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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

There was a big explosion from far away and make a rumbling move in the island. The explosion there out to be the warehouse from where the group are, but right now, Nina, Dresden, Nikki, Kendra, Jordan, take and unconscious Sharon and the some PokeHuman, who are in captivity of the warehouse, are sailing in the big boat and headed to their home.




"Ita taike she-" Dusk was cut off by a resounding 'boom'. He staggered, but regained his balance. He was wary, but remained in the shower.


Servane jumped when he heard the thunderous noise of what seemed to be a bomb going off. Tachikoma wheeled back into the corner, frightened. Servane got up from his seat and drew his sword, stepping outside to see what caused the noise.
Cosmo felt the boom. "What was that?" Cosmo go outside and check it out.


Meanwhile, Nina is look out of the sea, hoping to see her island home, where her boyfriend Chad, her brothers and sister, aunt, cousin, and her new found friends are waiting for them to return home.

Sharon is still unconscious wen she and Dresden have a fight and Dresden knocked her out pretty heard.

Jordan is very glad that his wife and his daughter are together again.




Blossom just got into the pit as she wasn't able to walk just yet she was too weak she heard a whistle her sister and her family was back

Nikki looked at the island as she was glad she was black" whoa" she say" hey nina you wouldn't mind training with me sometime" she asked her smiling

Kenzie walked to where they were" hey um something happen to blossom" she say to dresden the whole family @JessBeth @Noivern
"Hello, my island, we're back!!" Nina shouted as she see Nikki. "Training you? Since when did you wanna get stronger?" Then she saw Kenzie is walking to them. "Auntie Kenzie!!" She smile to her as she notice that something wrong. "Blossom? What happen?"
Blossom saw her sister as she got out of the pit" big sis" she say walking a little weakly as she held onto her aunt as she was on her back" i was attacked by big charzard" she say as her head was hurting she lift up her bangs to show her bandage she had on" i'm sorry chad fought him i couldn't do anything but fight the bad humans and bad poke humans" she say to her sister

Kenzie just held onto her niece" the new people here said she has an concusion she can't sleep or she go in a coma" she say bitting her lip

Nikki ran back to her dad" daddy" she say hugging him squeezing him she was happy to have them back
"Attacked? You guys got in attacked when we left the island?!" Nina said it as Dresden is holding Sharon in his arms. "Um.....we got Mom but she.......in a coma......"
Blossom looked at her mom in her dad arms" mommy" she say frowning she just sighed" will mommy be okay nina are you okay" she asked her looking at her

Kenzie looked at her" okay lets get back to the house" she say as she took both of her nieces

Kendra was on jordan back as she winced in pain" ow" she say" honey careful i still can't walk" she winced in pain

Olivia ran to where cosmo was" cosmo are you okay" she asked him she never went to school she was still scared if she was attacked by her older sister
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Tachikoma quickly sped outside at a blinding speed.

"Ms. Nina!" She said, waving her arms as she approached Nina in a panicked state.

"Mr. Duskburrow went all psycho when you were gone! He started tearing apart people coming in. He was covered in so much blood that one of the sofa's seats are entirely red from him sitting on it!"

She calmed down and pointed at Servane.

"Mr. Iphil saw it too. It was scary seeing him an animal like that."
Blossom looked at Tacikoma as she got down from her cousin" can i go in your pad i feel weak" she say about to pass out she just looked around as she poke her

Katherine ran to her cousin" i missed you nina where auntie" she asked tilting her head poking the robot" what that" she poking Tackoma @Noivern

Tachikoma looked around, slightly confused at all of the people touching her chassis.

"Uh, sure lady. You can ride in my pilot pod."

Her pod doors opened and she swiveled around to point her back at Blossom. Servane stood by, watching quietly.
Blossom went inside her pit" thanks i just feel so weak sorry about my baby cousin she only four she don't understand a lot of things" she say as she just looked around the pit as it had a lot of room" i was weak i got deafted by big charzard" she sigh a bit

Katherine looked at the robot" i'm sorry i'm Katherine i'm four years old" she say" daddy is big charzard auntie and my cousins and uncle protects me" she say to the robot @Noivern
"Well, happy to meet you!" Tachikoma shook Katherine's hand and closed her pod doors.

"Feeling comfy in there, Ma'am?" She asked as her sensor pods pointed to her backside.
Blossom just smiled" yes its very cofortable you can call me bee if you like my daddy calls me that nickname i mean if you like you don't have to" she say" i'm worried about mom since she in a coma" she say sadly
Blossom looked at the screen" whoa that is cool oh i'm only 14 i'm the youngest one in my family beside katherine she only my cousin not biolgcal but mom said ambre was adopted by her" she say to her" anyways whats your name" she asked" i never had a friend at school i just get bullied i'm afraid to stand up since the person who bullie me is my weakness fire types" she say to her
Blossom smiled" yeah i'm an ivysur big sister is an houndoom like my daddy i got my mom looks" she told her as she looked down" i don't know what to do about the bully maybe i should stand up for myself when i go back to school mom is going to kill me though for my report card" she sigh
Blossom looked at him" um i don't know how to stand up to her" she say as she smiled looking at the hologram" it just i'm afraid she hurt me like my head" she say looking at her

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