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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Sharon looked down little Katherine. "No! You been hyper too much, you are going to eat Oatmeal!"

Jordan finish dressed up. "Honey, you should have go down your self with Nikki...where is Nikki?"

Nina can tell he is doing something as she pretend not to notice as she smiles. " Ok, let's go...." Without thinking, Nina take his hand and walk to the kitchan.


Dusk glanced at his hand for a second in question, but went with it.

"So, why do you wanna do this all of a sudden? Is there some sort of reason?"

Dusk stuffed his other hand into the pocket of his yoga pants.
Katherine just frowned as she sighed" okay" she say a little sad that she couldn't have pancakes" can you help me up" she asked

Kendra just smiled" I know but I wants to walk downstairs with you Nikki probably still asleep you know her she oversleep why don't you wake her up" she say as she wak downstairs" hey Sharon can I speak with you" she say as her face was blushing
Kristina shook Tachikoma's hand,

"It's okay! I find your design quite interesting!"

She then turned to Trebuchet,

"Yes! I'm Edal Obsidian's wife and Brianna's mother!"

She said before shaking his hand gently.

Sharon help Katherine to get on her chair as she get a bowl of oatmeal for her. Then she see Kendra, "Hey, um, I'm a little busy, talk later...." She help out Kenzie.

"Sure...." Jordan see Nikki still asleep as he shook her a little.

"Hm? What are you talking about?" Nina looked back to Dusk as she slowly looked down on her hand hold his. "Ah!! N-No reason...." She quickly let go as her face is a little red.


Kenzie just looked at her" no talk to her I don't need help" she say as she put the food on the table as she smiled

Kendra just looked at her as she smiles" okay we talk later sorry to bug you" she say

Nikki just open her eyes" five more minutes daddy" she moaned as she closed her eyes again as she yawned @JessBeth
"Huh? Is something up, Nina?" Dusk asked, leaning over Nina to meet her face to face.

"You're acting funny..." He had a reproachful tone in his voice.


"Oh, Shit..Uh...Howdy?"

Trebuchet smiled awkwardly, seeming a bit flustered.

"Uh...I guess ya know already."

Tachikoma's sensor pods spun around a little.

"Ugh. Don't remind me Mr. Trebuchet-San. I already know." She said, sounding queasy.
Kristina chuckled and smiled,

"Yes, I know about your relationship... However, it doesn't sit well with my husband, Edal... He says it's a 'direct insult to his face' and your combat score is at 1.5. Don't worry, I'm absolutely fine with you two being together..."

She said, putting her hand on Trebuchet's head and rubbing it.

Trebuchet's green long flow hairdo frizzed upwards a bit.

"Oh. Well...I needa tell you something. I kinda embarrassed the old man before that caused a huge misunderstanding and from that ol' thing I did Article 3 was unable ta' get a new mobile military base thingy from a promotion...And so he hates me now. He hated me before, but now e'e's pretty pissed."

Tachikoma seemed to gasp, recoiling.

"Mr. Trebuchet? 1.5 combat score? Overall? Shame on you!"

She crossed her arms and spun around, turning her back to Trebuchet.
Nina eyes on him as she suddenly feel her heart beating so fast. She looked down, "I don't know....Excuse me....' She run passed him and headed to therestroom and locked it.

Kristina's face saddened,

"Oh, well thats a shame... But still, you seem like a very fun person for Brianna... So you have my approval..."

Dusk growled, angry to get the cold shoulder all of a sudden. Why does he have to be disregarded by Nina so much? Feeling like enough was enough, he walked up to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Nina, what is up with you? You're acting all flustered for no reason...Just come out and face the music."


Trebuchet smiled a little.

"Thanks lady, at least you like me."
Nina in the bathroom and a bit of a shocked. She is staring to developed a new feeling but with Dusk? No it can't be! Then she hear Dusk banging the door.".....Dusk.....w-whatever I say....I want you to rejected me....will you promise me that?"

Kristina smiled,

"No problem... In fact..."

A glowing light appeared in her hands, then, an orange glowing rose appeared in her hands.

"Here, give this to Brianna..."

She whispered to Trebuchet.

".....Here another love advise....... When you see people face red, acting shy around you....and heart beating fast......its mean they like you...as a love interest..... Another words....I'm starting to....falling for you....." She cover her face as her face become so red.

Trebuchet was slightly stunned when he saw Kristina fabricate a flower. Nevertheless, he took it and held it in his hands.

"Err...Somethin' like this usually doesn't last long with me..."

Tachikoma swiped the flower from Trebuchet and held it up.

"Don't worry! I'll keep it safe or even give it to her if you want me to!"

She put the flower in her service canister and closed it.

"Thanks, Tach..."
Dusk's eyes widened and he stepped away from the door. In shock from finding out someone way younger than him was completely infatuated with him made his legs feel weak.

"H-Hold on...You think that way about me. Jeez, I'm flattered but it can't be true. You're lying, you know I'm older!"

In some part of his mind he doubted himself.
"I wish I was lying, Dusk......I really do.....but love come in unexpected way.....not matter if they're older or younger then you.....but I really do like you...." Nina say it truefully. "......now rejected me......"

"Well, its okay if it gets--"

Kristina said before someone's singing interrupted her.

"I must confess... You lookin' fresh... Yeah, I'm impressed..."

Brianna sang to herself, her head could be seen out of Trebuchet's bedroom window.

"O-Oh my goodness! Can you hear that?! Is a music player on?"

Kristina said, slightly swaying herself to the song.

Dusk looked down at his feet.

"I...I'll think about it."

Dusk spun on his heel and went upstairs into his room. Once he was there he sat on his bed, thinking.

Why does she like me? Is it because we're so close as friends? She's way younger, but why doesn't she see the barrier? Does she really see someone good inside me?

Head spinning at the awful realization, he came up with a solution.

Maybe she can love me. He thought, pulling the chip from his pocket, but he shook his head and put it back.

No. That's silly.

He walked to his desk and turned his laptop on. After, he pulled up another live chat with Spire. Spire answered after four rings.

"Yooo, whaddap man." Spire said, smiling devilishly. Dusk tugged on his long hair apprehensively.

"Dude, this sixteen-year-old girl just fell in love with me!" Spire cackled manically.

"OOOH~! Someone's gotta fangirl!" Dusk grinded his teeth in half- embarrassment half- anger.

"Shut up dude." He growled between gritted teeth. Spire calmed down and shuffled his body a little.

"So, you have some girl who loves you but is about ten years younger..."

"Seven." Dusk corrected.

Spire scratched his head.

"Sorry Dusk but I'm no genius at relationships"

Dusk pounded his fist on the table.

"Really!? You fell in love with that Zangoose from training!"

Spire smiled. "Oh yeah, forgot about that."


Trebuchet heard someone singing from the upstairs window. He skimmed the windows and spotted Brianna, hanging her head out of Trebuchet's window.

"Wow..." He said, scratching his neck.

"She's good."

Taachikoma started dancing as well.
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Kristina looks up at Brianna and smiled,

"Hi, my sweet Brianna! I love your singing!"

She said, waving at her.

Brianna looked at her mother and rubbed her eyes in disbelief,

"M... M..!"

She sped downstairs and ran outside,


Kristina opened her arms for a hug,

"...Long time, no see... My child..."

She said, smiling passionately.

Brianna sprinted to her mother and jumped into her arms, crying.

"M-Mom... I thought... you were dead..."

Kristina hugged her back,

"Don't you worry, I'm here... And your little boyfriend, too..."


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