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Fandom Pokemon: Amethyst-Peridot

Noticing him wince Sky grabbed Mimi off of the injured boy. "Everything where it should be," she asked trying to joke but failing badly. Noticing her pokémon all curl up around her she smiles at them. They were just as worried as she was. Mimi deciding that she didn't want to be in Sky's arms nuzzled the Lapras as it worried over its friend.
"you guys coming with?" asked Glow. "the guys stole something, and i'm getting it back!"

Shocker dodged around the Gengar, and rammed into the Rocket behind it.
Kimi's little nose wiggled and twitched, the leaves rubbing against it. She couldn't move, her growing sneeze too much. She was gonna blow. "Heehhh... haaahhh..."
Arin grabbed his bag and went down saying good by to his parents as he walked outside with his Eevee to his side. As he walked outside, he sees Edward on the ground. He runs up to the group to see what has happened. "Hey guys, what happened here?"
"Ugh, you little..." She muttered, but the end Incoherent. "Gengar, use Dream Eater!" She yelled, pointing at the Voltorb.
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Shocker was hit by the Dream Eater, but it did nothing, as it was awake. It attempted to ram into the person behind Gengar.
"AAAHHH'RESSHHHHOOOO"! Kim sneezed loudly, cupping her hands over her mouth immediately afterwards. She kept quiet, her Slowpoke still next to her. There was no use in hiding now, Kimi found herself sneezing again to prove that fact. "Oops". She slid out from behind the tree. "Hello".
Gengar jumped up, dodging the attack, phasing through a tree in the process. "Gengar, use Hypnosis!" She yelled as gengar rebounded.
Looking to the newcomer to the group Sky stands. "Team Rocket attacked us," she says by way of explanation. Mimi noticing the other eevee runs over to it and begins to try and play with it.
It was then that JoJo managed to catch up to the group -- or who he mistook for the group. "Ugh, sorry about that. My mum wouldn't let me leave until she was sure I was safe." He said, referring to the large backpack on his back. "Wait, what's going on here?" He said. "Um, you're not who I was looking for. Are you Team Rocket grunts?!" His face got intense. He was conflicted. It appeared to him as if a wild Voltorb was attacking them, and although they were Team Rocket, generally considered the 'bad guys,' he couldn't help but feel sorry for them. "Ryu, go! Distract that Voltorb!" He yelled, throwing the pokeball. Ryu ran forward and kicked a tree in front of the Voltorb, knocking it into the ground directly in front of it. He had already let the Hitmonlee rest up since the battle, so it was at its max HP, as well. "You too, Wartortle! Something tells me we shouldn't let them keep that bag!" He continued, throwing his other pokeball. Although reluctant, the Wartortle shot a powerful jet of water at the Rocket Grunt holding the bag, and rushed forward.
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Kimi went into battle mode. "Slowpoke, water pulse. Quick"! Her Slowpoke nodded, firing a thick pulse of water from its mouth and towards team rocket.
"Yep, I'm not even gonna try at this point." She grabbed Tina, leaving the bag, and grabbed onto Gengar. The Gengar Leaped up over the forest, and into the mountain areas.

Erin finally reached the group, "Hey guys, sorry for being late, I think Ivy w- Woah!" He exclaimed, "What happened here?" He looked at Edward on the floor.
Kimi sneezed one more time, stroking her Slowpoke afterwards. "That was great, Slowpoke, you're getting so much better". He nodded in response, curling up and resting. Kimi chuckled, her Slowpoke like to take the occasional, yet sporadic timed, nap.
Glow ran to the forest, and saw a guy with a Hitmonlee and a Wartortle trying to stop him from getting the bags. "dude, what the heck? i'm trying to get the poke balls back from those grunts! shocker, dodge!"

Shocker rolled out of the way, but not fast enough. It was hit by the hypnosis, and fell asleep. "return!" exclaimed Glow, as he ran for the bags. He picked it up, and ran back to the guy. "those two stole all of these poke balls from oak's. i was getting them back, so other new trainers can pick their pokemon."
"hi. the name is david, but call me glow. now, if you'll excuse me, i should return these pokemon." Glow left the woods, and went to the lab, where he poured the poke balls onto the table.
JoJo followed David to the lab. "Your means of getting the Pokeballs back was too harsh." He explained. "You shouldn't have a Pokemon attack a human that roughly!" He said, a hint of anger deeply spreading throughout his voice. "Even if they're from Team Rocket, they're only human. They can't withstand attacks like a Pokemon!" He attempted to explain. "Not to mention that there were plenty of other ways you could've gone through with your attacks..." He finished, crossing his arms.
"oh, and i suppose you had a better plan?" asked Glow. "and if that plan involves pokemon with arms, sorry, but shocker's all i got. no arms for my pokemon, so i can't have my pokemon grab and steal the bag. also, a level 5 voltorb? the only thing its tackle would do to them, what with their thick, r-branded clothes, is give them roadrash." He started ranting about more things about the possibilities of his plan, and then they got back to the woods.
"Well excuuuse me, but you could've just gone for the Gengar!" JoJo replied, carrying on the conversation even after they entered the forest. "After that, you could've easily threatened them for the bag!" He said. "And even so, why would you bother harming another human in the first place?! Huh?!" He said. "Whatever. Tell the others I'm moving on ahead." He continued, upset and walking away. "I need some time alone."
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...But David's retort was lost to the wind. JoJo had already moved on ahead, and was out of hearing range. Unfortunately, the overgrowth of plant-life had already hidden him from view, so even if he was listening, he could easily pass it off as if he hadn't heard a thing.
"Seems I missed alot." He said, walking up next to JoJo, "A Team Idiot attack and apparantly Edward behind turned into a Raisin." He stuck his hands in his coat pocket, "We should start up on our journey once Edwards fine, There's another city not far from here anyways."
"Yeah, sure." JoJo said. He shoved his hands into his pockets and lifted his scarf over his suddenly chilly nose. "So, do you know of any Pokemon around here we can catch?" He asked, taking a Pokeball out of his backpack.

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