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Fandom Pokemon Adventures: An Unexpected Beginning

Braeyn Keene

Had Kai been through this forest before? How else would he know that there were no ghost pokemon. Despite her doubts, Braelyn quietly released a breath she didn't know she had been holding. She had had a few run-ins with ghost types and none of them ended very well.

As she was attempting to comfort herself enough to look up again, she heard Charmander making noises. Raising her head, she saw lights through the trees. Were they already almost through? Boy was she glad she had caught up to Kai earlier today. She never would have gotten through this forest alone.

Despite being less paranoid and ever closer to the next city, Braelyn still continued her lookout for ghost pokemon. By now, she assumed Kai had been here several times. She trusted his knowledge, but that didn't change her cautious nature. Better to be safe than sorry, and running into a ghost type would make someone or something very sorry.​
Megus said:

Braeyn Keene

Had Kai been through this forest before? How else would he know that there were no ghost pokemon. Despite her doubts, Braelyn quietly released a breath she didn't know she had been holding. She had had a few run-ins with ghost types and none of them ended very well.

As she was attempting to comfort herself enough to look up again, she heard Charmander making noises. Raising her head, she saw lights through the trees. Were they already almost through? Boy was she glad she had caught up to Kai earlier today. She never would have gotten through this forest alone.

Despite being less paranoid and ever closer to the next city, Braelyn still continued her lookout for ghost pokemon. By now, she assumed Kai had been here several times. She trusted his knowledge, but that didn't change her cautious nature. Better to be safe than sorry, and running into a ghost type would make someone or something very sorry.​

Kai Takeshi

Finally reaching the other side of the forest he stretched as he saw the lively City as he looked around. Kai scratched his head and put starly in his pokeball before putting it on his belt. "Starting to get heavy." He said putting Charmander down to walk at this point Kai looked around the city, he asked a simple person walking on them lonesome about the pokemart and where it was. The man told Kai where to go from a simple pointing and direction explanation, Kai nodded his head and walked back to Braelyn and Charmander. "We'll have to go to the center I assume is what he was trying to tell me." He said scratching his head laughing awkwardly.​

Braelyn Keene

The purplette nearly shouted for joy when she saw the light of the blue sky once more. They had made it through and she wasn't ever going to go back in there. At least not anytime soon.

She happily let Kai do the talking and simply stood behind him as he asked for directions to the pokemart. The man he asked pointed them in the supposedly correct direction. The directions were pretty vague though and Kai seemed to believe that as well.

"Well, let's head to the center then. It can't hurt." She murmured, glancing the direction the man had pointed.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

The purplette nearly shouted for joy when she saw the light of the blue sky once more. They had made it through and she wasn't ever going to go back in there. At least not anytime soon.

She happily let Kai do the talking and simply stood behind him as he asked for directions to the pokemart. The man he asked pointed them in the supposedly correct direction. The directions were pretty vague though and Kai seemed to believe that as well.

"Well, let's head to the center then. It can't hurt." She murmured, glancing the direction the man had pointed.

Kai Takeshi

He headed to the direction they where supposed to go as he was amazed by the beautiful sights and cool billboards that where around them he was trying to find the pokemon gym around, and of course any contest Braelyn could enter. He kept his eyes out for those two important things as he sighed and walked around as he finally saw the pokemart he pointed over to it. "There it is." Kai said happily.​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn glanced around at the buildings of this new city. It reminded her of her home city, and her heart hurt just a little. She didn't recognize the feeling immediately, but eventually she realized that she was just a little homesick.

She followed Kai and Charmander, trusting that the boy knew where he was going. It didn't take too long to find the pokemart and as soon as she saw it her homesickness was replaced by excitement. She was nearly one step closer to catching some new friends.

"Come on Kai!" She called out, grabbing his Charmander as she ran ahead to the pokemart. She held both pokemon in her arms, tightly enough that they didn't fall but not so she was crushing them.
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Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn glanced around at the buildings of this new city. It reminded her of her home city, and her heart hurt just a little. She didn't recognize the feeling immediately, but eventually she realized that she was just a little homesick.

She followed Kai and Charmander, trusting that the boy knew where he was going. It didn't take too long to find the pokemart and as soon as she saw it her homesickness was replaced by excitement. She was nearly one step closer to catching some new friends.

"Come on Kai!" She called out, grabbing his Charmander as she ran ahead to the pokemart. She held both pokemon in her arms, tightly enough that they didn't fall but not so she was crushing them.

Kai Takeshi

He watched Braelyn run off as he followed after her looking over near the Pokemart there was a Pokecenter this was perfect for Charmander and Starly as they obviously been injured from their battle. Finally reaching the entrance of the building he stepped in and looked at Braelyn as he walked into it and saw a couple of people. A young girl at the cash register gave them a kind and warm greeting.​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn slowed down as she reached the pokemart, silently wondering where the rare burst of energy had come from. Maybe it was just excitement, but either way she had made it to the Pokemart. She gave Kai a few seconds to catch up before she walked in.

There were supplies in every corner and even a few people milling about. The store wasn't too busy in general though and Kristina was glad. She handed Charmander back to Kai, hoping that the fire-type wasn't mad at her for picking him up like she had.

The purplette walked up to a counter with a young girl, and Braelyn smiled at her. Quickly she ordered herself three pokeballs. She had only brought $600 (can't fine a pokedollar symbol...) with her, and she didn't want to spend it right away. Buying only three pokeballs had used up half of her money. Hopefully she could earn some more soon.

The girl handed her the three pokeballs and Braelyn murmured her thanks before turning to face Kai. "Well, where to next?"

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn slowed down as she reached the pokemart, silently wondering where the rare burst of energy had come from. Maybe it was just excitement, but either way she had made it to the Pokemart. She gave Kai a few seconds to catch up before she walked in.

There were supplies in every corner and even a few people milling about. The store wasn't too busy in general though and Kristina was glad. She handed Charmander back to Kai, hoping that the fire-type wasn't mad at her for picking him up like she had.

The purplette walked up to a counter with a young girl, and Braelyn smiled at her. Quickly she ordered herself three pokeballs. She had only brought $600 (can't fine a pokedollar symbol...) with her, and she didn't want to spend it right away. Buying only three pokeballs had used up half of her money. Hopefully she could earn some more soon.

The girl handed her the three pokeballs and Braelyn murmured her thanks before turning to face Kai. "Well, where to next?"

(Sorry for super late response)

Kai Takeshi

He looked around the shop and got him some pokeballs as he went to the cash register and bought them. He grabbed five in total with two sprays. This was almost his whole life savings as he was left with 200 pokedollars. He sighed in relief as he walked over to Braelyn. "Doesn't matter we can just explore the city." He said knowing he wanted to find a gym or something of that category.​
(Don't feel bad. Mine is late as well x3)

Braelyn Keene

Kai mentioned exploring the city and immediately she agreed. It would be nice to enjoy a day in busy civilization again, although it had only been a day or so since she had spent her whole life like that. Being away from home for only a day really had changed her perspective of the big city.

"Let's go then." She stated, giving him a small smile. She could tell that she was slowly beginning to open up. Normally she was so quiet, but she figured since she would be around Kai for a while it would be best to start changing her ways a little bit at a time. She couldn't stay quiet forever.

Braelyn Keene

She glanced over at Kai, a mild expression of surprise clearly shown. He was letting her decide? Well, that could take hours. Never once had her parents allowed her to leave her home city which meant there were probably lots of cool places to visit here.

She glanced around, eyeing the buildings carefully. Which one should she choose? Then she felt a tap on her arm. Braelyn looked down at her starter pokemon who in turn pointed across the street. Braelyn laughed aloud as she saw the Oshawott was pointing at a cafe with a large sign that read: We Serve Pokemon of All Sizes.

She turned back to Kai, grinning as she pointed at the place her Oshawott had. "I think Kristina may be a little hungry." She mused, still chuckling inwardly at her pokemon's behavior.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

She glanced over at Kai, a mild expression of surprise clearly shown. He was letting her decide? Well, that could take hours. Never once had her parents allowed her to leave her home city which meant there were probably lots of cool places to visit here.

She glanced around, eyeing the buildings carefully. Which one should she choose? Then she felt a tap on her arm. Braelyn looked down at her starter pokemon who in turn pointed across the street. Braelyn laughed aloud as she saw the Oshawott was pointing at a cafe with a large sign that read: We Serve Pokemon of All Sizes.

She turned back to Kai, grinning as she pointed at the place her Oshawott had. "I think Kristina may be a little hungry." She mused, still chuckling inwardly at her pokemon's behavior.

Kai Takeshi

He looked at where the girl pointed as he sighed and scratched his head. He did say for her to choose where they were going to head next. He looked up at Charmander who was still on Kai's shoulder. "You want to go there?" He asked his orange lizard while scratching it's belly. Charmander looked at the Café as his stomach growled slightly. "I'll take that as a yes." He said walking closer to Braelyn. "It's decided let's go." He said looking towards the Café.​
Kai123 said:
(If you made a map for us I would tell you lmao I just know we're in first one. We just started journey :D
((No map yet, for now we're gonna wing it for the first and maybe second cities, so pick your poison, though I will say you should pick the water and/or grass first, since I made them the easiest))
ZoroarkGangster said:
((No map yet, for now we're gonna wing it for the first and maybe second cities, so pick your poison, though I will say you should pick the water and/or grass first, since I made them the easiest))
(Grass pls)
Kai123 said:

Kai Takeshi

He looked at where the girl pointed as he sighed and scratched his head. He did say for her to choose where they were going to head next. He looked up at Charmander who was still on Kai's shoulder. "You want to go there?" He asked his orange lizard while scratching it's belly. Charmander looked at the Café as his stomach growled slightly. "I'll take that as a yes." He said walking closer to Braelyn. "It's decided let's go." He said looking towards the Café.​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn giggled softly at Kai's reaction. She honestly wasn't sure if he wanted to go, but his Charmander did and that settled things. "Come along then. Can't keep hungry Pokemon waiting." She mused, glancing down at Kristina who appeared to be rejoicing.

To be completely honest, Braelyn was a little hungry herself. She hadn't had much for breakfast and had had only a few sandwiches for lunch. A little snack couldn't hurt. Besides, how often would they get to eat real food in an actual city? They may be stuck out in the forest again for some time while training or something. Well, she hoped that wasn't the case. She still believed there were ghost Pokemon in there.

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn giggled softly at Kai's reaction. She honestly wasn't sure if he wanted to go, but his Charmander did and that settled things. "Come along then. Can't keep hungry Pokemon waiting." She mused, glancing down at Kristina who appeared to be rejoicing.

To be completely honest, Braelyn was a little hungry herself. She hadn't had much for breakfast and had had only a few sandwiches for lunch. A little snack couldn't hurt. Besides, how often would they get to eat real food in an actual city? They may be stuck out in the forest again for some time while training or something. Well, she hoped that wasn't the case. She still believed there were ghost Pokemon in there.

Kai Takeshi

He followed her into the Café as he let Charmander down and wonder the shop. He sat down at a table and looked at the menu as he didn't know what to choose as their was plenty of stuff there for him to choose from. Kai sighed and looked over at Charmander and smiled waiting for Braelyn to sit by him.​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn walked into the little Café, enjoying the little activity. It wasn't too busy, but it definitely wasn't empty. She looked around for a table to sit at, but Kai beat her to it. Braelyn set Kristina down in a chair at the table and then sat down next to Kai.

The Oshawott stood in the her chair, bouncing excitedly. Braelyn laughed at her pokemon's actions. It was rather amusing how excited the water-type got about food.​
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn walked into the little Café, enjoying the little activity. It wasn't too busy, but it definitely wasn't empty. She looked around for a table to sit at, but Kai beat her to it. Braelyn set Kristina down in a chair at the table and then sat down next to Kai.

The Oshawott stood in the her chair, bouncing excitedly. Braelyn laughed at her pokemon's actions. It was rather amusing how excited the water-type got about food.​

Kai Takeshi

Kai noticed Braelyn sat next to him instead of across from him as he slightly blushed. He kept reading the menu as he then looked at Charmander. "I wonder when we're going to get a waitress." He wasn't hungry because of the sandwich from the professor. "Find anything you want?" Kai asked Braelyn while looking at her.​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn glanced down at the menu and then pushed it away. She didn't want much, but what she did want wasn't all that healthy. Ha! She almost laughed out loud at that thought. Of course cookies weren't healthy, but she had never had that much of a chance to utilize her sweet tooth. Maybe now was a good chance.

"Eh, I'll just get a cookie. I don't think I've ever had a cookie that wasn't burnt." Her parents had been terrible cooks, but maybe she could pick up on a couple of tricks along her journey. She did need to make treats from time to time for her own Pokemon. Maybe Kai's as well depending on how long he allowed her to tag along.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn glanced down at the menu and then pushed it away. She didn't want much, but what she did want wasn't all that healthy. Ha! She almost laughed out loud at that thought. Of course cookies weren't healthy, but she had never had that much of a chance to utilize her sweet tooth. Maybe now was a good chance.

"Eh, I'll just get a cookie. I don't think I've ever had a cookie that wasn't burnt." Her parents had been terrible cooks, but maybe she could pick up on a couple of tricks along her journey. She did need to make treats from time to time for her own Pokemon. Maybe Kai's as well depending on how long he allowed her to tag along.

Kai Takeshi

He nodded once she said what she wanted. He sat back in his chair waiting for the waitress to come by and ask for their order. Kai looked at Charmander for a quick moment as he released Starly as well to let Starly eat. Starly looked around confused as he didn't know what was going on. "We're going to have a little treat." He said looking at Starly, Kai never knew his first pokemon that he would ever capture would be a starly. He knew they evolve into Staraptor and can use close combat, which would be nice if he didn't have a fighting type. Kai was sure he would get his team set up just nice against the elite four though so he had nothing to really worry about.​
Lucia Gale As she entered the cafe most of the people there turned to her and her Phantump with smiles. A waitress quickly finding her a seat next to the adventurers. The same waitress then took her order and turned to the adventurers. "What would you two and your pokemon like today?"
@Kai123 @Megus
Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi sat down on a table in the cafe, carrying his Chimchar on top of him. He left the lab some time after Kai and Braelyn did, as they seemed to travel by themselves, and so he'd travel by himself and with Chimchar. Eventually, he got to the city after going through a forest, and now he was in the cafe to catch a break and eat some food. He looked down at Chimchar and pet his head, "You must be hungry too." They waited for the waiter or waitress to arrive and take their orders, glancing around at the cafe.

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