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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Katherine just pout when she left as she sigh pout going to cosmo" como auntie say i need medicine for me being sick" she coughed

Nikki was in another island as she smiled she went with sharon but beat her she was chewing on a stick

Blossom just sighed as she went to school as she saw the bully who made her get a d in math she been doing her bully homework late night so her family don't notice

"A lot....why?" She look at him as she finishes picking the berries.


Cosmo is in the basement, making a medicine as she hear a little voice, "Huh?" He look down, "Katherine, what are you doing here?"

Sharon get on the boat and sail to the next island, its take 30 minute to get to the island as she made it on land and get off. "Ok, time to get going..." she said to herself.

Lilia ran to to the basement as she looked at cosmo" sorry she's not feeling well" she say as she picked her up" your mom said to give her medicine Cos" she say as she smiled her and cosomo is pretty close she couldn't hide anything from him she just looked away for a minute she just sighed" i'm going to put her in bed than we can talk okay" she say going upstairs tucking her in with demion" can you watch her demion" she asked

Nikki saw the lady as she smiled jumping down from the tree as she sneaked up from behind" BOO" she laughed

Katherine looked at her cousins as she was laying in bed as she hugged her toy she already missed her aunt" i miss auntie already" she say to demion

@Dtlee31 @JessBeth
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"yeah I can watch her Lilia" he yawns he feeling lazy today and turns on the tv in his room to cartoon's "yeah I know she be back kat"

Aster was looking around the house "huh were did dad go o boy I think I now" he sighs " I swear so times I think we are the adults"

Dresden was at the top of the waterfall overlooking Nina and Chad for now he just watch and listen his tail wig's back and worth likes it curious about what's going to happen

@JessBeth @DaManofWar @Zeldafangirl
Blossom sighed as she got bullied again she just ignored them as the school was over as she ran to her room hiding her report card from her brother and dad she didn't want them to know just yet blossom wasn't allowed to go out or train she just hid her report card in her drew as she went to her big brother aster" Big brother whats up" she smiled

Katherine just looked at him as she saw the cartoons she just cough lying in bed" yay cartoons" she say

Lilia just went to find nina as she went to find her dad she just wanted to be around him for now as she was in a emotin state for now since her boyfriend broke her heart her eye was hurting as she put her hand on her scar he hurt her with a knife cutting it now she couldn't see out of her eye @Dtlee31
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Dresden See's Lilia walking to the waterfall he quickly grabs Lilia and jumps back up to the waterfall "Hey Lilia sorry I left you at the house you want spy on Nina and Chad with me" he see's her rubbing the scar "you can't see out that eye can you" he rubs her scar.

Aster see's Bee "hey bee how was cool today everything ok" he sits down in a chair looking out the window

Deimon was watching cartoon's with kat he gives her the medicine that Lilia handed her "it bubble gum flavored" he keeps in eye on her

@Zeldafangirl @JessBeth @DaManofWar
Lilia looked at him with her good eye as she felt her dad touching her eye" how did you know i can't see out of the eye he hurt me" she say as she looked away" lets spy on them" she giggled

Katherine looked at her cousin as she open her mouth to take her medicne as she swallow the medicine" yummy" she say as she giggled a bit @Dtlee31
"A long time ago my friend had a bad scar like that yeah lets see what they get up to" he laughs

"See no more nasty medicine " he smiles and continues watching tv

Lilia looked at her dad as she smiled" i missed you" don't tell sharon yet" she say as she smiled

Blossom looked at her brother" nothing geez i not doing anything school was fine" she twitch her eye she couldn't lie to her brother" the report card not here yet" she say twitching

Katherine was happy as she was with demion" yay no bad medicine" she say as she lie with him" guessing i can't play outside" she say pouting a little
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"I missed you too Lilia I was a little worried when you moved in with him but your here now that's what counts"

Deimon looked at kat "Yeah well at least you are watching tv and plus I think you being outside is what made you sick"

"Bee you look like your going to pass out whats wrong"

Katherine just looked at him" i just wanted to be with you though i like playing with you" she say as she was giving him a cute look as she went back to watch tv" what is school like" she asked tilting her head

Blossom looked at him as she went and gave him her report card she had a big fat F in her report card in math she was so dead her dad will kill her @Dtlee31
In the other island, Sharon is walking as she suddenly got a surpass attack from Nikki and when she got scared, she use Petal Dance, her strong move on Nikki. "Nikki?'

Cosmo is making a new medicine as he in the basement, and when he taking a break, he headed to his from.


Nikki just smiled" hehe sorry Miss" she say as she looked at her she hasn't been at the house for two days cherwing on a stick" what you doing here i was just exploring the islands and all" she say to her as she smiled she got knocked out" man your strong i'm trying to become strong to save my family" she say to her @JessBeth
"Nikki?! What are you doing here? You suppose to be in our house where you be safe....." Sharon said.. " And don't scared me like that...I would have kill you...."

Nikki looked down" i can't stay i think i have a crush on your son" she say quitely as she looked done" i don't need saftey i'm fine i want my mom and dad back please let me help you to where you going i need to do something to get my mind out of finding my mom and dad" she say as she looked at her @JessBeth
"What?" she said as she can't here what she said. " Anyway, I only here to bring a medicine for some friends...." She look back at the boat and signs. "Fine....you can come with me....but don't go wonder off...." Sharon mean it.

Nikki just nodded" yes ma'am" she say as she walked next to her" thanks for taking me in anyways" she say as she look at the water" why do you give medicine to others" she asked as she just follow her" sorry i scared you it was just a joke" she say to her
Sharon keep walking. " Because we are helping other poke human who have a rough life, living to those human who don't help us....." She then look at her. " Well, don't scared me anymore...I'm a stressful wife and mother...."

A far a distances, a pokemon saw Sharon Petal Dance and it have a planned for her.

Nikki looked at her" whoa that's cool mom always taking about you i was excited about meeting you actually" she say as she smilef following her to the pokehuman she is helping @JessBeth
Nikki looked at her" your family that's what she said something about being a sister" she told her smiling" did i really look like mom when we meet" she asked
"...That's true....I acting like a big sister to Lillia, Ambre and Kenzie......" She start to laugh. "But yes....you look just like her....I thought that you're mother when I meet you...."


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