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Fantasy Protectors

Rene saw Alec coughing with a small trail of blood on his face. His eyes flicked over to Azure, who seemed to be able to handle his situation on his own at the moment, then back to the younger boy. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, moving over to Alec, "Can you still fight?"

Ooh shiny, was Nonie's first reaction to the flash in the trees, though it wasn't enough for her to want to see what it is - She'd seen plenty of shiny things before, like Crowne's office covered in glitter.

"It probably won't be as fun as the arcade though, even if we have to get DNA samples after," She said, but didn't actually know how this DNA thing was going to work.
Mina sighed, nodding. As much promise as the weird flash held, Crowne's wrath was not to be held lightly. She turned to face the way they were going and squared her shoulders.

"You're right, and Crowne probably has other things to do today as well," She reasoned, then pointed down the path, "So onto the DDR machines!" As she started waking though, she looked down at her phone, grinning as she saw the text again. She could barely believe that it was real!

@TyTydaDog @Camelot

Anna glanced to where her was gesturing, then looked back at him, standing still for a moment of hesitation, her last before a bright look replaced her doubt and concern, a smile twisting up her lips, and a crystalline blue gaze. Stepping forwards, she glanced only once back at the alley that she used as a 'home' and almost regretted leaving, even if it was only for a short time... no, she had nothing left there anymore. 

"This is really nice of you... I don't know why you'really helping me... but thank you."

Anna moved to follow the man as he stuck a hand in his coat pocket, the other holding his food under an arm. She trailed behind him a little, doing her best to keep up, but after the first few minutes, a mixture of her shorter stature, and her malnourished form contributed her simply not able to keep up, trailing  a little but still going as quick as she could, not complaining once, only a determined look stretched across her face. She would not be left behind...
Harlow nodded in agreement, but it lacked some enthusiasm. He really would like to check that out, but it wouldn't do well for Crowne to get mad. With that thought, his enthusiasm for returning to the base was replenished and the teen spun on his heel to power walk towards the arcade. Leaves on the forest path crackling underneath his power steps. Harlow then slowed down a bit to check on his friends...

@Camelot @SecretRock

Li Zhao

Glancing back, Li realised that Anna was struggling to keep up and slowed down a little bit. He understood why she was thanking him, but he didn't really believe it was necessary. Not many people may do what he was doing, but they should. Maybe if they helped to clean up the streets then there'd be less people in the Decimators, less people for them to recruit, less people to do things like what happened at the bridge. He looked back at her again as he saw his street ahead.

"How long have you been homeless?" He asked her, checking through his pocket to find his keys. He knew that they were there somewhere, but he needed to find them first. "It seems like a while..." He added, not bothering to explain what he meant. Now he could see his apartment building coming into view. It wasn't grand or anything, but it was home to him, and there were some nice neighbours. Every time he saw the building he told himself that he'd start talking to them again, but it never happened.


Anna managed to catch up after a moment, slowing down as she tried to hide just how much the walk alone was taking out of her. She walked silently at his side until he asked the question, and when he did, she... hesitated. Taking a breath, she started slowly. "I've been homeless since..." She paused, either gathering up courage, or holding back emotion. "Since my parents were killed. They died in a decimator attack..." She looked as if she might have said more... but then didn't, curling in on herself a little further, and went silent. It was not a matter that she liked to discuss. 

She would now be able to keep up a little better, following a little behind him as he rustled for his keys. Looking up as they approached the building, her eyes went a little wide. "You... you live here?" She asked in a surprised voice, looking at the clean, large building... it may not be much to him, but it might as well be a palace to her. "It's... really nice." 
(Sorry! Four day weekened! Lol love all your guys post!)

Kydlin gave Alec a stern look, "Alec if you can't fight anymore just say it. I don't want you to get hurt," she said. Alec had been usesing his power more than he usaly did and it was no wonder he was getting sick. @NathanPanache

Hunter hoped Alec was okay. The boy had been doing well, but his powers had cost him. Hunter looked over at Alex. "I think its about time we joined the practice. Quickly introduce yourself to the other apprentices and get ready to fight. I'm going to help Selene and Kydlin," he said then added with a smile. "Not that they need it," @Blacknife @SecretRock
Alex wasn't really prepped for this so he kinda stumbled past Hunter towards the group of apprentices. He stood just outside the group nervously shuffling back and forth. 

"hi. Im uh..im Alex" 

((Can someone fill me in on the fight?))

Li Zhao

Li scoffed as he tried to keep his mind in the present on his current mission, and away from the past. It was definitely best if he did that, he decided. Sure the building may look okay, but with no air con and faulty heating and almost non-existent upkeep, it was almost too bad for anyone to live in, which was why it was cheap, which was why he could afford it. That little thought reminded him that he needed to pay this months rent. His current case should give him enough, some old guy looking to see who robbed his safe. Luckily for Li, he didn't trust the police, so a PI had to do.

"My condolences," He said in relation to her parents, then he let the matter drop. He knew that prying into a family members death was not comfortable for anyone in the conversation. He finally found his keys as they neared the front door, frosted glass double doors with a chrome metal frame. They looked weak, but they were a lot sturdier than they seemed. They'd have to be around here. He pulled the door open and stepped to the side, allowing Annabeth to pass him into the building.

"The lift's broken, so we'll have to take the stairs," He told her. It had been that way for a while so he was used to it, and he only lived on the third floor, so it wasn't too bad, but he felt the need to warn her anyway.

"Welcome to the team, Alex!" Rene greeted, running past him and back over to Selene and Azure.

Now standing next to Azure, he threw a bolt of lightning between them and Selene, trying to put some space between them. He wasn't sure if it would work as well as it did the first time though.
Azure raised a hand and smiled in greeting to the new guy. He wasn't sure who he was, but any help was greatly appreciated, especially since Hunter was joining the fight. They'd barely be able to beat two mentors, but with one of them down and another guy to fight? Their odds didn't look good. Azure didn't realise that Rene was throwing the lightning until it was almost too late. He did manage to cover his eyes, yes, but some light still got in them, dazing him and making him drop the crowbar in shock as he stumbled back a little.

Selene quickly moved to cover her eyes, seeing Rene move to blind her again. He was smart, but it wouldn't work twice in a row. After the initial flash, she charged forward, forgetting her decision to go on the defensive. Azure jumped out of her way as she flew past him and straight into Rene in a single stride. She reached for the front of his shirt, keeping her peripheral vision on the other three and her ears open for any sneak attacks.

@Camelot @Tohoak @Blacknife
Rene didn't move out of the way fast enough and made a sound of surprise as his shirt was grabbed. There was pretty much no way this was going to end well but he figured it'd be better to go down fighting and kicked at Selene's shins.
Selene winced slightly as Rene's feet connected with her shins. That was going to bruise, as if anything else that happened today wasn't. She wrapped Rene's shirt around her hand and pulled him over her head, slamming him into the ground with a fraction of her force, then quickly raised her other hand as Azure raced towards her, blocking his punch to her shoulder then grabbing his wrist.

"Powers only, remember?" She reminded him, before tugging on his arm and throwing him down next to Rene. She then turned to face the other two, cracking her knuckles.

@Tohoak @Blacknife @Camelot

Mina followed Harlow, staring down at her phone to text a reply. It was more of a 'got it, be there' than a continuation of the conversation, but she felt that as a professional(thinking that made her stomach flip) she didn't need to be overly friendly or anything to employers. Keep everything as business, like Crowne did. She'd also need to ask Crowne for a lift, so that was on her to-do list as well. After a few more minutes of walking, the arcade came into sight, it's neon lighting flashing and game music pouring out of the entrances. Their entrance was clearly labelled 'Employees Only', but they were an exception.

"Here we are," She announced to the other two, "Crowne or games first?" She asked them,

@Camelot @TyTydaDog
"Azure," Rene whispered in a pained voice, reaching out to his friend, "Azure, I think this is the end dude."

"Games!" Nonie threw her arms up and cheered. "Mina come play DDR with me!"

She grabbed the other girl's hand and ran to the neon machine. Games were fun and all but honestly she just wanted to avoid Crowne for as long as possible.
Azure crawled over to Rene, staying low on the ground and reaching back.

"Bro, you can't," He whispered back, clasping hands with his fallen comrade and his eyes wide with mock terror and worry, "Please, just hold on, for us... for m-" Azure cut himself off with a snicker, then tried again.
Rene snickered too but tried to hide it with a cough. He 

"Azure, bro, I don't think I'm gonna make it--" He cut himself with more laughter, "Dude, you gotta go on without me..."
(Rene, Azure, and Tig are battling Selene while Kydlin is making sure that Alec is ok.) 

Tig spared a moment of distraction to nodded to Alex and move closer so they could speak. "I'm Tig," she introduced herself quickly as Selene turned to face them while cracking her knuckles. Tig swallowed hard and looked at the mentor worridly. She saw Azure and Rene and suddenly had to hold in a fit of giggles. Focus! She thought. She took a deep breath and tried to summon the shadows around them. When she looked down at her hands to find brass knuckles had formed over her fingers. More like shadow knuckles. She thought smiling. @SecretRock  @Blacknife

Hunter stood over Azure and Rene fighting hard to keep a serious face. He put his hands on his hips and looked down at them. "I'll give you ten seconds to get up," he said, "then I'm going to fight you," there was a hint of amusment on his face. @SecretRock @Camelot
Alex moved and stood just behind Tig. He gave his hands a quick jolt and a burst of flames formed covering his hands and for-arms.

"So. Plan of attack?"


Anna shook her head, speaking rather quietly, "Thank you... it was a long time ago". And Anna was thankful that he let the matter drop... it was not something that she wanted to bring up, and the very thought of what happened stirred both memories, and a dark twinge in her gut, something she quickly repressed by forcing her eyes to the building around her.

They entered the complex, forcing a slight smile as she slipped past Li and into the apartment complex, looking around as if the simple walls and roof were rare luxuries. Which, in all reality... they were. Glancing around, Anna would merely give a simple shake of her head as if it didn't affect or faze her. Away from him, she allowed herself a small cringe. Stairs was the one thing she preferred to avoid, ever since the event years ago, Anna had retained a slight limp in her left leg, something almost unnoticeable when normally walking, but any arduous physical excersise, such as combat, or any elevated walking, she had trouble with. Ironic, she could heal others, and even flesh wounds of herself, yet not this... 

"It's fine... I can walk." Taking a few breaths, she strode forwards and began taking the steps. The first few were alright, and she gained a little confidence. At least until the ache began in her leg, building into a deep burn. She hid it well, at least until the second floor... to ascend the stairs further, Anna grabbed her leg casually to Li, but her grip like iron, the only thing keeping herself from falling down the stairs. She would get up there herself, she wouldn't accept any other help besides what he had already given, she was no invalid.
Tig tried not to stare at his flaming hands. She looked back toward Selene. "Bait and switch," she said to Alex. "One of us runs at her while the other sneaks behind her and attacks when she is distracted," @Blacknife @SecretRock
@NathanPanache "just sit down for a little," Kydlin incouraged Alec. She saw Hunter and Alex joined the fight. Hunter was standing with his hands on his hips looking down at Azure and Rene who were acting out Rene's death. Kydlin stared at Hunter for a moment before turning back at Alec. "I'll sit with you if you want. We can watch the fight," she said. "Or if your feeling better we can get back to fighting," 
Alex shrugged.

"Sounds like a plan. Distraction sounds like the most dangerous so ill take that. On your mark cuz"

He eyed the female mentor 'I wonder what she'll do...' the little knuckle crack added sass but it was a sunny day with plenty of warmth. Alex could handle this...maybe.

He glanced over to the student who was spitting up blood before.

'I hope he will be fine'


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"Ok," Tig nodded and prepared to sneak behind Selene. She nodded at Alex signaling him to start distracting her. @Blacknife (sorry will post more later watching a movie in class)
Alex took a deep breath and started to jog at the mentor before bursting into a full sprint. As he grew closer he decided that the best form of distraction would be a straight punch. So he aimed and took a heavy right hook right at the teacher.



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