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Fandom Pokemon Adventures: An Unexpected Beginning

"Stinger stop attacking" i yelled and stinger ignoring what i said and qiuckly stricking the osawatt before it could be retrieved .When stinger was done it looked like the osawatt might Break down with the slightest touch."i'm so sorry" he called apologeticly towards Braelyn.Suddenly he noticed a Chinchou float past on the river "oh my goodness" hesaid running after it with Stinger tailing besides him "Stinger get him onto land" i cried and Stinger used fury attack to knock Chinchou onto the ground. i qiuckly tossed a great ball at it catching it. returning to the battle i said "sorry about that"


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Kai Takeshi

Looking at the battle he nodded and let his Starly fly off to the city as he followed him letting the others watch him vanish in the forest. Charmander laid on his shoulder as he fell asleep. He was so tired from the excitement, but it was all coming to a close as the sum slowly set.
Kai123 said:

Kai Takeshi

Looking at the battle he nodded and let his Starly fly off to the city as he followed him letting the others watch him vanish in the forest. Charmander laid on his shoulder as he fell asleep. He was so tired from the excitement, but it was all coming to a close as the sum slowly set.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn glanced away from Bebe to look at Kai once more, but all she saw was her friend heading off into the forest. She hurriedly picked up Eric who had been standing next to her before running off after Kai. She didn't want to get lost in here.

"Come on Kai, making me run and catch up to you for the second time today." She muttered under her breath.

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn glanced away from Bebe to look at Kai once more, but all she saw was her friend heading off into the forest. She hurriedly picked up Eric who had been standing next to her before running off after Kai. She didn't want to get lost in here.

"Come on Kai, making me run and catch up to you for the second time today." She muttered under her breath.
Megus said:

Kai Takeshi

He looked back at her as he sighed. "To slow if you want out of here you got to keep up." He said looking up past the tree's watching Starly. Charmander looked at Kai and yawned as he watched the starly flying over there.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn frowned, her lips forming a small pout as she glanced down at the ground. "Your legs are longer. I have to work double time to simply keep up." She muttered again, although this time she did not intend on Kai hearing it.


Kai Takeshi

Grabbing Braelyn he dashed behind a tree Starly still circling around above them as he saw a giant Kanguskan walking past them. "That thing is huge.." Kai said in amusement. "I never seen one of these before." He said watching it pass by with it's baby in the pouch. "Why is it in this forest?" He said examining it closely.​

(Hmm, no notification? Strange...)

Braelyn Keene

One moment Braelyn was walking behind Kai, rather quickly in fact, and the next she had been pulled behind a tree. The purplette was about to say something just as a enormous Pokemon passed where they had been standing moments before.

She gasped softly at the sheer size of the Pokemon. It was easily the biggest one she had seen so far. Besides her gasp, Braelyn stayed silent. She didn't want that thing getting mad.​

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi walked into the forest, ready to train his Pokemon for the grass type gym. His Chimchar was a fire type, and his Scyther was both a flying type and a bug type. All three types were super effective against grass, but he couldn't underestimate the gym. It sounded like it'd be very tough, and since his Chimchar nearly fainted against the previously wild Scyther, whose bug type attacks were supposed to not be very effective against him. However, he wanted to learn more about the flaming aura that surrounded Chimchar, as it made him very powerful all of a sudden. He wished to ask the professor about it, but he was too far away now, so he would try and keep in mind to ask him about it whenever he'd meet him next. Scyther's Fury Cutter was also powerful, given that it would've made Chimchar faint had he not been suddenly surrounded by flames. He decided that those aspects of both of his Pokemon were the ones he would try to improve the most in training. He was about to say something when a gigantic Kangaskhan walked by, which made him gasp at how huge it was. "Wow..." Chimchar and Scyther were also both staring at it.
Bebe rushed to catch up with the leaving trainers decieding to tag along.Z"hey i never learned your names" Bebe said then quickly adding "I'm beeb". he put stinger back into his pokeball and brought out Chinchou."hmm what should i name you" i thought"I know i'll name you GlowStick" i said smiling and putting glowstick back in her pokeball

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Megus said:

(Hmm, no notification? Strange...)

Braelyn Keene

One moment Braelyn was walking behind Kai, rather quickly in fact, and the next she had been pulled behind a tree. The purplette was about to say something just as a enormous Pokemon passed where they had been standing moments before.

She gasped softly at the sheer size of the Pokemon. It was easily the biggest one she had seen so far. Besides her gasp, Braelyn stayed silent. She didn't want that thing getting mad.​

Kai Takeshi

He looked at Braelyn and held her shoulders. "It's cool isn't it?" He said looking back at it intently as he smiled bright from the start.​
Not paying attention bebe walked right into the kangachan "oosp" he whispered as the kangaschan glared down at him.backing up carefully the kangaschan began walking away

@Mugiwara @Megus

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi spotted Kai, and Braelyn on the other side of the Kangaskhan, and wondered how he'd get past. He soon witnessed Kai grabbing Braelyn by the shoulders and staring at the huge Pokemon. Thinking this would be the perfect chance, he attempted to walk past them without being noticed, turning around towards Chimchar and Scyther's direction and putting his index finger above his lips to signal them to be quiet, and tiptoed quietly past them in an attempt not to get noticed. As he walked past them, he noticed a strange person running into the Kangaskhan, and almost let out a small laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
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Braelyn Keene

Braelyn nodded silently in response to Kai's question. "Cool" was definitely an appropriate term for the ginormous Pokemon walking in front of them. She had this strange urge to simply stand where she was and marvel at the size of the Kangaskhan. She doubted that she would ever see another Pokemon so large ever again. She was content where she was standing, except for the fact that her face was flushed once more. She wouldn't let Kai see that though.

She flicked her gaze away from the monstrous Pokemon as she saw a flash of green. She had just seen a glimpse of a menacing bug Pokemon walking by. Next to it was a Chimchar, which Braelyn found strange. She thought Chimchar were rare Pokemon, and there was only one person she knew of with a Chimchar. She moved her gaze once more, this time in front of the two Pokemon sneaking away to see exactly who she had expected. Hiroshi was trying to be sneaky, most likely because he didn't want Kai to see him. She didn't blame him though after what went on that morning.

Braelyn decided to look back at the Kangaskhan to make it look like she hadn't caught Hiroshi red-handed.

The purplette was quietly watching the large Pokemon when a rather familiar face ran right into the Kangaskhan. Braelyn's eyes grew wide as she watched the large Pokemon stare down at her battle opponent from a short while ago. What was he doing? He could get crushed! The kid got lucky though as all he got was a glare before the Pokemon lumber away.​
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Bebe sighed with relief that he made it out alive and he felt super stupid about running into the kangaschan."sorry " he muttered feeling embarrassed.he noticed another person who had recently been behind the kangaschan.He also noticed a scyther and a chimchar standing behind him.

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn nodded silently in response to Kai's question. "Cool" was definitely an appropriate term for the ginormous Pokemon walking in front of them. She had this strange urge to simply stand where she was and marvel at the size of the Kangaskhan. She doubted that she would ever see another Pokemon so large ever again. She was content where she was standing, except for the fact that her face was flushed once more. She wouldn't let Kai see that though.

She flicked her gaze away from the monstrous Pokemon as she saw a flash of green. She had just seen a glimpse of a menacing bug Pokemon walking by. Next to it was a Chimchar, which Braelyn found strange. She thought Chimchar were rare Pokemon, and there was only one person she knew of with a Chimchar. She moved her gaze once more, this time in front of the two Pokemon sneaking away to see exactly who she had expected. Hiroshi was trying to be sneaky, most likely because he didn't want Kai to see him. She didn't blame him though after what went on that morning.

Braelyn decided to look back at the Kangaskhan to make it look like she hadn't caught Hiroshi red-handed.

The purplette was quietly watching the large Pokemon when a rather familiar face ran right into the Kangaskhan. Braelyn's eyes grew wide as she watched the large Pokemon stare down at her battle opponent from a short while ago. What was he doing? He could get crushed! The kid got lucky though as all he got was a glare before the Pokemon lumber away.​

Kai Takeshi

Already wondering off following his starly he watched the kangaskhan slowly as he smiled a bit glad to get such a rare encounter as the sun soon shifted with the moon. as Charmander's tail came to good use and it lights the way for him as he finally reached the lighted up city. He sighed softly as he stretched and looked up at Starly who landed on his left shoulder and cried out in joy. "We'll get to training in the morning got it?" He said as he looked around for Braelyn. "Where'd she go!?!?!?"​

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn watched as the Kangaskhan wander off, still reveling at its size. By the time the big Pokemon had disappeared from sight, Braelyn glanced back to see that Kai had disappeared. She felt a sudden rush of fear as she realized she now had no way out of the forest. That, and there was no one here with her anymore.

Wait though! She had seen Hiroshi walking by! Hugging Eric a little more tightly to herself, Braelyn began running in the direction she had seen Hiroshi and his Pokemon go. "Hiroshi? Are you here? Its Braelyn, and Kai isn't with me!" She called, although it wasn't too loud thanks to her naturally quiet voice.

There was also a twinge of sadness as she realized Kai had meant what he had said. She had to move quickly to keep up. How was she supposed to know he had left if he hadn't warned her though?! And it would be getting dark soon. The fear she had felt earlier at the cafe about being stuck in this forest overnight was quickly becoming a valid possibility. She still needed to practice for that contest, but she didn't have any healing supplies for Kristina. Braelyn didn't want to overwork her starter, so if the didn't get out of here soon, she would not be participating in the contest.

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Hiroshi Shota and the Gang

Hiroshi decided to leave the two to their Kangaskhan gazing and to go to train, since that's why he went back to the forest. Since he was introduced to the Pokemon Center, he didn't need to worry that much anymore since he could simply head back to it whenever his Pokemon needed healing. He found a place very close by where there were no trees and no Pokemon lived there, so he was set on using that place as a training field. "Chimchar, go there! And Scyther, go to the opposite side!" He commanded, pointing to the left and right sides of the area. His Pokemon did as they were asked, ready for a battle.

"Chimchar, Scyther, we need to improve on your speed, strength, and accuracy. Scyther, use Quick Attack to get closer and use Fury Cutter!" The bug-type closed up distance by charging at the fire-type with blinding speed, all the while preparing his Fury Cutter. "Chimchar, dodge!" Scyther slashed at Chimchar with his scythe, but he jumped over it. He followed up with anyone slash, and this time it got the other Pokemon mid-air and shot him to the ground.

Scyther was going to strike Chimchar while it was on the ground. "Chimchar, Scratch, and then roll!" Chimchar countered the attack with a Scratch. The clash of attacks, although resulting in the chimp Pokemon being overpowered, made the impact of the attack less and gave him an opportunity to narrowly dodge it. "Scyther, Quick Attack! Chimchar, dodge!" Chimchar tried to avoid the assault, but couldn't and was hit full force by it, sending him flying back to a tree. "Use the tree to launch yourself towards Scyther! Scyther, Quick Attack on Chimchar!" Chimchar straightened himself and used his legs to spring himself towards Scyther, while Scyther shot himself towards Chimchar with Quick Attack. They both collided with each other and were pushed back a bit, but regaining their footing right away.

As he was going to follow up with another order, he heard a faint voice which seemed to be calling for help. He recalled Scyther to his Pokeball, and carried Chimchar in his arms as he carefully began retracing his steps back to the exit of the forest, using the fire on the small Pokemon's tail as a light source. Was someone lost or being attacked? When he reached the area the Kangaskhan previously was, he saw a familiar purple haired girl. "Braelyn? What are you doing here? Where's Kai?"


Braelyn Keene

Braelyn glanced up at the sky. The sun was disappearing very quickly and she shivered slightly. She did not want to be stuck in here at night. If there weren't ghost Pokemon during the day, there were bound to be some at night.

She was about to give up looking for Hiroshi when the boy finally appeared out of the trees. The purplette released a breath she hadn't known was being held as she hurried over to the boy. "Oh thank goodness Hiroshi. I wasn't sure if you were going to here me." She smiled a little, the relief obvious in her gaze.

"Well, I was watching the Kangaskhan leave and when I turned back, Kai was gone." She explained, absentmindedly looking back in that direction. "I had seen you pass by, so I decided to look for you rather than search for Kai because I didn't want to get too lost." It was pretty dark now, and Braelyn mentally gave up hope of training for the contest. She would do the next one.

"I don't know how to get back to town. I don't want to get caught by ghost Pokemon..." She trailed off and looked down at Eric. The Pichu had begun to pat her arm in an attempt to comfort her.

Hiroshi Shota and the Gang

Hiroshi nodded, understanding the situation. He was worried that Braelyn had seen through his disguise, and hoped that Kai didn't as well, but that wasn't the most important thing to be concerned about at that point. He was sure he knew where to go; all he needed to do was retrace his steps, and he didn't think that would be a difficult task. "Follow me." He instructed, and began walking back towards the entrance.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn was grateful that he didn't ask too many more questions, although she couldn't think of any more he would ask anyways. He instructed her to follow him, and she did so with little hesitation.

As they were going along, she felt her Pichu shivering. With a small smile, she reached down to grab his Pokeball and then called him back. It would be better if he was inside anyways.​

Kai Takeshi

Kai putting Starly and Charmander to the ultimate training they would get beefed up but at the same time keep their happy attitudes. Something about Kai made him stay instead of looking for Braelyn. Just like he told her at the beginning to keep up or she'll be left behind. Kai watched as his Pokemon had fought intensely as he nodded. "Nice nice." He said watching the intense battle between the two it was coming soon when it'll be time for him to battle the gym. Kai was ready as he thought of a small strategy. He smiled slowly as he thought how smoothly it may go. Yet he only had two Pokemon. Still will be all he need for now though.

Hiroshi Shota, Chimchar, Scyther

After a bit of walking with Chimchar as their guiding light, the entrance of the forest could be seen. He turned around towards the other trainer, and waved, "I think you can handle the rest yourself." He still needed some training to do, even though the sun was setting, but staying in the forest was probably a bad idea. He walked out of the forest and began heading towards the Pokemon Center.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn's smile grew as she saw the city lights. The sun was almost completely gone now and there were a few stars visible despite the brightness of the city. She took a short moment to marvel in the beauty of the city lights.

She didn't have much of an idea where to go now that they reached the city, but she was at least grateful that she was no longer in the forest. "Thank you Hiroshi, but I have one more question." She needed to know where the Pokemon Center was. "You don't happen to know where the Pokemon Center is do you?"
Bebe sighed as the others walked away and he sat down again by a tree.Bringing out Glowstick and stinger bebe said"Well i guess its just you and me now" he said strocking Glowsticks head before setting him into a puddle nearby.

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn's smile grew as she saw the city lights. The sun was almost completely gone now and there were a few stars visible despite the brightness of the city. She took a short moment to marvel in the beauty of the city lights.

She didn't have much of an idea where to go now that they reached the city, but she was at least grateful that she was no longer in the forest. "Thank you Hiroshi, but I have one more question." She needed to know where the Pokemon Center was. "You don't happen to know where the Pokemon Center is do you?"
BeebeTheWarrior said:
Bebe sighed as the others walked away and he sat down again by a tree.Bringing out Glowstick and stinger bebe said"Well i guess its just you and me now" he said strocking Glowsticks head before setting him into a puddle nearby.

Kai Takeshi

He looked at his Pokemon pant heavily as he felt bad and decided to go let his Pokemon heal. Kai put Starly in his pokeball since he was the most tired out of the two as he picked up Charmander. "You two are getting faster and stronger and it's only been such a little bit of time." He said smiling heading to the pokecenter. Thinking if Braelyn was okay he kept wondering the pokecenter. "I understand what I have to do tomorrow." Kai said smiling.

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