a good team against Hunter and Kydlin. Kydlin stood close to Hunter their shoulders brushing, but Hunter didn't pull away from her. "Lets get started then," he said looking over at the boys. "Give us your best shot," he said crossing his arms over his chest.

@SecretRock @NathanPanache
Azure smiled back at Alec, loosening the shield hold even more. It was useful how it appeared there, but it was big and cumbersome and it didn't fit with his fighting style at all. Sure he was strong, but he could not take a hit at all. He mainly preferred to move fast and avoid being hit. Big heavy shields did not work for that.

"Ready, kid?" He whispered to Alec, moving his hand behind the shield and out of sight of Hunter and Kydlin. He counted down from three with his fingers for Alex, then, when he reached zero, rushed forward, slamming the shield into Hunter, then pulling his arm out of the holds, leaving it behind. 

@Tohoak @NathanPanache

( @Blacknife What did Alex do? Your post was a little confusing.)

Hunter stumbled backwards but Kydlin quilckly helpped him gain his balance back only to be knocked down herself. Hunter threw the sheild back toward Azure careful to throw it lightly in case Azure was caught off gaurd. 

Kydlin yelp with suprise as she fell backwards as Alec tackled her. She was imppressed by the apprentices stratagy. It was interesting. She could feel Alec useing his power to keep her down, but before she had a chance to retaliate Hunter was there. He grabbed the back of Alec's shirt and yanked the apprentice of her being kind enough not to rip Alec's shirt. He shoved Alec backward and turned his eyes to Kydlin. He extened his hand to her and she took it. @NathanPanache

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