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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Dia sighed. She was clearly bored, and was actually very entertained by that Charizard's arrival. She rubbed her head, still recovering ffrom the severe injuries of being kicked into a mountain by Shannon's Darker persona. She smiled, and was still there in the house. Shannon meanwhile was outisde, sleeping in his shell, in a peaceful manner.

Meanwhile, a very powerful trainer was training not too far from the batch of Pokehumans, their training could be felt from miles beyond their immediate location, as it blew away a nearby foreest. The pokemon that accidentally caused such was Salamence, and it roared a powerful roar. A boy went up to the 7-8 fot Salamence, and petted it, as it roared gently, and nuzzled it's trainer. The boy in question went unto it's back, and flew northwards in a burst of speed. Unknowst to him, a couple of moments later, he ended up near someones dwelling. " Someone lived this far from a town ? Well...this is weird. " He said in a soft tone of voice, as Salamence landed near one of the huts/dwellings. Dia looked outside , and saw the giant Salamence and the boy with it . She showed surprise on her face, but no fear, as she sensed no evil coming from this trainer/pokemon duo. This might not end well if the others figure out he is here.Or, it might be good. Only time will tell.

Rikki was running from the lab as she was looking for pokehuman like herself she was so scared as she someone she tripped over a rock she was so scared @Timmy Turner
Dia sensed something was wrong, and used Extreme Speed to find the source of the problem. Eventually, she found a lab where alarms were blazing. After managing to walk a bit further from the lab , not going to do anything about the alarms, she managed to find a little girl. She knelt down, and rubbed her head, saying: " What's the matter, young one ? ".

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Rikki was scared" don't hurt me i'm been hurt enough getting experimented on" she say shaking a lot so scared
Rikki just saw her" oh your a pokehuman i'm Rikki" she say as she smiled standing up from the ground
" I am Dia. " She said, her smile still on her face. It was clear to Dia that the child was glad to find another Pokehuman, an dit seemed she thought she was a human. " So, what happened to you ? " She asked, with general concern. If need be, she would march into the labratory and beat up someone, if necessary, depending on her answer.

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Rikki just looked at her" i was born in the lab ever since i was 2 i was experimented on this is the first time outside i'm so scared they take me back there two blastoise that they say to find sharon" she say
Rikki just looked at her" i don't know i don't know" she repeat over and over again freaking out
Rikki just looked at her" i'm scared" she say holding onto her shirt" i want to be safe" she say" she said she a venasure pokehuman" she cried
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Rikki just smiled for the first time" will you be like a sissy or mama" she say feeling loved for the first time she just hold onto her
Rikka just looked at her as she stood up as she brushed back her hair" well i'm 12 years old you can be my friend i don't need a family i mean i never had one so i don't need one" she say as she stood up as she trying to act cool around her
The smile Dia had still remained, " I shall be your friend, then. So, what do you want to do ? " She said, looking straight in her eyes.

Rikki just looked at the girl as she smiled" i'm hungry i want food" she told her as she just smiled sitting on the ground as she giggled as she was looking around' the outside of the lab is so beautiful' she thought

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