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Fandom Pokemon: Amethyst-Peridot

JoJo's dash down to his house was quicker than he thought. His dad had given him a Pokemon -- Wartortle, to be exact, and four pokeballs. His mom, being the one who cared for his safety, gave him a small pouch filled to bursting with First-Aid supplies. "Thanks mom, thanks dad! I'll make sure to come back some day!" He said, grinning. He ran off back towards the group, and a few minutes later, he was there. "Hey, back again! My dad gave me his old Wartortle!" He said, showing Erin the Pokeball, which, although it was cleaned off, still had some scratches visible on it. "I better introduce myself to him, huh?" He said, pressing the small button on the Pokeball. A burst of light streamed from it and formed into a Wartortle. He knelt down and spoke to it. "Hey, buddy! I suppose we'll be partners from now on, huh?" He said. The Wartortle, however, turned away and folded its arms. "Tor!" It spoke, a clear tone of reluctance in its voice. "Oh come on, don't be like that..." JoJo said to it.
Arin sat down the ground playing with his new Eevee, he looks up to see JoJo with a Wartortle. "Woh! Were did ya get that?" Arin asked admiring his Wartortle.
John had simply grabbed his pokedex and began walking out of the lab "What kind of sentimental idiot nicknames his pokemon ? Charmander will do fine for you.".
"My dad gave it to me, but I guess it's not ready to warm up to me yet." JoJo said, recalling it back into its Pokeball. He clipped the ball back to his belt, right next to his Hitmonlee. "I'm sure we'll become friends someday, Wartortle." He said.
Colby charged through the forest, straight towards Pallet town. He wasn't actually running, just riding on his Arcanine, but it was all the same.He was very late, and wanted to greet the new trainers. Finally, he reached a spot where the trees ended and the town began. He passed by a young trainer running back to his house and waved, but the young boy did not even notice him. After a little running he reached the lab. Professor Oak had asked him to see which kids had chosen which Pokemon, and he also really wanted to see for himself. As he reached the room that held the pokeballs, he jumped off his arcanine. "Hello fellow trainers, my name is Colby, and I was once in your shoes, choosing a Pokemon for myself. Hopefully you will see how wonderful the world of Pokemon is!"
Colby was pleased at the young trainer's reaction. "This" he motioned to his arcanine. "Is my arcanine, and these are my other Pokemon." He sent out his Blastoise, Victreebell, and Electabuzz. "These guys have helped me through a lot of tough times, especially this big ol' guy" he patted his Blastoise, who, in turn, blasted him in the face with water. "Your Pokemon will help you through so much and will be your best friends and companions for a very long time. Remember that, and do not hurt them in any way, or trust me, I will personally, find you." He said the last parts in a warning tone. "Now, for those of you who are still here, who would like to BATTLE!"
JoJo seemed quick to raise his hand when asked who would like to battle. "I feel like I'm ready! If I rely in my Pokemon's strength, I'm sure we can make it through this together!" He said, confidently. He reached down to his Pokeballs clipped to his belt and took Hitmonlee's Pokeball and opened it. "Ryu! Are you ready for our first match together?" He said to the Hitmonlee. "Hit-mon!" It replied, stretching and then getting into position for combat.

Arin looks down at his Eevee. "I guess i could give it a shot." Arin stands up placing his Eevee on the ground. "Lets do our best Vi!".
Glow woke up from a deep sleep. He looked over at his clock, and... "oh shiitake mushrooms, i'm late!" He put on his clothes, and ate his breakfast. He waved goodbye to his mom, and put on his running shoes. He then made a hell charge to Oak's. "waaaaaaaaiiiiiiiit!!!!!!" He jumped to the doors, not noticing everyone else outside. "oh, wait. i'm early?" He ran to the table, still concerned of lateness, and grabbed a Pokeball. He looked on the back, and whistled at his choice. "voltorb... nice." He grabbed a Pokedex, and sent out Voltorb. "go!" The voltorb escaped the ball, and rolled up to him, somehow grinning with its eyes. "i think i'll name you... 'shocker.'" The Voltorb eye-smiled even greater, and let out a happy: "VOL!!!"

Glow grabbed a Pokedex, and pointed to Shocker. "Voltorb, the 'Ball Pokemon.' Usually found in power plants. Easily mistaken for a Poke Ball, they have zapped many people. Attacks: Tackle and Screech."

He went to Shocker. "return." Shocker turned into red light, and flew into the Poke Ball's button. He then walked outside, just in time for Colby to approach. "shiitake mushrooms, i was late. crap." He ran to the others, after strapping Shocker's ball to his sleeve. He approached Colby, and said, "shocker and i can battle."
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"Alrighty then, you three can battle it out against my Electabuzz, since he is the closet one to you guys' pokemon's level. Electabuzz, GO!" He yelled signaling the already out-of-pokeball Electabuzz to step forward.
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"Okay, Arin! Lets go!" He replied. Ryu seemed to get a new surge of confidence as soon as Arin and Vi joined the battle, as if reflecting his trainer's mindset.
"Electabuzz, use thunder punch on the hitmonlee!" Colby knew that his Electabuzz would go easy on these knew trainers, since he had been meeting new trainers for years. He felt a bit bad for the young trainers, as this may diminish their spirit, but it would teach them a valuable lesson: they can't always win.
"well, there's my answer," said Glow, as his ball landed, and Shocker came out. "all right, bud. try a tackle. i remember from your pokedex entry, although 'dexter' didn't say it out loud, that you are one of the fastest pokemon in kanto." The electric poke-ball revved up, and rolled forward, ramming into the Electabuzz.
Erin, moved past everyone else to watch the battle, Ivy sitting on his head, "Hey guys, whats going on here?" He said, looking curiously at Colby and David, whom he hadn't seen at the lab before.
Ryu managed to dodge the attack, which seemed too slow -- even for something large like Electabuzz. "Ryu, he's underestimating us..." JoJo muttered, angrily, which at this, Ryu got angry too. "Ryu! Use Double Kick, quick!" He told Ryu.
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(I was wondering if we're using the four move rule like in the games, of if we can have more like in the anime)

Colby smiled as he watched the determined trainers attack all at once. "Excellent, just excellent!" He exclaimed. The young trainers were putting up quite a fight, and using great teamwork. "Well, now that you guys have warmed up my Electabuzz, it's ine to end this. ELECTABUZZ USE THUNDER ON ALL OF THEM! AND DON'T HOLD BACK AS MUCH THIS TIME!"

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