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Fandom Pokemon: Amethyst-Peridot

"DODGE IT!!!" The Voltorb half-rolled-over, signaling a nod, and revved up, and rolled around, under an abandoned tire randomly on the battlefield.
Ryu was immediately hit by a large lightning-bolt, the appearance of shock and pain visible in his eyes. Ryu collapsed on the ground, his breathing shoddy. He looked like he was about to cry. JoJo ran forward. "Ryu! No! Are you okay?!" He yelled. He pulled a potion out from his first-aid kit and sprayed it on the poor wounded Pokemon. "I guess we weren't powerful enough yet, huh?" He said, watching as the Pokemon seemed to regain some comfort from the potion. "Don't worry, we can still get stronger. And when we do..." JoJo said, recalling the Pokemon. "I concede. You're... Way more powerful than me and my Pokemon right now." He said, biting his lip before pointing dramatically. "However! When me and my Pokemon get stronger, I will challenge you again, and next time, I will win!" He yelled.
Arin watches as Vi gets hit by the strong thunder. "Vi!" Arin shouts while running towards Vi. "You alright?" He asks his small Pokemon hugging it. "That might of been a little to much" he shouts towards Colby.
"shocker, tackle!" shouted David, and the Pokemon charges out from underneath the tire, and rams into Electabuzz. "wow, tires are great."
"Yikes sorry about that." He called out sheepishly to the trainer helping their injured eevee. After the voltorb hit his Electabuzz again, Colby got a little annoyed. "Okay Electabuzz, let's end this. Grab it and use thunder punch." His Electabuzz grabbed the Voltorb which had just slammed into his side and reeled his fist back. Then with his fist crackling with electricity, he slammed his fist into the voltorb.
"well, at least your static activated, little buddy. shocker, return." The Voltorb, crackling with both the ThunderPunch's shock, and it's own ability, turned into red laser, and went into the ball. "be right back. gotta go heal my little trooper at my mom's place." He runs over to his house, and "Takes a rest." He leaves after thanking his mom, and returns to the group, Shocker out of his ball.
"Hmmm well you'll all have to ask your parents first.. But I think if you want to I can escort you guys a little ways for your Pokemon adventure." He said looking at all the trainers. "I can supply you with pokeballs, and potions, and all that, but I will be in charge and I will take no bullshit, excuse my French." He said sternly. "Any of you who want to do this talk to your parents, and meet me first thing tomorrow morning. But, for now, have fun battling and having fun during your first day as official Pokemon trainers!"
"thank you, uhh... we never introduced ourselves to each other, did we?" the blond teen asked. "well, i am david saitun, but call me glow. and i think my parents wouldn't care if i went with you for the beginning. thanks for the offer."
Lana walked along the forest, twirling a twig between his fingers. Her Gengar was somewhere around, it had a habit of running off, usually torture a Caterpie or something like that. She'd been following a track of footprints, it was something big, she assumed an Arcanine. She reached the end of the woods and into a town. On a hill was what looked like a weird lab, she recognized it as Professor Oaks lab. The Professor of Pokemons lab? Well, that's that a good Score, all those rare Pokemon.
"Well, nice battle. I don't think we need your help anyways, I mean, a bunch of kids with animals alone if a forest? What can go wrong?" Erin said to Colby, sticking his hands in his pocket. "But, eh, if these guys wanna, sure." He shrugged.
"Oh right, by the way my name is Colby. Colby Fried. Hopefully most of you will be able to come with me." Colby called back his his Pokemon, except for his arcanine, which he mounted. "I will be in the nearby forest, those of you who wish to accompany me, meet me there." And with that he signaled to his arcanine and shot out of the building.
"So, we gonna follow that gent?" He said, looking around, "I mean, he just said he's not taking any... ya know, and we would have to listen to him." He looked at the rest. Well, anyone who's Pokemon ISN'T completely decimated, want to take on my Bulbasaur?" He pointed to Ivy on his head.
Themoosemaster said:
"So, we gonna follow that gent?" He said, looking around, "I mean, he just said he's not taking any... ya know, and we would have to listen to him." He looked at the rest. Well, anyone who's Pokemon ISN'T completely decimated, want to take on my Bulbasaur?" He pointed to Ivy on his head.
"i will. i think, after that battle, my shocker's speed could troop anything." responded Glow. "wait, how is your bulbasaur not totally decimated? only reason shocker isn't is because he found the tire."
"Arin, I take your challenge!" He said to Arin. He looked to Glow, "Oh, cause I didn't battle! You shouldn't have either, I mean that guy has like, Eight years on us!" He said, gesturing his hands in his pockets.
Themoosemaster said:
"Arin, I take your challenge!" He said to Arin. He looked to Glow, "Oh, cause I didn't battle! You shouldn't have either, I mean that guy has like, Eight years on us!" He said, gesturing his hands in his pockets.
"i don't exactly think arin was talking about the battle," said Glow. "were you?"

@Lovespokemon500 @Themoosemaster
"Kay then, I guess me and Ivy are going home." He said to them both, "She's gotta have a tour of my home anyways, and My mom is coming home any minute, we were planning to go on our journey tomorrow anyway, cya lads." He waved and began walking down the road to his house.

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