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Fandom Pokemon: Amethyst-Peridot

She stared at Gastly for the longest time, it staring right back at her. Such a look of unrestrained wonder filled her eyes before she lifted her hand to the pokemon and said, "My name is Nurse. What's your name?" The Gastly chanted, "Gastly," before approaching her hand and licking it with its cold, broad tongue. Her arm went completely numb and cold, falling limp for a few moments. She showed no sense of panic and put the pokeball on her belt before standing and saying, "You're the best one." Her arm coming back to life as she stepped along side her new companion back to the other trainers. "This is Gastly. Gastly, these are my friends."


David woke up again, and looked at his clock. 9:57... He got out of bed, knowing he had woken up a little bit later than he would have liked. He got dressed, and had breakfast, before Shocker rolled up to him. "good morning, shocker." said the blonde. He finished eating, put on his running shoes, and talked to his mom.

"mom, can i go start my journey? there was a veteran trainer named colby who offered to help us at the beginning."

"Sure, David. See you whenever you complete the Pokemon League."


The two of them hugged it out, and David left, to go to the forest. He walked through the grass, when suddenly, a wild Pidgey appeared. "shocker, let's do it! tackle!" Voltorb revved up, and charged at the Pidgey. It was hit, and started throwing sand. Shocker's superior speed, plus the Tackle's speed, allowed him to dodge, and throw another Tackle. Pidgey fainted.​
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Lapras made a sing song noise and shuffled towards us.Watching ghastly lick jacket lapras streched her head out and did the same to jacket. Laughing a little Edward said "oh headphones you seem to have a little fan club" he said stroking lapra's head.

John snorted as he passed "Yeah, sentient cloud of gas is completely fitting for you Jacket.". John then moved to the entrance to Route 1 "Anyone want to travel with the eventual Pokemon League Champion.".
Looking over He spotted another person "Hi! come on over" he Called to the person waving them over. Lapras started singing but quickly quieted her."he heard what john said and quickly got to his feet.Putting lapras away He stalked over to john and glared at him. "what did you say about headphones." he growled pokeball at the ready.

@GloriousDeath @Golden Glow @EchoNightwish
Glow turns again, to see a cocky trainer walking by him. He speaks up. "i'll go with you, but don't cry when i take you down the day you become champ. actually, how about a training match? me and you, one on one?"

Sky was walking calmly down the road, Mimi resting in her left arm. PokéDex in her right hand as she examined all the Pokémon she had already captured. Suddenly the small eevee in her arms jumped down and ran forward. "Hey Mimi wait," she said chasing after the small brown pokémon.

Once Sky caught up to her friend she notice that Mimi was pawing at a younger trainers leg. "Sorry about her she likes meeting new people," she told the group that Mimi had lead her to not noticing the tension.

@Golden Glow @BeebeTheWarrior @GloriousDeath @EchoNightwish
Suddenly he felt something pawing at his leg and he saw a little eevee. Picking it up he looked over and saw another trainer run over."Sorry about her she likes meeting new people," the girl said.Smiling he handed the eevee to the trainer and said "Oh thats okay " he said forgetting about john."oh is that your starter?" he asked.

@Amara Redfox @Golden Glow @GloriousDeath @EchoNightwish
"oh, it's okay. the name's david, but call me glow. and this is my pokemon, shocker." Glow stuck his hand out for a handshake, and Shocker smiled with its eyes again. In truth, he was slowly getting overwhelmed by the amount of conversations he was in at once, and just wanted to get a book or one of his games. But he didn't let it show, keeping a blank face, with a small smile, on.
Taking Mimi back into her arms she smiled at the young trainer. One having introduced themselves. "Oh I'm Sky and this is Mimi, and yes she was my starter," she said kindly. "We've been together for six years now, isn't that right Mimi," she said the small eevee giving a sound of joy.
Smiling Edward opened his pokeball letting lapras out who started singing a beautiful song.nice to meet you sky, i'm edward and this is lapras" he gestered towards lapras who had stopped singing and was calling to mimi.Reaching towards his left hearing aid he lowered the volume tuning out lapra's song but letting him hear sky still.
Lana hauled a large bag quietly through the lab, it was full of Pokeballs. It had taken her forever to find out which is which, and even harder to get them back in their pokeballs. She left the Pokeball storage and carefully crept toward the door. The alarm suddenly blared, she jumped in surprise, "Oh no..." She said quietly. One other Rocket member was posted here, if she remembered, she'll have to get out first.
Tina who had already grabbed a few pokeballs she wanted to keep heard the alarm and looked up.*what does that mean again?!* she thought struggling to remember. Deiceding to play it safe she rushed out after her companion lana
"Tina! It's time to Scadaddle!" She yelled back, running for the door. She burst through the door and was greeted by bright sunlight, she never liked sunlight.
Nodding she shoved the pokeballs she had snatched and rushed out the door. nearby she could see a large group of trainers and she hoped they wouldn't spot them."hey lana should i be worried about the trainers?" she asked nervously looking at the trainers.
Smiling at Edward as Mimi walked over to cuddle Lapras. "It's very nice to meet you," she said while pulling out three other pokéballs. "Let me introduce you to the rest of my little family," she said while tossing the balls. A second later her three other companies stood before the group. "This is Ember," she said patting the flareon before moving to the vaporeon, "Aqua," she pointed to the jolteon, "and Sparks," she said while hugging the three.
"Those little potatoes? PPFFT!" She said, waving he hand, "They're just kids, seems there are no adults around, so, instead of spending energy sneaking, lets just walk down the road, I'm sure the boss'll be happy we got a batch from OAKS Lab!" She continued down, not even caring if the kids saw them.
Smiling edward said "thats cool you have more than one" he said petting lapras head. Lapras sent a squirt of water into the air and it hit his headphones."lapras" he groaned talking his headphones off and lossing his hearing. Taking a corner of his shirt he tried to wipe them out. He didn't even hear lana and tina as he desperately tried to make his headphones work again.

Tina nodded still not convinced but she went along.Running ahead she watched lana struggle along with the pokeballs."you need any help lana?" she asked concered
"Heh heh, nope." She said, hoisting the bag over her shoulder, "Also, one more thing, if you touch me, I'll have my gengar cut your arms off." She turned her head to Tina and smiled. She reached the group and shoved past them, not even trying to avoid them.
Tina nodded following her compaion through the trainers watching them eye us suspiciously. holding one of the pokeballs she had snatched she was prepared to fight.

Putting his hearing aids back on he watched as two girls in outfits with r's on them.Looking confused he tapped the girl with the large bag and asked "what are you doing miss"
Sky laughed a bit at the Lapras' playful attitude while Sparks walked over to Edward and rubbed up against him. The static caused a small shock to run up Edward's leg and into his head phones.

Feeling someone bump into her she turned aroun, "Hey, watch where you're going," she said. Noticing the bag on the girls shoulder she narrowed her eyes at the two. Seeing the big red R on their shirts she jumped back. "You're from team rocket aren't you," she yelled. Her defensive stance caused her four pokémon to run to her, all ready to fight if needed.
"Really? How could you tell?" She said sarcastically to sky, "Oh calm your butt, I'm not interested in your runt-" She suddenly stopped and looked at her Pokemon, "Though, all evolution's of Eevee..." She rubbed her chin in a cartoonish way. She snapped her fingers and said, "Shadow Ball." There was a whirring as her Gengar shot a shadow ball at the Eevees from behind Lana.
Edward saw the shadow ball coming and yelled out "Lapras use protect!" lapras obeyed and the shadow ball bounced harmlessly of her shield."now Sing!" he yelled out as lapras began singing.he quickly muted his hearing aids so he wouldn't be affected.

Shoving her fingers in her ears tina watched the battle unfold unsure what to do.

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