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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Edal removed is helmet and stared at Kristina expressionlessly.

"I look different, yes? I never looked this way before. And it is all thanks to the Enclave..."

Edal pulled the sleeve up on his right arm, exposing a patchwork of lines and panels seemingly engraved into his skin.

"The Article 3 is not just an Education, Military, and Enclave supporter. It's also the leading brand of high-quality prosthetic parts. For you see, my whole entire body is a reinforced prosthetic body. From head to toe."

The cybernetic soldiers moved to Edal's side.

"Article 3 has been seeing the latest advance in save-point technology."

He held up a handful of USB's.

"If Brianna falls or is never seen again, I can always sculpt her a prosthetic body and input all of her memories, ideas, thoughts, fears, affinities, everything."

Edal stepped closer to Kristina.

"Except you, my love. You are yet to be backed-up and implanted into a prosthetic too."


Trebuchet shook his head again.

"Only when it is needed. I don't really like the feel of that body..."

Trebuchet put his arm on the back of Brianna's neck.

"Sorry, lass but we're not doin' that until we face real danger."


Spire blinked in disbelief.

"I know, It's risky but If I want to fit in I'll have to be younger. Once Edal comes back I'll ask him for a prosthetic transplant. All I want to be is normal like most othe-" Dusk realized Spire left the chat abruptly,
Kristina looked at Edal,

"...Oh, what have I done to you..?"

She said, her face covered in saddness,

"All this isn't necessary... I know you love Brianna... But you can't just give her away to someone we've been fighting with for so long, J'Kara doesn't deserve our trust! Besides, though I never seen her ever since she was a little girl, she's still alive. And that's because of you, she still safe and sound because of you..."

Kristina said before giving him a light kiss on the cheek.


Brianna nodded,

"I understand, but I admit... Out of all the people I've fused with, I think you're the one who made me feel the strongest..."

She said, putting her arm around his neck as well.

Dusk stood up and opened the door to his room, seeing Nina there.

"Hey kid..." He yawned, straightening out his Tanktop a little.

"What's up?"


Edal looked down at the ground.

"Why does she want our daughter anyways..."

Servane shouldered his rifle and aimed it at J'Kara.

"Alright, what is going on..."


Trebuchet lifted his helmet and stared at Brianna with wide green eyes.

"Oh? Well...That makes me feel worth something...Thank you."
"Hey, Dusk.....um.....I just wonder if you are still upset about me giving you love advise.....and I just wanna to say.....um....well.......I know you said it is useless for you to find love....." Nina look down as she say it.

Brianna smiled and blushed,

"Your welcome... Heh, that why I feel so eager to fuse with you, I guess..."


J'Kara turned away from Edal,

"You see, I found out that your daughter has a certain... Talent she learned from somewhere, it is called 'fusing' I believe, which is mixing her physical and magic powers together with another being... So I thought she'd make a great ally to support me in gaining control of this damned island by making her fuse with me and using her to my advantage..."

"No, you will NEVER have the privilege to use our daughter like an object! She would never work with someone who had taken away her mother just when she was a little GIRL! She is not an object!"

Kristina said in anger.

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Edal held one of the USB's .

"I will give you everything my daughter possesses if you hand over Kristina."

Servane stepped closer and had his rifle shaking in his hands.

"Minister Obsidian, you're making a huge mistake."

Edal turned and smiled at Servane.

"It's all just business and monopoly, this world." Edal said, laughing a little.


"What're you implying?" Dusk stepped closer, stroking the small black goatee he had on his face.


Trebuchet hugged Brianna from the side.

"Yay! I was recognized for being significant! Y'know us cadets aren't praised that often...hheh."
"What I was trying to say......is.....I shouldn't rush you for getting a girlfriend......if you want to be loner or whatever, thats fine.....that's all...." Nina still look down.

"Hey. I'm just a burden. You don't have to help me get a girlfriend if you don't want to."

Dusk set his hands on Nina's shoulders.

"It isn't your fault, Nina. Don't beat yourself up over it."
Kristina looked at Edal,

"W-What are you..?! Are you..?!"

A wide devilish l grin formed on J'Kara's face,

"You have yourself a deal, Mr. Obsidian..."

She said before snatching the USB and pushing Kristina towards Edal, then using her hood to vanish.

"E-Edal... Do you know what you just did..?"

Kristina asked nervously.


Brianna gave Trebuchet a soft kiss on the cheek,

"You've been significant longer than you think, Buch..."

".....But I wanna help you.....you're my first real friend......" She said it as she slowly put her hand on his hand. She stare at his claw like hand. "..Oh! What am I doing? I'm acting a little foolish, hehe, um...i'm going to take a shower.....' She walked away and get in the bathroom. "Weird.....what was I'm doing holding his hand?" She mumble as she turn on the rung showers.

"The old switcheroo..."Servane laughed, lowering his rifle.

"Our act did well."

Edal turned towards Kristina and smiled.

"You know I would never do that to you, darling."

Edal held up a USB and put it away in his pocket.

"That's the real one. The one I gave J'Kara is filled with nasty viruses and even a small dose of digitalized Hydrodroxaphine. It'll do more than halt J'Kara in more than one way."


Dusk eyed Nina strangely aas she walked into the shower

"Huh...What's been up with her recently."

He sat back down in his computer chair and stared at his laptop's wallpaper, a picture of a blue power symbol sitting upon a silver background.


Dusk stood up.

"I need coils!"

He ran down the stairs and began looking for Trebuchet.


Trebuchet's cheeks blazed up and his stare went blank.

"Uh..." Trebuchet couldn't form words. "Wh...B-..."

Tachikoma was peeking from the bushes and she tried to process what she saw.
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Nina taking a long, cold showers as she don't about her have her hand on Dusk hand. She don't know why she did that, out of pity for him or something else. She get out of showers, dry herself and put on some clean clothes.
"Ugh. Where is he..."

Dusk remembered Trebuchet had his own room. So he dashed up the stairs and flung open the one at the end of the hall. Dusk spotted Trebuchet's luggage and Dusk dug through it.

He found five coils that would fit Mira's coil capsule, and sped back into his own room.


Dusk looked through the parted curtains to see the sun sitting on the horizon. The clock on Dusk's computer read '9:57'

"Alright...now I just need something to do."
Kristina giggled and started laughing,

"You still have your cleverness! Oh I'm so proud of you!"

She said, hugging Edal.


Brianna looked at Trebuchet and chuckled,

"What? Never been kissed before?"

Edal nodded and slipped his firearm away.

"Now, unit- 7B, make sure every body on the area is dead and disposed. And remove the scarecrows."

A group of cybernetic soldiers ran off to their objective.


Trebuchet regained his senses and blinked.

"Heh..I just wouldn't think I was THAT significant..."

Tachikoma's sensor pods rotated.

"Human emotion is such a strange thing." She murmured to herself.
Nina come out of the shower as she still have a wet hair and went in her room, but she stop to Chad room.
Brianna got closer to Trebuchet,

"Oh really? I'll prove it to you another way then..."

She said before lifting Trebuchet's mask, revealing his lips and she got even closer, her lips coming closer to his at each second.


Kristina looked at Edal,

"Is Brianna anywhere near here? I really want to see her..."

"I'm sitting here, twibling my thumbs. Doing jack shit."

Dusk laughed at his own remark.

"Alright, let's pull up that song..."


Edal put his helmet back on.

"She's far away, On an island that is about twelve miles from the nearest shore."

Edal hailed a Jigabachi helicopter, a aircraft resembling the infamous Jigabachi japanese wasp.


Trebuchet's whole face went pale, and he fell onto his back. Tachikoma became a little uncomfotable and wheeled away awkwardly, clutching a bottle of oil.
Nina open the door of chad room and still thinking him, ".........." She slowly sit on the bed. "Chad...."

Brianna caught Trebuchet with her arms before he fell,

"Buch? Are you alright?"

She said before shaking him a little.


Kristina looked at the Helicopter,

"O-Oh my... That's one huge helicopter..."

She said, her purple eyes wide.

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(Nyeh Heh Heh)

Trebuchet's eyes were glazed over.

"Uh...What the...fuck just...happened."

Trebuchet blinked.

"I feel...awkward...blah."


Dusk watched the video, which he slightly regrets since the lyrics were now stuck in his head.

"ugh...Welp. Thanks a lot Spire."

He shut his laptop and slumped back in his chair, sleepy.

"Guess I should sleep'" He grunted, turning off his light and flopping into the mattress.


The insect-like aircraft landed on the pad that was formally the pad for the Kotobukiya. Edal stepped inside, and Servane. The cyborg pilots flipped auxillary switches and prepared for take-off.

"Ever been in one of these, Love?" Edal asked, pulling Kristina into the passenger compartment.
Kristina smiled,

"No... I-I haven't, but this is very exciting!"

Kristina said, giggling.


Brianna blushes,

"Thats because... I almost kissed you and you fainted... Kinda a disappointment to me, to be honest..."

"I done goofed, didn't I?" Trebuchet said, a cute dumb look on his face.

"Uh...I-I just dunno what to say. Do you actually think of me as...?"


Edal and Servane exchanged glances.

"Roughly fifteen minutes from now we'll reach the island." Servane said, looking at his datapad intently.
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