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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"You'll see...." Sharon walk out of the house and go to the forest, which lead to a different path that no one know about it.

Nina smiles and make a quick speed, jumping on rocks to rocks.

Kenzie just follow as she haven't come to terms with her regrets yet she follow her sister-in-law

Blossom looked at her sister" show of" she say as she running on the trees as she laughed @JessBeth
"Be careful....some of the bushes have thorns...." Sharon warn her as she go in.

Nina laugh as she see up ahead is a cliff. She is going to jump off to another cliff. "Here I go!!' She jump and reach for the cliff, but suddenly miss and start falling. "Ahhhh!!!!"

blossom just used vine whip to catch her" you okay i can't hold on" she asked worried

Kenzie was careful as she listen as she look around" what is this place sherry " she asked @JessBeth
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"Ambre!!!!" Nina call for help.

"I called it, the Secret Garden...." Sharon pulled out some big bushes as show her a beautiful garden.

Ambre just ran to where blossom was pulling them back" don't do that again if you got hurt your mom would've killed me" she say to nina

Kenzie looked at the garden as she looked around" whoa so pretty" she say

Blossom panted as she saved her sister with ambre" you okay Nina" she asked worried @JessBeth
"I almost had it....I almost made it...." Nina said as she look at them. "Thanks...."

"This is a secret garden, even my own children didn't know about this....expect Cosmo.....anyway, Dreaden found this place..." said Sharon.

Kenzie just fell on the ground" who am i sharon" she asked seeing blood on her hands from her dream" i'm scared of myself i always see blood on my hands" she told her

Ambre cross her arms" what will sharon say young lady" she say mad @JessBeth
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Kenzie just took a deep breath as she look at the water as she close her eyes taking a deep breath calming down" sorry i just haven't come with terms with my regret i'm trying to though for you and your kids" she say

Ambre looked at her" i have to tell your mom about this i don't want to but i have to" she say frowning

Blossom looked at her sister" i'm glad nina is okay" she told her @JessBeth
Ambre just looked at her as she sighed" i have to she said if i don't report if you two get in trouble i get even more in trouble" she told" i don't want to do it but i have to" she say

Kenzie just held her hand" i be okay just give me time to heal i want to come back here its relaxing you help me heal" she asked @JessBeth
Blossom was done with the running as she went home with her sister

Ambre walked with them" you gonna tell your mom and brother what happened" she told her being strict

Kenzie smiled" lets go home" she say going back to the house arriving seeing the kids there @JessBeth
Ambre looked at her" i have to be strict sometimes to teach you a leason it part of being a grown up i dunno what collage i go to" she told

Kenzie grabbed her hand as she ran with her as she laughed a bit @JessBeth
"We're home!" Sharon said as she open the door.

Nina ear perked up as she hear her mother voice.

Cosmo is out of the woods looking after some injury and sick wild pokemon and he taking Olivia with him.

Olivia was having fun while with him as she laughed she was picking flowers for sharon as she smiled

Blossom hugged her mom" hi mommy" she say

Ambre just sighed eying nina" um.... sherry something happened during the run" she say quitely
Sharon smiles as she hug her daughter. "Hm?" She look at Ambre as she have this feeling, "What happen?"

Nina try to sneak away.

Cosmo finishes checking some wild pokemon as he said, "Olivia? Where are you?"

ambre grabbed nina arm as she sighed as she crossed her arms" tell her nina now what happened at our little run" she say

Blossom looked at her" i'm going to my room" she say

Olivia heard her name" i'm here Cosmo this is fun i picked flowers for your mom" she say laughing
"Um....I run...too fast...." Nina said it.

"Oh? Is that all?" Sharon said.

"Oh that was nice of you, Olivia, I bet Mother will love it...." Cosmo smiles as he looking dashing with the sun shine on him.

"She did WHAT?!' Sharon shouted out with shocked.

Nina hid behind Ambre.

As Cosmo walk to another spot, he suddenly spotted some new looking like berries way on top of tree. "Olivia, did you see that?" He pointed out.

Ambre was scared as she sighed" ow you yell loud" she whined as she noticed nina was behind her

Olivia climb the tree as she gave cosmo the flowers as she had a basket

Blossom looked at her mom as she was watching tv @JessBeth

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