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Fandom Pokemon Adventures: An Unexpected Beginning

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn laughed softly at Starly's seemingly confused expression. She would be confused too if she was outside a forest one minute and then in a building with food the next. This thought led her to wonder what it was like to live inside a pokeball. Was it even comfortable in one?

Her thoughts were interrupted as a feminine voice spoke. Blinking herself out of her thoughts, Braelyn looked up to see a waitress had finally arrived to take their order. "I'm just going to have a couple of chocolate chip cookies. Two of them. And then a bowl of Pokemon food for my Oshawott."
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn laughed softly at Starly's seemingly confused expression. She would be confused too if she was outside a forest one minute and then in a building with food the next. This thought led her to wonder what it was like to live inside a pokeball. Was it even comfortable in one?

Her thoughts were interrupted as a feminine voice spoke. Blinking herself out of her thoughts, Braelyn looked up to see a waitress had finally arrived to take their order. "I'm just going to have a couple of chocolate chip cookies. Two of them. And then a bowl of Pokemon food for my Oshawott."

Kai Takeshi

Kai looked at the waitress and back at his two pokemon. "Two bowls of pokemon food please and that's it. I'm not in the mood for anything at all." He said interested in why everyone was appraising one person. "Excuse me who is that person that you all are acting so kind to?" Kai asked with curiosity. @ZoroarkGangster
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn laughed softly at Starly's seemingly confused expression. She would be confused too if she was outside a forest one minute and then in a building with food the next. This thought led her to wonder what it was like to live inside a pokeball. Was it even comfortable in one?

Her thoughts were interrupted as a feminine voice spoke. Blinking herself out of her thoughts, Braelyn looked up to see a waitress had finally arrived to take their order. "I'm just going to have a couple of chocolate chip cookies. Two of them. And then a bowl of Pokemon food for my Oshawott."
Kai123 said:

Kai Takeshi

Kai looked at the waitress and back at his two pokemon. "Two bowls of pokemon food please and that's it. I'm not in the mood for anything at all." He said interested in why everyone was appraising one person. "Excuse me who is that person that you all are acting so kind to?" Kai asked with curiosity. @ZoroarkGangster
NPC "Oh, well that's Lucia Grove. Everyone in the city knows her, you can ask anyone and they'll tell you all sorts of things. Plus she visits this cafe quite often." While she was speaking she had wrote down everyone's orders and left with a quick curtsy.
ZoroarkGangster said:
NPC "Oh, well that's Lucia Grove. Everyone in the city knows her, you can ask anyone and they'll tell you all sorts of things. Plus she visits this cafe quite often." While she was speaking she had wrote down everyone's orders and left with a quick curtsy.

Kai Takeshi

"If she isn't a gym leader it's none of my business." He said sitting back looking at the palm of his hand as he grasped it a bit.​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn watched as Kristina perked up at the order of food. She liked this side of her normally calm Pokemon. It was amusing and she could definitely get a good laugh out of it. The Oshawott just seemed so excited about food.

Kai asked about the lady who everyone had been talking about and Braelyn was quite glad he had. The purplette had been curious about her since she walked in.

Once they had been told who she was, Kai didn't seem all that interested any more. That didn't stop Braelyn from being curious about who she really was.​
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn watched as Kristina perked up at the order of food. She liked this side of her normally calm Pokemon. It was amusing and she could definitely get a good laugh out of it. The Oshawott just seemed so excited about food.

Kai asked about the lady who everyone had been talking about and Braelyn was quite glad he had. The purplette had been curious about her since she walked in.

Once they had been told who she was, Kai didn't seem all that interested any more. That didn't stop Braelyn from being curious about who she really was.​

Kai Takeshi

He watched his pokemon play around as he sat there and looked out the window wondering what he could do next and when he should start training.​
Lucia Gale Lucia's gaze turned to Kai when he mentioned the gym leader and walked up to them, "If you're interested in the gym leader I could show you where her gym is at. Cute pokemon by the way, I like them." Lucia smiled and gasped for a moment. "Oh I almost forgot my name! I'm Lucia Gale."
@Megus @Kai123
ZoroarkGangster said:
Lucia Gale Lucia's gaze turned to Kai when he mentioned the gym leader and walked up to them, "If you're interested in the gym leader I could show you where her gym is at. Cute pokemon by the way, I like them." Lucia smiled and gasped for a moment. "Oh I almost forgot my name! I'm Lucia Gale."
@Megus @Kai123

Kai Takeshi

He noticed the girl walk up to him as he looked at her. "There's a gym here?" He said as he was instantly interested in what she just said. "Yeah I want to see what it looks like." He said with a sparkle in his eyes. "Once they eat that is."​
Kai123 said:

Kai Takeshi

He noticed the girl walk up to him as he looked at her. "There's a gym here?" He said as he was instantly interested in what she just said. "Yeah I want to see what it looks like." He said with a sparkle in his eyes. "Once they eat that is."​
Lucia Gale "Oh that's quite alright. My Phantump and I ordered something as well. Mind if we join you two? Oh unless... you know... you're together." Lucia smiled at the two before her Phantump tugged at her dress, wanting a better view, she picked the small stump looking pokemon and smiled as it cried it's joy to its trainer.
@Megus @Kai123
ZoroarkGangster said:
Lucia Gale "Oh that's quite alright. My Phantump and I ordered something as well. Mind if we join you two? Oh unless... you know... you're together." Lucia smiled at the two before her Phantump tugged at her dress, wanting a better view, she picked the small stump looking pokemon and smiled as it cried it's joy to its trainer.
@Megus @Kai123

Kai Takeshi

He blushed and shook his head. "Your free to join us." He said trying to control his face. He sighed a bit as he looked at charmander and Stanly. Kai was thinking on what he could do to benefit his team and how he could train them. Kai sighed from the thought as he laid his head on the table.
(I can imagine Braelyn doing that little anime hand thing that Lucy does in Fairy Tail. With the sweat drop and stuff.)

Braelyn Keene

The girl that everyone had been talking about soon came over and introduced herself, ending Braelyn's curious thoughts. Maybe she could get some questions answered. That, or she could opt out of talking like normal and allow Kai to talk since he was the one interested in battling the local gym.

This Lucia seemed to be a local herself and offered to take them to the gym when they were done eating. Was Kai ready for a gym battle yet? Neither of them had done any training and they had literally just gotten their starter Pokemon earlier that day.

At Lucia's request to sit down, Braelyn quickly room. She ducked her face so that her furious blush would be hidden, but otherwise she didn't speak. Why could she talk to Kai and no one else? That was a problem she'd have to solve. Just... not now.​
Megus said:
(I can imagine Braelyn doing that little anime hand thing that Lucy does in Fairy Tail. With the sweat drop and stuff.)

Braelyn Keene

The girl that everyone had been talking about soon came over and introduced herself, ending Braelyn's curious thoughts. Maybe she could get some questions answered. That, or she could opt out of talking like normal and allow Kai to talk since he was the one interested in battling the local gym.

This Lucia seemed to be a local herself and offered to take them to the gym when they were done eating. Was Kai ready for a gym battle yet? Neither of them had done any training and they had literally just gotten their starter Pokemon earlier that day.

At Lucia's request to sit down, Braelyn quickly room. She ducked her face so that her furious blush would be hidden, but otherwise she didn't speak. Why could she talk to Kai and no one else? That was a problem she'd have to solve. Just... not now.​
Lucia Gale "Oh, that's too bad." Lucia sat down beside the girl and smiled. "The two of you look cute together. Anyway, what are your names?"

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Braelyn Keene

When Lucia asked for their names, Braelyn forced herself to look up. She could still feel her face burning, but that was nearly inevitable after what Lucia had just said. "M-my name's Braelyn Keene." She murmured, stuttering a little at the beginning.

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

When Lucia asked for their names, Braelyn forced herself to look up. She could still feel her face burning, but that was nearly inevitable after what Lucia had just said. "M-my name's Braelyn Keene." She murmured, stuttering a little at the beginning.

Kai Takeshi

Kai smiled at the girl and said silently his name. "Kai Takeshi." He said looking at his pokemon wondering about their training.​
Lucia Gale "Well its good to meet you Kai and Braelyn. Welcome to Evergrove city!" Lucia smiled and her Phantump joined her giggling. As they settled down the waitress came back with platters of pokemon food and the treats Braelyn and Lucia had ordered. "Here you go everyone, enjoy!" With that the waitress left with the empty platters. "So, what are you guys in Evergrove for?" Lucia took a bite of her pie while Phantump looked at its pokemon food with sparkling eyes before digging in.
@Kai123 @Megus
ZoroarkGangster said:
Lucia Gale "Well its good to meet you Kai and Braelyn. Welcome to Evergrove city!" Lucia smiled and her Phantump joined her giggling. As they settled down the waitress came back with platters of pokemon food and the treats Braelyn and Lucia had ordered. "Here you go everyone, enjoy!" With that the waitress left with the empty platters. "So, what are you guys in Evergrove for?" Lucia took a bite of her pie while Phantump looked at its pokemon food with sparkling eyes before digging in.
@Kai123 @Megus


He looked at the pokemon food as he took one and ate it slowly. He flapped his wings and started eating it more and more, Starly never had this type of food before as he was always in the forest.


Charmander looked at Starly as he was already devouring his plate, even though he just ate. Charmander was the greedy type of pokemon as he did not care what the others thought about him.

Kai Takeshi

"Well for Braelyn we're here to get her into her first contest. For me is to battle the gym. Nothing else once we complete the first stage for each other we'll head out to the next area and keep moving forward." He said with his arms crossed while he kept an eye on his two pokemon.
Kai123 said:


He looked at the pokemon food as he took one and ate it slowly. He flapped his wings and started eating it more and more, Starly never had this type of food before as he was always in the forest.


Charmander looked at Starly as he was already devouring his plate, even though he just ate. Charmander was the greedy type of pokemon as he did not care what the others thought about him.

Kai Takeshi

"Well for Braelyn we're here to get her into her first contest. For me is to battle the gym. Nothing else once we complete the first stage for each other we'll head out to the next area and keep moving forward." He said with his arms crossed while he kept an eye on his two pokemon.
Lucia Gale "Oh is that so?! Well it seems I can help you both after all!" Lucia smiled and turned to Braelyn, "There's actually going to be a pokemon contest tomorrow if you'd like to join, I'll have to be there anyway so I wouldn't mind helping you prepare and practice for it." Turning to Kai she noticed her Phantump guarding it's food from the others who seemed to be eating rather quick. "The gym is on the way to the contest dome so we can see if the gym is open today as well."

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn gave Lucia a small smile and then glanced at her Oshawott. She saw her starter pokemon's eyes light up and then the food arrived. Kristina waited for the bowl to be set in front of her before beginning to eat. She ate slowly despite her obvious excitement, probably to make it last longer.

"Well, Kai will definitely battle the gym leader. I wouldn't mind some training before my first contest so that would be appreciated very much." She added softly after Kai had finished.
ZoroarkGangster said:
Lucia Gale "Oh is that so?! Well it seems I can help you both after all!" Lucia smiled and turned to Braelyn, "There's actually going to be a pokemon contest tomorrow if you'd like to join, I'll have to be there anyway so I wouldn't mind helping you prepare and practice for it." Turning to Kai she noticed her Phantump guarding it's food from the others who seemed to be eating rather quick. "The gym is on the way to the contest dome so we can see if the gym is open today as well."

Kai Takeshi

"Sounds good to me." He said still sitting in his chair as he looked a this pokemon thinking of different battle tactics for them. He sighed and smiled a bit as he looked at Braelyn. "I believe in you and I know you'll make it." He said to the girl with a calm relief.​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn turned to Kai with a small smile. "That doesn't change the fact that I would like a little bit of training." She stated, thinking on how Kai had already battled with his Pokemon. She hadn't done anything with Kristina yet.

"I need a routine and everything. I can't just go into a contest not knowing what I'm going to do." She mused, more to herself than to Kai or Lucia. "And it would be nice to have another Pokemon. A partner for Kristina."

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Someone or something was catching everyone's attention. Hiroshi moved his eyes to where all of the people that were there were looking at. A girl was standing there with her Phantump. Was she a celebrity or something? He picked up his Chimchar and stood up, following what she was doing with his eyes so he could find out why she caught the attention of everyone. He saw her sitting down at a seat with some other people, with a waitress serving them. He sighed, "So, they get to get served but not me?" As he started to walk towards her to see with who she was talking to, and almost yelled with shock but held himself back. Kai and Braelyn were right there. What were the odds? He quickly ran to the bathroom, thinking of some way he could hear what they were having a conversation about without getting discovered, and decided to disguise himself. He splashed some water on his hair and stylized it to a bowl haircut. Chimchar was looking at him confused and wondering what he was doing. "Don't worry about all I'm about to do, I'll explain it to you later." He then took off his jacket and stuffed it inside his bag, and picked up his Chimchar walking to a table beside the one Kai and the others were sitting at and sat down there, thinking his disguise would work perfectly. He placed his Chimchar under the table, hid his face with a menu, and listened to them.
Kai123 said:

Kai Takeshi

"Sounds good to me." He said still sitting in his chair as he looked a this pokemon thinking of different battle tactics for them. He sighed and smiled a bit as he looked at Braelyn. "I believe in you and I know you'll make it." He said to the girl with a calm relief.​
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn turned to Kai with a small smile. "That doesn't change the fact that I would like a little bit of training." She stated, thinking on how Kai had already battled with his Pokemon. She hadn't done anything with Kristina yet.

"I need a routine and everything. I can't just go into a contest not knowing what I'm going to do." She mused, more to herself than to Kai or Lucia. "And it would be nice to have another Pokemon. A partner for Kristina."
Lucia Gale "Well the forest has plenty of grass, bug, and flying types if any of those interest you. Plus it would be a good place to train for the gym. The leader uses grass types." Lucia smiled since she knew she was helping her soon to be foe, but she always helped others so it wasn't tough. "As for a routine for the contest, you'll be on your own for that part, it wouldn't be as amazing if I already knew what it was. I'll give you a few tips though when we're in the forest." Lucia smiled, it had been a while since new people had shown up.

Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Someone or something was catching everyone's attention. Hiroshi moved his eyes to where all of the people that were there were looking at. A girl was standing there with her Phantump. Was she a celebrity or something? He picked up his Chimchar and stood up, following what she was doing with his eyes so he could find out why she caught the attention of everyone. He saw her sitting down at a seat with some other people, with a waitress serving them. He sighed, "So, they get to get served but not me?" As he started to walk towards her to see with who she was talking to, and almost yelled with shock but held himself back. Kai and Braelyn were right there. What were the odds? He quickly ran to the bathroom, thinking of some way he could hear what they were having a conversation about without getting discovered, and decided to disguise himself. He splashed some water on his hair and stylized it to a bowl haircut. Chimchar was looking at him confused and wondering what he was doing. "Don't worry about all I'm about to do, I'll explain it to you later." He then took off his jacket and stuffed it inside his bag, and picked up his Chimchar walking to a table beside the one Kai and the others were sitting at and sat down there, thinking his disguise would work perfectly. He placed his Chimchar under the table, hid his face with a menu, and listened to them.
NPC "Hello sir, what would you and your Chimchar like today?" The girl gave Hiroshi a smile and took out a pad and paper, ready to write.
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Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi kept trying to listen to the conversation when a waitress appeared. He placed his order, still hiding his face and his Chimchar, "I'd like a hamburger and some poffins...because...you know...I like poffins..." He couldn't make it known that he had a Chimchar so he tried to make it look as if the poffins were for himself.

Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota

Hiroshi kept trying to listen to the conversation when a waitress appeared. He placed his order, still hiding his face and his Chimchar, "I'd like a hamburger and some poffins...because...you know...I like poffins..." He couldn't make it known that he had a Chimchar so he tried to make it look as if the poffins were for himself.


Kai Takeshi

Kai nodded what braelyn said as he rubbed his head thinking. "I got this Starly from the forest." Kai said smiling at Stanly. He got interested when he heard it was a grass type gym. "Definitely I have a good advantage." He said nodding.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn's smile grew a little as she thought about catching herself a Pokemon. Maybe she could withstand the forest for a little longer. She couldn't be sure there were ghost-types until she saw one. Besides, this seemingly well-known lady was offering to help them. Offering to help her. Braelyn knew she needed the help, so she would gladly accept.

"I wouldn't mind any of those types of Pokemon."

She admitted, knowing any of them could be a good addition to her small team.

As she thought about what Pokemon she would like to catch, she caught herself looking around absentmindedly. In the process, she spotted a boy sitting nearby. Her gaze settled on him for a moment, although she quickly looked away. She didn't want to be rude. He looked familiar somehow though.
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