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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Trebuchet backed up slightly.

"Wow, how long were you gone?" He asked Kristina, Tachikoma wheeling closer to comfort Brianna


"Bruh, I dunno. Do that crazy body-swap prosthetic crap you said last night."

Dusk palmed his forehead.

"I'm not doing that right now. Not just for Nina. But I'm mainly doing it for her,"

Dusk said, positioning the camera to point to Mira's shell still in the box. Spire leaned in a little to look.

"She remembered me last when I was about eighteen years of age. So I'm planning to get a replica of my body at eighteen years so she can not instantly blow a coil when she wakes."

Spire nodded, getting the gist of Dusk's intentions.

He'll think about it? He'll think about it?! Dusk just hesitated! Nina just shocked to hear that. She listen to him leave and she slokwt open the door. With no sight of him, she quickly run to her room, close it and signs. "Falling for Dusk......why?" She said to herself.

Finding that Spire's advice was for naught, he stood and walked to Nina's room with his laptop and mask in hand.

"Whoo, where are we going?" Spire asked. Dusk muted the chat so he couldn't hear Spire.

Dusk stopped in front of Nina's door and knocked, preparing to talk to her.
Nina is getting all nevorus, ready to be rejected! After all, Dusk don't take girls like her. And she still have feeling for Chad, then she hear a door knocked. "Dusk...." She take a deep breath and open the door. "....Yes....."

Brianna hugged Tachikoma as well,

"I... I'm fine, Tachi..."

Kristina looked at Trebuchet,

"I was gone... For a long, long time..."

She said, smiling at him.

Brianna walked to Trebuchet and hugged him, then turned to her mother...

"Mom... Is our relationship okay with you and Dad?"

Dusk looked down at his laptop and spun it around to face Nina. He unmuted the chat so Spire was audible.

"Wow, who's this pretty lady?" Spire said, posing a weird way.

"This is Nina." Dusk said. "She's the one I told you about."

Spire settled into his seat with a somber poker-face.

"So, let's discuss this Nina." Dusk sat down on her bed , still holding the laptop facing forward.

"I just wanna ask, what caused you to like me in the first place?"

Spire looked at the room, silently doodling something on his desk while occasionally glancing at his screen.


Trebuchet sucked in air between his teeth,

"Ooooh, yeah. Yer dad kinda has a death grudge on me for..."

He paused, looking at the ground.

Brianna stared at Trebuchet and stayed silent, she took out her cellphone and sighed heavily,

Dad, to the back of the house, ASAP.

Brianna looked at Trebuchet,

" ...Dad should be coming soon..."

"Um.....well......I guess I like you from the beginning.... When we meet first time....I thought you are a robot....I take interest in you and wanna be for first friend.....and then I wanna spent time with you but you are busy about other thing.....then once Chad gone I was upset.... Then you told me that Chad is just a player......I don't wanna to believe it......and then I start to notice that you care for me and mad at Chad that take advantage of me......I think you show care for me as a friend..." Nina start to smiles a little. "....Once we make up, I did promise to give you love advise......I thought that if I told you everything about love then you can see what I feel about Chad......then you start to saying its useless and you'll be lonely forever....." Nina looked down and start to tears a little. "I feel sad.....sad that you give up.....and then I was hoping that at least on person will love you....... You won't be alone...." Nina wipe her tears. "Sorry......anyway I start to like you because.....you have a little kindness......"

Edal's cell rang. He stopped talking to the pilots and read the texts he got.

"Brianna is up to something..."

With that, he brushed his cape and strode briskfully behind the settlement.


Dusk thought for a little, Spire staring at Nina a weird way.

"So, you like me since I'm the only one left who really cares about your wellbeing."

Dusk set the computer down and stood.

"I understand why now. It's because I'm the only one here now who expresses concern about you. In other words, I watch iver you. Like I'm some guardian angel."


Servane walked back into the room he had while he stayed here.

"Good times." He said, looking around his room. He noticed his own computer still rested on his bed, the way he left it when he went back to the Manor.
"........I'm so sorry.......I....I'm just stupid......" Nina looked away. ".....I like you....." She blushes a little. She can't explain it but she do like him, the same feeling like Chad. "......Forget it....you going to rejected me anyway....." Nina stand up and take his hand to make him stand up and open the door for him.

Brianna eyes widened in anger,

"Why, Dad? Whhhhhhhhhy can't you let me and Buch be together? He's not bad at all!"

She said.

Kristina chuckled,

"And you said that he had a lack of bravery, responsibility and being noble..."

"Hey. Don't be like this."

Dusk tugged his hand away and leaned over to Nina, hands on both knees.

"Look, I don't really see how it's that bad. I mean yeah, I'm older...But still. I feel for you too. You're like the sister I've never had."

He smiled, though the dark rings around his eyes seemed bigger than before.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself."


Edal scoffed.

"He is not fit to be with my daughter. He has done things before that I shouldn't say. He also is the lowest ranking Cadet on Article 3's roster."

Trebuchet looked away, slightly angry but mostly afraid,

"Sir, Minister Gahsma..."

Edal slapped Trebuchet across the face, hard. Trebuchet stumbled back and fell into a sitting position. Stunned, he stared up at Edal in fear.

"Do not call me Gahsma. That was the old me..."Edal hissed.
Nina looked down, blushing as she think of something. "OK......Dusk~" She though of way of tease him a little by give him a kiss. She kiss him on the lips and its a little deep. She break a kiss, "Got you're first kiss~" She tease as she looked at him. He going to be so mad! She said to her mind
Brianna ran to Trebuchet's side,

"Just because he's the lowest out of all the cadets doesn't mean I can't love him! So what he's not noble?! So what if he's irresponsible?! So what if he's a COWARD?! I won't disrespect my father, but I'll tell you this: HE'S SOMEONE WORTH PROTECTING! IF HE CAN'T PROTECT ME, I'LL PROTECT HIM!"

Brianna yelled a little tearfully, her red eyes were glowing with anger and flowing with tears.

Kristina looked at Brianna with shock and disbelief.
(Sorry, passed out)

Dusk recoiled in surprise, stumbling back. Spire started laughing like a madman. Dusk glared angrily at his computer and stared Nina.

"Uh...Did you just..."

Spire fell out of his computer chair, and was getting back up.

"Yooo! That's some grade A romance right there!"

"Spire, shut the fuck up."


Edal strode forward, yelling into Brianna's face.

"I just want you to be safe, God Damn it!"

There was a brief silence.

"I don't want to lose grip of you again. I just can't let you out of my sight. You're still terribly young."

Edal knelt beside Brianna.

"I don't want you to face danger anymore."
"Kiss you? That's right!" Nina lip her lips as she looked at him. "What's a matter? You don't like it?" She say as she come close to him. "Or do you want more kiss?" She say in a teasing way.

"Ugh..." Dusk growled, his face burning up.

"Don't tell anyone this."

He stared at Nina with one eye, covering his face with his claws.
Nina start to giggle as she come closer to him. "What? I thought you won't feel it since you see me like a sister...." Her eyes show a flirty look as she slowly take his claw hand off of his face. "Such a cute face.....make me wanna kiss you more...." She lean in and about to kiss him.

Brianna looked at her father and sniffled,

"Yeah... So safe that I'll never be independent..."

She said before storming into the house in anger and sadness.

Kristina went after her daughter,

"Brianna, please..."

She said, but before she knew it, she was already in the house,

"Oh my... Don't worry, Elijah... She'll feel better..."

Dusk flinched a little, his face become a tomato hue.

"S-Stop...This is embarrassing..."

Spire had already left the video stream.

"I'm not th-that cute. c'mon?" He started to look a bit frightened.


Trebuchet glared at Edal, who returned it with a menacing gesture. Trebuchet walked into the house as well, and dissapeared from sight.

"Mr. Obsidian." Tachikoma said, stomping closer.

"Where's my sister?"
Nina give him a kiss again but a quick one. "Sorry Dusk.......I guess you won't have feeling for me....." She slowly back away. "I won't tell no one about this......." She open the door, take a laptop and give it to him. ".....sorry......"

"Hey, I was just...I never experienced something like this. I'm just...'new'."

Dusk sat up a little.

"Uh, b-but really. I'm not THAT cute. I look like an insomniac..."

He said, looking into his reflection on the blank laptop screen.
"Really, but I still like you ....." She said honestly with a smiles. "You my leave now Dusk....." She walk to her mirror and start brushing her hair.


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