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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Dusk's unwavering expressionless gaze stared right into Kenzie.

"No need to strain yourself, Ma'am." He tapped his hip, where his sidearm was.

"I have it covered." Servane stepped forward.

"But Iva-"

"Don't call me that." Dusk said as his helmet's lights flared brightly. He brushed aside a strand of red hair and ushered the others away. He saw some of the intruders converging upon their position. Dusk stepped forward and stood. He spotted a gasoline canister sitting a few feet away outside of the garden's fence. He kicked it over nonchalantly and turned to face the others.

"All of you, step back!"
Kenzie just looked at them as she steped backed as she spoke up" i'm tougher than i look i may be 20 something i don't really remember how old i am" she emberessed she said that her face turned bright red
"Sorry, but women can't afford to get hurt in the crossfire."

He ran to the crowd of assailants and used flamethrower to disperse them, a few catching flame. Dusk went for the one who was screaming, ablaze like a human torch. He spun his dagger and forced the edge against the man's neck, his eyes wide through the blue combat mask he wore. Dusk jerked his hand and slit the man's neck, his guttural screams reduced to gurgles. He lept from his fresh kill and went for the torso of a bystander. Slipping the knife between their ribs.
Kenzie just growled a little more" i can fight my own fights just let me do something that charzard hurt my niece i have to do something i can't watch her die" she say pissed off
"Stay outta this!" Dusk snarled as he swept the feet of an approaching opponent.

"Just tend to your niece, Servane trained to be a medic!" He dove upon his disarmed enemy and forced two of his red claws into their eyesockets. He whipped his bloody claws from the skull of his 2nd kill. Some of the remaining attackers fled in terror as they watched this now-beast Dusk tear apart their comrades. Only two adversaries remained, their own blades deployed and ready to stab. Dusk spent no time in dispatching the remaining two by firing at their kneecaps, leaving them in pain and defeated.
Kenzie just sighed as she went back to her niece as she been pased out for a while as she sit next to her" come on wake up please" she say to her she looked back at dusk" i'm sorry for agering you sir" she say to him as she looked back to blossom holding her hand" she hit her head pretty hard i don't know whats wrong with her" she say to servane
Servane shook his head.

"Blunt-force trauma...Possibly she is unconscious. Don't worry. We just need to get her to a bed. Judging by the injuries sustained..."

Servane parted Blossom's hair to reveal a bruise, a large one.

"She'll be asleep for the next few hours." He removed his blood splotched helmet to reveal his perfectly white face. A reassuring, calm fanged grin and his maroon eyes.

"Now, help me, if you desire." Servane lifted Blossom up from under her arms, locking his to make sure he didn't drop her.
As Cosmo is holding on Katherine, suddenly she burn his arms with Ember, "Ouch!!!" He quickly let go and then saw Katherine run off. "Katherine!! Come back here!!!" He was going to go after her until he go surrounded by the humans with their pokemons. "Damm!!"

Cosmo pokemon fight hard and try to run away from them, but Cosmo have to go find Kathrine. "KATHERINE!!! KATHERINE, WHERE ARE YOU?" He shouted her name so loud.



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Kenzie heard cosmo as she walked with the boy with blossom as she was worried about her niece as she walk back to the house spotting cosmo" cosmo" she say as she was holding blossom with the boy

Katherine heard cosmo as she looked at her father" just take me already you want me i'll go with you please just stop hurting them daddy" she say to him
Cosmo keep running and them spotted Katherine and up in the sky Chad and Big Charzard are fight. "Katherine!!" He run towed her,"What are you thinking? Come on, so we can hide!!" Cosmo quickly pick her up.

Meanwhile, back to the far away warehouse, Nina countuie fighting Randolf, but he quickly stronger then her. Evil Sharon is fighting, Dresden, even thought Dresden try to talk her out of it, but Sharon won't listen and to their surprise, she start to MEGA-EVOLVE.

"Wha? Kendra, you didn't tell me she can Mega-evolve" said Jordan as he and her are hiding.




Servane carried blossom inside the house and laid her down on one of the sofa's. He sheathed his sword and sat on a chair beside the couch.

"Now, I must tend to the new patient. If there are any more injuries, tell me. I will tend to this girl for now."

Tachikoma wheeled inside the settlement carrying a satchel.

"Mister! Mister! This is your bag!" She handed Servane his bag and he nodded in approval.


Dusk was exhausted. He lay in the fetal position on the lawn. He looked like a corpse himself, there was so much blood on him. He stunk of copper. He looked as his bloody hands and looked at his surroundings. Corpses littered the lawn.

Jesus. He thought, I did all this?
Kendra was shocked she mega evolved" i didn't know either she can" she say to him as she held his hand

Katherine just looked at him" but but they want me i'm sorry" she say as she look back at the house" can we go to house" she asked

Kenzie just got out her cell phone as she called cosmo" hey cos you might need to come home for a bit its blossom she got hurt" she say to him worried she was pacing around in the house hoping she was okay" your mom is going to kill me" she say on the phone
Cosmo looked at Katherine, " We won't let you leave us!" He then look back house, which is half damage. "The house is not safe...." Then suddenly, his phone ring and answer, "Aunt Kenzie? In the house? Blossom hurt? I'm coming there!" He hung the phone. "Chad!!! I have Katherine. don't worry about it!!!" He shouted Chad as he and Katherine run to the house and see Kenzie, "Where is she?"

In the ware house, Dresden also Mega-Evolve too and meaning that he have to fight Evil Sharon the heard way.They fight hard, until Dresden finally beat evil Sharon and Sharon is out cold, on the ground as Dresden is looking angry and crying.




Servane leaned over Blossom and shined a flashlight in her eyes.

"Hm..." He said, "Just a pupil contraction. She's getting there."

Tachikoma wheeled to the side of the sofa.

"Man, I wish I had a concept of unconsciousness. That'd be cool." She sighed.


Dusk stood up and staggered toward the house, holding his head in his hands. He opened the door and stepped inside.

"They're still..." Those were the last words before he fell over onto the floor.

"Great..." Servane groaned.
Kenzie just looked at her nephew as she walked to him" she is at the couch she has an concusion i think that waht servane says" she say to him as she looked at dusk as she was worried" i'm so dead" she say mumbeling to herself pacing around

Blossom was mumbeling something" big brother" she say as her eyes was still closed

Nikki followed nina to the warehouse she hide from her as she snuck into the warehouse as she went upstairs as she saw her mom and dad" mama daddy" she say as she saw the guy who hurt her parents she got angry she wanted to help them
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Cosmo looked at her little sister, Blossom, on the couch while Servane is looking ah her and help her. And he helping Dusk off the floor and put him on the couch, too. "Hey, can you hear me? Ae you in pain?"

Jordan watches the fight until he hear a voice, "Nicole?" He there and see her "Nicole?!"



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Kendra tried to ket up to hug her daughter but she yelped in pain as she just sighed

Nikki just looked at him as she didn't like her real name" daddy nice to see you" she say the last time she saw her dad she was a cute squittle now she was a warturtle" its nikki daddy not nichole" she say having a little attitude" well i gotta fight with them" she say to her dad about to leave @JessBeth
Dusk was unconscious. That was for sure. Servane's expression flinched a little when she heard Blossom speak.

"Ma'am? Are you awake?" His fanged grin was contorted into a face of worry.

Dusk started to stir, but Servane paid no attention until Tachikoma piped up.

"Mr. Ivan's waking up Servane!" she said, ecstatically pivoting her arms.
Blossom didn't respond as she was sleeptalking as her head was huritng like crazy

Kenzie walked over to her niece" is she okay is she waking up whats wrong with her sir" she asked worried about her she was starting to bite on her nails
Servane shook his head.

"She's delusional. We have to wait a little while more. Don't fret, Madam. I am a licensed medical professional."
Kenzie hand was shaking" what if she don't wake up today" she say freaking out a bit she was really worried she just sit next to the boy" anything i can do to help sir" she say to him
"Not really, There is nothing really else to do besides wait. Her injuries will heal. She may need cosmetic items, but otherwise she's okay." He said, gesturing as he spoke.
Kenzie looked at him" what do you mean cosmic itims" she asked as she was worried" man i'm so dead" she say walking back and fourth" big brother is so going to kill me" she say panicing

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