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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

The old wolf smiled warmly as Star thanked her and nods. Justice watched her with teary eyes. "You are going straight inside and napping!" He scorned her but it wasn't meant to be a command so much as it was to be a joke. Leaning down to her as she tugged him closer, J smiles and holds her closely. "No thanks necessary.." He whispered back then looks at her face again. She was his light and what had just happened was truly frightening. He was scared to lose her, this was for sure. "Now...let's go inside." He told her gently picking the she wolf up and carrying her outside the hut. Noah's mother smiled at the two as they left and Justice went to the pack house instead of the tree house where they had been sleeping until now. "I'm sorry that you had to go through that."

[@ShadedRose Ah, congrats on the job! I'm currently on holiday, so I'll be mooching off my siblings for the next few weeks so... yeah. xD But awwwww! Thanks, that's very sweet. I'm feeling better already. c: BTW: Sorry for disappearing without notice, I've been very sick lately, so my head's been all over the place. I'll post as soon as I can. Where should I skip to?]
((@Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep thanks!! Lol xD well, hopefully they'll take good care of you! No worries! The only reason I've been off for so long is cause of so many different events going on within the same week >,<

Very sick? I do hope that you get better!!!

Hmmm, you could skip to after or during the lunch date??))
Resting the side of his head in the crook of his shelled fingers that rhythmically kneaded his pulsating temple, his left arm resting against the window frame, Rhett's eyes stayed glued to the road ahead as they zipped down the highway toward Starlight. Unfortunately, it was just he and Chyanne left after their insufferably awkward group lunch date and he could've honestly dealt without being stuck with the lingering unpleasant air. Why was it just the two of them, you ask? Well, by now you should be able to find the constant variable of all of Everett's troubles, but if not, you only need to know one name. Annais. Never mind the fact that she practically forced herself into his home, or that she'd been living off of him with little to no compensation in turn, or that she got him wound up with a new pack and his father on his case. No, apparently she didn't think he had enough. And now, because of her endless badgering about how Kindle couldn't just continue borrowing her things until this 'package' arrived, he found himself driving her back toward her pack grounds to pick up her belongings [with Noah's permission, of course]. Why Annais couldn't just do it herself was beyond him, but there they were. And no, she did not end up leaving with his partner -though he probably should've made it seem like she was interested to get back at her.

Apparently Rosalie hadn't contacted her since the previous night, so she was a bit worried and headed back to her apartment to check up on her. Hopefully things were alright. Don't get him wrong, he didn't care in the slightest about her health, but the last thing he wanted was for Annais to freak out and let this get to her head. Someone of her position couldn't afford to slack off, especially since they had the possibility of another Ghoul attack on the rise. Soon enough, they pulled into the driveway of the pack house only to find a few of the on-duty Weres either glaring daggers or gawking in confusion toward their appearance.
Huh... did he not bother alerting everyone? Setting his car into park, Rhett removed his seat belt -his eyes flickering over the many faces before looking over toward Chyanne with a questioning expression. "Do... you need me to come with you, or will you be fine on your own?" There was no use in acting sheepish now seeing as she had already taken nest in his condo and gotten involved with his 'sister'. Besides, she really couldn't afford risking doing this alone seeing as the news of her betrayal was more than likely to have reached nearly everyone in the pack. But then again, she might feel even more uncomfortable having a hunter by her side.

[Thanks! I've gotten better, hence my return.
xD And has everyone else left the RP? It looks kinda dead. *Captain Obvious*]
((I'm so glad that you're better!! It's good to have you back! And yes, everyone has >,< they just kind of poofed...

Anyway, I'll be on tomorrow and have you up a reply! My vacation is almost over))
Chy glanced over from where she was seated on the passenger side of Rhett's car. She was still confused on why Annais had not joined them but doesn't speak up as the tall city buildings and nearing trees blur past. Her concern over why Anna had not gone along with them is forgotten and the anxiety sets in. What was going to happen with her visit home? She wasn't going to be anyone's favorite face anymore and could possibly be run off the land. Not to mention having this hunter driving her to her pack's territory. She tried to forget that too and stares out at the trees as they grow more and more familiar. Her eyes closed and she sat back for once no longer as tense as she had been since the beginning of their outing. It was nice for a few minutes until the gravel beneath the car's tires became noticeable. That was the new wave of anxiety and quickly she began to fidget in her seat. Relax. She wanted to listen to her inner self but the unfriendly faces of once friends cause dread to fill up her chest. Do I have to do this..?

Glancing over at Everett as he stopped the car and put it into park, her eyes plead to just put it into reverse and back their way back down the driveway. "What? No, you're staying here. The last thing we need is a hunter walking through a house full of werewolves..just lock the doors when I get out and I'll be back in a couple minutes." By the last word she had already unbuckled and opened the passenger door. Her eyes shift uncomfortably from the couple wolves standing out front and watch one of them disappear into the house. Within a couple seconds Ezekial comes out not looking any happier to see her. "H-hey bro." She sounded like a squeaky toy compared to the obviously angered beta. He glared at her then looked toward the parked car and huffed. "Why're you here?" His glare doesn't waver as his gaze settled back onto Chyanne.

"I just came to get my stuff.." The nervous she tried forcing a small smile but couldn't, it was too apparent that Zeke wasn't pleased to see her face back around. His hospital visit should have been enough of a reminder. "Look, let me inside. I'll be back out in a moment and then be out of here within five minutes." She straightened her shirt feeling like it was the only thing she could afford to do in such a tense situation. Zeke shook his head like he was getting ready to object but Chyanne doesn't wait to hear him; she walks past and scrambles through the doorway in time to have another group of weres come out. They all growled or just stood cluelessly as Chy had slid in past them. No one was focused on retrieving her though Zeke goes in after her.

By the looks of it Noah was no longer around or at least he had been gone for a few days as the only scent she could pick up of him was faint. If he was there Chyanne's short visit would be going much smoother but instead Ezekial was in the doorway of her old bedroom looking her over with a murderous look in his eyes. It took less than a few minutes for Chyanne to get her remaining items packed, most of it would be unuseful therefor she left it behind and was only bringing her clothes and a couple objects holding sentimental value. After that dreadful packing session, Chyanne left the pack house and heads for the car in which Rhett was still seated. She felt guilty for leaving him and noticed all the untrusting glances given by the other pack members. Just about everyone had come outside to watch the hunter and werewolf with suspicious eyes. Everyone was either curious or full of rage. "Listen up!" Chyanne had stopped at the front of the car and was now having her back to Rhett and facing the others. "You're all in danger! Don't let you guards down and Noah needs to be located. Do not let Starlight Pack go down." She spoke to them all and got in return many outraged yowls and a few scowls. Sensing her visit has come to an end, she soon got into the car and sat back in the seat. Many of the wolves were already changed and staring them down. A cold shiver runs down Chy's spine. Her eyes close again and setting the seat back, she lays on her back not caring what Everett would say. "Let's get out of here." She mumbled and clutches her bag in her lap. Hopefully things would get back to normal after this...such a far fetched hope.


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