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Fandom Pokemon Adventures: An Unexpected Beginning

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn's smile grew a little as she thought about catching herself a Pokemon. Maybe she could withstand the forest for a little longer. She couldn't be sure there were ghost-types until she saw one. Besides, this seemingly well-known lady was offering to help them. Offering to help her. Braelyn knew she needed the help, so she would gladly accept.

"I wouldn't mind any of those types of Pokemon."

She admitted, knowing any of them could be a good addition to her small team.

As she thought about what Pokemon she would like to catch, she caught herself looking around absentmindedly. In the process, she spotted a boy sitting nearby. Her gaze settled on him for a moment, although she quickly looked away. She didn't want to be rude. He looked familiar somehow though.

Kai Takeshi

"But you where scared when we went into the forest." He said slightly laughing at her as he put a hand on her shoulder.


He noticed the Charmander as he jumped on the floor from his chair and walks over to Hiroshi's spot and climbed up on him. "Char char!" He said pulling on Chimchar's cheek.

Kai Takeshi

He got up and pulled Charmander away as he looked at Hiroshi. "Sorry for the attack."

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi panicked when he saw Charmander coming towards him. His attack startled him and he tried his best to hide his Chimchar, but he found him. Chimchar teared up a bit when Charmander started pulling on his cheek, but thankfully his trainer, Kai, was there to take him back. Chimchar hid behind his own trainer's leg, hoping he wouldn't get found out. Hiroshi hoped that no one saw his face in the attack and frantically covered his face again with the menu, trying to speak in an mature, rough voice to disguise himself, "No need to apologize, as long as it does not attack me again, boy."

@Kai123 @Megus

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn frowned a little as Kai reminded her of how frightened she had seemed to be. She felt her face grow warm again so she turned away. "Doesn't mean I won't go back in there." She muttered, glancing at the ground.

Her moment of embarrassed hiding didn't last long as she looked up when she heard Charmander. Kai's starter Pokemon was messing with the strange man's Chimchar. That was odd. She knew Kai's Charmander was a bit of a bully, but the way the Chimchar hid was the strange part.

She had only seen one Chimchar that had such a timid personality and that was Hiroshi's. Now that she thought about it, Kai and Charmander had been really mean to Hiroshi and his Chimchar that morning.

Braelyn looked at the odd man who was now hiding behind the menu. She now knew why he had looked so familiar earlier. She wasn't about to tell Kai though. She didn't want an argument to break out between the two rivals.

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn frowned a little as Kai reminded her of how frightened she had seemed to be. She felt her face grow warm again so she turned away. "Doesn't mean I won't go back in there." She muttered, glancing at the ground.

Her moment of embarrassed hiding didn't last long as she looked up when she heard Charmander. Kai's starter Pokemon was messing with the strange man's Chimchar. That was odd. She knew Kai's Charmander was a bit of a bully, but the way the Chimchar hid was the strange part.

She had only seen one Chimchar that had such a timid personality and that was Hiroshi's. Now that she thought about it, Kai and Charmander had been really mean to Hiroshi and his Chimchar that morning.

Braelyn looked at the odd man who was now hiding behind the menu. She now knew why he had looked so familiar earlier. She wasn't about to tell Kai though. She didn't want an argument to break out between the two rivals.

Kai Takeshi

Kai picked up his Charmander and walked outside as Starly followed them. He walked across the street to the center of the city as there was a park. "I'll wait for the girls to finish their snacks." He said to himself as the training began with Charmander and Starly.

Charmander & Starly

Being put against each other they battled Hard, Starly was putting up a good fight against Charmander as he wasn't going to lose again.

Kai Takeshi

"Use quick attack Starly! And Charmander use ember!" He yelled out hoping his pokemon where going to listen and react to it.

Charmander & Starly

Battling it out they did the moves their masters told them too as it was an all out battle between friends. Charmander then got hit in the stomach by Starly's wing attack as he was rolling backwards. Starly flew up in the sky as he circled around in the sky.

Kai Takeshi

"Use brave bird!!!!!" (jk lmao). "Use quick attack Starly! And Charmander use ember one more time and follow it up with a scratch!"

Charmander & Starly

Starly flung at Charmander at full speed as it dodged the ember but got knocked down by the scratch.
(Umm hi :3 guessing I just pick a starter and continue from there?)

Zane Boneworth
Zane shot up from his dream of laying in the field with his Pokemon. Looking around he finally realized all of it was a dream again. This was the third time that happened to him getting dressed he looked at his clocked and realized he was late to get his first Pokemon so he quickly began dressing flying down his stair onto the ground he smiled a bit and made a quick bowl if breakfast eating it as he ran out the door with a quick bye. He went to the professor out of breath and hunched over as he looked around at the Pokemon chuckling a bit at their behaviors he continued to look around for one that suit his interest or behavior. Finding two that liked acted a bit like him the Cyndaquil and the Chimchar he looked between the two sitting down at petting both of them "I don't know which one to choose...umm Chim no Cynd....I'm sorry Chimchar." He said while picking up the fire type pokemon setting it on his head laughing. Looking down at the monkey pokemom he patted his head again smiling.

Okay nvm xD kai answered for me)
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[QUOTE="Yaboku God of War](Umm hi :3 guessing I just pick a starter and continue from there?)

Zane Boneworth
Zane shot up from his dream of laying in the field with his Pokemon. Looking around he finally realized all of it was a dream again. This was the third time that happened to him getting dressed he looked at his clocked and realized he was late to get his first Pokemon so he quickly began dressing flying down his stair onto the ground he smiled a bit and made a quick bowl if breakfast eating it as he ran out the door with a quick bye. He went to the professor out of breath and hunched over as he looked around at the Pokemon chuckling a bit at their behaviors he continued to look around for one that suit his interest or behavior. Finding two that liked acted a bit like him the Cyndaquil and the Chimchar he looked between the two sitting down at petting both of them "I don't know which one to choose...umm Cynd no Chim....I'm sorry Cyndaquil." He said while picking up the monkey like Pokemon setting it on his head laughing. Looking down at the other fire type he patted his head again

(Is it okay for me to choose the same starter as someone else?)


Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi stood up, holding his Chimchar and heading out to the exit, still hiding his face with a menu. He soon reached the door, and dropped the menu on a table and ran out, so that Braelyn, who was still in the restaurant, couldn't see him. He had gained all the information he needed; the gym leader was a grass type. He hadn't caught any Pokemon on the way to the city, so he thought that this was a perfect chance to gain a new partner, then he could train for the gym. He walked back to the forest, walking around and waiting for a wild Pokemon to appear.
(But, but...what about Chimchar and Charmander's relationship? I guess if you can change them at this point, I'll change mine since you really seemed to love Charmander and Yaboku loves Chimchar, so...)
Mugiwara said:
(But, but...what about Chimchar and Charmander's relationship? I guess if you can change them at this point, I'll change mine since you really seemed to love Charmander and Yaboku loves Chimchar, so...)
(nah it's okay I'm just saying like we have no diversity if Braelyn wanted to she could one hit all of our starters lol)
Kai123 said:
(nah it's okay I'm just saying like we have no diversity if Braelyn wanted to she could one hit all of our starters lol)
(*shiver* that's scary to think about. it's a good thing that she's just aiming for the competitions and not the league.)
Lucia Gale "Well that was eventful. Now why don't we hit the gym and go to the forest? It'll be fun, and my Phantump needs the exercise anyway." Lucia smiled and payed the waitress the bill for everyone and the waitress nodded with a smile before cleaning what the adventurers left behind. "C'mon, I want to go see all the pretty flowers!"
@Megus @Kai123
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[QUOTE="Yaboku God of War](Umm hi :3 guessing I just pick a starter and continue from there?)

Zane Boneworth
Zane shot up from his dream of laying in the field with his Pokemon. Looking around he finally realized all of it was a dream again. This was the third time that happened to him getting dressed he looked at his clocked and realized he was late to get his first Pokemon so he quickly began dressing flying down his stair onto the ground he smiled a bit and made a quick bowl if breakfast eating it as he ran out the door with a quick bye. He went to the professor out of breath and hunched over as he looked around at the Pokemon chuckling a bit at their behaviors he continued to look around for one that suit his interest or behavior. Finding two that liked acted a bit like him the Cyndaquil and the Chimchar he looked between the two sitting down at petting both of them "I don't know which one to choose...umm Chim no Cynd....I'm sorry Chimchar." He said while picking up the fire type pokemon setting it on his head laughing. Looking down at the monkey pokemom he patted his head again smiling.

Okay nvm xD kai answered for me)

((So did you grab Cyndaquil?))
Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi stood up, holding his Chimchar and heading out to the exit, still hiding his face with a menu. He soon reached the door, and dropped the menu on a table and ran out, so that Braelyn, who was still in the restaurant, couldn't see him. He had gained all the information he needed; the gym leader was a grass type. He hadn't caught any Pokemon on the way to the city, so he thought that this was a perfect chance to gain a new partner, then he could train for the gym. He walked back to the forest, walking around and waiting for a wild Pokemon to appear.
Narration As Hiroshi was exploring with Chimchar a Scyther popped out of the bushes, intent to attack the traveler.

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi and Chimchar were startled at the Scyther popping out, but Hiroshi quickly recovered, "I'm definitely going to get that!" He thought it would be a great addition to his team, and so, he shot his hand forward. "This is your first battle, right, Chimchar? We can't let that Scyther get away. We can't lose our first battle together. So give it your all! Chimchar, use Scratch on the Scyther!"

(Yay! Free food! At least for Braelyn and Kai.)

Braelyn Keene

Right after Kai left to go train outside, Braelyn glanced back to the man who she know knew was Hiroshi. She was about to speak to him, but then he ran out the door. He was too quick for her to stop him, and to be honest she was a bit stunned by his actions.

Nevertheless, she stayed seated. She had a feeling they would meet again later. Braelyn finished one of the cookies just as Lucia said they should go. Braelyn nodded silently and grabbed her other cookie. As she stood, she also grabbed Kristina who had luckily finished her own food. Braelyn allowed the Oshawott to have a bite of the second cookie before getting ready to pay the bill. She once again wasn't quick enough, and Lucia beat her to it. Braelyn opened her mouth to object, but Lucia mentioned flowers and Braelyn just stopped.

"Thank you Lucia. I think Kai is training outside." She murmured with a small smile before stepping outside the cafe. Kai was in the middle of a battle between Charmander and Starly. She didn't really want to interrupt because the two pokemon seemed so into their training, so instead she just stood and watched.

Zane Boneworths
After he has chosen his pokemon Zane walked up holding the Cyndaquil in his arms softly and smiled down at the fire type smiling brighter as he walked around the town of a bit. Looking around in awe at the city he seen the pokemon copying him "See something you wanna look at Cynd?" The boy asked as the creature broke out of his arms and ran to a small forest as the boy followed out of breath "Cynd you know not to run away like that...." Zane told the pokemon only to look up at the clearing in the forest a small smile growing on his face he looked back at his pokemon to see him laying down. Laying beside the creature he smiled "We can stay here awhile...the sun feels nice." He stated stretching a bit before putting his hands behind his head. Cyndaquil attempting to do that same thing giving up he just laid his arms on the grass and smiling.
Megus said:
(Yay! Free food! At least for Braelyn and Kai.)

Braelyn Keene

Right after Kai left to go train outside, Braelyn glanced back to the man who she know knew was Hiroshi. She was about to speak to him, but then he ran out the door. He was too quick for her to stop him, and to be honest she was a bit stunned by his actions.

Nevertheless, she stayed seated. She had a feeling they would meet again later. Braelyn finished one of the cookies just as Lucia said they should go. Braelyn nodded silently and grabbed her other cookie. As she stood, she also grabbed Kristina who had luckily finished her own food. Braelyn allowed the Oshawott to have a bite of the second cookie before getting ready to pay the bill. She once again wasn't quick enough, and Lucia beat her to it. Braelyn opened her mouth to object, but Lucia mentioned flowers and Braelyn just stopped.

"Thank you Lucia. I think Kai is training outside." She murmured with a small smile before stepping outside the cafe. Kai was in the middle of a battle between Charmander and Starly. She didn't really want to interrupt because the two pokemon seemed so into their training, so instead she just stood and watched.

Starly and Charmander

Struggling to get up it winced at pain and looked at Charmander and started flapping it's wings once more. Charmander looked at Starly and wagged his tail a bit as he was laughing. Charmander looks at Starly and waits for Kai's commands.

Kai Takeshi

"Starly use quick attack and follow it up with a wing attack one more time!" He yelled out as he watched the Starly bolt at Charmander at full speed once more. "Charmander use ember then follow it up with scratch once more! When he gets close Starly use wing attack."

Starly and Charmander

As they closed in on each other Starly got under Charmander and hit up him upwards with the wing attack which sent Charmander to fall and faint. Starly landed tired then ever and looked at Kai and jumped in joy.

Kai Takeshi

Walking over to pick up Charmander he smiled at them both. "That was a nice battle, especially for training I really like the enthusiasm and effort that was thrown on the table." Kai said very impressed by his pokemon.

Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi and Chimchar were startled at the Scyther popping out, but Hiroshi quickly recovered, "I'm definitely going to get that!" He thought it would be a great addition to his team, and so, he shot his hand forward. "This is your first battle, right, Chimchar? We can't let that Scyther get away. We can't lose our first battle together. So give it your all! Chimchar, use Scratch on the Scyther!"

Narration The Scyther dodged the scratch, returning with its own Fury Cutter attack on the Chimchar.

Megus said:
(Yay! Free food! At least for Braelyn and Kai.)

Braelyn Keene

Right after Kai left to go train outside, Braelyn glanced back to the man who she know knew was Hiroshi. She was about to speak to him, but then he ran out the door. He was too quick for her to stop him, and to be honest she was a bit stunned by his actions.

Nevertheless, she stayed seated. She had a feeling they would meet again later. Braelyn finished one of the cookies just as Lucia said they should go. Braelyn nodded silently and grabbed her other cookie. As she stood, she also grabbed Kristina who had luckily finished her own food. Braelyn allowed the Oshawott to have a bite of the second cookie before getting ready to pay the bill. She once again wasn't quick enough, and Lucia beat her to it. Braelyn opened her mouth to object, but Lucia mentioned flowers and Braelyn just stopped.

"Thank you Lucia. I think Kai is training outside." She murmured with a small smile before stepping outside the cafe. Kai was in the middle of a battle between Charmander and Starly. She didn't really want to interrupt because the two pokemon seemed so into their training, so instead she just stood and watched.
Kai123 said:

Starly and Charmander

Struggling to get up it winced at pain and looked at Charmander and started flapping it's wings once more. Charmander looked at Starly and wagged his tail a bit as he was laughing. Charmander looks at Starly and waits for Kai's commands.

Kai Takeshi

"Starly use quick attack and follow it up with a wing attack one more time!" He yelled out as he watched the Starly bolt at Charmander at full speed once more. "Charmander use ember then follow it up with scratch once more! When he gets close Starly use wing attack."

Starly and Charmander

As they closed in on each other Starly got under Charmander and hit up him upwards with the wing attack which sent Charmander to fall and faint. Starly landed tired then ever and looked at Kai and jumped in joy.

Kai Takeshi

Walking over to pick up Charmander he smiled at them both. "That was a nice battle, especially for training I really like the enthusiasm and effort that was thrown on the table." Kai said very impressed by his pokemon.

Lucia Gale "You seem pretty good with your partners already. I'm sure the gym leader will be impressed." Lucia smiled as Phantump was already headed toward the gym, as if it had always done this. "Don't get too beat up though, you might find something in the forest you'll like."

[QUOTE="Yaboku God of War]

Zane Boneworths
After he has chosen his pokemon Zane walked up holding the Cyndaquil in his arms softly and smiled down at the fire type smiling brighter as he walked around the town of a bit. Looking around in awe at the city he seen the pokemon copying him "See something you wanna look at Cynd?" The boy asked as the creature broke out of his arms and ran to a small forest as the boy followed out of breath "Cynd you know not to run away like that...." Zane told the pokemon only to look up at the clearing in the forest a small smile growing on his face he looked back at his pokemon to see him laying down. Laying beside the creature he smiled "We can stay here awhile...the sun feels nice." He stated stretching a bit before putting his hands behind his head. Cyndaquil attempting to do that same thing giving up he just laid his arms on the grass and smiling.

Narration As the two partners were relaxing a murkrow appeared, causing a dense haze to block out the sunlight as it sat in a tree, watching the pair.
Cyndaquil shot up and looked at the haze. Walking over to his trainer he gently shook the boy awake.

The boy woke up and looked around "What happened to the sun?" He asked before looking at the murkrow "This your doing?" He asked the bird
[QUOTE="Yaboku God of War]Cyndaquil shot up and looked at the haze. Walking over to his trainer he gently shook the boy awake.
The boy woke up and looked around "What happened to the sun?" He asked before looking at the murkrow "This your doing?" He asked the bird

Narration The murkrow made no sound, instead it ruffled it wings before flying down, claws outstretched to grab Cyndaquil.
ZoroarkGangster said:
Narration The murkrow made no sound, instead it ruffled it wings before flying down, claws outstretched to grab Cyndaquil.
Zane panicked and grabbed his partner blocking the bird with his back "I guess we have a battle..." He said in a dull tone. But the bird seemed interested maybe a dark type as well.
[QUOTE="Yaboku God of War]Zane panicked and grabbed his partner blocking the bird with his back "I guess we have a battle..." He said in a dull tone. But the bird seemed interested maybe a dark type as well.

Narration With murkrow's attack being blocked by the human he walked up his back to begin pecking the boy's head with no regards of his own actions.

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