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Fandom Pokemon Adventures: An Unexpected Beginning

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn watched the Pokemon, amusement quite obvious on her face. Charmander obviously like Kristina, but she didn't how the Oshawott felt.

Well, that was sort of answered from the way Kristina shot a spurt of water at Charmander. It wasn't enough to hurt him a lot, but enough to get her point across and soak the fire-type's head. Braelyn covered her mouth as she attempted to hold back her giggling. She could only imagine the conversation between the two starters.

From there, Kristina made her way back to Braelyn and looked up at her. She had a smug smile on her normally mild face as she gestured for her trainer to pick her up. Braelyn did so while still laughing about the situation she had just witnessed.​

Kai Takeshi

Looking at his charmander get sprayed he laughed a bit and looked at him. "You tried my friend he said walking over to Charmander patting him on the head. Charmander of course the bully of the group ran over and kicked Braelyns leg and ran off. "Wait Charmander!!"

Braelyn Keene

Of course, the Charmander's kick didn't hurt that much, but it was a little surprising. Apparently, he was a little hurt after Kristina's rejection. Braelyn glanced down at Kristina, the Oshawott's smug smile long gone. The poor water Pokemon realized that maybe she had been a little too harsh. Braelyn didn't blame her Pokemon though. The purplette would have done the same thing if a boy had been flirting like that.

Braelyn sighed at Kristina's expression. It was obviously a little guilty after knowing she had most likely been the reason Charmander had run off. "Well, let's go find Charmander so that Kristina here can apologize." At those words, Kristina looked up in surprise as if she hadn't been expecting to apologize.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Of course, the Charmander's kick didn't hurt that much, but it was a little surprising. Apparently, he was a little hurt after Kristina's rejection. Braelyn glanced down at Kristina, the Oshawott's smug smile long gone. The poor water Pokemon realized that maybe she had been a little too harsh. Braelyn didn't blame her Pokemon though. The purplette would have done the same thing if a boy had been flirting like that.

Braelyn sighed at Kristina's expression. It was obviously a little guilty after knowing she had most likely been the reason Charmander had run off. "Well, let's go find Charmander so that Kristina here can apologize." At those words, Kristina looked up in surprise as if she hadn't been expecting to apologize.

Kai Takeshi

Kai looked at Braelyn as he shook his head and sighed. "Don't worry about him give him about a second to come back." Kai said seeing the Charmander run back to his trainer crying hugging him tight as he was being chased by beedrill.


Braelyn Keene

Tilting her head slightly, her face took on a confused expression. They weren't going to chase after him? Well, that not what she was expecting.

Before she could protest, Charmander appeared again, dragging a hoard of Beedrill behind him. She would have laughed at the irony of bug types chasing a fire type, but the Beedrill did not look nice. At all. Braelyn could only imagine how this would turn out.​
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Tilting her head slightly, her face took on a confused expression. They weren't going to chase after him? Well, that not what she was expecting.

Before she could protest, Charmander appeared again, dragging a hoard of Beedrill behind him. She would have laughed at the irony of bug types chasing a fire type, but the Beedrill did not look nice. At all. Braelyn could only imagine how this would turn out.​

Kai Takeshi

Kai looked at them grabbing Braelyn and Charmander as he bolted out running for his dear life. Seeing a river he put Charmander is jacket and zipped it up jumping in with Braelyn Kristina and Stsrly.

Braelyn Keene

She stared at the Beedrill. Braelyn knew she should run, but she couldn't bring her feet to move. And then she was running, gripping Kai's hand as they ran deeper into the forest.

For the second time that day, Braelyn desperately hoped Kai knew where he was going in this forest.

Soon, Braelyn could hear rushing water. A river came into sight and Kai almost immediately zipped Charmander up in his jacket. She barely had time to react as Kai dragged her and Kristina into the river.

It only took a moment for the panic to set in. She had never been a particularly strong swimmer, and she had had this crazy feat of drowning for as long as she could remember. She couldn't remember exactly why, but her mother had said it was because of some really vivid dream or such.

So, one could imagine how the purplette felt as the freezing water soaked her through. Maybe if she were to flail around, she could stay afloat. She would much rather face the Beedrill than this river.​
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

She stared at the Beedrill. Braelyn knew she should run, but she couldn't bring her feet to move. And then she was running, gripping Kai's hand as they ran deeper into the forest.

For the second time that day, Braelyn desperately hoped Kai knew where he was going in this forest.

Soon, Braelyn could hear rushing water. A river came into sight and Kai almost immediately zipped Charmander up in his jacket. She barely had time to react as Kai dragged her and Kristina into the river.

It only took a moment for the panic to set in. She had never been a particularly strong swimmer, and she had had this crazy feat of drowning for as long as she could remember. She couldn't remember exactly why, but her mother had said it was because of some really vivid dream or such.

So, one could imagine how the purplette felt as the freezing water soaked her through. Maybe if she were to flail around, she could stay afloat. She would much rather face the Beedrill than this river.​

Kai Takeshi

Kai grabbed Braelyn close to him as he kept Starly close as well. Looking up at the air the beedrill flew over them as they didn't know where to find them. Helping braelyn and his Starly out the water once the cost was clear. "That was way to close."

Braelyn Keene

It felt like forever until she finally reached the surface again. She was very grateful that Kai had once again grabbed her, for she could no longer think straight. So much had happened today.

As soon as she was out of the water, Braelyn curled up into a ball. She tried to comfort herself. She tried telling herself that she was no longer in the water. She was no longer unable to breathe.

After a few moments, her breathing slowed. At least it had until she realized she was no longer holding Kristina. With that though, Braelyn shot her head up, glancing around anxiously for her Pokemon. She wasn't worried about Kristina being in the water still, but about the small Pokemon being swept further downstream. What if she got lost?

To her relief however, the Oshawott walked over, perfectly fine considering the situation. Braelyn on the other hand was not. Her clothes were now soaked, and that water had been freezing.​

Kai Takeshi

Kai looked at Braelyn and rubbed her back slowly to comfort her as she was freak out. Letting charmander free Kai laid down looking at the sun as the wind blew softly giving a good breeze which made him shiver in a good way.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn sighed as she felt herself calm down. She had never strayed too close to water so that she could avoid situations such as this. She never went to the beach, and if she did she wouldn't go near the ocean. She avoided swimming pools, lakes, rivers. Every large mass of water one could think of.

And yet, her first day on her Pokemon Joruney and she gets dragged into a river. Wonderful. They had lost Lucia a while back as they ran from the Beedrills.

"Please tell me you know how to get back to town from here." She muttered, remembering her previous fear before being pulled into the river.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn sighed as she felt herself calm down. She had never strayed too close to water so that she could avoid situations such as this. She never went to the beach, and if she did she wouldn't go near the ocean. She avoided swimming pools, lakes, rivers. Every large mass of water one could think of.

And yet, her first day on her Pokemon Joruney and she gets dragged into a river. Wonderful. They had lost Lucia a while back as they ran from the Beedrills.

"Please tell me you know how to get back to town from here." She muttered, remembering her previous fear before being pulled into the river.

Kai Takeshi

Kai looked at her and slowly shook his head laughing silently. He looked around as he laid there calmly slowly falling asleep on Braelyn. As a cute Pichu looked at the trainers.

Braelyn Keene

He didn't know the way back? What were they supposed to do until then? How were they supposed to get back? Were they just supposed to wander aimlessly?!

Kai seemed to have his own plans as he began to fall asleep. She felt her face grow warm as she realized that for a second time, they were fairly close.

And then she saw an unfamiliar Pokemon. It was small, yellow and quite adorable in her opinion. Which reminded her of why they had come to the forest in the first place. Braelyn sat up slowly, hoping to not scare the Pichu away. "Hey there little one. What are you doing?" She wanted to try not battling it first. Maybe it would just want to join without going through a battle.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

He didn't know the way back? What were they supposed to do until then? How were they supposed to get back? Were they just supposed to wander aimlessly?!

Kai seemed to have his own plans as he began to fall asleep. She felt her face grow warm as she realized that for a second time, they were fairly close.

And then she saw an unfamiliar Pokemon. It was small, yellow and quite adorable in her opinion. Which reminded her of why they had come to the forest in the first place. Braelyn sat up slowly, hoping to not scare the Pichu away. "Hey there little one. What are you doing?" She wanted to try not battling it first. Maybe it would just want to join without going through a battle.


Pichu slowly walked up to the girl and tapped her leg making a small cry as it was hungry. It noticed Kai had a bit of Pokemon stored in his pocket as it wanted her to get it for it. The pichu seemed weak and hungry, he was released by his trainer and abandon for weeks.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn looked down at the Pichu as it tapped her leg. She stared in confusion until she saw the electric type look towards Kai's pocket. Maybe the little Pichu was hungry.

Noticing that Kai was already half asleep, she simply grabbed the small amount of food out of his pocket and handed it to the Pichu. "Here you are. Have some of this." She murmured, holding her hand out for the small Pokemon.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn looked down at the Pichu as it tapped her leg. She stared in confusion until she saw the electric type look towards Kai's pocket. Maybe the little Pichu was hungry.

Noticing that Kai was already half asleep, she simply grabbed the small amount of food out of his pocket and handed it to the Pichu. "Here you are. Have some of this." She murmured, holding her hand out for the small Pokemon.


It looked up at her and began to cry as it kissed her hand gently and took the flood gracefully eating it. Seeing Starly and Charmanser sleeping with their trainer as it got sad and looked up at braelym trying to bond with the girl. Being abandoned really hurt this pichu quite a bit.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn's face saddened as she watched the Pichu in front of her. There was some greater story behind this Pichu. There was some reason it seemed to sad and hungry.

Once the food was gone, the Pichu glanced over at Kai's Pokemon and then back to her. That broke Braelyn and she gently scooped up the small Pichu, cradling it like a baby. "Would you like to come with me on my journey little one?" She asked, a small smile gracing her features as she looked down at the Pichu.

"You would have plenty of food, and you can help me by performing in contests. I promise to care for you." She murmured, holding the Pichu close. She was unsure what had brought her to do so. Maybe it was the sorrowful expression on its face. Maybe it was the fact that she so desperately wanted another Pokemon. Either way though, she only spoke the truth. She couldn't imagine mistreating a pokemon.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn's face saddened as she watched the Pichu in front of her. There was some greater story behind this Pichu. There was some reason it seemed to sad and hungry.

Once the food was gone, the Pichu glanced over at Kai's Pokemon and then back to her. That broke Braelyn and she gently scooped up the small Pichu, cradling it like a baby. "Would you like to come with me on my journey little one?" She asked, a small smile gracing her features as she looked down at the Pichu.

"You would have plenty of food, and you can help me by performing in contests. I promise to care for you." She murmured, holding the Pichu close. She was unsure what had brought her to do so. Maybe it was the sorrowful expression on its face. Maybe it was the fact that she so desperately wanted another Pokemon. Either way though, she only spoke the truth. She couldn't imagine mistreating a pokemon.


Nodding it cried out softly smiling a bit accepting the trainer words and laid in her arms closing it's eyes. It opened up as it wanted braelyn to be his trainer of course but he wanted to bond with the others so he laid on Kai like the others and fell asleep.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn smiled at the Pichu as he seemed to accept her offer. She placed him down so that she could grab a Pokeball, but by the time she had grabbed one the Pichu had already lay down on Kai with the others. She chuckled softly and set the Pokeball back down. She'd just have to catch it when they all woke up.

As for herself, she was rather exhausted as well. Since they didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, Braelyn lay down a little bit away from Kai and the Pokemon. She very quickly drifted off into her own world where she had one her first contest.​
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn smiled at the Pichu as he seemed to accept her offer. She placed him down so that she could grab a Pokeball, but by the time she had grabbed one the Pichu had already lay down on Kai with the others. She chuckled softly and set the Pokeball back down. She'd just have to catch it when they all woke up.

As for herself, she was rather exhausted as well. Since they didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, Braelyn lay down a little bit away from Kai and the Pokemon. She very quickly drifted off into her own world where she had one her first contest.​

Kai Takeshi

Finally opening his eyes slowly he looked around and noticed the pokemon he smiled towards them and closed his eyes once more to take a deep breathe letting them sleep. Once he did so they all jumped up lookup at him. "Shhhh!" He said pointing at the sleeping girl next to all of them. Charmander looked at Braelyn and jumped of Kai to stretch slowly as a small sigh of relief came out of his little mouth. Starly looked at his friend as he jumped up laughing a bit flapping his wings.


Looking at it's newly found trainer he jumped off Kai and snuggled with the girl. Trying to stay warm and feel loved he got in close to her, Pichu loved this type of attention as he wanted to feel love everywhere he went.

Braelyn Keene

Her wonderful dream didn't last very long, for Braelyn woke up shortly after to see that Kai and the Pokemon were awake too. Well, all except the Pichu who had moved locations and was now snuggling with her. She looked down at him with a small smile and then quietly reached for the earlier Pokeball.

She tapped the sleeping Pichu's head with the Pokeball gently so that he was sucked up into the contraption. She then set it down back on the ground so that it could do the proper shaking.
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Her wonderful dream didn't last very long, for Braelyn woke up shortly after to see that Kai and the Pokemon were awake too. Well, all except the Pichu who had moved locations and was now snuggling with her. She looked down at him with a small smile and then quietly reached for the earlier Pokeball.

She tapped the sleeping Pichu's head with the Pokeball gently so that he was sucked up into the contraption. She then set it down back on the ground so that it could do the proper shaking.

Kai Takeshi

Kai looked at her catching the pichu as his eyes sparkled up. "Didn't give him a chance to enjoy the outside." Kai said laughing a bit watching the pokeball.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn glanced up at Kai as the Pokeball shook and a couple of times. "I'll let him back out. He already agreed to come while you were sleeping." The Pokeball clicked to indicate that the Pichu had been caught, and Braelyn grinned.

She picked up the Pokeball and looked down at it in awe. She had caught her first Pokemon and she had a feeling he would be a wonderful addition to her team. After this moment of thought, the purplette released the Pichu from the Pokeball.

"Sorry little one, I had to do that." She spoke softly as she looked down at her new Pokeball. "Oh, and would you mind if I named you?" She asked, watching the small Pokemon as he gave his consent by nodding. "Alright then. How about Eric?" She asked, and the Pichu nodded excitedly.
Bebe had been dozing peacefully in the forest when all of a sudden a huge hoard of beedrill came flying past him chasing a Charmander. Jumping to his Feet Bebe Ran after the huge hoard, at a safe distance of course and saw that they were also chasing a group poor trainers into the river.Sighing with relief that they were all right Bebe began approaching the group trainers one of which had just caught a Pichu."hey you guys alright?"He called to them concerned

@Megus @Kai123
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Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn glanced up at Kai as the Pokeball shook and a couple of times. "I'll let him back out. He already agreed to come while you were sleeping." The Pokeball clicked to indicate that the Pichu had been caught, and Braelyn grinned.

She picked up the Pokeball and looked down at it in awe. She had caught her first Pokemon and she had a feeling he would be a wonderful addition to her team. After this moment of thought, the purplette released the Pichu from the Pokeball.

"Sorry little one, I had to do that." She spoke softly as she looked down at her new Pokeball. "Oh, and would you mind if I named you?" She asked, watching the small Pokemon as he gave his consent by nodding. "Alright then. How about Eric?" She asked, and the Pichu nodded excitedly.

Kai Takeshi

Kai had noticed she caught the Pokemon as he smiled bright and shook his head. "Nice job indeed so you have a new member apart of your team. Will you be able to go to the contest by practicing."

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn grinned at Kai, her earlier excitement returning slowly. She nodded in response to his question about the contest. She would definitely have to practice, but first they needed to find a way out of the forest, preferably not crossing the river again to do so.

At this point, Braelyn heard an unfamiliar voice. She glanced up to see someone on the other side of the river. She decided to stay quiet and simply point the new kid out to Kai instead of speaking. Her soft voice wouldn't even make it over the roaring river so there was no point in speaking.​

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