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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Jack frowns. "Oh. Let me guess, she's told you about all the horrible things I've done, about how I'm a monster, and now you're here to attempt to kill me." He says sighing. "I bet Kio still hates me too, last time I saw her she looked like she wanted me dead."

@The Unamed Character
"Well..... she said that kind of things..... but also some nice things.... like how before you wanted to kill her you were one of the nicest people to her." Michi said as she smiled
Jack sighs. "I still regret what I've done to this day. It's good to know that Kio ended up finding someone who would be good to her. I've changed since then, yet Team Legend still keeps trying to hunt me down. I can understand why, considering my horrible mistakes, but it gets a bit annoying. Not only that, but the NTG keeps coming after me too. I sure did pissed off alot of people when I was 18." He says, shaking his head. "My mistakes just keep coming back to haunt me, it seems."

@The Unamed Character
"Well.... I do know a way to make up for them...." Michi holds out a box. "Mom said to not come and find you..... but she said if I happened to find you... give you this" she said
Inside the box was a Team Legend Badge "This may sound creepy.... but we have been watching you...." Michi said with a nervous chuckle "You can choose to accept the invite or deny it..... but just know the offer is on the table"
Jack was nervous. If he accepted the badge then he'd be a part of Team Legend, but he was pretty sure that most of Team Legend hated him still, and would most likely try to find ways to torment him. Then again, if he didn't accept it they'd go back to hunting him down and he'd probably never get to see Kio. He took the badge, deciding that he'd rather deal with constant hate then never see Kio again. "I accept the offer."

@The Unamed Character
Jack smiled. He wasn't quite sure what to say. There was a problem though, he was frightened. Frightened that by joining Team Legend he had just put them in danger from the NTG. They would stop at nothing to hunt down and kill him, and now he'd just put more people in harms way.

@The Unamed Character
Michi looked at him "I was to a base down this way and decided to try and find you... we can travel together." She then looked at Gigas "And I did keep my end of the bargain... Blitz is with the preservation team and they are making sure that no harm comes to the ruins"
Gigas smiles. "Thank you Michi. Now if you'll excuse me I must be going now. There is much I have yet to learn about the world." He says before heading off towards Canalave City.

Jack smiles. "Sounds good to me. And I'm glad that Team Legend is helping to restore Snowpoint Temple, Gigas seemed really depressed when I first met him, probably because I told him what happened to it."

@The Unamed Character
"Well.... It is made out of pokehumans and Humans so...." Michi laughed "Also... mom wanted me to do this...." she said as she punched him in the gut "She said that was for the boat..... not sure what that means but..." Michi shrugs
Jack smiled. "Oww, that was a good punch, I've got to say. As for what happened on the boat...Well... I'm not sure you're quite ready to hear that story yet." He says, laughing nervously.

@The Unamed Character
Jack nods. "Yeah. Oh, by the way, have you seen an Aegislash pokehuman around? He... He killed my friend Wraith a few days ago. He mentioned something about retribution and punishment, and that he'd come for me next."

@The Unamed Character
"She is doing fantastic. She married a human so..." Michi laughed "He was second in command at the time so..." she smiled "She talks about you a lot..... some good some bad.... she talks about this dresden character alot... oh and then aunt Iko.." Michi said smiling
Jack frowns at the mention of Dresden. "I remember Dresden, he tricked me into almost getting myself hunted down and killed by Team Rocket the first time I met him. So, does Iko still completely hate me?"

@The Unamed Character

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