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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Lilia just sigh" i be okay" she say as she smiled

Katherine was laughing as she went inside" auntie" she she" who that" she asked
Dresden takes Lilia hand and walks her to her old room "Lilia I know you have be throw a lot so I'm going to let you let it all out ok" he walks to the door and close's it and sits back on the bed and gives her a very gentle hug

Lilia went to her room with him as she felt the tears coming down" daddy my heart hurts he hurt me badly" she cried on him reveling her scar on her eye crying so much
"there there that's it late all out" he rubs her head and see's her scar he will ask about it later right now she needs a shoulder to cry on "you know I fix your heart Lilia with dad's love" he smiles at her

Lilia just cried after a hour of crying on her dad she sat up whipping her tears on her shirt hiccuping" how is blossom and nina aster cosmo and demion" she asked sniffing

Katherine was splashing in a puddle getting all muddy since it was raining earlier she saw a rainbow" pretty" she say wearing her rainboots
"There all fine I bet would be happy to see you its be so long don't worry I heard you talking to Sherry you don't have to tell it again" he kiss her on her forehead "I'm just glad I could hug my Lilia" he hugs her again

Deimon was playing outside with kat

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Lilia just shocked him like when she was little" and blossom reading is she doing ok in school" she asked as she smiled as she saw a rainbow from outside

Katherine was making a miss outside as she laughed throwing a mud ball at him" haha your messy too" she laughed sharon never yell at her since she still aa baby the others get in trouble
He laughs I see you still shock me like when you were little "Yeah bee is doing pretty good Aster is helping her with math" So are you staying here long or tell you can get your own place I could gave you do money if you want" he comfort's her a little

"Yeah were going to need a bath after this and now pouting you understand kat be good girl ok"

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Katherine just laughed playing with him as she smiled

lilia looked at him" i'm staying i'm not ready to live on my own daddy" she say lying om bim twitchy her ear
"ok Lilia that's fine whatever you are comfortable with its getting late you should get some sleep ok you want me to stay in here with you" he blush realizing she is older now

Deimon plays with kat a little more he takes her inside gives him and her a bath they get ready for bed "ok kat night you can sleep in my room for now on ok I put all you stuff in my room" he puts the cover's over both of them and lays her on his chest "good night"

( I'm gong to get some sleep night night)

DaManofWar said:
Chad though for a few seconds. "He seems nice," he told her truthfully. "Now, let us get some berries." He took Nina's hand and started walking with her.
Nina look a little startled when Chad take her hand, like its is a natural thing, and some strange reason, her heart start to pound a little.

"Um....Starf berries.....it not for a grass-types but it make a great smoothies......." Nina keep walking and said. "Um....why do you call me beautiful? Did you forgot my name?'

JessBeth said:
"Um....Starf berries.....it not for a grass-types but it make a great smoothies......." Nina keep walking and said. "Um....why do you call me beautiful? Did you forgot my name?'
Chad turned to Nina. "I just think you're beautiful, Nina," he told the girl he was walking with. "You okay with that?"
"Oh, y-yea...it cool...." Nina looked away feeling a little shy for some reason. Not long until they found a bush full of Starf berries. "Ah, here is is...."

Katherine woke up from her nap as went downstairs as she rubbed her eyes" auntie i don't feel good" she say as she had her pj's on she coughed

Lilia just hold onto her dad" don't go daddy" she cry

Blossom just sigh her report card was here she was dead she had a d in math

Katherine just looked at her" i don't feel good auntie my head hurts i feel hot" she say as she looked at her

Blossom went downstairs" bye mom going to school" she say having her bag on carrying her books

Lilia went downstairs as she saw the little girl" i'll watch her mama" she say sharon was a mother to her
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JessBeth said:
"Oh, y-yea...it cool...." Nina looked away feeling a little shy for some reason. Not long until they found a bush full of Starf berries. "Ah, here is is...."
Chad looked over the berries. "How long you been picking these berries for your family for?" He asked Nina. He flapped his wings slightly, and wagged his tail.
Sharon stop Blossom for a moment, "Hold on, Blossom, listen to me, I'm going off to another island to help other poke human, so I'll be back tomorrow afternoon......and I put Lillia and Cosmo in charge around while I'm gone....and I don't want you to train...you're still grounded....."

Then she look at Lillia, "You and Cosmo are in charge to look after everything....make sure Blossom is not training....Nina can take care herself.....asked Dresden or any of my sons for help.....and watch over Katherine.'

She look down and smiles, "Oh, sweetie, you're not looking well....don't worry, Lilia will take care of you.....ask Cosmo for a medicine...."

Sharon give them a kiss on the cheek, 'Good-Bye!!!" She go off.


"Once a week....." She pick out the berries and put on the bucket. "Sometime I stay here a little longer to cool off the waterfall.....you know,,,swimming...."


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