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Fandom Pokemon Adventures: An Unexpected Beginning

Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn grinned at Kai, her earlier excitement returning slowly. She nodded in response to his question about the contest. She would definitely have to practice, but first they needed to find a way out of the forest, preferably not crossing the river again to do so.

At this point, Braelyn heard an unfamiliar voice. She glanced up to see someone on the other side of the river. She decided to stay quiet and simply point the new kid out to Kai instead of speaking. Her soft voice wouldn't even make it over the roaring river so there was no point in speaking.​
Bebe Stuck his hand out and helped pull out the two kids from the river."again you guys ok?"he asked as he pulled them up."by the way what did you do to bother those beedrill. i've never seen them so agitated.At that moment stinger jumped out of his pokeball and buzzed angrily."hey you do get crabby" i said putting stinger back in its ball.

@Megus @Kai123
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Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn grinned at Kai, her earlier excitement returning slowly. She nodded in response to his question about the contest. She would definitely have to practice, but first they needed to find a way out of the forest, preferably not crossing the river again to do so.

At this point, Braelyn heard an unfamiliar voice. She glanced up to see someone on the other side of the river. She decided to stay quiet and simply point the new kid out to Kai instead of speaking. Her soft voice wouldn't even make it over the roaring river so there was no point in speaking.​
BeebeTheWarrior said:
Bebe had been dozing peacefully in the forest when all of a sudden a huge hoard of beedrill came flying past him chasing a Charmander. Jumping to his Feet Bebe Ran after the huge hoard, at a safe distance of course and saw that they were also chasing a group poor trainers into the river.Sighing with relief that they were all right Bebe began approaching the group trainers one of which had just caught a Pichu."hey you guys alright?"He called to them concerned
@Megus @Kai123

Kai Takeshi

Getting up where he was sitting he pat himself off as he noticed the new trainer as he nodded. "Yeah just splendid actually." Kai said looking away for a split second as he was more worried about the gym, he knew the contest was tomorrow since he read the board but what about the gym. It could be open right now! Kai looked at Braelyn with a frown. "He could've been my next battle partner!" He said laughing only joking with the girl. Starly flew on Kai's shoulder and pecked his head once. "Oh that's right don't you remember the way Starly?" He said as starly nodded and flew up in the air. "Perfect! I can always count on you!" Charmander climbed on Kai's shoulder and watched Starly do his thing.

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn smiled a little as Kai mentioned how he would have battled the Pichu if he hadn't been asleep. "Too bad, so sad." She muttered under her breath, her smile growing slightly. She was honestly glad that Kai had been sleeping when Eric had shown up. The poor Pokemon had been in no condition to battle.

Braelyn began to worry slightly as she looked up at the sky. She had very little time to prepare for the contest and she still needed to sign up for it. Maybe she should skip out on this contest. She was not prepared at all.

Her hopes raised however when Starly started talking to Kai, reminding the boy that he knew the way out of the forest. They could still do everything she needed to do!​
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Bebe looked at the kids who were soaking wet and cocked his head "i uh am going to leave now" he said preparing to walk away when suddenly stinger popped out "what do you want this time?" i asked stinger irritably

Megus said:


The Scyther glared at the Chimchar as its attack narrowly missed its target. It had only managed to scratch the Chimchar's leg, but in return the Chimchar began to fall. The Scyther quickly prepared itself to use Fury Swipes while the fire type was on the ground, but it never got to attack. The Chimchar scratched it in the leg and the Scyther was momentarily stunned as it hadn't been expecting that attack, leaving itself wide open to be attacked again.


Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi realized there was an opening so he took it. "It's wide open! Chimchar, use Scratch again!" He shot his fist forwards, as Chimchar attempted to scratch Scyther once again. Both the trainer and the Pokemon were getting fired up by the battle, and were acting more intensely than usual. Hiroshi hoped that he would succeed in catching the Scyther, as he really wanted it on his team.
Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi realized there was an opening so he took it. "It's wide open! Chimchar, use Scratch again!" He shot his fist forwards, as Chimchar attempted to scratch Scyther once again. Both the trainer and the Pokemon were getting fired up by the battle, and were acting more intensely than usual. Hiroshi hoped that he would succeed in catching the Scyther, as he really wanted it on his team.


The Mantis Pokemon snapped out of its little trance just as it was hit by another scratch attack, this time much harder than the last. The Scyther was furious with the turnout of the battle and rushed in with another Quick Attack while simultaneously preparing to hit the Chimchar with Fury Swipes.​
Bebe waved his hand in front of the girl in front of him "hello anyone in there" he asked snickering a little before he was jabbed by stinger turning around he glared at stinger."what is it grumpy pants" he asked stinger buzzed a bit."oh i see you want to battle" i figured out then looking over at Braelyn and said "so how about it? want to battle?"

Megus said:


The Mantis Pokemon snapped out of its little trance just as it was hit by another scratch attack, this time much harder than the last. The Scyther was furious with the turnout of the battle and rushed in with another Quick Attack while simultaneously preparing to hit the Chimchar with Fury Swipes.​

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Chimchar fell down on the ground, heavily injured from the Quick Attack and all of the previous attacks that had been landed on him. Hiroshi ran up to Chimchar, worried about it. "Chimchar, can you still go on?" Chimchar stood up, gritting his teeth as a flame aura surrounded it. "What's happening?" Hiroshi was confused on why his Pokemon was suddenly surrounded by fire. Chimchar sucked in air as if he was going to hold his breath, and shot bolts of fire at the Scyther. Hiroshi flipped open his Pokedex and scanned Chimchar, wondering what the move was. "I see...so this is Ember."
BeebeTheWarrior said:
Bebe waved his hand in front of the girl in front of him "hello anyone in there" he asked snickering a little before he was jabbed by stinger turning around he glared at stinger."what is it grumpy pants" he asked stinger buzzed a bit."oh i see you want to battle" i figured out then looking over at Braelyn and said "so how about it? want to battle?"

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn blinked twice as she suddenly registered a hand waving in front of her face. Somehow she had zoned out while thinking about the contest she would be participating in the next day. She frowned a bit as she saw the new trainer snickering a bit and then he began talking to his Beedrill.

Then, much to her surprise, the boy asked her if she waned to battle. Braelyn glanced over at Kai, the shock obvious in her gaze, but nevertheless she nodded at Bebe. "Alright," she murmured softly.

Kristina wandered over to stand next to her trainer's leg, looking up at the Beedrill. She glared at it, recognizing its species as the one that had caused them to stray so far from the path.

"One Pokemon each?" She asked, glancing nervously from the Beedrill in front of her to its trainer.

Mugiwara said:

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Chimchar fell down on the ground, heavily injured from the Quick Attack and all of the previous attacks that had been landed on him. Hiroshi ran up to Chimchar, worried about it. "Chimchar, can you still go on?" Chimchar stood up, gritting his teeth as a flame aura surrounded it. "What's happening?" Hiroshi was confused on why his Pokemon was suddenly surrounded by fire. Chimchar sucked in air as if he was going to hold his breath, and shot bolts of fire at the Scyther. Hiroshi flipped open his Pokedex and scanned Chimchar, wondering what the move was. "I see...so this is Ember."


The bug Pokemon smiled smugly as the Chimchar dropped to the ground. It had one this battle easily, despite the few switchbacks. It was about to turn around and leave, but then the Chimchar stood again, this time surrounded by fire. The Scyther was not prepared for the Ember attack that was shot at it, and was hit with nearly every shot of fire. Completely weakened, the Scyther stood still for a moment and then collapsed on the ground, having fainted from the fiery surprise.​
Megus said:

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn blinked twice as she suddenly registered a hand waving in front of her face. Somehow she had zoned out while thinking about the contest she would be participating in the next day. She frowned a bit as she saw the new trainer snickering a bit and then he began talking to his Beedrill.

Then, much to her surprise, the boy asked her if she waned to battle. Braelyn glanced over at Kai, the shock obvious in her gaze, but nevertheless she nodded at Bebe. "Alright," she murmured softly.

Kristina wandered over to stand next to her trainer's leg, looking up at the Beedrill. She glared at it, recognizing its species as the one that had caused them to stray so far from the path.

"One Pokemon each?" She asked, glancing nervously from the Beedrill in front of her to its trainer.

He grinned "sure" he said as beedrill stepped forward

Braelyn Keene

Braelyn nodded again and then glanced down at her Oshawott. It only seemed fair that her starter Pokemon would be the one she used in battle. That, and Eric was still weak from who knows what.

Kristina glanced up with round eyes and Braelyn urged the water type forward with her hands. Then the purplette knelt down, looking the little Oshawott in the eyes. "Just do you best alright?" She muttered to her Pokemon who nodded in return. The starter stepped out in front of her trainer, calmly staring at the Beedrill.
Looking at beedrill i grinned "you ready buddy?" beedrill buzzed happily before breaking into a fury attack "wait stinger you should of used poison jab " i groaned


Braelyn Keene

She was surprised by how fast the battle started. This trainer's Beedrill simply started attacking ferociously. "Kristina! Try and move!" She called out to the Oshawott. Her Oshawott was quick for a beginner, but not quick enough to completely dodge the Fury Attack. Kristina got hit several times by the attack, but the water type stood strong. "Use Tail Whip!" She called next, hoping to lower the Beedrill's defense.
Megus said:


The bug Pokemon smiled smugly as the Chimchar dropped to the ground. It had one this battle easily, despite the few switchbacks. It was about to turn around and leave, but then the Chimchar stood again, this time surrounded by fire. The Scyther was not prepared for the Ember attack that was shot at it, and was hit with nearly every shot of fire. Completely weakened, the Scyther stood still for a moment and then collapsed on the ground, having fainted from the fiery surprise.​

Hiroshi Shota & Chimchar

Hiroshi blinked, still recovering from the shock of what had happened. He soon snapped out of his daze, however, and realized that Scyther had fainted. He had the opportunity to capture it now. He threw a Pokeball he had at it, and it wobbled for a bit. Hiroshi was anxious, hoping that it would work. The ball stopped wobbling and made a noise similar to the shutter of a camera. He realized what just happened, "I...I got Scyther!" He jumped to celebrate and turned to Chimchar, but his joy soon ended when he saw Chimchar collapsed on the ground. He jumped over to his Pokemon and saw that he was unconscious. Panicking, he recalled Chimchar to his Pokeball, hurried out of the forest back into the city, and ran around asking for assistance. One person suggested he go to the Pokemon Center and gave him directions on how to get here, so he dashed towards the place he was pointing at and entered.

"My Pokemon need to be healed!" He yelled, as the nurse came rushing towards him. He handed the two Pokeballs over to the nurse as she stated that she'll get them treated right away. He sat on a chair waiting for her to return with them, and she eventually did. She told him that they were all at full health now. "Thank you very much!" He bowed as he walked out of the Pokemon center.

He released Chimchar and Scyther; the former was staring at the ground with a sad expression while the latter was acting proud and confident. "Chimchar, Scyther, you're both energetic again! By the way, Chimchar, what happened there when you defeated Scyther?" He questioned, curious about what the fire surrounding him was. Chimchar shook his head, not knowing either. "Oh, I see...well, we'll need to go train for the gym!" He tried to make them both more motivated, although Scyther was already at the top of his energy, Chimchar was down. He thought the battle could make Chimchar pumped up like before, and it was a great way for him and Scyther to get to know each other more, so he headed back to the forest with his Pokemon, as it was a great training field.
Beedrill quickly dodged then flew behind osawatt using posion jab"uh seriously stinger you were suposed to use qiuck attack not poison jab!" bebe groaned as stinger buzzed at him

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Braelyn Keene

The Beedrill moved out of the way quickly and before she could react, it used Poison Jab. The poison attack hit Kristina square on the back as the Oshawott hadn't turned around yet.

Braelyn could see that Kristina was hurt as the water type's face was quite flushed. She had been poisoned and it was quite obvious to anyone looking on. "Kristina, try and use Tackle!"
Megus said:
The bird Pokemon snickered once again as the Cyndaquil rushed in for another tackle. The Murkrow easily dodged the clumsy attack by flying and hovering in the air and then proceeded to attack the fire type with relentless pecking once more.
(Sorry I haven't been on much)

The pokemon tried shaking the bird off running around.

After seeing this the boy thought for a bit "Cynd! Use tackle on the bird the moment it pecks you! Aim for its stomach!" He ordered the creature and hoped for the best.

When getting the orders Cyndaquil stopped and skidded a bit. Turning around and waiting for the pokemong to peck him and tackled him when it happen.
Megus said:
The bird Pokemon snickered once again as the Cyndaquil rushed in for another tackle. The Murkrow easily dodged the clumsy attack by flying and hovering in the air and then proceeded to attack the fire type with relentless pecking once more.
(Sorry I haven't been on much)

The pokemon tried shaking the bird off running around.

After seeing this the boy thought for a bit "Cynd! Use tackle on the bird the moment it pecks you! Aim for its stomach!" He ordered the creature and hoped for the best.

When getting the orders Cyndaquil stopped and skidded a bit. Turning around and waiting for the pokemong to peck him and tackled him when it happen.
[QUOTE="Yaboku God of War](Sorry I haven't been on much)
The pokemon tried shaking the bird off running around.

After seeing this the boy thought for a bit "Cynd! Use tackle on the bird the moment it pecks you! Aim for its stomach!" He ordered the creature and hoped for the best.

When getting the orders Cyndaquil stopped and skidded a bit. Turning around and waiting for the pokemong to peck him and tackled him when it happen.



The Murkrow did its best to hover pretty closely to the Cyndaquil without getting hit by the fire type's thrashing. For the most part it stayed out of the way, but it didn't care.

The Murkrow was so busy attacking the Cyndaquil, it didn't bother paying attention to its opponent's trainer. This caused a big problem for the Murkrow.

It hadn't noticed the Cyndaquil had skidded to a stop and had simply continued to peck at it. However, the fire starter surprised it by tackling it in the stomach as it tried to peck the other Pokemon. The Murkrow flew backwards from the impact of the unexpected Tackle and landed on the ground in front of the trainer.​
Megus said:


The Murkrow did its best to hover pretty closely to the Cyndaquil without getting hit by the fire type's thrashing. For the most part it stayed out of the way, but it didn't care.

The Murkrow was so busy attacking the Cyndaquil, it didn't bother paying attention to its opponent's trainer. This caused a big problem for the Murkrow.

It hadn't noticed the Cyndaquil had skidded to a stop and had simply continued to peck at it. However, the fire starter surprised it by tackling it in the stomach as it tried to peck the other Pokemon. The Murkrow flew backwards from the impact of the unexpected Tackle and landed on the ground in front of the trainer.​
After seeing this the boy smiled looking down at the bird. He picked him up carefully "Hey little fella. Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you maybe I can take you to a Pokemon center?" He asked it while setting it on his shoulder making sure it's okay. "If you want to leave you can. I forgot to but poké balls so I can't catch you." The boy explained to it laughing a bit. While patting his pokemon's head "Good job Cynd".

Cyndaquil nuzzles into his hand and made a small noise clapping his hands together following his master.
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[QUOTE="Yaboku God of War]After seeing this the boy smiled looking down at the bird. He picked him up carefully "Hey little fella. Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you maybe I can take you to a Pokemon center?" He asked it while setting it on his shoulder making sure it's okay. "If you want to leave you can. I forgot to but poké balls so I can't catch you." The boy explained to it laughing a bit. While patting his pokemon's head "Good job Cynd".
Cyndaquil nuzzles into his hand and made a small noise clapping his hands together following his master.



Murkrow looked up at the trainer's face, weakened too much to do anything about being held. It would just have to deal with the trainer and his Cyndaquil.

(I guess you can control this Murkrow now, since I assume you are going to attempt to catch it at some point. Unless you want me to still play the Murkrow. I'd be fine with that too.)​

Braelyn Keene

It was all over before the battle had really started. At this point, Kristina was now on the ground. She had fainted, and Braelyn really wasn't too surprised. She had realized the boy's Beedrill was much stronger.

Braelyn quickly rushed over and picked up her Oshawott and then took put her respective Pokeball. "I'm just going to put you in here until we can get you healed up, alright?" She asked before touching the ball to her starter's head.

Megus said:


Murkrow looked up at the trainer's face, weakened too much to do anything about being held. It would just have to deal with the trainer and his Cyndaquil.

(I guess you can control this Murkrow now, since I assume you are going to attempt to catch it at some point. Unless you want me to still play the Murkrow. I'd be fine with that too.)​
(Yeah :3 I'll heal it then catch when I get a poké ball thanks for controlling it for me)

Cyndaquil looked at the murkrow from the boy's other shoulder waving a bit and extending his hand out. The murkrow just looked at the fire type's hand and looking away.

He looked at the two laughing a bit "Come on murk cheer up a bit." He suggested to the pokemon center. After talking to nurse joy and explains his battle to her. The boy gave her Cyndaquil in the pokeball then murkrow which was standing on the counter.

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