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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

Sanity blushed fiercer when he grabbed her hand and started eating. She grinned at the flavor. "It's been a while since I've been out here," she noted
[QUOTE="The beast of all men]//hey cat, would it be alright if I joined you guys?//

//I already said Yes in the OCC, please do not interrupt the IC //

He nodded and swallowed What he had been eating,"Yeah but now you'll come out more often"
"We can't let the Luna be locked up. And if anyone gives you any issues, put them in their place. You're the Alpha female."
Serenity shrinked a little. "Okay," she said quietly. She didn't know what to do. She was a bit scared, she'll admit that.
Serenity nodded, squeezing his hand back. "I'll try being the best Luna I can be," she said softly.
Sirens curtly split through the thick atmosphere set in the usually [according to his partner's word] serene forest area. Of course, having just been put on the job, Everett was a little skeptic about the whole scene. But because of his natural instinct to identify a perfectly clear sign of provocation, his skepticism deepened and he knew there was a bigger problem on the precinct's hands than they were aware of. Slowly circling the array of disassembled body parts, his brows involuntarily furrowed at the sight of rough and jaggedly torn edges. The assortment followed a run-of-the-mill paganistic symbol; several decapitated heads (maybe 15 to 20) arranged in a circle -facing outward- and arms, legs, and other miscellaneous parts outlining a star within the circle... a gutted torso placed in the center of the star to top it off. "Bloody hell..." he muttered quietly to himself as the officers finished up taping caution tape to a couple trees, encasing the scene from prying eyes. Less than five minutes and passerbys already gathered nearby. That's never good, especially when there could be possible relatives in the crowd.

Running a tense hand through his hair, Rhett lightly tugged at his dark brown locks just as his brother approached him.
"No uniform? Not a good way to start your first day." Dane teased, patting his younger brother on the back before doing a quick once over of the scene and then cringing. "I didn't expect it to be this bad. I kinda feel cheated, ya know?" Rhett joked in return, completely dismissing his comment on his choice of clothing. He preferred a white tee, navy blue jacket and denims over a khaki uniform any day. Besides, all he really needed was a badge. Check! Dane simply nodded with a look of pity on his face, as if he didn't know what he was going to say. "You give them too much credit, Rhett. These are dangerous creatures were talking about. Once you see them for who they are, nothing will surprise you." And with that say, Rhett glared at his brother unyieldingly from his sideview in silence. After an endlessly seeming minute, he spoke up again. "I think I'll go round up some information. Hopefully a witness." He spoke monotonously before walking off toward the crowd and ducking out of the caution zone to retrieve his notepad from his car.
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Rosalie had placed the note down, not reading it when she heard sirens. She races out of her house, slipping on her shoes. She saw the scene and bowed her head sadly. No matter where she goes, death follows.
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Everett reached into the backseat through the driver seat and grabbed the dark leather cased notepad as he kept an ear out for the ongoing radio transmission. Nothing could've topped what they just found, but you could never be too sure. After about two minutes of collecting himself in the car, he opted on getting it over with and approached the nearest passerby. A girl with short black hair, a sullen look plastered on her face. She couldn't be more then 20. Maybe she knew someone involved? Clearing his throat, Rhett slowly approached her. "Excuse me, ma'am? May I have a quick word with you?"
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Rosalie looked at the man. "Yes sir," she said, her Russian accent intermingled with sadness in her voice. She had a guess at who out was but the scent wasn't familiar. The scent was faded, as if who did this disappeared. She lowered get head once more, sadness weighing her down.
Everett was never good at these types of interactions. Quite frankly, it made him uneasy and he could never find the correct way to go about it. But it was part of the job, so he did his best to seem sympathetic but distant at the same time. A bit taken aback by her accent -as if he could miss it seeing as though his father's is as thick as the day he first moved to the U.S.- Rhett continued. "Did you happen to see anyone suspicious coming around these parts of town? It doesn't have to be necessarily today... or even this week. Any suspicious activity may be recorded." He asked.
Rosalie shook her head, frowning. "Not exactly of the top of my head. Actually, yes. I wake up in the middle of the night most days to a group of people walk to and fro, as if waiting for something or someone," she said, looking up at him.
Knitting his brows together as he wondered if any of this could actually be used, since the things he'd heard about this town wasn't exactly anywhere near normal. He figured she must've been talking about a few curfew breaking teenagers doing gods-know-what. Nonetheless, he jotted a few notes down in his notepad, emphasizing the words night and group. If they're lucky, his first guess is all they'll have to deal with. "Okay. I'm assuming you know this isn't the first incident nor the most gruesome in this town, but I would like to know if there have been any rumors going around. A vague threat or even... spiritual or supernatural affiliations -despite the stretch- may also be recorded." Rhett added, making sure to dismiss any emotion on the last comment. After all, he wanted to remain professional while doing some deeper questioning beyond the incident. Why not kill two birds with one stone?
Rosalie stiffened when he says supernatural. Did he know what she was? She shook the thought off. Not possible.

"There are rumors of wolves in the mountains. North from here. And another rumor of a some sort of cult in the woods. Just rumors. The local gang was acting strange too," she said, looking at him with a straight face. "I've seen wolves out in the woods though. But they are too dim for this. No way can they have a way to create a horror like that."
Everett noticed how she stiffened up and the way her eyes clouded over when he mentioned the word "supernatural". Opting on giving her the benefit of the doubt, he offered her a quick, effortless smile to ease her worries. He still needed more information, and without a willing participant he couldn't continue the investigation. Letting a brief chuckle slip past his lips, Rhett nodded as he wrote down a few more things. For a nearly unscathed lot of land, he only presumed so much. "Yeah, well finding wolves in these parts isn't exactly breaking news. But I wouldn't be too sure to say that they weren't involved in any way. Wolves are pretty dangerous in their own birthright. " He huffed as he scratched the stubble on his chin. "As for the gang... have they been behaving themselves lately?" Gang activity could often be mistaken for cult uprising, but who's to know?
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"They broke into my house a while ago. You guys just waved it off," she said, her tone angry. Yep, still angry at them.
His eyes slightly widened and his smile nearly faltered at how quickly her expression and tone changed, and it was understandable. But he didn't take well to hostile behavior. Despite her direct, finger pointing comment, he carried on as politely as possible. It was his first day on the job, the last thing he wanted was to be put on the bench for simply speaking his mind. Biting back his well thought out counterattack, Rhett nodded slowly and wrote down her words in quotes, verbatim. "Alright, I'll be sure to bring up the break in when I speak to the chief, Ms...?" He paused when he realized he hadn't even bothered to ask for her name.
"The name is Rosalie Waters. Have a wonderful day Officer," she said sarcastically and marches back to her home, sizzling with anger. She knew his scent. A hunter. Great. Moving towns soon...
(Wouldn't he just smell like a human? I don't know how she'd know he was a hunter.)

A bit amused by the plethora of expressions he had the luck of witnessing from the girl, Rhett wasn't the least bit upset when she cut their interrogation short. If anything, she was probably the closest thing to normal that he had come across so far, and he was thankful for that alone.
"Stay safe, Ms. Waters. Wouldn't want another incident." A lazy grin curled upon his lips as he closed up his notepad and turned on his heel, figuring he could add on to what he knew so far with a couple other bystanders before retiring for the night.
Rosalie had heard him and flipped him off. She was pissed. Each human had a distinct smell to her but hunters always had a certain smell of death on them. She hated them. Despised them. She hates how they act like the best thing that ever came to human kind since fire was discovered.

Under her breath, she mutters Russian swears and curses. She wants him gone. She needs to warn the Alpha of the territory.
Regardless of the less than enlightening conversation they just ended, there were three things he learned that were pretty obvious from the beginning. One: the crime scene was definitely the work of something otherworldly and it needed to be stopped. Two: there are other evils at work -radical pagans from what he knows- and this display was merely a challenge. And three: That Waters girl is most certainly not human and she was headed to her Maester of sorts. And yet, Rhett was nothing but calm. Probably the calmest he's ever been... and for a good reason.

Once he got down everything he could collect, Rhett gathered his things and returned to his ride. Bidding his brother and the rest of the squad
'good night', he put his black 1969 Mustang in reverse and drove off in the direction of the Blue Moon police department to turn in his report.
Rosalie slams her door shut behind her. She was getting angry and angrier. She needed to find her mate. And fast.
The girl was definitely stubborn but not stupid, she quickly comes to terms that if she doesn't do as she's told she will not make it out of this alive. Her growl slowly dies down even though the hairs around her neck stay standing up like needles. "I might as well cooperate." She sighs, still standing in the same position. "Alright, let's get this Q&A started.."


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